Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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Lot of experts in here, Seen so many posts relating to him not being good tactically but none have offered what he did wrong.

Usual cafe rubbish.
It's just lots of generic posts without any substance of sense whatsoever. Lots of posters just want him to fail and have a clear agenda.
I totally agree and it’s refreshing that more and more respectable posters share their views about what they see.

Let’s see if the “defenders”, mostly originating from the same part of the world, will jump on your back too. (He he secretly smiling a little bit like Gollum)
What part of the world exactly?
I don’t at all think you are throwing toys, it’s more that you are posing valid criticisms from the same corner of the room where a big bunch has been sitting in a pram throwing toys constantly many times a day, since March.

Literally, as in literally, it’s evident that not everyone wants him to succeed. There have been ‘why didn’t we get Poch’-posts in numbers since his third game for us at least, and continually through our opening winning run already. But of course I agree that the vast majority wants him to succeed.

Where you lose me is not with your criticizms, but when you say that there are no noticable improvements. As with criticism about lack of playing style or attacking strategies, that in my view is more evidence of a lack on the part of the observer. If you don’t see them, while others, including me, and also quite a few football knowledgeables (not pundits) see them, it doesn’t mean they’re not there.

This. If you go back and read this thread, well thought concerns and criticism is drowned out by hyperbole and shitposting and as you said, would rather see us relegated, because that means they can be "right". Its been some awful years since Fergie left, but we cant take those frustrations out on the current manager since it is sweet feck all he could have done when Moyes, LvG or Jose was in the chair, and i'd argue there was very little he could do last season as well since he took over mid season

The problem is that none of these moaners have any realistic alternatives or solutions and they just wallow in self pity and negativity and spew the same bile day in and day out. If he had scores of top class managers scratching at Ed's door and begging to have the job, then maybe we could get someone else, but who is it? Poch? Why would he? And even if he did take the job, could you guarantee he would do better?

The fact is that we are in a huge transition/rebuild. The usual response from the moaners is "We have been in transition for 6 years. boho" Is that Oles fault? Is it Klopps fault Liverpool has not won the league in 20 years? We tried "world class" managers from the outside already and it went to shit. Is the next big name going to change everything? I doubt it

Also, if you moaners get your way and Ole is sacked tomorrow. Are you going to demand the new guys head after two months if we dont trash everyone with at least 3 goals? I dont know if Ole is the right man, but he at least deserves a fair chance to prove himself. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but frankly if you cant show the tiniest amount of respect or good will towards a club legend that probably loves the club as much as his family, then you are a cnut
Completely, and if anything can be said for Ole so far, it's that his summer signings have near unanimously been a perfect balance between instant quality and future potential... However it continues to worry me how he still hasn't managed to instil any kind of attacking style or discernable identity in almost 10 months on the job, despite the idea of a greater attacking ethos being one of the central things championed as a benefit of his appointment! What is it we're actually doing as an attacking side? Sure, transition requires patience, but after 10 months it's not unreasonable to expect at least a modicum of progress on that front... Isn't it?

For some reason people like to bring up how Klopp took 3+ years to make Liverpool successful, bit that isn't really true, is it?... He got them to the Europa League final within 6 months of his appointment, and did so by playing in an obvious and noticeable beta-version of his intended eventual style... They came back from 1-3 down to beat Dortmund 4-3 in the semi that year, in a pre-cursor to the kind of comeback they'd enact against Barca last season... And they showed noticeable improvements in every subsequent season. And yet apparently it's ridiculous for us to expect any kind of tangible improvement from our squad, who finished above Liverpool a mere 18 months ago, in near 10 months of Ole's reign?.... Really?.... Really?....Come on now.... Really?
I am usually a bit harsh on Ole but some bits in your post are unfair because we have gaping holes in the first team. If we had kept/replaced Herrera and Lukaku I think we would be justified in asking for more but how can he improve when he has lost two starters, another key one (Matic) has declined massively and some individuals haven't kicked on (Rashford, Lingard, Shaw and Martial)?
Also, if you moaners get your way and Ole is sacked tomorrow. Are you going to demand the new guys head after two months and we dont trash everyone with at least 3 goals? I dont know if Ole is the right man, but he at least deserves a fair chance to prove himself. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but franlkly if you cant show the tiniest amount of respect or good will towards a club legend that probably loves the club as much as his family, then you are a cnut

The reason why Ole is not respected is because he doesn't come with so called pedigree. The funny thing is the same people when questioned about Jose and LVG say but they were over the hill managers.. and see names like Tuchel mentioned.

