Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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The pressing is a shambles and the attacking is also a shambles. But yes sure. We give the opposition the ball so we can counter attack and when we do it’s a shambles.

It’s really going to take him getting sacked for people to wake up. It was the same with Mourinho and Moyes. Some of you fans are annoying.

We are not attempting to play counter attacking football as our main style in my opinion.
We are not attempting to play counter attacking football as our main style in my opinion.

We are. The only problem is the opposition tell us it’s okay have the ball.

The best I seen of this plan was when we played Madrid at Old Trafford (Nani red card) we gave them the ball and they was useless it was only until Nani got sent off and Modric came on to actually show them how to use the ball without counter attack as to why we lost.

That was then we are now what 10 years on and why are still trying to play this Mourinho way.
You do realize that Ole is here becouse of SA

So the theory behind it is Ole has coached basic skills out of the players? And if Matic can’t pick a pass, it’s becouse they didn’t work on in training the past week? If Rashford can’t score, it’s becouse Ole didn’t teach him? The FM comment is spot on!
Do you understand what coaching is?

Lets forget about coaching. Lets ask what we are doing in training. Ole has had 10 months with this squad. His teams still can't
  • Put a passing move together
  • Put pinpoint crosses to the CF, or atleast the CF never knows where to expect a cross
  • Attack as a cohesive unit, meaning none of the front four actually knows whats going to happen next
From this I can easily deduct that these things never happen on training. If it did, we would not have witnessed the gross cluelessness while attacking. There are no patterns instilled and players just do whatever they think is the best and considering the knobheads playing for us, most of the chances go down the drain.

You talk about Matic unable to pass the ball. Have you ever witnessed that majority except for Pogba never make themselves available for an easy pass? We have a coward in Lingard, and there are acres of space in our midfield whenever one of our midfielders has possession. This results in mostly diagonal passes, sideways or backward passing. We don't play with triangles. Again, easily seen that there is feck all coaching.

We aren't qualified to be coaches but we atleast have witnessed enough football to see if a team is playing with a plan. So keep the FM stuff to yourselves and stop insulting avid watchers of the game.
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I'm not sure that any manager on earth could get free flowing attacking football out of this group of players - especially when we are missing our best outfield player and our most clinical finisher. With those two back, we will look better.

The fact is not one single poster on this forum has the first idea how to make this team more cohesive as an attacking unit. Your own analysis is basically take better corners, cross better and pass to each other better. Not exactly cutting edge tactical analysis, and I'm not being mean or personal to you here. My point is that none of us know. We don't know how Pep makes City play like they do and we don't have a clue about what goes on in training. Absolutely no idea.

For me that makes us all unfit to judge whether this staff are coaching our players properly or not. I think an example of what we can judge on are that many of our players are not 'top drawer' right now. You dont need to be a tactical visionary to see that. They look slow, ponderous & some of these guys are being asked to perform in positions that they are generally not capable of. We don't have a right winger. Our only available striker for the last few weeks looks short of confidence and knackered. Our strongest XI is a good side - well capable of getting into the top 4. Its a very steep drop off after the first XI (which I'm fine with - we needed a rebuild so get them out). Not exactly a great set of ingredients to create an attractive attacking unit is it? Good luck with that Pep, Klopp, Poch, Allegri etc etc.
I never said that the parameters i talked about qualify as good coaching params. Its the basics that we can't do. And if the basics is something the players can't do then there's something wrong with the coach and his coaching methods.

And you talk about players not being top drawer. Do you need players worth 800m to beat the likes of Rochdale on penalties? Good luck explaining that.
Do you understand what coaching is?

Lets forget about coaching. Lets ask what we are doing in training. Ole has had 10 months with this squad. His teams still can't
  • Put a passing move together
  • Put pinpoint crosses to the CF, or atleast the CF never knows where to expect a cross
  • Attack as a cohesive unit, meaning none of the front four actually knows whats going to happen next
From this I can easily deduct that these things never happen on training. If it did, we would not have witnessed the gross cluelessness while attacking. There are no patterns instilled and players just do whatever they think is the best and considering the knobheads playing for us, most of the chances go down the drain.

