Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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This is probably the biggest thing revealed so far, imo. It's the clique problem that destabilised Ole in the early season and ruined Rangnick in the late season.

I would guess that Pogba is the one who wanted 'enjoyment and fun'. And probably Ronaldo is the one who wanted formation work. They're easily the two biggest personalities in the squad, at any rate.

This probably explains why things went so badly after his signing. Not that I'm blaming Ronaldo. He'd be absolutely correct in wanting more structure to our training. But you can see why it would divide the dressing room and cause disharmony to spill over onto the pitch. For the rest of the players it would be like picking between mummy and daddy in a divorce.

Ronaldo probably wanted to work on structions/formations that would best enhance his outputs/goals. Ralf he would have to design formations where others would have to do the running/pressing for Ronaldo. That would be a fraction point for a lot of teams since they have to carry his physical load and yet Ronaldo gets all the glory. This would explain why ETH insist on making sure he has the last word on transfers. Ronaldo wasn't Ole's choice like DVB.
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Brexit didnt help Ralf either -- could only get 2nd choices of his staff.

Rangnick targeted a European coach tipped for great things but immigration rules again blocked the approach. United tried to convince the authorities of his credentials, compiling a 35-page dossier for the FA, but with no success.
Ronaldo probably wanted to work on structions/formations that would best enhance his outputs/goals. Ralf he would have to design formations where others would have to do the running/pressing for Ronaldo. That would be a fraction point for a lot of teams since they have to carry his physical load and yet Ronaldo gets all the glory. This would explain why ETH insist on making sure he has the last word on transfers. Ronaldo wasn't Ole's choice like DVB.

Literally not true. You guys need to stop peddling this myth.
The most worrying part of Rangnick failure was that he was identified and appointed under our so called new football structure everyone was raving about under Murtough.

This feels like deja vu under Ed. Basic mistakes by appointing someone who is better in DOF than a coach to be manager, not backing him with players required for the system, unsuitable manager for the players, and basically throw away a season in Nov due to mismanagement.

We should have done much better job in appointing interim manager. Rangnick has done worse than Ole. Is this the best solution our football structure could come up with? Spurs and Newcastle saved their season brilliantly. A club as big as us should have done much better than this.
Ronaldo was a vanity signing by Woodward.

I honestly don't know how some of you keep repeating this nonsense time and time again.

Ole wanted Ronaldo once he knew he was available.

This has been verified by numerous sources already. His coaching staff noted he likely wouldn't fit into the team's tactical ideals. He rejected those notions.

This has been covered numerous times.

There has never been a signing made that our managers didn't approve of or give a green light to.

It's just another way for you guys to absolve blame of Ole or the other managers that failed.
"Ronaldo wasn't in Ole's plans"

"Ronaldo was a vanity signing by Woodward"

Ole wanted him. I don't know why you guys refuse to believe it.

"When news filtered through on Thursday evening that, to Manchester United’s horror, Cristiano Ronaldo really had agreed to join Manchester City, manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer spoke with his inner circle and knew United had to act.

Solskjaer recognised that beyond the playing aspects for Pep Guardiola’s side across town, seeing Ronaldo pull on the blue shirt of City would have wider consequences for United. To allow a legendary United figure to turn out for their local rivals without a fight would damage the club in the eyes of current players, potential recruits, and supporters. Conversely, Solskjaer pictured the benefits re-signing Ronaldo could bring to his squad, one of the youngest in the Premier League, with his ultra-professionalism and elite pedigree.

Solskjaer placed a call to chief executive Ed Woodward with one aim — he wanted to know if United could do the deal instead. It was a quick conversation. Woodward agreed instantly and set about negotiating with Ronaldo’s Italian club, Juventus.

Solskjaer placed a call to chief executive Ed Woodward with one aim — he wanted to know if United could do the deal instead. It was a quick conversation. Woodward agreed instantly and set about negotiating with Ronaldo’s Italian club, Juventus."

Directly from the Athletic in August.
Milan fans are mocking Rangnick... He was supposed to be their coach in 2020 and there was an ugly back and forth between him, Maldini & Ibra. Rangnick questioned their project and now they've won the Serie A :lol:
The most worrying part of Rangnick failure was that he was identified and appointed under our so called new football structure everyone was raving about under Murtough.

This feels like deja vu under Ed. Basic mistakes by appointing someone who is better in DOF than a coach to be manager, not backing him with players required for the system, unsuitable manager for the players, and basically throw away a season in Nov due to mismanagement.

We should have done much better job in appointing interim manager. Rangnick has done worse than Ole. Is this the best solution our football structure could come up with? Spurs and Newcastle saved their season brilliantly. A club as big as us should have done much better than this.

Tbf the previous top management/board approach was very financially driven. Acehieve maximum shareholder value, protecting the player's book value etc. Thats all down to Woodward who probably thought the juggernaut that is United will win regardless and so he was focused on it being a financial success, ignoring the bloated/inefficient management structure on the footballing side.

With the new structure under Arnold, its a transitional approach. He will still have the financial success as critical but not at any costs since he is the new CEO, and one with a financial background.
The fact that he will allow footballing people like Murtogh to independently manage the footballing side of things; allowing for the streamlining of the current bloated structure -- and hopefully a more flexible and rational approach to the club's footballing needs will help.
I honestly don't know how some of you keep repeating this nonsense time and time again.

Ole wanted Ronaldo once he knew he was available.

This has been verified by numerous sources already. His coaching staff noted he likely wouldn't fit into the team's tactical ideals. He rejected those notions.

This has been covered numerous times.

There has never been a signing made that our managers didn't approve of or give a green light to.