Ole has clearly improved something, we seem to be better in the transfer market, he has respect because the player he was.

The lack of respect, faith, hope in Ole is utter bullshet. We are not going to magically catch up to Liverpool and City so the next thing to do is build something for a year or 2 down the line when they could drop standards. This is why our squad was stripped to the bare bones, to prepare for the coming seasons rather than looking at this season only.
It's just lots of generic posts without any substance of sense whatsoever. Lots of posters just want him to fail and have a clear agenda.
Basically if we don't look like the match of the day highlights of City at their best for the full 90 minutes you get:
"Tactically clueless"
"No game plan"
"No idea how to break down a packed defence"

If they 'analysed' every Premier league game this weekend using the same criteria they'd say the same thing for nearly every manager.
Basically if we don't look like the match of the day highlights of City at their best for the full 90 minutes you get:
"Tactically clueless"
"No game plan"
"No idea how to break down a packed defence"

If they 'analysed' every Premier league game this weekend using the same criteria they'd say the same thing for nearly every manager.
Pretty much this. I swear those start to emerge as early as 5 minutes after the match has started.
For me the Astana game was enjoyable. I didn’t expect that team to have such fluent spells. This was a game I was curious watching players like Dalot. Fred, and all the kids. It was a game which asked questions from players wanting to brake through.
I haven’t seen the stats, and I don’t remember how many times the ball hit the post. This place can be so depressing. I mean. Utd presses high and retaining the ball almost every time within seconds. Played the ball arround the box. Players moving and looking for openings. Exactly what was wrong with that as a tactic? Some of you guys shouldn’t even post on a football forum, and certainly not pretend to be fans. I’m already looking forward to the Rochdal match as I’m eager to see them kids again and the development.
I actually enjoyed watching it. The speed of passing and movement was quite striking compared to recent years.

Yes there is some way to go in end product but I wasn't discouraged by it at all. The opposition weren't good but that's why so many changes were made in the first place.
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It's just lots of generic posts without any substance of sense whatsoever. Lots of posters just want him to fail and have a clear agenda.
It strange that some say that others have some kind of agenda for just stating we seem to be not well-coached. What agenda is there? People are saying as they see it, if we suddenly start playing like a team rather than just individuals coming up with some magic every match to save our asses, most will start praising about what a great team Ole is building.

It's called changing your opinion based on the evidence. We have really struggled to score from open play. We have had 5 games where we could only muster 1 goal and some of them were penalties. Our players look like they don't know positions to occupy when not in possession of the ball, our passing game breaks down after 2 or 3 passes anywhere in the final third because players always seem to misplace passes, and everything we try seems a step slower than opposition allowing enough time to get in shape. All these hints at the moves not being practiced enough in training. It's like giving an exam, if you haven't prepared well, that shows on your answer sheet. Honestly, there isn't much difference now compared to Jose's football minus the grind out results at all costs.

The agenda seems to be with some people who blindly support Ole just because he's a legend as a player. But he's the manager now, his time as a player shouldn't come into picture when he's in manager's capacity. The same way his legend status as a player should always remain even if he fails as a manager. This is almost like a cult, some people refuse to see things objectively.
Pretty much this. I swear those start to emerge as early as 5 minutes after the match has started.

Exactly. And then there's those that call for Ole to play all our youngsters and then when he does and they don't instantly become our best players they're branded shite. Then they give Ole abuse for not taking off one of the kids (Chong) at half time.
Completely, and if anything can be said for Ole so far, it's that his summer signings have near unanimously been a perfect balance between instant quality and future potential... However it continues to worry me how he still hasn't managed to instil any kind of attacking style or discernable identity in almost 10 months on the job, despite the idea of a greater attacking ethos being one of the central things championed as a benefit of his appointment! What is it we're actually doing as an attacking side? Sure, transition requires patience, but after 10 months it's not unreasonable to expect at least a modicum of progress on that front... Isn't it?

