Our debt has increased 133% to £474.1 million

To those defending it and saying it’s normal. Nah not during a pandemic. I’d give the vultures credit as they haven’t sacked anybody yet.
Is anyone surprised ?
I’m surprised they only took 23mill to be honest
They own the club they are going to take money out of it . All the moaning and stupid protests is not going to change that . Until they ever decide to sell which they have never shown any sign of doing they can do what they want
So what you’re saying is turning the caf green and gold won’t work ?

To those defending it and saying it’s normal. Nah not during a pandemic. I’d give the vultures credit as they haven’t sacked anybody yet.

The company I work for (not in the UK) continued paying a dividend during the pandemic.

To be fair we continued to make money so suspending the dividend wouldn't make sense.

To those defending it and saying it’s normal. Nah not during a pandemic. I’d give the vultures credit as they haven’t sacked anybody yet.

To be fair a lot of companies probably can’t afford to. I assume we can.
What pisses me off the most is that they pay out £23m dividends to themselves while there is an pandemic and the club is in debt. Fecking greedy parasites!

Use those £23m on paying debt ffs!

You havent studies economics, have you? Or read why the 23 odd mil was taken out? The reason behind it is very clear..
Some of you need to do some reading on what a dividend is and how it works before saying they're 'taking' £23m. To an extent they are but they're not taking it out of the cash register or crippling the club for it like some of you seem to be suggesting, they're actually owed dividends.

And by the way, I'm not endorsing what they're doing but this is how businesses are run.
So you want owners who are net positive in terms of investments. You expect them to put money into the club instead of taking money out of the club. There are only two situations where owners would do that:
  • When they don't need the money but crave the profile and the legitimacy that comes with owning a club of our stature
  • When it is completely fan owned or run as a completely non-profit enterprise
There are severe issues with both models and I personally won't trade our current model with either of those. Everyone knows what happens when you are a plaything for the uber-rich so I won't get into that.

The second model isn't the utopia we all believe it to be because without corporate governance which comes with the pressure to show profits every year, decision making is convoluted and slow. More often than not, it also descends into politicking and civil wars. Not to mention, fans typically don't have the financial acumen to successfully run a behemoth that we are in terms of revenues.

All of this isn't to say that Glazers are the best owners in the world. They are not and I would most definitely prefer others over them. All I am saying is that you asking for the "utopia" can have other unintended consequences which can be far more detrimental than the status quo.

Fair enough mate,good post.

I agree on most what you are saying,i would just prefer to be without debt when you see the stadium needs a serious fixing up for example.
The debt payments are minuscule compared to the revenue we make. Under FFP we were liable to be able to spend more money than any other club in the world. And as per the statement we have done that. I understand the stadium complaints, I too would like to see more investment in the stadium, but it will take hundreds of millions and you can’t criticise our owners for not being a nation state or oligarchs favourite toy.

Nation state clubs in France and here in England (not difficult to see who) have compromised UEFA and those FFP rules are no longer being enforced properly. Our focus needs to be on getting a rule book that is enforced for FFP, otherwise there is no chance of getting back to the top when you can just be out bid for fun.

Fair points,that i did not think of mate. Good post.
Some of you need to do some reading on what a dividend is and how it works before saying they're 'taking' £23m. To an extent they are but they're not taking it out of the cash register or crippling the club for it like some of you seem to be suggesting, they're actually owed dividends.

And by the way, I'm not endorsing what they're doing but this is how businesses are run.
A quick google search says the dividend is payed out to shareholders when the company makes a profit and the surplus is reinvested back into the company.

Pretty sure we are not making a profit if we’re £474m in debt.
A quick google search says the dividend is payed out to shareholders when the company makes a profit and the surplus is reinvested back into the company.

Pretty sure we are not making a profit if we’re £474m in debt.

Most large companies have some sort of manageable debt. Saves on taxes etc.
Yearly results can have profits even though there exists a longterm debt.

