Gaming Nioh 2 (PS4)


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Out of nowhere (at least for me) this is coming out in 2 days? Should I be hyped? Loved the original..
Yes, loved the first. Think this will be very good.
I liked the first but Sekiro killed all desire for these types of games, despite them having differences.
This Coronavirus stuff is hard enough, but it pales in comparison to the conundrum i face now; what weapon do I choose... I think Im going for dual hatchets..
I found the first one to be a bit boring but I'll still check this out. After Sekiro though... I don't expect miracles. It looks a bit too anime anyway, with all the special effects going on all the time.
I found the first one to be a bit boring but I'll still check this out. After Sekiro though... I don't expect miracles. It looks a bit too anime anyway, with all the special effects going on all the time.
I liked Niohs gameplay far more than Sekiro's honestly. But Im a fan of Team Ninja games.
Amazing to me so far. Though Ive either gotten worse at gaming with older age or it's really hard:wenger:
As you might see above, I wasn't really interested in this having played so many similar games (including the first) but after watching one video I'm tempted :lol:

I think I'll Doom Eternal pre-ordered for next week.
It's showing promise, I'm hoping the half demon shadow step can promote a new level of combat. But...

Ugh it badly suffers from the same thing Sekiro and all the more recent souls-like games do, fake difficulty.

Fight that first big demon thing and bait the charge or the big swing. Then don't even dodge, go to one side and wait for the point of contact, then dodge. If you time it right, you can literally see the frame of animation flip. Along with the depressingly cheap lack of wind up to moves that he also does with a wind up, and you can see what people mean about aimbotting and cheap tactics to try to artificially boost difficulty.

It's such a shame too, because that is a great fight when it flows, his attacks are about right for a big beast.

Also, this will surely get a patch soon. The collision detection is all over the place (spears and geometry are particularly broken) and it has weird issues with controller latency.
It's showing promise, I'm hoping the half demon shadow step can promote a new level of combat. But...

Ugh it badly suffers from the same thing Sekiro and all the more recent souls-like games do, fake difficulty.

Fight that first big demon thing and bait the charge or the big swing. Then don't even dodge, go to one side and wait for the point of contact, then dodge. If you time it right, you can literally see the frame of animation flip. Along with the depressingly cheap lack of wind up to moves that he also does with a wind up, and you can see what people mean about aimbotting and cheap tactics to try to artificially boost difficulty.

It's such a shame too, because that is a great fight when it flows, his attacks are about right for a big beast.

Also, this will surely get a patch soon. The collision detection is all over the place (spears and geometry are particularly broken) and it has weird issues with controller latency.
Yeah, i've died multiple times by clearly finishing something off with a strong attack from my Odachi, but somehow going right through and whiffing.

Think part of the unfair thing is devs feeling the need to make these games ever more difficult. At some point you reach a limit of fair difficulty. Some of the levels where the little flying heads hit you from off screen are a bit lame too. I mean sure, you can try and keep them in your view, but it feels like a deliberate hindrance while fighting. At least they do feck all damage.

Combat feels cool though, might get me through this covid lockdown untill ff7.
Yeah, i've died multiple times by clearly finishing something off with a strong attack from my Odachi, but somehow going right through and whiffing.

Think part of the unfair thing is devs feeling the need to make these games ever more difficult. At some point you reach a limit of fair difficulty. Some of the levels where the little flying heads hit you from off screen are a bit lame too. I mean sure, you can try and keep them in your view, but it feels like a deliberate hindrance while fighting. At least they do feck all damage.

Combat feels cool though, might get me through this covid lockdown untill ff7.

The funny thing is my GF is a gamer and loves these games, you can imagine she gets way more of this from me than you guys and gets wound up listening to me rant on, but in this it's clearly demonstratable the issues. She actually watched me do it and could tell the cheap parts herself.

Still told me to shut up mind, but at least it's graspable what I've been saying for years now.

But, I do like the mild changes and it's still clearly Nioh so hopefully we at least get a patch for the collision issues, and then I'm sure I'll enjoy it :)
Gotta be honest, I'm not enjoying this much at all. I'm trying to like it, but found myself bored more often than not.

There's just way too much that slows the combat down and the way even the weakest of enemy can break even your strongest of moves doesn't help. It seems like they've lost the identity of what they went for in the first game, it's already a chore.

Oh and as per usual combat against anything other than a human is just tedious and boring.
Gotta be honest, I'm not enjoying this much at all. I'm trying to like it, but found myself bored more often than not.

There's just way too much that slows the combat down and the way even the weakest of enemy can break even your strongest of moves doesn't help. It seems like they've lost the identity of what they went for in the first game, it's already a chore.

Oh and as per usual combat against anything other than a human is just tedious and boring.
The everything bigger than you has super armour on everything is lame. All these fancy combos nothing to actually do em on. I also thought a few times, this game is awesome when fighting humans.

Im easy to please though, I enjoy it a lot. It's no 2 point hospital though.
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The everything bigger than you has super armour on everything is lame. All these fancy combos nothing to actually do em on. I also thought a few times, this game is awesome when fighting humans.

Im easy to please though, I enjoy it a lot. It's no 2 point hospital though.

