Paulo Dybala

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He does alright on FM on a free but nowhere close to his billing as world class. Actually it’s the same thing with FDJ. Maybe ETH and Murtough are playing Fifa instead? :wenger:

To be fair if ETH wants him then so be it. I just strongly feel like he might be making his first major mistake.
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Thank you. From the videos, his work-rate on the ball seemed great and for attackers I feel thats more important.
Its no brainer for me, especially there is a chance we could lose both Rashford and Martial next season


Martial is contracted until 2025+1 and Rashford has a +1 on his deal which expires this year.

Martial is contracted until 2025+1 and Rashford has a +1 on his deal which expires this year.
With club options included, Martial is until 2025 and Rashford until 2024.
In Martial's case, I think club would try to offload him this summer(Depending on offers and incomings) or next. In Rashford case, may be next summer if his form continues.
Its possible they both play well this season and we would extend their contracts by offers around 250-300 K.
I think the point that is most often overlooked in these debates is that if Ten Hag wants him, if Ten Hag thinks he’s a valuable or important piece of the puzzle, if Ten Hag has a clear plan on how to use him (which is presumably we he wants him), then what’s not to like? We are talking about one of the most detail orientated coaches in football. He’s not signing him for shits and giggles, or thinking “we’ll get him, and then we’ll figure it out later on”.

And we are only signing him of Ten Hag wants him.

So again, IF we are after him - IF being the pertinent part - then I’m all for it. I’m just going to completely trust this coach, until I have reason to do otherwise.

People have been saying this for every United transfer this summer, ETH has no right to be given a free hit on signings as we've no idea of he's good with them or not.

Tuchel did much more than ETH has done, won the CL with Chelsea.. and proceeded to spunk £100m on Lukaku.

On topic - Dyabala would be a terrible pickup for us. Weak, not very fast, doesn't even play CF in a weaker Italian league. He's like the Juan Mata of strikers. Good on the ball and scores the occasional banger, but put anyone with a bit of physicality near him and that's him out of the game. If we sign him to for the RW.. well there's no hope for us.
We're not interested in Dybala. Certain "journalists" are acting as his agent's mouthpiece to put pressure on Inter. Seen it a billion times.
We're not interested in Dybala. Certain "journalists" are acting as his agent's mouthpiece to put pressure on Inter. Seen it a billion times.
Yep. There's no way this guy would relish the challenge of the most intense league in the world. He's happy and settled in Italy.
We're not interested in Dybala. Certain "journalists" are acting as his agent's mouthpiece to put pressure on Inter. Seen it a billion times.

Hopefully you’re right. I’d like us to find even an unrefined target man who can develop here. We needs someone who will press more and shithouse and buy us much needed attacking space.
We could do better but I’m not against this. He isn’t what a lot of you think, he would actually fit into a ten Hag team fantastically either as a false 9 or play the Ziyech role. He’s not as weak as some of you claim, he will put himself about and while he’s not the quickest without the ball he’s quick enough on it to make space. On a free for a season or 2 he would be a good signing for me. You never know how a change of scenery could give him a new lease of life.
We could do better but I’m not against this. He isn’t what a lot of you think, he would actually fit into a ten Hag team fantastically either as a false 9 or play the Ziyech role. He’s not as weak as some of you claim, he will put himself about and while he’s not the quickest without the ball he’s quick enough on it to make space. On a free for a season or 2 he would be a good signing for me. You never know how a change of scenery could give him a new lease of life.

Yeah that's the stance I will take on him IF I see something more concrete from Utd journos
It's very speculative at the moment until more individuals pick up the story. Many fans writing him off no suprise really but Kulusevski is a good reminder that under the right manager and conditions form can totally transform.
It's very speculative at the moment until more individuals pick up the story. Many fans writing him off no suprise really but Kulusevski is a good reminder that under the right manager and conditions form can totally transform.
Ok so if that’s the case why don’t we then wait and see if Rashford and Martial will transform instead of spending big on an injury prone player in hopes he come good again?

It’s not like he’s even a striker, I would rather give youth a chance instead of signing Dybala.
We could do better but I’m not against this. He isn’t what a lot of you think, he would actually fit into a ten Hag team fantastically either as a false 9 or play the Ziyech role. He’s not as weak as some of you claim, he will put himself about and while he’s not the quickest without the ball he’s quick enough on it to make space. On a free for a season or 2 he would be a good signing for me. You never know how a change of scenery could give him a new lease of life.

So he's not a pure striker, right? Seems to be pretty deep in all the videos, more of a 10 or where I would imagine Bruno playing.
So he's not a pure striker, right? Seems to be pretty deep in all the videos, more of a 10 or where I would imagine Bruno playing.
I would say he’s pretty close to what Bruno does, but he’s kinda a player without a defined position. I would say false 9 would be a good position for him if he came here
We could do better but I’m not against this. He isn’t what a lot of you think, he would actually fit into a ten Hag team fantastically either as a false 9 or play the Ziyech role. He’s not as weak as some of you claim, he will put himself about and while he’s not the quickest without the ball he’s quick enough on it to make space. On a free for a season or 2 he would be a good signing for me. You never know how a change of scenery could give him a new lease of life.