Edit: Also, I'm not sure why people are making an issue of the dividends now, it was announced back in March.
A quick google search says the dividend is payed out to shareholders when the company makes a profit and the surplus is reinvested back into the company.

Pretty sure we are not making a profit if we’re £474m in debt.
That's your problem right there my friend.
Most large companies have some sort of manageable debt. Saves on taxes etc.
Yearly results can have profits even though there exists a longterm debt.
Do you know what our yearly profit was this year by any chance give me an idea of what’s going on?
Some of you need to do some reading on what a dividend is and how it works before saying they're 'taking' £23m. To an extent they are but they're not taking it out of the cash register or crippling the club for it like some of you seem to be suggesting, they're actually owed dividends.

And by the way, I'm not endorsing what they're doing but this is how businesses are run.

You're technically right and wrong, but forgetting something important in terms of the ownership of the club. The Glazer family controls some the shares, and the board.

1. The board of the company can suspend dividend payouts for a number of reason. There will be a provision in the company bylaws that permits this action. This is fairly standard and is included in most corporate bylaws. Note that a company is not obligated to pay dividends.
2. Dividends is simply return on investment. That is all it is. Money in for future return. - The Glazer family have invested around 0 dollars of their own money. The purcahse of the club was secured through loans secured against the clubs assets and PIK Loans. these loans have since been sold off to hedge funds. All investment over the years is paid for by Manchester United without any outside funding (Bank loans not included).

The current situation was the perfect time to say "Ok, taking dividends is not going to look good, we agree to suspend or deferr them". When Ed comes out and says that the club is heavily affected by the current financial climate, which has latest affected our transfer window negatively - Well, the owners still saw fit to take their share of the clubs profits.

Suspending dividends is very common if the company are safeguarding their position through a pending financial difficulty, or keep their earnings to invest into the company. For example I choose not to take my full share of dividends since I invest my surplus back into my company.

On the other end, General Motors earlier this year suspended dividends to protect their factories during the fallout of the global pandemic. Their #1 priority was to safeguard the company. The Glazer family #1 priority is to collect cash - and as a side effect showcasing the company strength.

In summary, the Glazer family could have suspened dividends and taking that big a payout in the current climate stinks of horsedung.
Do you know what our yearly profit was this year by any chance give me an idea of what’s going on?

According to the article above we made a loss of £23.2m in the latest financial year, so pretty much the dividend cost on top of everything. But We're also getting delayed payments due to the pandemic, where at least an additional £30m from tv revenue was received after the financial year ended June 30th that would normally belong to the last financial year.

Results aren't black and white, and it was the board's decision to go ahead with what has been a yearly dividend payment now. You can have a good year even if you show a loss for the results, this due to investments or other things that make it likely that future years will be profitable again.

Now, am I defending dividends? No. Our club is the only PL club listed on a stock exchange since that was more profitable for the glazers. And we are the only club in the PL that has had more money taken out of the club than what the owners have put in.

I was just trying to explain a bit about how company results, dividends etc works.

In an ideal world we would be owned by the fans or at least some rich person who made us debt free and didn't take out any money (nor needed to invest either really, just let us run on everything we generate ourselves).
Likelihood of that happening though?
We made a loss this year (like everyone due to the pandemic) of $29m. Last year we made a profit of $24m.
So they basically put us in more debt this year so. Maybe shouldn’t have taken out a dividend this year and waited until next year.
'Info released', also known as accounts, which every company has go file annually.
Moving this to today's other financial results thread.
I agree with what you're saying and I'm aware of most of this but a few things;

I absolutely guarantee that any company deferring the payment of dividends now will pay out double, if not more, once the economy returns to normal. It's not within anyone's interested who finds themselves in a position to receive dividends to turn them down unless they stand to gain more at a later date or the company is in grave danger of going under.

We know that the amount of dividends paid out is agreed to be paid on a quarterly basis once a year. So the money set out to pay said dividends was done before things went to shit and of course United have known that this money will be spoken for regardless as they have an obligation to payout.