You talk about Matic unable to pass the ball. Have you ever not witnessed that majority except for Pogba never make themselves available for an easy pass? We have a coward in Lingard, and there are acres of space in our midfield whenever one of our midfielders has possession. This results in mostly diagonal passes, sideways or backward passing. We don't play with triangles. Again, easily seen that there is feck all coaching.
Which patterns would you like to see instilled?
This crap again. Okay.. flip it.. what patterns of play can you see?
I wasn't having a go, it's a genuine question.
On the Caf I think it's fair to say that phrases like attacking patterns are mentioned fairly often.
If so, I'm assuming that people know what attacking patterns are, and if I ask I can get an answer, is that unfair?
If you're of the opinion that we can't see any patterns of play as you put it, which would you like to see implemented going forward?
I honestly think even the higher ups know he won’t make it in here, they’re just delaying the inevitable (and fecking up our season in the process) just so it wouldn’t make them look “classless” and stupid for hiring him in the first place.
The team has gone backwards, he’s talking about improvement but there is only regression, pull the fecking plug.
I wasn't having a go, it's a genuine question.
On the Caf I think it's fair to say that phrases like attacking patterns are mentioned fairly often.
If so, I'm assuming that people know what attacking patterns are, and if I ask I can get an answer, is that unfair?
If you're of the opinion that we can't see any patterns of play as you put it, which would you like to see implemented going forward?

It is unfair as not many on here are coaches.. so to explain patterns you would have to be a coach. However we can all view Guardiola’s football and see a pattern of play that is consistent. Hell Fergie’s last couple of years our pattern of play was Scholes to Valencia and deliver to Rooney. That was the pattern but sounds very basic.. I’m sure there is a well rehearsed pattern for how that worked though. Just don’t expect to see it here on redcafe from your everyday poster.

So unless you have a coached answer to his response. Why ask the question? Just seems very snidely. But just my opinion.
It is unfair as not many on here are coaches.. so to explain patterns you would have to be a coach. However we can all view Guardiola’s football and see a pattern of play that is consistent. Hell Fergie’s last couple of years our pattern of play was Scholes to Valencia and deliver to Rooney. That was the pattern but sounds very basic.. I’m sure there is a well rehearsed pattern for how that worked though. Just don’t expect to see it here on redcafe from your everyday poster.

So unless you have a coached answer to his response. Why ask the question? Just seems very snidely. But just my opinion.
That's fair enough, you don't know.
If you don't know about patterns of play, or attacking patterns or however it's dressed up, maybe don't mention them?
I certainly wouldn't call people snidely for asking posters to back up their opinions.
None of us are managers either, but we certainly seem happy to point out when they're doing a bad/good job and why that is.
That's fair enough, you don't know.
If you don't know about patterns of play, or attacking patterns or however it's dressed up, maybe don't mention them?
I certainly wouldn't call people snidely for asking posters to back up their opinions.
None of us are managers either, but we certainly seem happy to point out when they're doing a bad/good job and why that is.
Love it, you put that colossal idiot in his place :lol:

Now it's suddenly not fair when we ask people to back up their big talk. If you feel that you can judge someone on their job, but can't even begin to propose an alternative outside of "hurr durr, we need a new manager" and you ignore all the context within which the said manager is working in, then perhaps you just wait and see what happens?

You put anyone in charge of this squad, they really aren't going to do much better. When you look at us position by position, the only two positions we have depth in is GK and CB. Seriously, what do you expect?
Ole may be trying to implement a way of playing but surely he should know it depends on the players. If they are not capable of playing those kind of pressing and high line, then why try to get them to play them knowing they can't?
You have to design a system for the players you have. You can't design a system and then get players to play that if they are not capable.
Furthermore it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that our set pieces have been horrible for a very long time.
That surely is a coaching problem. Most of the RedCafe may not know to coach but all of them know when a corner kick goes horribly wrong.
Managers who have a track record has obviously been able to coach. Ole has no track record and all everyone has to go is to see what is happening on the pitch. By that it looks like he has not much of an idea how to get this team playing.
Managers who are at much smaller clubs are able to make their players better.
As for Pep anyone who has seen Cruijff coach or talk knows the basis of Pep is what Cruijff did.
Most importantly he teaches that it's all about right space at the right time. He even gets them to practice movement without the ball. Our problem is not knowing what to do when we Have the ball.
Who's Cruijff ? :lol:.. I believe you meant CRUYFF!
We are. The only problem is the opposition tell us it’s okay have the ball.

