NFL 2022

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Eagles lost to Washington during the season when Eagles got a roughing penalty after the QB had given up . These plays are so bang bang that they look terrible from outside but in the adrenaline of the game it happens.
Eagles lost to Washington during the season when Eagles got a roughing penalty after the QB had given up . These plays are so bang bang that they look terrible from outside but in the adrenaline of the game it happens.

I don't know what you're complaining about. Mahomes was so far out of bounds he could have bought a hot dog by the time he pushed him.
In a game like this that’s a pretty harsh penalty in the dying seconds. They didn’t call this for example


I still don't see what you're complaining about. He's at least a yard out of bounds when the contact is initiated and at least two when it ends. There's no point in him even trying to make a tackle when Mahomes is so clearly making his own way out of bounds. It was stupid and he's got only himself to blame.
In a game like this that’s a pretty harsh penalty in the dying seconds. They didn’t call this for example

That's not a quarterback though is it. The quarterback is always protected in those situations. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it.
I still don't see what you're complaining about. He's at least a yard out of bounds when the contact is initiated and at least two when it ends. There's no point in him even trying to make a tackle when Mahomes is so clearly making his own way out of bounds. It was stupid and he's got only himself to blame.

Well the game isn’t played in slow motion, he is trying to stop mahomes getting extra yards and struggles to stop himself in time. If you called a penalty every time is touched outside there will be 50 a game
That's not a quarterback though is it. The quarterback is always protected in those situations. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it.

Once he is running it doesn’t matter as per the rules . If the refs are so strict about the rules then follow it properly
I still don't see what you're complaining about. He's at least a yard out of bounds when the contact is initiated and at least two when it ends. There's no point in him even trying to make a tackle when Mahomes is so clearly making his own way out of bounds. It was stupid and he's got only himself to blame.

He's an Eagles fan. He's just complaining that they aren't having to play an easy/beat up team like they've been used to all season.
He's an Eagles fan. He's just complaining that they aren't having to play an easy/beat up team like they've been used to all season.

You have a bizarre hatred for the eagles. I don’t really care about who wins this game. I don’t think if Bengals won then they would be an easier opponent at all. I thought that this was an incredible game of football and unfortunately the chiefs got every call in the 4th quarter
You have a bizarre hatred for the eagles. I don’t really care about who wins this game. I don’t think if Bengals won then they would be an easier opponent at all. I thought that this was an incredible game of football and unfortunately the chiefs got every call in the 4th quarter
Bizarre hatred? I just think their fans are a bit annoying. Don't 'hate' any team.
He's an Eagles fan. He's just complaining that they aren't having to play an easy/beat up team like they've been used to all season.
Given our luck though, none of your WRs recover and Mahomes probably aggravates his injury :D
Given our luck though, none of your WRs recover and Mahomes probably aggravates his injury :D
And Jason gives his brother a wedgie just after the podcast to put him out of the game.
Some real dubious decisions in this game. A clear KC bias overall IMO. But Bengals can’t expect to start slow every time against the Chiefs and expect to come back, Chiefs are too good for that. On the PI at the end, meh - it’s a bit of a nothing hit which doesn’t get called if it isn’t Mahomes. But, the defender just did not need to do it. I get the adrenaline thing and he will have to live with that, but Mahomes was going OOB at that exact spot whether he touched him or not. But in a game that fast, maybe it’s unfair to understand all the angles and he might have thought Mahomes was not going OOB. Personally unless it’s a really egregious hit in those circumstances, they shouldn’t call the flag there.
Refs kinda ruined both of the games for me, not gonna argue that they're actually biased but they have so much influence on outcomes of games.

The amount of penalties not called on the Eagles was actually laughable, and just no consistency in their calls at all in the Chiefs game. While it's a personal foul since he was out of bounds, those don't get called for a lot of QBs - and the Chiefs O-line was clearly holding to buy Mahomes some time there. They got another 3th down because the gameclock wasn't set properly then got another 1st down because of a penalty. The Burrow intentional grounding penalty almost never gets called but all of a sudden they do.

Meh, hopefully the Chiefs lose in a most heartbreaking fashion in Phoenix. I want them absolutely crushed :lol:
Mahomes and the Chiefs getting their usual helping hand from the refs I see. It’s not even surprising anymore.
Great job by KC. It's a testament to their quality and resilience that they have made it to the big game for the third time in a short time.
Why do people always think this about teams that win a lot?
You need that bit of luck to win.
In a game there quite often could be a flag on almost every down. So, there are fine lines when it comes to decision making.
……Boston Dynamics taking over the NFL refereeing in 2025, you heard it here first! Humanoid Atlas will oversee a number of Atlases on the pitch making calls through an AI-trained system of cameras all over the stadia. Better you don’t dare to protest, a number of dogs Spot are ready to enter the pitch and floor you at AI-trained will. After that, in 2030 we will have the NFL Atlases league and goodbye humans, good riddance, no injuries any more……
You need that bit of luck to win.

In a game there quite often could be a flag on almost every down. So, there are fine lines when it comes to decision making.

Yeah I get that. It's the nature of this particular sport. But I remember people whining about the Pats being helped by the refs, now the same thing is happening to the Chiefs. It seems that people just assume that's the case when a team starts winning a lot. Of course when that team loses (which still happens often, even to the dynastic Pats) suddenly the refs are not an issue. Funny that.
Yeah I get that. It's the nature of this particular sport. But I remember people whining about the Pats being helped by the refs, now the same thing is happening to the Chiefs. It seems that people just assume that's the case when a team starts winning a lot. Of course when that team loses (which still happens often, even to the dynastic Pats) suddenly the refs are not an issue. Funny that.
I mean the Pats dynasty started with an unbelievable call. So yes, at times they were lucky. And I think all winners of the Superbowl kind of are.
I mean the Pats dynasty started with an unbelievable call. So yes, at times they were lucky. And I think all winners of the Superbowl kind of are.

Yes they were lucky and all teams that win get breaks but the refs are not deliberately trying to help any one team.
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