Gaming Nintendo Switch

Bloodstained has been a bit of a disappointment on switch so far. Brilliant, brillant game, when it's running well, but with random sluggishness and crashes, real shame.
I made a level, the first I ever have ever made! It's not too long a course but it is a bit tricky.

Picked up mario maker yesterday, not really jumped into making anything yet but will maybe have a look today, anyone tried endless yet? Played through 20ish levels last night and it seems like a good way to discover decent random levels
Just picked it up and gonna spend all day on it with the curtains closed hiding from the sun
I made a level, the first I ever have ever made! It's not too long a course but it is a bit tricky.


Enjoyed that mate, was actually quite tricky, but set a new record so that’s cool
:lol: Awesome, I can't wait to try them, I'm out later so will probably be tomorrow, while hungover when I get round to them.

Any bits in particular?!:lol:

The big jump over to the second pipe was killer, and just trying to get through that cluster of enemies as quickly as possible
I made a level, the first I ever have ever made! It's not too long a course but it is a bit tricky.

died countless times trying to get past bowser only to find out I didn’t need to :lol::mad:
Looking forward to making more. Thanks for the comments, I would also have booed the course :lol:

"Praise asagan" :lol:
I made a level, the first I ever have ever made! It's not too long a course but it is a bit tricky.


Will check it out later.

Played this for a bit yesterday, played a few levels and messed about with creation. I actually prefer the Wii-U's interface for creating, was less fiddly. I'm sure I'll get used to it though.
Will post my level up when it's complete.
Will check it out later.

Played this for a bit yesterday, played a few levels and messed about with creation. I actually prefer the Wii-U's interface for creating, was less fiddly. I'm sure I'll get used to it though.
Will post my level up when it's complete.

I find it impossible to make levels with the switch docked (I know you're not really meant to but it's nice to see the level on a big screen during creation) so I just use my fingers and hope.
I find it impossible to make levels with the switch docked (I know you're not really meant to but it's nice to see the level on a big screen during creation) so I just use my fingers and hope.

I was doing it with the Switch docked. Found it fiddly, will have a go in handheld mode later.
Just played a coaster level where you have to jump to avoid spikes and collect coins, took me about 45 minutes to get through, but so much fun. PKB QNH GNF

Theres another Kaizo-ish level that I played earlier tbat was great fun. 0HN HW7 DKG.

I need to try some of the levels you guys have made, and then start making a stab at my own levels
It was a bit too confusing. Boo!

My first attempt. TF3 BKN QHG

I genuinely hate Meowser. The most annoying boss in any SMM level :lol:.

Middle section was fun. I liked the thwomp/podobo chase section, i could always have more of that. Add some on/off switch action and its dreamland for me.

Really liked the end section with the alternating blocks. I'd put more of the single space versions in though for even more of a challenge.

Also my first 'first clear'
59B 8F9 57G.

Just testing out a few bits with coasters, spike walls, on/off switches, platforms and z jumps. Have something bigger planned for the future involving all of these.

But for 20 seconds, i think this one is a decent first level
Some early attempts at levels.



Done, that was fun
59B 8F9 57G.

Just testing out a few bits with coasters, spike walls, on/off switches, platforms and z jumps. Have something bigger planned for the future involving all of these.

But for 20 seconds, i think this one is a decent first level
It's good but a bit clunky in the on/off switch section, but I got used to it eventually, overall very good level, proud of that first clear. :D
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It's good but a bit clunky in the on/off switch section, but I got used to it eventually, overall very good level, proud of that first clear. :D

I felt that when i was testing it, if you dont hit the switches perfectly you completely lose the rhythm of your jumps.

Originally i had only a 2 space gap for the spike jumps as well, but the walls were too close together which when combined with the speed of the blue coaster, was a challenge for the first 2 jumps then just unfair for the last ones before the on/off section