For some reason people like to bring up how Klopp took 3+ years to make Liverpool successful, bit that isn't really true, is it?... He got them to the Europa League final within 6 months of his appointment, and did so by playing in an obvious and noticeable beta-version of his intended eventual style... They came back from 1-3 down to beat Dortmund 4-3 in the semi that year, in a pre-cursor to the kind of comeback they'd enact against Barca last season... And they showed noticeable improvements in every subsequent season. And yet apparently it's ridiculous for us to expect any kind of tangible improvement from our squad, who finished above Liverpool a mere 18 months ago, in near 10 months of Ole's reign?.... Really?.... Really?....Come on now.... Really?
That's the thing though, isn't it? It's not remotely the same squad. We turfed out central totems of that squad in Lukaku and Sanchez (quite rightly), as well as Fellaini, Valencia, and Herrera; but brought in no one to replace them (besides AWB). That squad may not have been fit for the purpose of playing attacking football, but the one thing it had was balance in terms of numbers, quality, and depth. Right now, we have a squad that has almost no proven depth in any position beyond GK and CB. One injury in any other position will mean that unproven kids are then brought in to the squad, which has been the case with the injury to Pogba in midfield for instance.

He's rebuilt the defence, has gotten the likes of DDG, Rashford, and Martial to commit their futures to the club, and has had to deal with a squad rebuild which hasn't gone to plan. All the while, our rivals for Top 4 show just as many inconsistencies and all with arguably better squads. It's not been perfect I agree, but he's done more than enough for me to cut him some slack.
Im guessing you saw the Arsenal game then?
Im guessing Frankfurt didn't play in a low, defensive block at home v Arsenal reserves giving them having more space to work in but im sure your Google search can throw up such answers.
Sometimes the opposition just makes the game shit. You're drawing a false equivalency here.
And let's not forget how Frankfurt could have scored at least 3 themselves with the amount of chances Arsenal were giving away... Or that they played for 20 minutes with 10 men, in which period Arsenal scored twice... "BuT tHeY sCoReD tHrEe" :rolleyes:
Exactly. And then there's those that call for Ole to play all our youngsters and then when he does and they don't instantly become our best players they're branded shite. Then they give Ole abuse for not taking off one of the kids (Chong) at half time.
Haha exactly. If he doesn't start youngsters he's all talk and lying but when he starts them one game proves they're crap and not one is gonna make it. Incredible.
When Ole first came in, he played a higher defensive line, very proactive defenders, wide strikers instead of touchline wingers, Pogba as an attacking central mid, a more balanced midfield 3, etc.

I don't know why he's changed all of that, especially the Pogba part. You can't be having your match winners play so deep and/ or wide, it's illogical. Get them where they can do damage in the half-spaces and the central areas high up, let the limited players sweep up for them.

I don't think the results will improve much until he starts getting the best out of our best players especially with the formation, and right now it's not really happening.
Herrera getting injured and subsequently leaving is what has caused the change. Fred being in the doghouse has prolonged it and the hope from my end is that we finally see Fred and McTominay in that double pivot and Pogba pushed further up in the coming games.
So many Ole apologists in here. Wonder how they’d be feeling it it was LVG or Jose served up last nights performance. I wonder..

Truth is he doesn’t seem to have a identify or style of play about him because he’s an average manager. I’m amazed at how anything he does is lauded here & absolutely no criticism can be levelled at him because he played sone kids (who lets he honest weren’t good at all)

Average manager gets average performances. Who’d have thought it
For me the Astana game was enjoyable. I didn’t expect that team to have such fluent spells. This was a game I was curious watching players like Dalot. Fred, and all the kids. It was a game which asked questions from players wanting to brake through.
I haven’t seen the stats, and I don’t remember how many times the ball hit the post. This place can be so depressing. I mean. Utd presses high and retaining the ball almost every time within seconds. Played the ball arround the box. Players moving and looking for openings. Exactly what was wrong with that as a tactic? Some of you guys shouldn’t even post on a football forum, and certainly not pretend to be fans. I’m already looking forward to the Rochdal match as I’m eager to see them kids again and the development.

Sorry none of this here, makes too much sense. Stick to we played shit, not due to actually playing shit but because it was only 1-0 and confuse not finishing our chances with not creating anything.
So many Ole apologists in here. Wonder how they’d be feeling it it was LVG or Jose served up last nights performance. I wonder..

Truth is he doesn’t seem to have a identify or style of play about him because he’s an average manager. I’m amazed at how anything he does is lauded here & absolutely no criticism can be levelled at him because he played sone kids (who lets he honest weren’t good at all)

Average manager gets average performances. Who’d have thought it
Feckin hell.. And by that clueless and depressing post I’m taking the rest of the day of.. See you for another pointless moan on Sunday.
Basically if we don't look like the match of the day highlights of City at their best for the full 90 minutes you get:
"Tactically clueless"
"No game plan"
"No idea how to break down a packed defence"

If they 'analysed' every Premier league game this weekend using the same criteria they'd say the same thing for nearly every manager.