I agree with all that, he would bring a lot of control in the final third. He's very technically sound and his passing is excellent.

Don't think this is happening though, we have seen that type of rumour with Di Marzio before which usually leads to nowhere.
People have been saying this for every United transfer this summer, ETH has no right to be given a free hit on signings as we've no idea of he's good with them or not.

Tuchel did much more than ETH has done, won the CL with Chelsea.. and proceeded to spunk £100m on Lukaku.

On topic - Dyabala would be a terrible pickup for us. Weak, not very fast, doesn't even play CF in a weaker Italian league. He's like the Juan Mata of strikers. Good on the ball and scores the occasional banger, but put anyone with a bit of physicality near him and that's him out of the game. If we sign him to for the RW.. well there's no hope for us.

I mean, he’s clearly the most qualified football person on hand, but saying that, I think we are all aware that United have several people involved in this. The DoF Murtough, the head of recruitment, Brown, and the Coach Ten Hag. So assuming the reality of the structure, if Ten Hag wants him, and Murtough and Brown agree and a deal is pursued, with all three of our football decision makers agreeing he is a good signing for Ten Hag’s vision, are you suggesting that you know more than they do? I mean, evidently you are. So should we devolve power to armchair fans on the internet? Because I am sure that will work great.

So back to my previous point. If the coach really wants him, and the DoF agrees, I am all for it. All transfers are a risk, and none of us know exactly what Ten Hag has planned in terms of his line up. As a club, our best chance of success is to support the judgement of the highly rated coach we’ve brought in and back him. The alternative is to undermine him.

If he was pursuing a 30 year old, for a substantial fee, on massive wages, you could make the argument that this could be financially imprudent. But, and again there are always caveats, assuming the club bring in Dybala - on a free - because the coach really wants him, on reasonable wages, on a 3+1 deal and heavily incentivised - I don’t see it as being a particularly risky transfer. In fact one with plenty of upside.

There are IFS, but there are also tons of assumptions in the counter argument too.
I think this is just his agent trying to create some interest for any interested parties (not sure if that's how it works).

If we sign Dybala on decent wages, I'll be happy as we have one decent option on the bench. If we don't then couldn't care less. 2-3 years ago it would have been very exciting deal.
He's 28, not sure why everyone is making in sound like he's 30+
Man, I sure am seeing a whole lot of people saying no to this deal without providing a realistic and affordable (free) Ronaldo replacement with a proven G+A record in a top league/CL. I think you throw him into a team with Bruno, Eriksen, FDJ, Sancho and he’s bound to see a return to form. I’m a little less excited about his injury record, but if we go into the season with a Martial/Dybala pairing i’m a lot more confident about their combined availability than I was with the Ronaldo/Cavani pairing we ended the season with.

We have to be realistic about the very specific circumstances we’re in right now. Even if Ronaldo informed us he wanted to leave directly after CL qualification was no longer a possibility, it was always going to be hard to scrounge up the money for a proper first choice Ronaldo replacement like Felix this summer anyway, given all the other holes in the squad that needed addressing. Couple all that with the fact that he waited until a week before preseason to say he wants out, and we very much are finding ourselves making the best of of a bad situation.

Fact of the matter is that we’re way too thin up top to let Ronaldo go un-replaced. So if we are truly in a situation where we’re looking for the most talented player available on the cheap to split duties with Martial, you could do a hell of a lot worse than Dybala. Even if it’s more of a false 9/CF role and less of an out and out striker, you need two dedicated players to cover that role, there are just too many fixtures to just wing it if Martial is unavailable. Especially with our current options out wide being what they are.
Can Dybala stay fit?

It's pointless even talking about his ability when he is so injury prone.

When you consider the demands Ten Hag puts on his wide forwards, especially out of possession, would this make sense?

Can Dybala's frame cope with an aggressive pressing style?
As a Ronaldo fan-boy I started following Juve religiously to watch him play. So I have seen enough of Dybala excluding last season. He is a player on a downwards trajectory. He can only play as a false 9. He doesn't have the pace or energy to interchange with wingers during a game. He doesn't have the stamina to last more than 60-70 minutes a game. He is not a great passer and will rarely cross. He is not a leader and goes missing in big games. He can hit the occasional screamer though.
I'd be very concerned if your scouting team picks Dybala as a Ronaldo replacement.
I think this deal depends on the money and years. If it's 2-3 years and a wage where he can be shifted easily back to Serie A if it doesn't work out, then I could see the risk being worth it. If it's 4-5 years and big money with a big signing bonus and agent fees I think the risk outweighs the reward.