It's attractive to investors if United continue to pay out dividends during a pandemic when no one else is, and lets face it, despite the what should have been an illegal takeover that riddled us with debt, our revenue is insane compared to other clubs. So although the Glazers haven't put any money in, they're certainly raised it.

And lastly, the amount of tax United pay on any profit made is criminal. As a business owner of a football club, if I'm due dividends of £23m and the club is going to make, let's say, £10m in profit this season, you can absolutely bet I'm taking those divs (as long as it doesn't cripple the club in anyway) because the tax man can get fecked if he thinks he's getting £5m for nothing.

When it comes to the numbers these guys know exactly what they're doing, fortunately for us.
According to the article above we made a loss of £23.2m in the latest financial year, so pretty much the dividend cost on top of everything. But We're also getting delayed payments due to the pandemic, where at least an additional £30m from tv revenue was received after the financial year ended June 30th that would normally belong to the last financial year.

Results aren't black and white, and it was the board's decision to go ahead with what has been a yearly dividend payment now. You can have a good year even if you show a loss for the results, this due to investments or other things that make it likely that future years will be profitable again.

Now, am I defending dividends? No. Our club is the only PL club listed on a stock exchange since that was more profitable for the glazers. And we are the only club in the PL that has had more money taken out of the club than what the owners have put in.

I was just trying to explain a bit about how company results, dividends etc works.

In an ideal world we would be owned by the fans or at least some rich person who made us debt free and didn't take out any money (nor needed to invest either really, just let us run on everything we generate ourselves).
Likelihood of that happening though?
Thanks I understand now, the Glazers get paid no matter what. Wouldn’t it be great to be them never really put anything in just played about with numbers and are able to make a profit for themselves every year, incredible really.
A quick google search says the dividend is payed out to shareholders when the company makes a profit and the surplus is reinvested back into the company.

Pretty sure we are not making a profit if we’re £474m in debt.
If you don't understand corporate finance structures I can see how you might make this mistake. If this were the case then every single company in the FTSE would not be making profit as they all hold material levels of debt. In most cases the debt facilitates generation of even higher levels of profit than would otherwise be possible.
If you don't understand corporate finance structures I can see how you might make this mistake. If this were the case then every single company in the FTSE would not be making profit as they all hold material levels of debt. In most cases the debt facilitates generation of even higher levels of profit than would otherwise be possible.
No I don’t really understand it, but the guys give me a quick business lesson there to give me the jist of it..
We were debt free before the Glazers took over. Not 1 pound of that loan was ever invested in the club.
Its not just the Glazers that are an issue. Whoever owns that debt is making a mint out of the club too. Who is with, Morgan Stanley or someone?
I am a football fan,not an accountant.I read this on the norwegian Manchester United supporter club about numbers.

The glazers has given the club massive debt and they use the money wich fans pay on interest and taking out dividends.That is all what i care about.
Yes, you’re obviously not an accountant. So perhaps stop trying to bitch about finances when you clearly haven’t a clue how any of it works.
And lastly, the amount of tax United pay on any profit made is criminal. As a business owner of a football club, if I'm due dividends of £23m and the club is going to make, let's say, £10m in profit this season, you can absolutely bet I'm taking those divs (as long as it doesn't cripple the club in anyway) because the tax man can get fecked if he thinks he's getting £5m for nothing.
You know dividends is paid after tax right? Dividends isn’t a deductible expense. The club would still be paying tax on that £10m profit.
The amount we are owing in debts, other clubs can only dreamed of!
For those complaining about listing on the NYSE. I understand how this angers you but believe me it’s been incredibly valuable.

it’s provided an incredible platform for marketing and investment in the US market which is bigger than everywhere else put together other than China.
There’s a reason why Madrid’s Perez was almost crying (if you can find the his reaction somewhere) when we did it because RM knew that at that moment we were going to blitz them commercially in the US market. All of Europe’s other top clubs other than Bayern rely on state aid to stay at the top and don’t qualify to list on any stock exchange, otherwise they also would have done it already. I wouldn’t rule out other clubs listing on a stock exchange if the PL starts to become more dominant and stable at the same time. Arsenal or spurs spring to mind.
I'd rather have any other owner than these cash grabbing fecks. Feels like we're being run by the trump family.

