Martin keown

Don’t know on David - I actually liked his commentating. Never a bit of bias against us.

Still, nobody wants to hear what sounds like an old discovery channel narrator commentating on the footy!
He's a weird one. He speaks very eloquently thus giving the impression that hes a smart person and knows what he's talking about. However, when you listen to him closely, he talks absolute shite!
At least he didn't play for Liverpool. Imagine the hatred...

Objectively, he was one hell of a defender. He's one of the main reasons behind Arse's titles of 1998 and 2002.
Keown is what would happen if you shaved and groomed a bonobo, put him in a shirt and tie and taught him a few mannerisms and rent-a-quote pundit clichés.

His anecdotes are partial lies/embellishments. His opinions are partial falsehoods (see the Pepe/Sarr thing above).

He portrays a vague impression of a pundit. But if you concentrate a bit, he's a bonobo in a shirt and trousers.
Remember when Keown 'intimidated' SAF?

What a complete bellend. You can tell from his face he's talking absolute shite, you don't even have to listen to the words. Dickhead.

He's a weird one. He speaks very eloquently thus giving the impression that hes a smart person and knows what he's talking about. However, when you listen to him closely, he talks absolute shite!

You don't need to listen to him closely, mate. He's got that way of sounding like he's trying to hard to be eloquent and it just comes off as fake.
I just remember a comment, I think during the world cup, where he spoke disparagingly about the idea that someone might read a book instead of watching the football. And I remember thinking "Wow, you're really, really thick aren't you. To the point where you think reading is a negative thing to do."