I think he can be a decent false 9, but not sure he suits Eriksen or Bruno, 2 of our 3 main creative talents. It also might suit Rashford better than Sancho, if it's basically a diamond with Rashford on the left, Dybala on the right up top and then 2 of VDB, Bruno and Eriksen (one top of the diamond, one wide) with De Jong holding and Fred on one of the 2 sides coming in and doing defensive work a lot.
As a Ronaldo fan-boy I started following Juve religiously to watch him play. So I have seen enough of Dybala excluding last season. He is a player on a downwards trajectory. He can only play as a false 9. He doesn't have the pace or energy to interchange with wingers during a game. He doesn't have the stamina to last more than 60-70 minutes a game. He is not a great passer and will rarely cross. He is not a leader and goes missing in big games. He can hit the occasional screamer though.
I'd be very concerned if your scouting team picks Dybala as a Ronaldo replacement.

The only reason why we're even linked with him is because he's available on a free. Under normal circumstances, we would not go after him, so not sure why we should go after him now rather than getting a proper forward?
Ok so if that’s the case why don’t we then wait and see if Rashford and Martial will transform

We've been waiting for these two to transform for 8 seasons now under 4 different managers. At some point enough is enough. At a better club like City, Bayern, or Madrid both these players would've been shipped off for alternatives 4 years ago. This club is way too sentimental when it comes to players and needing to take the pragmatic option when they still have value. Why do you think we're constantly stuck with deadwood because no other clubs want them?

Besides even if they do good next season an extension will warrant a salary bump and with their track record, that bump will certainly be undeserved. It's best to get rid of them next season.
I don't get all this anger towards him. We need a striker. He is there for "free".
Our solutions are;
1) go without striker in season and pray that Rashford and Martial can do it
2) transfer money from Antony to new striker (but who when even decent strikers like Jesus cost 60 mil)
3) find a cheap gem (yeah, right :rolleyes: )
4) sign Dybala

Dybala sounds good in these terms
We’re only going in for him if Ronaldo leaves. Don’t get why everyone’s moaning about him wanting ridiculous wages… no one complains when it’s Ronaldo that’s getting them and dybala won’t get nowhere near as much as ronaldo. Unsure wether ten Hag would want him but I think he’d be a perfect fit for a ten Hag team, he’s technically very good. Think this has the owners written all over it.. free transfer which saves them money on a replacement for ronaldo, he’s a big name aswell which will boost the shirt sales up. Good thing with dybala is though he can rotate during games, can drop deep, can go out wide… my problem would be, dybala doesn’t play striker anymore or as much does he? Doesn’t he play AM or RW at Juve? He’s not really a goal scoring striker that we’ll need if Ronaldo leaves to replace his goals.
I doubt we're even in for him, probably agent trying to get him a move and throwing United in the mix. If we are I wouldn't mind, sure his stock has fallen massively but he's still talented and available on free. Saying that, we could do a lot better and isn't he a primarily a number 10 who can play wide too. We have enough of that kind of players.
We don’t have many options if Ronaldo leaves. Who is the next best alternative for the striker position for which we will not need to splash half of our budget?

All the alternatives have already been moved this transfer window.

At this stage, Dybala would be the obvious choice. Free (save for wages and signing bonus), still under 30 and with loads of experience in top flight football.

If it doesn’t work we should be able to move him next season.
I doubt we're even in for him, probably agent trying to get him a move and throwing United in the mix. If we are I wouldn't mind, sure his stock has fallen massively but he's still talented and available on free. Saying that, we could do a lot better and isn't he a primarily a number 10 who can play wide too. We have enough of that kind of players.

We don’t have many options if Ronaldo leaves. Who is the next best alternative for the striker position for which we will not need to splash half of our budget?

All the alternatives have already been moved this transfer window.

At this stage, Dybala would be the obvious choice. Free (save for wages and signing bonus), still under 30 and with loads of experience in top flight football.

If it doesn’t work we should be able to move him next season.

He'll be after a big contract, in all likelihood his last big one. So moving him on if he fails (which I think there is a big chance of, given his recent record) might not be so easy.

Still, if we lose Ronaldo too (having already lost Cavani and Greenwood) it might not be such a terrible idea. And if Ten Hag wants him, get him - provided the wage demands are not insane.
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If it doesn’t work we should be able to move him next season.

Move on next season to who if he fails? He has decent stock this year but the only big clubs that have shown serious interest in him as a free agent are us and Inter. If he does come it's important he succeeds or else he most likely won't leave his last big contract behind.
Seen him hanging out with Pogba while away on holidays on his IG.

Stay away, Pogba in his ear telling him play couple of matchs here and there and train when you feel like it and still get 300k + on wages. Easy life.
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I'm actually shocked that there are so many people who tune in to Juve over the last few years to determine what a bad player Dybala is.

Anyway, I've not actually seen anything of him for a few years, so I cant comment to be honest, but I said this when Ten Hag came in. If Ten Hag feels a player is actually someone he wants, then I will back him 100% on it. Same with players he doesn't want. If he feels a player doesn't fit the system, even if it was Sancho, Fernandes etc, I'd back the sale.

Ten Hag is the first manager we've taken who seems to be on his way up in the managerial scene, so I want to believe him and the choices he makes.

If it's a club signing that he hasn't authorized, then I wouldn't want him
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