Qatar WC | Fans and Atmosphere Watch

It may seem like the World Cup is a PR disaster from the perspective of the UK and Northern Europe more generally, but in Eastern Europe and Southern Europe the reporting will be very different (even in France, check out what Macron has been saying). That's before you move to South America, Africa, Asia - the assumption that they share our concerns re workers or gay rights is extremely naive.

It's highly likely that the World Cup in the end will project significant soft power as intended by Qatar. And in fact the beer incident and the armband farrago have shown how happy FIFA and the Qataris are to stick their middle finger up to Europe and the US. Much of the world will applaud it.

Well made points.

There's a temptation to think everyone shares the sensibilities of the urban North Atlantic.

The flip side of that is the number of people going to the World Cup, many of them from those places, show these issues aren't as important to a lot of people as social media may make us think.

In places where these issues are not even highly topical, the stadiums, the infrastructure, the atmosphere are likely to be the big takeaways. Qatar proving it can put on events that compare or outstrip the Abu Dhabi grand Prix or Dubai's NYE celebrations.

We can debate the rights or wrongs but Qatar is on the map because of this World Cup, in a way it wasn't before.
None of of the moaning here will progress anything!
In case you hadn't noticed this is a thread about fans and atmosphere with lots of nonsense posted not human rights

You say it's not a shock that most people in Qatar are enjoying the WC but it's certainly a shock to many in this thread !

Ah this criticism is part of the wave that brings us to tipping points. Change and progress is rarely linear or even integrally logical. It's often a vague zeitgeist, and that being non ideological finds its voice in many ways.

Why does the criticism bother you so much?
Ye sad to see those empty seats in a high demand game that is actually sold out

Seen this at other sporting events where sponsor tickets go unused - it's a disgrace really
Wembley a perfect example of this ! Really screws up the atmosphere as well by having massive gaps in the stands.
It may seem like the World Cup is a PR disaster from the perspective of the UK and Northern Europe more generally, but in Eastern Europe and Southern Europe the reporting will be very different (even in France, check out what Macron has been saying). That's before you move to South America, Africa, Asia - the assumption that they share our concerns re workers or gay rights is extremely naive.

It's highly likely that the World Cup in the end will project significant soft power as intended by Qatar. And in fact the beer incident and the armband farrago have shown how happy FIFA and the Qataris are to stick their middle finger up to Europe and the US. Much of the world will applaud it.

So was the story that Qatar banned Jewish prayer fake? If not, how is there not even more outrage. Hard to dsicriminate more blatantly than this.

I was a bit skeptical when I heard that, it was reported initially in the Jerusalem Post which I wouldn’t really trust not to spin it in a certain way. But Middle East Eye which is regularly accused of being sympathetic to Qatar (and rumored to be directly funded by Qatar) is also reporting on it now -

Let’s see what the response from the Qatari authorities is.
I was a bit skeptical when I heard that, it was reported initially in the Jerusalem Post which I wouldn’t really trust not to spin it in a certain way. But Middle East Eye which is regularly accused of being sympathetic to Qatar (and rumored to be directly funded by Qatar) is also reporting on it now -

Let’s see what the response from the Qatari authorities is.
That's mad. I'd be genuinely flabbergasted if they banned kosher food.
Isn't kosher pretty much the same as halal?

I believe that while most if not all Kosher food would be considered Halal, the opposite is not true as there are more regulations concerning the production of Kosher food.
That's something I've been wondering about for some time now.

It's quite unusual. As I said in another post, I've been involved in protest and strikes for almost 3 decades now and I've seen lots of indifference but never this level of pushback and attempts to undermine or discredit.
It's quite unusual. As I said in another post, I've been involved in protest and strikes for almost 3 decades now and I've seen lots of indifference but never this level of pushback and attempts to undermine or discredit.
Anti-West sentiment is strong.
Ye sad to see those empty seats in a high demand game that is actually sold out

Seen this at other sporting events where sponsor tickets go unused - it's a disgrace really

It seems to get more obvious with every passing big event, too. It's just disgusting how many tickets are given to corporate wankers vs actual fans.
:lol: I wonder if this guy had any problems getting in to the stadium

Anti-West sentiment is strong.

But even that is only strong online, just like the worry about LGBT or migrant workers rights in Qatar (a bunch of famous people and journalists complaining about on Twitter and other social media mostly).

Social media is really a distortion from reality, cause not even 10% of people use it.
But even that is only strong online, just like the worry about LGBT or migrant workers rights in Qatar (a bunch of famous people and journalists complaining about on Twitter and other social media mostly).

Social media is really a distortion from reality, cause not even 5% of people use it.
Not sure I agree, many companies in the West seem to have toned down or avoided association with this World Cup.
Not sure I agree, many companies in the West seem to have toned down or avoided association with this World Cup.

It doesn't matter, most western countries will still do business with Qatar.

Qatar does businesses with most countries in the world, it's easier to name the countries they don't do businesses with.

No relevant western politician have said anything about Qatar, and they won't either.

Russia has been more cancelled than Qatar by western companies and politicians.
Ah this criticism is part of the wave that brings us to tipping points. Change and progress is rarely linear or even integrally logical. It's often a vague zeitgeist, and that being non ideological finds its voice in many ways.

Why does the criticism bother you so much?

I already told you why - because most of it is utter nonsense

And remember what this thread subject is, I'm not refering to anything apart from that here
I already told you why - because most of it is utter nonsense

And remember what this thread subject is, I'm not refering to anything apart from that here

You'll be a busy man opposing the nonsense on redcafe!

You are a constant voice in a few of the threads, and usually playing down opposition. And while the title of this thread does look like nonsense I don't think the overall fact that people have issues is, and even in this thread there are valid issues.

I'm in those threads too but because I feel very strongly about the issue.
It may seem like the World Cup is a PR disaster from the perspective of the UK and Northern Europe more generally, but in Eastern Europe and Southern Europe the reporting will be very different (even in France, check out what Macron has been saying). That's before you move to South America, Africa, Asia - the assumption that they share our concerns re workers or gay rights is extremely naive.
I read Spanish press primarily and the coverage about the World Cup is not particularly positive.

The mistake you are making is assuming that particular concerns (such as workers' rights or gay rights) are going to be more important to people than broader concerns (not liking Qatar and Middle Eastern culture in general).