The best I seen of this plan was when we played Madrid at Old Trafford (Nani red card) we gave them the ball and they was useless it was only until Nani got sent off and Modric came on to actually show them how to use the ball without counter attack as to why we lost.

That was then we are now what 10 years on and why are still trying to play this Mourinho way.

What a fecking analysis :lol:
For me the current situation is pretty simple, some guys have stopped fighting as they'd no longer see their future at the club or they're in the last days of their career without any hope to see a big silverware. It's clear to me that those are Rojo, Jones, Matic, Mata and somewhat Pogba. All is just a problem of motivation.

Look at our first matches, the team was incredibly energetic and motivated, they run their socks off and our performance was pretty exciting despite the results sometime. Then came the injuries and Ole had no choice but fielding the like of Matic, Mata, Jones, Rojo which no longer has the motivation to play nor the ability required.

IMO one bad player would ruin the whole match already and here we're talking about 3-4 plus in the cup matches we had like 4-5 youngsters. A team like that will never show any kind of coherence nor patern. TBF how on earth we could expect a team in that kind of situation to play good attacking football?

Once the injured players come back - we have our full 1st XI, no longer Mata nor Matic and we still play like the last two matches then we can blame Ole. But I don't think that gonna happen, we'll look very different once we have our 1st XI again.

Yup such players are really hard to get a tune out of. Think about it logically, what can you really say to them to motivate them?

And when there's 4 or 5 of such on the pitch, what hope do you have?

I genuinely think Ole is just trying to survive the season, and can't wait to continue his clearout of players. That's probably why some of his press conferences are so cliche with regards to those players. I reckon he's already binned them in his head (as we all have) and they probably know it.
He will be sacked at the end of the season.....Lets respect him and support him as much as we can until the end of the season.I”m not angry or upset with Ole at all,he’s trying his best and he loves this club....He’s obviously just not good enough to manage at this level,but not being good enough is not his fault.

I entirely blame Woodward for the mess that we are in right now.Someone like a Tuchel,Ancelotti Or Pochettino will be our manager next season....Ole will definitely be gone....

Completely agree with this. There is no point beating Ole with stick when the problem goes much deeper. We need to focus our blame on Ed and the board. Yes, it's easy to change a manager than the clubs structure but in our case we have been changing managers like one time use plastic bags and it's getting us no where.

Here is what Livepools CEO talked on World Football Summit held this week about the club and their structure.

“There is a merging of data and the experienced eye - the analogue and digital coming together,” Moore told those in attendance at the summit.

“We use applied science and technology to analyse players to create the best chance to win. From an analogue way, we look at the player and assess what they are about, both on and off the pitch. And we apply science.

“We have four PhDs who are part of our club (Graham’s ‘research’ team) and we have a director of sports science, who is also a PhD (presumably Conall Murtagh, who has a PhD from Liverpool John Moores University) and they look at data.

“It is that combination, that amalgamation of an experienced eye - of looking at an athlete - combined with data, with psychological outputs, to see the person as a good player for Liverpool and also a good human being in the locker room.

“Being a good person that happens to be a good football player is what you need to be for Liverpool Football Club. When I look at our squad, knowing most of the players, they fit that bill.”

“We have a Sporting Director (Michael Edwards), who is akin to a General Manager in American sports.

“I don’t have anything to do with that.

“I run the business of Liverpool Football Club. The speciality experience of our Sporting Director - he and his scouting staff and analytical staff are the ones that build the squad. Jurgen Klopp, as the manager, gets the best out of that squad.

“Together, we come together as an entity, with Billy Hogan, our chief commercial officer, and we are fundamentally what I believe is the essence of what a modern football club needs to be.

“It’s that combination in modern football now. It needs to be organised, to have a culture, to build on success, where you have subject-matter experts in their fields who all come together as one.”

Look at how much that's going on at Livepool and compare it with what we have. Even before the names are presented to Klopp, so much work is being put on the players analysis using data science.

