Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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Youth NITK
Feb 11, 2013
South Manchester
That's the thing though. If he is going to promote academy players and buy young, how much damage can he really do? What Jose did, is 10x worse imo, filling the team with old "stars" at huge contracts that has maybe 1 or 2 good years left. What Ole had to do, and has started doing, is stripping the squad to its bones and building it back up again with the right players

Looking at our current squad it is clear that we are in no position what so ever to challenge for the league this year and we need at least two more windows before we can talk about challenging City and Liverpool. Maybe Ole is not the right man for us in the future, but considering the three players he brought in has been our best this season, i think right now hes the right man for the job.
I like how Ole is getting rid of certain players but I think the club made a dear mistake in not signing some sort of established striker in the last window. Maguire, AWB and james are great signings I must say, but even if we kept Sanchez and lukaku, we still needed reinforcements. They left and we still didn't bolster the attack. Why?

I have no other solution to the situation we are in so I guess Ole and his project deserve time.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
Behind the curtains, leering at the neighbors
I like how Ole is getting rid of certain players but I think the club made a dear mistake in not signing some sort of established striker in the last window. Maguire, AWB and james are great signings I must say, but even if we kept Sanchez and lukaku, we still needed reinforcements. They left and we still didn't bolster the attack. Why?

I have no other solution to the situation we are in so I guess Ole and his project deserve time.
No doubt a top quality striker would be nice, but i think the hopes were that Martial and/or Rashford would make the step up this year and become 20+ goals a season players


New Member
Jan 10, 2018
a dear mistake in not signing some sort of established striker in the last window.
Agreed on this.

However which names come to your mind on this? It should be Kane in the old SAF days but now I can't think of any proven goal scorer that is available and we would get.

On another perspective, signing a proven striker will also limit the game time and positional options available to the likes of Rashford, Martial and even James thus will hamper their development, which all are at a crucial stage and will need a lot of playing time.

I now started to see why we didn't sign a proven striker this summer.
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Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
I personally disagree, however our expectations may differ. I haven't seen enough from our players, board or manager to make me believe this time we are getting it right.

I admire Ole for going down the SAF route but I cant help but think he is overlooking the sheer fact that maybe our youth team aren't going to become world beaters.

Hate to say it but I think Ole is going to damage the club in the long run despite having it's best interests at heart.

Out of curiosity how confident are you that it is going to work under Ole?
Also, how long do you think he should to be given?
Very confident. He needs another Summer of recruitment to get it completely right.

The green shoots of recovery are very evident, imo. And I can't see how he'll damage anything. At the very worst, we're filling the squad with young, talented players and giving them the experience they'll need to prove their worth.


matchday malcontent
Mar 4, 2017
I'm pretty sure none of the 'Ole out' group here are wanting to see the type of football which results in only 6 shots (including a header from a corner and an open goal from a goalkeeper calamity, not utterly ruthless counter attack) but the insinuation was that that it's better than what we are producing.
As a member of "Ole is not good enough" group( Ole out just sounds ugly) i can say that i want to see this team playing like it should do with players that we have. I have no problem at all playing defensive football on counter attacks against stronger teams away. I have no problem with dropping points against weaker teams then and there. But i have a huge problem with our manager when he plays the same against every club, i have a problem when we can't dominate bottom clubs at Old Trafford and especially i have a huge problem with the fact that when we score first, we immediately go in defensive mod. We did that in every bloody game including even Astana. That is why we can't score more than one goal per game.
Nobody is arguing the fact that Ole managed to fix defence but that fix is hugely based on defensive approach.


Full Member
Jan 13, 2019
I personally disagree, however our expectations may differ. I haven't seen enough from our players, board or manager to make me believe this time we are getting it right.

I admire Ole for going down the SAF route but I cant help but think he is overlooking the sheer fact that maybe our youth team aren't going to become world beaters.

Hate to say it but I think Ole is going to damage the club in the long run despite having it's best interests at heart.

Out of curiosity how confident are you that it is going to work under Ole?
Also, how long do you think he should to be given?
I think you are overlooking that believing in the youth also implies buying young players, not necessarily putting all faith in the youth team of today.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.


Full Member
Jul 18, 2007
Oslo, Norway
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.

Goes to show... all these people sneezing at Ole’s results are giving us far too little credit, and our competition for top four get far too much.


Jun 24, 2015
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.
Exactly. Spurs fans going in hard on him at the moment. Beat the Hammers tomorrow and we'll be at least 3rd. Fans are so fickle anyway.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.
Turns out a drab 1-0 against Leicester isn't bad after all... The mouth breathers will have to frantically search for something else to throw at Ole this weekend.


Jun 24, 2015
We've got the best defensive record in the league along with the Dippers at the moment and but for two missed penalties, we'd be laughing a lot harder at Spurs, Chelsea and Arsenal right now and sitting pretty in the top 4 places. All with a trimmed squad and young recruits. Surely people should be cutting him some slack and just give him time?

Turns out a drab 1-0 against Leicester isn't bad after all... The mouth breathers will have to frantically search for something else to throw at Ole this weekend.
Don't worry the matchday thread will not disappoint.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
We've got the best defensive record in the league along with the Dippers at the moment and but for two missed penalties, we'd be laughing a lot harder at Spurs, Chelsea and Arsenal right now and sitting pretty in the top 4 places. All with a trimmed squad and young recruits. Surely people should be cutting him some slack and just give him time?

