Protest at Old Trafford

Sadly, we've been de-sensitized to another level here.
I’d gladly take the Proud Boys ‘patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man’ initiation to the typical police violence we see over here on the fringes of a mass event.

What’s on that video is rather tame.
What had the guy who they were punching actually done? Or was just being there enough for you to be ok with it?
Not sure but about 15 seconds, something flies to the right?

Could be his or policeman's but gets picked up by policeman punching him (who then gets rid of cameraman).

could be some form of weapon and punching hand holding it but completely guessing.
Ah that’s a good point. We stayed overnight under Fergie didn’t we? Not sure about Ole.

Yeah I don't think they'd bother staying overnight for a home game. But not sure.

We're all scrabbling around hoping it can somehow still be tomorrow, against odds as time goes on.

I suspect that Bet365 is a massive red herring and either some sort of software issue, or default, so if a game doesn't take place it defaults to 3pm the next day!

Although 3pm would be interesting, as there are 2 other games staggered at 6 and 8.15 so could fit in.

But you wouldn't think 3pm would stop fans turning up en masse.
Sad, isn't it?

As a Manc who has family living near where the violence occurred, I'm glad you weren't. The less people breaking the law and causing chaos near them, the better.

I am against all forms of violence. When large groups get together, some will always cross the line. It’s not good and it will hurt the main message of the peaceful protest. That said; is it possible to gather so many people in a peaceful protest and not have idiots crossing the line?
Weird stance to take. We should be proud to live in a country where we feel the need to have relatively little security and don’t need armed police everywhere. Even more enlightened countries have even less need for it.
What "stance" is that then?

what was I thinking when I posted that? What was I thinking about security , police, etc. Tell me, please
No I'm saying that I can't see the point of Riddit deleting it once it's viral. Once it's out there, it's out there but yeah there is no harm posting it from different sources so that we are sure it stays available. :)
Ah right, yeah. It seems the mods of some subreddits can be a bit funny with deleting stuff they don't like, so who knows what will happen there tbh!
Look at how Sky Sports has framed the reaction to the Super League compared to this.
Of course there are a minority of opportunistic thugs at this protest but to be honest every large protest has them, what I will say though is props to the real fans there at the protest who came in their numbers today and straight up set the bar as a fan base protesting against owners using clubs as their own play toy/cash cow, it's time for other fans in the same situation to step up now.
Yeah I don't think they'd bother staying overnight for a home game. But not sure.

We're all scrabbling around hoping it can somehow still be tomorrow, against odds as time goes on.

I suspect that Bet365 is a massive red herring and either some sort of software issue, or default, so if a game doesn't take place it defaults to 3pm the next day!

Although 3pm would be interesting, as there are 2 other games staggered at 6 and 8.15 so could fit in.

But you wouldn't think 3pm would stop fans turning up en masse.
They’re always walking in with rolling suitcases & dop kits, they stay overnight, it seems.

They typically have meetings in the AM before they get on the bus.
I am against all forms of violence. When large groups get together, some will always cross the line. It’s not good and it will hurt the main message of the peaceful protest. That said; is it possible to gather so many people in a peaceful protest and not have idiots crossing the line?

It's possible. Unfortunately, when people are angry enough to get out and protest these incidents happen more often than not.

The authorities who ignore people and allow anger to fester have to bear some responsibility for the protests which follow.
Look at how Sky Sports has framed the reaction to the Super League compared to this.
They should be careful other wise they could easily be next in line to feel the wrath of football fans who are fresh of feeling both empowered and angry over the super league fiasco
Sad, isn't it?

As a Manc who has family living near where the violence occurred, I'm glad you weren't. The less people breaking the law and causing chaos near them, the better.

I think that's half the problem on the Caf these days. Very few people from the area who can relate to what is actually going on. Instead they post quite inflammatory stuff from their bedrooms whilst trying to get one up people.

Kind of sad really.
Weird stance to take. We should be proud to live in a country where we feel the need to have relatively little security and don’t need armed police everywhere. Even more enlightened countries have even less need for it.
The red-haired girl on the video. Is she falf naked to see the lads she's proper red then pay her but if that abomination of a pink-cream colour to match her looks the get her a fine for bringi g the morale down.
They should be careful other wise they could easily be next in line to feel the wrath of football fans who are fresh of feeling both empowered and angry over the super league fiasco
Sky sports shit the bed over the ESL as it had the potential to ruin their entire project. These current demos effect the premierleague brand so all their fan sympathies go out of the window.
The most worrying thing about the cops punching that guy on the floor was the way the photographer was pushed so far away.
Anyone who is taking the moral high ground against these protests don't care about your fans feeling against the owners, they couldn't care less whether the Glazers owned you or didn't. It's good to see them show their a*se about it. You've been protesting the owners for a decade on and off, peaceful protest has led you nowhere. Anyone with any bit of investment in fans actually having some ownership over the game is on the side of youse.

Fair play to your boys. I'm fully behind you lot. Wish Liverpool fans had a bit of this about them at the moment.


As Neville said, FSG have tried 4 times to do something that goes against the historical ethos of your club.
It is the biggest news story on the 10pm show today on the BBC.
Gotta say Carragher has gone up in my estimation after what he has been saying on Sky today. They're absolutely bang on, there's akways going to be done dicks going too far, but that shouldn't take away from the original message of the protest.
Could the remaining home games be moved to a neutral venue now with the worry of more protests?
Good for him he managed to stay anonymous.
I seen an account on twitter before claiming this is the same guy that slashed that officer's face and he apparently threatened a kid for wearing a United shirt. There's a video doing the rounds of him trying to kick door in too.
It is a good thing to let their feelings known but what I fear, we will be punished for that and I read somewhere there could be points deduction as a punishment. The protest had gone overboard and too disruptive.
I am against all forms of violence. When large groups get together, some will always cross the line. It’s not good and it will hurt the main message of the peaceful protest. That said; is it possible to gather so many people in a peaceful protest and not have idiots crossing the line?
Yes and there are lots of examples of it.