Even if we change manager and get Potch i cannot see how we're going to become world beaters all of a sudden. I know Ole is not the right answer but if you think just replacing him and keeping our club's structure as it is would suddenly turn this sinking ship then i've got news for you.
I'm not sure why people keep saying this? We clearly have a style of play that is different to our recent manages. It's more attack minded with emphasis on a higher pressing game.

It was in the first three months of Ole's reign. It has been anything but since then, not even in the games we have won this season.
That's fair enough, you don't know.
If you don't know about patterns of play, or attacking patterns or however it's dressed up, maybe don't mention them?
I certainly wouldn't call people snidely for asking posters to back up their opinions.
None of us are managers either, but we certainly seem happy to point out when they're doing a bad/good job and why that is.

We are also happy to call football players shite but last time I checked non of us play premier league. So what’s your point?

It’s not a case of not knowing it’s a case of paring off someone’s answer because they are not a coach. Don’t ask someone to describe a pattern of play when most people only know words like Tika taka; high press or Jurgen Press. I mean what terms of play have you ever heard of? Triangles?
Love it, you put that colossal idiot in his place :lol:

Now it's suddenly not fair when we ask people to back up their big talk. If you feel that you can judge someone on their job, but can't even begin to propose an alternative outside of "hurr durr, we need a new manager" and you ignore all the context within which the said manager is working in, then perhaps you just wait and see what happens?

You put anyone in charge of this squad, they really aren't going to do much better. When you look at us position by position, the only two positions we have depth in is GK and CB. Seriously, what do you expect?
Atleast beat the likes of Rochdale and Astana comfortably? I am pretty sure they are a league or two below our level. Or is that too much if may i ask?
The lack of offensive coaching is reflected in the amount of tap-ins we have scored this season: 0

City and Liverpool score many because they know how to penetrate a defense.
The guy has some issues processing any sort of coherent argument, mate. Best to just ignore and smile as he stumbles his way through simple English statements.

You’re r still at it? I preferred it when you was calling me babe.
Completely agree with this. There is no point beating Ole with stick when the problem goes much deeper. We need to focus our blame on Ed and the board. Yes, it's easy to change a manager than the clubs structure but in our case we have been changing managers like one time use plastic bags and it's getting us no where.

Here is what Livepools CEO talked on World Football Summit held this week about the club and their structure.

Look at how much that's going on at Livepool and compare it with what we have. Even before the names are presented to Klopp, so much work is being put on the players analysis using data science.

Even if we change manager and get Potch i cannot see how we're going to become world beaters all of a sudden. I know Ole is not the right answer but if you think just replacing him and keeping our club's structure as it is would suddenly turn this sinking ship then i've got news for you.
This is the same Liverpool who were a running joke with their mythical "transfer committee" with the money they wasted after selling Torres and Suarez. A good manager covers a multitude of sins. Just look at us when Fergie was here with the Glazers in charge, or Pep at City covering for Soriano and Begiristain.

The same people who were in charge of Liverpool during those fallow times, are still there now. The only change is that they actually have a good manager.

Also, @Nikelesh Reddy you're hilarious if you think the likes of Tuchel or Poch would come here. We're the very definition of a poisoned chalice with a board who have no interest in the sporting sphere. No one would be willing to risk their reputation working under these constraints.
The lack of offensive coaching is reflected in the amount of tap-ins we have scored this season: 0

City and Liverpool score many because they know how to penetrate a defense.

I think that's down to Rashford. Martial has scored tap-ins, and Greenwood has had those opportunities multiple times per game.

Rashford's movement is just very poor in the 6 yard box, and thus all Dan James' and AWB's cut-backs go to waste.
Considering the quality of your posts it doesn't really matter what you're convinced of :lol:

I mean, jesus christ the level of some people in here, feck me sideways.

Same for you. Haven’t seen you make a good point in here yet.
I think that's down to Rashford. Martial has scored tap-ins, and Greenwood has had those opportunities multiple times per game.