The two coolest things, the Yokai burst and shadow step aren't applicable anywhere near enough. I thought they'd be great as combo switchers or something, but instead they are just very limited.

Also the switchglaive weapon is terrible. It might be largely due to the collision detection being wonky as hell, but there just seems no point to it. I think they just tried to copy Bloodbourne but never really thought about how it would work.

I think I need to stop and wait for the PC version. The sluggish controls, and intrusive use of blur, really aren't helping the experience for me.
My PSN ID is Alexanderdenmark is someone wants to hook up and coop.
I didn't like the difficulty in the first one, and I've played all From soft games, the difficulty is on a whole different level in the first and I didn't like most of the designs, is it the same here? I'm very intrigued by this.
I didn't like the difficulty in the first one, and I've played all From soft games, the difficulty is on a whole different level in the first and I didn't like most of the designs, is it the same here? I'm very intrigued by this.
Yeah it's similar. Think the difference with From games that there's more combo's and it's more chaotic.

I dont really like the loot system though.

If you didnt like the first, I doubt you'll like this honestly.
I didn't like the difficulty in the first one, and I've played all From soft games, the difficulty is on a whole different level in the first and I didn't like most of the designs, is it the same here? I'm very intrigued by this.

I think it's probably more you being used to rhe souls games. These are faster paced button mashers if anything.

It's definitely cheaper and more frustrating than the first one though.

Yeah it's similar. Think the difference with From games that there's more combo's and it's more chaotic.

I dont really like the loot system though.

If you didnt like the first, I doubt you'll like this honestly.


And yeah the loot system and inventory are trash.
I think it's probably more you being used to rhe souls games. These are faster paced button mashers if anything.

It's definitely cheaper and more frustrating than the first one though.


And yeah the loot system and inventory are trash.
But I liked Sekiro even though it was very fast paced so I doubt that's it.
Some of these sub missions can feck off. Im using the sacred art of run like hell to the end and kill the last mob. Methodically killing 12 monsters in a row that can all 1 shot you if you miss time one dodge is not cool.
The balancing is way off with regards to enemy attacks and armour, it's almost like there's issues with the values being reversed. Also the stances are much less important in this, in fact enemies can always walk through your hardest hits on high now too, which makes it almost entirely pointless bothering with anything other than medium.

I'm hoping these are issues they'll tweak rather than in by design, as if so, it's cheap dogshite :lol:
Sekiro isn't fast paced at all, not in the same way these are anyway, the combat in that is way more methodical for a start. They are two completely different games.
How is Sekiro not fast paced? You can pretty much kill a boss in 2-3 mins.
Actually I'm done with it. It's just no fun, there's way too many issues right now.

My GF is playing it though so it's not a waste, otherwise it would actually be the first game in many a year that I refund.

How is Sekiro not fast paced? You can pretty much kill a boss in 2-3 mins.

Well, obviously as I said, in comparison.

If you are trying to play these like souls/sekiro that's why you are having problems.
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The balancing is way off with regards to enemy attacks and armour, it's almost like there's issues with the values being reversed. Also the stances are much less important in this, in fact enemies can always walk through your hardest hits on high now too, which makes it almost entirely pointless bothering with anything other than medium.

I'm hoping these are issues they'll tweak rather than in by design, as if so, it's cheap dogshite :lol:
It seems like design choices to me honestly. Though I suppose even those can be changed.

I have to say, I did some 3 person coop with the assist meter thingy and that's quite fun.
Im playing the first one. The rest of the game is great so far but the bosses are absurd.
I'm trying to remember them all, the big blob one was mildly annoying but I can't really picture others. Can't have been that memorable :lol:
They're a bit shit so far. I'm only my second to be fair, but it's this lady who flies and electrifies you. I've liked the general gameplay but the bosses seem silly difficult rather than awesome difficult.
They're a bit shit so far. I'm only my second to be fair, but it's this lady who flies and electrifies you. I've liked the general gameplay but the bosses seem silly difficult rather than awesome difficult.

Ahh yeah, she's not that bad but is a big step up in difficulty at that point. Equip some paralysis resistant armour and charms, bombs work well too.

This second one is even more cheap so far, but somehow not really a challenge. I'm finding myself just shrugging after big fights than any feel of victory or progress.
I hate they went full Sekiro in terms of difficulty in this one. It breaks the game for people who are not just able to git gud.
I hate they went full Sekiro in terms of difficulty in this one. It breaks the game for people who are not just able to git gud.

Unfortunately it's not about git gud on this one, it's just cheap.

If you really want, the single sword and the stab on medium stance, with the ki draining kick at the end will feck the game up just like the first one. But it's very boring that way.

Oh and those core soul things are terrible, but the R2+O thing when they flash red is OP with a feral guardian because even if you miss (and you won't after 5mins of practice) you dodge just fine.
Unfortunately it's not about git gud on this one, it's just cheap.

If you really want, the single sword and the stab on medium stance, with the ki draining kick at the end will feck the game up just like the first one. But it's very boring that way.

Oh and those core soul things are terrible, but the R2+O thing when they flash red is OP with a feral guardian because even if you miss (and you won't after 5mins of practice) you dodge just fine.

Don't think that shit sword shit works on the bosses.