I thought Solskjaer did brilliant looking pre-, during and after the game.

Haters will always hate no matter what. I've now seen fans who has gone from (4 of 16 win-tactics), to (Clueless because of not playin youngsters) to he has no style. Tell me what style the other coaches have that is so evident?

What's next thing? Carisma? Dressing code? Wrong car?
Feckin hell.. And by that clueless and depressing post I’m taking the rest of the day of.. See you for another pointless moan on Sunday.
Don't pay any attention to him, pretty sure 90% of his posts are against Ole regardless of how we played. Posts the same rubbish on every thread.
Feckin hell.. And by that clueless and depressing post I’m taking the rest of the day of.. See you for another pointless moan on Sunday.

Wow great argument- again proving that the Ole apologists don’t care about how we’re doing , it’s just defend Ole at all costs. Pathetic
Don't pay any attention to him, pretty sure 90% of his posts are against Ole regardless of how we played. Posts the same rubbish on every thread.

We are not playing well!! Look at our results & performances!

It’s insane how we’re accepting this rubbish
So many Ole apologists in here. Wonder how they’d be feeling it it was LVG or Jose served up last nights performance. I wonder..

Truth is he doesn’t seem to have a identify or style of play about him because he’s an average manager. I’m amazed at how anything he does is lauded here & absolutely no criticism can be levelled at him because he played sone kids (who lets he honest weren’t good at all)

Average manager gets average performances. Who’d have thought it

What the hell, only thing he's getting from most people on here is criticism. :lol:
It's just lots of generic posts without any substance of sense whatsoever. Lots of posters just want him to fail and have a clear agenda.
Doubt people want him to fail (besides some Jose apologists). Remember many of these people clamoured for him to get the permanent job. Why do a 180 and irrationally hate him? He didn't shoot anyone's dog. Before the season began it was commonly expressed by many that a discernable style of play would be a better barometer for progress than results. That sounded fair. That's still the standard to many. You don't have to agree, you may have another measure of progress you've bought into but it's not unreasonable
Haha exactly. If he doesn't start youngsters he's all talk and lying but when he starts them one game proves they're crap and not one is gonna make it. Incredible.
Incredible, but entirely predictable as I said in this and Gomes' thread as well as Twitter repeatedly before the season started due to the bed wetters' incessant moaning. They were building them up to knock them down when they didn't reach expectation (which they obviously wouldn't do - they're fecking kids, ffs!)
Doubt people want him to fail (besides some Jose apologists). Remember many of these people clamoured for him to get the permanent job. Why do a 180 and irrationally hate him? He didn't shoot anyone's dog. Before the season began it was commonly expressed by many that a discernable style of play would be a better barometer for progress than results. That sounded fair. That's still the standard to many. You don't have to agree, you may have another measure of progress you've bought into but it's not unreasonable
Not exactly rocket science here, but they are reactionary turncoats?
Ole is not good enough for us, but we all have to realise he simply isn't working with a good squad.

First team looks average. Second stringers look average. Kids look average and/or not ready.

Some people knew that though, Ole's been shafted and is working with a squad that isn't good enough in the long run. We're hinging our hopes on 2-3 17/18yr old lads bailing us out throughout the season because our 'big names' certainly won't be. It's a suicide mission from day 1 and a lot of fans have simply swallowed the spin put out by Woodward that it's anything less than him using Ole as a human shield.
It’s really bizarre how Ole seems to have lost whatever tactical nous he had during his caretaker spell. Even if it wasn’t him doing it, and Phelan/McKenna are actually the secret tactical brains behind the operation, whoever was seeing stuff then certainly isn’t seeing it now.
Can We have a caretaker manager for 10 years? one who will get paid a full salary, have a control over transfers but always branded as a caretaker.

It seems like that's how We improve these days. The players are so used to playing shite and the mentality is hard to change, They only react when things go tits up and They have nothing to lose. A caretaker manager provides them exactly that.

But that aside, I don't think how you can play a good football while relying on Matic in fecking midfield.
Basically if we don't look like the match of the day highlights of City at their best for the full 90 minutes you get:
"Tactically clueless"
"No game plan"
"No idea how to break down a packed defence"

If they 'analysed' every Premier league game this weekend using the same criteria they'd say the same thing for nearly every manager.