Rashford's movement is just very poor in the 6 yard box, and thus all Dan James' and AWB's crosses go to waste.
Your're right, Martial did score that one tap-in on opening weekend. But the larger point holds true that United don't get behind teams enough and that is certainly down to the coaching team. Also, if Rashford is missing the same kind of chances repeatedly, then whose responsibility is it to improve him?
The lack of offensive coaching is reflected in the amount of tap-ins we have scored this season: 0

City and Liverpool score many because they know how to penetrate a defense.
Or maybe it's because they've been coached by the same world class coach for years and they've assembled a world class squad in that period whereas we have to make do with the likes of Lingard and Pereira. Their backup players are better than our A-team. Their youth players are probably about equal. I mean, Greenwood is better than Lingard and Pereira and he's just a kid. The state of our squad is a shambles. Both midfield and attack need serious upgrades. And then there's our injuries. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's no better coaches out there than the ones we have, I just don't think that's our main issue.
Atleast beat the likes of Rochdale and Astana comfortably? I am pretty sure they are a league or two below our level. Or is that too much if may i ask?
You've missed the point yet again. Just go through that squad, man for man. Is that in any way shape or form, fit for purpose? Last season's squad finished 6th for example, and we literally took a hacksaw to it over the summer with only limited investment into it. I repeat the question, what do you lot expect? With injuries to players in key positions, we have to resort to playing players out of position and call up youngsters who barely have 90 minutes of first team experience between them. It's not exactly rocket science. We still created enough clear chances, and restricted the opposition to feck all to such an extent, across both games to have won by 5 or 6. That we didn't is down to poor finishing rather than Ole himself. If you can't see that, then you're either being disengenous, or you don't know the difference between a poor plan and the poor execution of a plan. The former is the fault of the manager; the latter, the players. Was it amazing? No, but when we have injuries that mean we have to resort to playing the likes of Mata and Matic or a bunch of untested kids, we don't really have much choice but to deal with it.

Also, while I'm here, why not ask the same question of Poch who couldn't beat the likes of Olympiakos and Colchester, let alone comfortably? The dream appointment for many of you... Which sums up the joke that is the outlook of people like yourself on the issue. Sack Ole and replace him with someone who actually has an even worse set of results since March, and that too with a squad that he spent 5 years building and a stronger squad full stop.

It's like you people learnt nothing from the Jose episode.
I wonder if Real will be as patient with Zidane? He won them 3 champions league as manager and won them a 4th as a player. Hmmm I wonder...

Poch, Nagglesman, Tuchel as some have already said.

Ole’s a wonderful guy but no thanks. Had enough. Reminds me of Moyes the way he just sits there like a sad puppy.

Thanks for the effort and offer him a club embassador contract. Done. Great stuff. United DNA check.

Demote the coaches to the youth side since they like to bang on about it so much.
Or maybe it's because they've been coached by the same world class coach for years and they've assembled a world class squad in that period whereas we have to make do with the likes of Lingard and Pereira. Their backup players are better than our A-team. Their youth players are probably about equal. I mean, Greenwood is better than Lingard and Pereira and he's just a kid. The state of our squad is a shambles. Both midfield and attack need serious upgrades. And then there's our injuries. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's no better coaches out there than the ones we have, I just don't think that's our main issue.
There is no disputing the fact that those teams have better players. But things like making runs in behind (and not standing waiting to receive the ball), a higher pressing level and pushing the full-backs higher up - ironically all things that the team did in Ole's first few months - has completely disappeared. That is down to coaching.
Your're right, Martial did score that one tap-in on opening weekend. But the larger point holds true that United don't get behind teams enough and that is certainly down to the coaching team. Also, if Rashford is missing the same kind of chances repeatedly, then whose responsibility is it to improve him?

Himself and the coaching staff for sure, but he will improve. Remember, it hasn't been very long. Only a few games.

If you're looking for instant improvement it won't come, because if that were the case then every manager would simply 'instantly improve' their players. Give it the whole season at least (and probably another half-season if we're being realistic), and if he's still not able to take up those positions, then you can start asking questions.
Or maybe it's because they've been coached by the same world class coach for years and they've assembled a world class squad in that period whereas we have to make do with the likes of Lingard and Pereira. Their backup players are better than our A-team. Their youth players are probably about equal. I mean, Greenwood is better than Lingard and Pereira and he's just a kid. The state of our squad is a shambles. Both midfield and attack need serious upgrades. And then there's our injuries. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's no better coaches out there than the ones we have, I just don't think that's our main issue.

Well it wasn’t always Lingard and Pereira but that’s what we trimmed it down to. There was a point in time where we had 5 CM’s and 3 experienced strikers.
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