Don't worry the matchday thread will not disappoint.
Slow and steady, points are all that matter right now. I'm still pissed at our disjointed attacking play but with Martial back we might get more from the balls James puts in. All good managers have to start somewhere and Ole is the least of our problems right now. I hope to see us improve as a team and get that top four with a couple of good cup wins thrown in.
I try not to get annoyed because we still carry a lot of below average players and egos who show no signs of improvement but this season should be the eye opener for the club and supporters. We are chugging along nicely and hopefully we can develop some form of coherent attacking football along the way.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.
Makes you laugh doesn’t it?

We’re slowly making progress and Spurs already look to be on the decline, with a manager that’s had 6 years to get them to this point. But I’m sure this will all be blamed on the chairman because Pochettino gets a free ride for some reason.

Ace of Spades

Full Member
Jan 24, 2013
Makes you laugh doesn’t it?

We’re slowly making progress and Spurs already look to be on the decline, with a manager that’s had 6 years to get them to this point. But I’m sure this will all be blamed on the chairman because Pochettino gets a free ride for some reason.
If they think the chairman is the problem, then he should stay well clear of here as we have Woody in charge, and he is even worse.

Valar Morghulis

Full Member
Apr 3, 2015
Poch is having a bit of a nightmare alright. However if things ultimately don't work out with Ole, he's still my first choice to come in as a replacement. Pochetinno would be my first pick, with Tuchel slightly behind him in second as another very good option.


Full Member
Aug 30, 2013
OGS fanboys are pathetic clutchers at straws it's only in their fantasy world does anyone seriously compare Pochetinno to Solskjaer, Watford fans wouldn't swap their manager for him.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2018
OGS fanboys are pathetic clutchers at straws it's only in their fantasy world does anyone seriously compare Pochetinno to Solskjaer, Watford fans wouldn't swap their manager for him.
There's Irony there somewhere.:lol:


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Good God some of you are childish
Just asking for consistency, considering this same manager who many have lambasting all season has had a better WDL record since he came in to the league than Poch, and the rest of the league with the exception of Pep and Klopp. That too, with a squad that isn't his for all intents and purposes.


Ole's at the wheel!
Mar 10, 2013
OGS fanboys are pathetic clutchers at straws it's only in their fantasy world does anyone seriously compare Pochetinno to Solskjaer, Watford fans wouldn't swap their manager for him.
Says the poster with a username that belongs in a boyband song.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
OGS fanboys are pathetic clutchers at straws it's only in their fantasy world does anyone seriously compare Pochetinno to Solskjaer, Watford fans wouldn't swap their manager for him.
So backing the manager makes you a fanboy and pathetic clutcher at straws? :lol:

What made you this upset? It must be difficult watching our games if you dislike the man this much.


Full Member
May 2, 2011
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.
Morphed in to Rodgers fanbois, since he beat them this week. Next week when Rodgers loses to N’castle, Bruce would be the flavor of the month.


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Wow, burn!

But l know what you really truly know, all the spinning won't save him football will find him out.
So you want him to fail?

There is something to be said about giving a club legend a chance before throwing him out the door for the latest manager with a fancy name.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Feb 28, 2015
So you want him to fail?

There is something to be said about giving a club legend a chance before throwing him out the door for the latest manager with a fancy name.
It's not just manager. They don't back our players as well. Our fan base wants marquee signings and a big name manager and instant results but also will blame the scouting system for not signing the hidden gems. If it's up to our fan base, we're looking at 12 ins and 12 outs every season.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Feb 28, 2015
No, he failed last season.
Finished 3rd in the league since he came in, beat PSG to reach CL QFs- something no one was expecting, reached FA Cup QF- beating Arsenal and Chelsea away!


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
At this point I find it hard to take seriously any United fan not backing him

Yes we were dog shit at the end of the season, but we were also decent for several months.

He’s got rid of a lot of the dead wood and he has signed well.

Despite it not all gelling on the pitch just how he’s got us pressing aggressively and playing attacking football.

A couple more windows and we’ll be in a good place, he can’t transform the squad overnight.

It’s clear also that the players back him, and further managerial churn will only set us back in this respect.

Most of all for me though it’s the alternatives - Poch and Zidane are hardly pulling up trees and the other alternatives for me would all be has beens or relatively unproven.

He’s got my backing for this season at least.
It's not just manager. They don't back our players as well. Our fan base wants marquee signings and a big name manager and instant results but also will blame the scouting system for not signing the hidden gems. If it's up to our fan base, we're looking at 12 ins and 12 outs every season.
.....every week do you mean..
This place is full of knee jerkers


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Finished 3rd in the league since he came in, beat PSG to reach CL QFs- something no one was expecting, reached FA Cup QF- beating Arsenal and Chelsea away!
Wait? He didn’t do better than city or Liverpool after taking over a demoralised team?

Pffffft sack him :lol:


Full Member
May 14, 2014
OGS fanboys are pathetic clutchers at straws it's only in their fantasy world does anyone seriously compare Pochetinno to Solskjaer, Watford fans wouldn't swap their manager for him.
Got to be a WUM. But it’s a post that sums up this place nicely. I hope you start to support another team. Hopefully one that Pochetinno (who is that?) manages.


New Member
Feb 9, 2019
Got to be a WUM. But it’s a post that sums up this place nicely. I hope you start to support another team. Hopefully one that Pochetinno (who is that?) manages.
Agree. No way in hell he is Man Utd supporter!
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