Imagine if he had bought us. Our owner would be the president :lol:

cnut would have fired saf.
Yes, you’re obviously not an accountant. So perhaps stop trying to bitch about finances when you clearly haven’t a clue how any of it works.

This is a football fan forum not an accountant forum so stop acting like a fecking arrogant jerk who thinks he knows everything.

Your post doesnt add any value other than i shouldnt voice my opinion cause i dont know how accounting works.

I wont answer any more of your posts,life is too short.
You have to read their accounts to get a proper idea of what's going on - the net debt has gone up because 1) sponsorship payments have been deferred (looks temporary), 2) we've spent more on transfers (which we should be happy about) and 3) we've not had season tickets/prepaid tickets cash in yet (covid).

Debt in the financial world is not an issue if you have the cash flow/cash on hand to pay interest and debt as it falls due, banks are still willing to end and you're profitable enough long term. It's not quite a disaster, and we still spent more on transfers than all the non-oil clubs.

But why is our debt so high in the first place?. Why and to whom do we owe so much money to?. Why are we keeping such a high debt level and does the Red football holdings have anything to do with the debt?
I could easily be wrong here, but a cash loss of £256m suggests we have around £70m remaining in cash so not if Dortmund were demanding a huge amount up front.

I was saying over the summer United needed to sell to raise cash, and a number of actions suggested they have a cash issue. It’s no surprise they are looking at the prem league structure or European super league. If they lost 70m this season, what will it be this season..
I wasn't talking about the % increase of debt, but don't let that ruin you trying to be a smart arse.
still, looks weird shareholders approve dividend distribution in such circumstances. I’m sure in April they knew the club will end up in losses. In situations like this, shareholders think of ways to inject capital not withdraw cash!!!!
First of all, dividend was approved in February.

And second, shareholders do not inject capital. Nobody ever just gifts money in business, that is not how any of it works. Even if they inject capital, it would be debt. Companies in distress issue bonds (debt) or open/extend credit facilities.
We were debt free before the Glazers took over. Not 1 pound of that loan was ever invested in the club.

And in today's world the Glazers leveraged takeover would not have passed the fit & proper test! Basically Woodward facilitated a mugging.
Dividends or not is a bizarre discussion!

The Glazers do what every capitalist owner do around the world. They have whenever is possible done it in the past and they will do it in the future as long as they own the club. That’s how this ownership works.

I almost never take notice to political opinions when we talk about public listed companies. If I want to know anything out of the ordinary I read the financial report. I recommend those of you who’re skeptical to do the same because then criticism would be more about facts and less about emotions or just wild opinions.

MUFC are in a healthy condition in the middle of a Pandemic. That’s a fact, not a opinion.

The club didn’t use the Pandemic in a unethical way as far as I know. I don’t like this ownership for many reasons but to criticize the owners because they use their legal right to earn money is bizarre. My wealth is depending on dividends, my pension who’s partly controlled by my national government use the same system to increase value so me and other oldies can survive when we’re not physically fit enough to work. This is how modern economy works.

Just for a comparison regarding ownerships.

Multi national companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IKEA, Nike, VW and many many other famous brands are operating in a far more tax avoiding way then the Glazers. Not to mention Bill Gates or the Clinton family. There you can talk about hypocrisy and unethical behavior.
Imagine all the money that could be invested into the club be it staff, players, facilities or Old Trafford if we werent paying off the same debt every 5 years only for it to accumulate again due to interest.

FA/Premier League should bring in anti debt regulations with a transfer ban as long as a club is over a certain amount of debt. Say 50 million.

That would make the Glazers sick and I'd love it.