Mikel Arteta | Lego Pep watch

If Poch goes to Arsenal.....I don't think I could hate Ed Woodward and the Glazers more If they allow that to happen while we keep a P.E teacher in charge while talking more and more bullshit about a rebuild that's never happening
Pochettino won't go there. They'd do very well to land Allegri but don't think his style is complementary with what the board and the fans expect.
They should give those Fan TV feckers a shot as a group.
I didn’t think they’d actually sack him, not with the Europa League being their best chance of Champions League football.

Allegri or Benitez would be my guess; Poch would surprise me given the state of Arsenal generally, but can’t be ruled-out I suppose.
There is a line. Football is a bit tribal, and sometimes that isn't a good thing, but I kind of like it most of the time.

I thought I'd seen it all when Redknapp went from Portsmouth to Southampton.

I see that some bookies are taking bets on Benitez going to Everton. Hell's teeth and buckets of blood.

If Poch goes to Arsenal, then we should all take a step back, and realise what contempt everyone in football holds us fans in.
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There is a line. Football is a bit tribal, and sometimes that isn't a good thing, but I kind of like it most of the time.

I thought I'd seen it all when Redknapp went from Portsmouth to Southampton.

I see that some bookies are taking bets on Benitez going to Everton. Hell's teeth and buckets of blood.

If Poch goes to Arsenal, then we should all take a step back, and realise what contempt everyone in football holds us fans in.

Redknapp as much as I have a fondest for him, was only ever interested in himself. I cant see Rafa at Everton and I really don't see Poch at Arsenal, its stories to sell papers.
Freddie Ljungberg to do an Ole, win first 10 games, gets full time job.
Allegri or Rafa would be smart recruitments.
There is a line. Football is a bit tribal, and sometimes that isn't a good thing, but I kind of like it most of the time.

I thought I'd seen it all when Redknapp went from Portsmouth to Southampton.

I see that some bookies are taking bets on Benitez going to Everton. Hell's teeth and buckets of blood.

If Poch goes to Arsenal, then we should all take a step back, and realise what contempt everyone in football holds us fans in.
Less than 0% chance of Benitez going to Everton, he knows how much he's still loved by us, still has a lot of affection for the club and won't jeopardize that for just another PL midtable gig.
I see that some bookies are taking bets on Benitez going to Everton. Hell's teeth and buckets of blood.
Wow, that would be a huge surprise - the hero worship Benitez receives from Liverpool supporters is a reliable source of income for him, so to risk that for a club like Everton would seem crazy. Arsenal would be a better bet all-round for him if they are interested in his services.
Redknapp as much as I have a fondest for him, was only ever interested in himself. I cant see Rafa at Everton and I really don't see Poch at Arsenal, its stories to sell papers.

I really hope you're right.
Can't see allegri or Ancelotti making the step down.
Surely the top managers wont be interested Poch, Allegri etc They have no cash. They may gamble on someone like Vieira?
With Ljungberg being temp manager he is the favourite for the job. A nice club legend the suit can get behind. This also killed Artetas chance. Either Freddie do really well and gets the job or doesn’t which will be blamed on lack of experience and you don’t hire someone with less experience than him. I think they will get a proper manager in the summer and it will be a german
Arsenall made an operating loss of £47.2 in the last set of accounts but did make a profit due to selling very well , next set of accounts due in January and would imagine they'll make an operating loss and and won't be saved this time round as they didn't sell too many players during 18/19.

I think their in huge trouble if they don't make the CL next season, there'll be no money available next season and don't have too many saleable assets. They don't have too many saleable assets and Lacazette isn't far off 30 and Aubameyang is 31 next summer. Its easily the least attractive of the top 6 jobs currently, Rodgers would have no interest in going there.
Rafa would be a great choice I feel. He can work with a budget and he'd organise that defence. They aren't winning anything or moving forward any time soon given the resources of the other clubs but he could steady the ship.
At least they had the bottle to sack him at this time of the season we should have done the same weeks ago.

Arsenal supporters put the club under pressure to make these decisions, leaving the stadium empty, boos and being outspoken in the media, whilst it’s all hush-hush with us because we do things “the United way” with “class”. No wonder we’re in this shithole.