Play on the Pitch

Big Andy

Oct 23, 2003
Anyone ever done one of these?

My stepson did one yesterday at Stoke City and it was really good. I know they do adult versions, anyone ever done them?

There were, predictably at U13 age group, plenty of horrible little scrotes knocking about thinking they were the dogs bollocks, and one group of kids had "ultras" in the stands with a banner and chants and their manager did that cringey Jurgen Klopp fist pump thing to the stands after each game. it's under 13's mate, nobody gives a feck. I was fecking buzzing when they got knocked out early doors.

Was a fecking horrible day mind as I was up the night before throwing up and shitting liquid, so was a dicey journey there, and I broke my number one cardinal rule of going to any football ground "DON'T UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GO FOR A SHIT" but thankfully as it was mainly kids and parents, it wasn't too bad toilet wise which was lucky as I needed to go a lot.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
I've played on the Wembley replica pitch they have at St George's Park.

It was absolutely feckin' massive.