Right? How dare fans want to enjoy a game of football? 5 goals in our last 5 competitive games. It's a little underwhelming, don't you think?
Not exactly rocket science here, but they are reactionary turncoats?
Not everyone. That's why the rest of that post you quoted specifically stated the measure of progress others are using for the current season and how it isn't all kneejerk
So many Ole apologists in here. Wonder how they’d be feeling it it was LVG or Jose served up last nights performance. I wonder..

Truth is he doesn’t seem to have a identify or style of play about him because he’s an average manager. I’m amazed at how anything he does is lauded here & absolutely no criticism can be levelled at him because he played sone kids (who lets he honest weren’t good at all)

Average manager gets average performances. Who’d have thought it

Genuine question, what exactly made you think the performance wasn't good and what did you want Ole to do differently?

Personally I think if Rashford had taken his chances, you won't be singing this tune because we totally dominated the game and created some good chances. I don't know what else Ole could have done except sub himself on and convert the chances Rashford was wasting.
So many Ole apologists in here. Wonder how they’d be feeling it it was LVG or Jose served up last nights performance. I wonder..

Truth is he doesn’t seem to have a identify or style of play about him because he’s an average manager. I’m amazed at how anything he does is lauded here & absolutely no criticism can be levelled at him because he played sone kids (who lets he honest weren’t good at all)

Average manager gets average performances. Who’d have thought it

Just look at the amount of chances we had yesterday. Look at the stats. Look at videos on YT, do whatever. They had 1 decent chance, we had several big ones. Rashford could have scored three or four but he had a nightmare of a game. I suppose that's down to tactics too, all Ole's fault right? We hit the post and the bar several times, but that's Ole's fault right? LvG served up way worse performances than this and so did Jose, and that's after spending far more money than Ole has. Now consider we were playing with a glorified under 23s team with some added senior players who have barely played thusfar and are considered not good enough to play for us. We were still dominant, we had plenty of chances and we won against a team that did nothing but park the bus. Get a grip man. You're acting like a spoiled kid.
Doubt people want him to fail (besides some Jose apologists). Remember many of these people clamoured for him to get the permanent job. Why do a 180 and irrationally hate him? He didn't shoot anyone's dog. Before the season began it was commonly expressed by many that a discernable style of play would be a better barometer for progress than results. That sounded fair. That's still the standard to many. You don't have to agree, you may have another measure of progress you've bought into but it's not unreasonable
Poch is regarded as a semi god here so it's not impossible that some who want his as a manager are too critical of Ole for instance.
Poch is regarded as a semi god here so it's not impossible that some who want his as a manager are too critical of Ole for instance.

Suppose they've been quiet about the dire performances Poch and the Spurs team he's spent several years building have served up recently have they?
Just look at the amount of chances we had yesterday. Look at the stats. Look at videos on YT, do whatever. They had 1 decent chance, we had several big ones. Rashford could have scored three or four but he had a nightmare of a game. I suppose that's down to tactics too, all Ole's fault right? We hit the post and the bar several times, but that's Ole's fault right? LvG served up way worse performances than this and so did Jose, and that's after spending far more money than Ole has. Now consider we were playing with a glorified under 23s team with some added senior players who have barely played thusfar and are considered not good enough to play for us. We were still dominant, we had plenty of chances and we won against a team that did nothing but park the bus. Get a grip man. You're acting like a spoiled kid.

Yeah, yesterday we created plenty of chances and finishing was poor. We should have scored at least 3-4 goals and it's not even half chances we are talking about.
Poch is regarded as a semi god here so it's not impossible that some who want his as a manager are too critical of Ole for instance.
Like I said yesterday, Poch in his first season is so similar to Ole now. Spurs fans themselves had plenty of questions over him, and he even had a young promising Kane who wasn't getting in the team ahead of an underperforming Soldado. He was given time and by Jan/Feb of that season you could see it was turning around for him.

The Poch worshippers would do well also, to take note of where he finished in the league in his first season: 5th. If Ole did the same with an arguably inferior squad, these same people would have the knives out.
So many Ole apologists in here. Wonder how they’d be feeling it it was LVG or Jose served up last nights performance. I wonder..

Truth is he doesn’t seem to have a identify or style of play about him because he’s an average manager. I’m amazed at how anything he does is lauded here & absolutely no criticism can be levelled at him because he played sone kids (who lets he honest weren’t good at all)

Average manager gets average performances. Who’d have thought it
He does clearly have a style though. This is the sort of unconstructive comment that this thread is filled with. If you actually point out the aspects of his style you don't agree with, perhaps the "Ole apologists" will be more accepting of the criticism?
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