It's just another way for you guys to absolve blame of Ole or the other managers that failed.

It was obvious to everyone that the primary need was a DM. So why did we get an aging striker who is less mobile than any of the current options?
Why do you think that ETH would only sign on with United if he was given the final say on transfers? Its clear it was something Rangnick had warned ETH about.
"Ronaldo wasn't in Ole's plans"

"Ronaldo was a vanity signing by Woodward"

Ole wanted him. I don't know why you guys refuse to believe it.

"When news filtered through on Thursday evening that, to Manchester United’s horror, Cristiano Ronaldo really had agreed to join Manchester City, manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer spoke with his inner circle and knew United had to act.

Solskjaer recognised that beyond the playing aspects for Pep Guardiola’s side across town, seeing Ronaldo pull on the blue shirt of City would have wider consequences for United. To allow a legendary United figure to turn out for their local rivals without a fight would damage the club in the eyes of current players, potential recruits, and supporters. Conversely, Solskjaer pictured the benefits re-signing Ronaldo could bring to his squad, one of the youngest in the Premier League, with his ultra-professionalism and elite pedigree.

Solskjaer placed a call to chief executive Ed Woodward with one aim — he wanted to know if United could do the deal instead. It was a quick conversation. Woodward agreed instantly and set about negotiating with Ronaldo’s Italian club, Juventus.

Solskjaer placed a call to chief executive Ed Woodward with one aim — he wanted to know if United could do the deal instead. It was a quick conversation. Woodward agreed instantly and set about negotiating with Ronaldo’s Italian club, Juventus."

Directly from the Athletic in August.
The Times also reported about Solskjaer ignoring the advice of his coaching staff to push ahead with signing Ronaldo. It was said that Solskjaer felt that Ronaldo's goals would make up for his deficiencies off the ball and pushed ahead with the signing.
As a manager i thought he was 0/10 or at Max 1/10, after reading Athletic article, have to make it to 3/10. Poor dressing room atmosphere with senior players close to Jose level of toxicity, poor coaches because he couldn't get the ones he wanted, relying on assistant who stays in different country. Yeah we had too many issues.
Starting Dalot ahead of wan Bissaka against Zaha must be one of the most stupid decisions made by a United coach since 2013 and there have been many . It’s literally the one type of player awb is suited to playing against. Zaha also said repeatedly that he hated facing him in training. Perfect opportunity to win a psychological battle and he picks that fecking idiot Dalot.

I don't think it was a tactical decision at all

AWB will leave the club this summer and (whether you like it or not), Dalot will most likely still be here.

The team selection today was Ralf signaling to Ten Hag who is still loyal and who we should bin. I don't think it's a coincidence he, Rashford(despite photographed being with the team but not in the team) and Henderson are being completely left out.
As a manager i thought he was 0/10 or at Max 1/10, after reading Athletic article, have to make it to 3/10. Poor dressing room atmosphere with senior players close to Jose level of toxicity, poor coaches because he couldn't get the ones he wanted, relying on assistant who stays in different country. Yeah we had too many issues.

You blame Woodward for that -- he allowed the footballing structure to grow organically rather than strategically. It because directionless and bloated. At least Murtogh and Arnold recognise it -- its a question of execution now.
You blame Woodward for that -- he allowed the footballing structure to grow organically rather than strategically. It because directionless and bloated. At least Murtogh and Arnold recognise it -- its a question of execution now.

Yeah I'm not blaming Rangnick for that. We are a terrible mess, looks like we just made up plans on the go.

Hopefully Murtough clears the mess, all the reports are positive with the work he is putting in.
We got worse under Rangnick than Ole.

No improvement in any department.

if this was the start of the season I’m quite sure we may have been relegated.
Yeah I'm not blaming Rangnick for that. We are a terrible mess, looks like we just made up plans on the go.

Hopefully Murtough clears the mess, all the reports are positive with the work he is putting in.

I think McClaren's role is underestimated. He will need to make sure that ETH can navigate through the snakes & ladders structure that is United.
Ralf's fault is that he had probably assumed that United was like his previous clubs, relatively small to medium size clubs -- and not the monster that is United and the layers of people he has to talk to get things done or the turf wars. He was only an interim manager -- not only the players perceive him differently but also the staff within United too. It was a no-win situation for Ralf. You knew he was beaten down when he started to slag off players in public.

ETH will find out soon enough -- the range of functions goes way beyond what he has experienced so far including Ajax. Thus the role of McClaren.
Not sure what relevance their league appearances have. They don't need to be on the pitch to be a bad influence and have a negative effect on the squad.
Of course influence isn’t simply 90 minutes on the pitch of a Saturday but at some point the players playing week-in week-out need to be held accountable for their performances instead of some perceived influence. I prefer to judge players for their on field performances rather than speculate, who’s to say Maguire isn’t a negative influence in the dressing room? When did another member of the squad compliment his captaincy/leadership? I just think it’s a sloppy slope when we start labelling players based on very little fact.
I think McClaren's role is underestimated. He will need to make sure that ETH can navigate through the snakes & ladders structure that is United.
Ralf's fault is that he had probably assumed that United was like his previous clubs, relatively small to medium size clubs -- and not the monster that is United and the layers of people he has to talk to get things done or the turf wars. He was only an interim manager -- not only the players perceive him differently but also the staff within United too. It was a no-win situation for Ralf. You knew he was beaten down when he started to slag off players in public.

ETH will find out soon enough -- the range of functions goes way beyond what he has experienced so far including Ajax. Thus the role of McClaren.

Hopefully he is worth the 2 year consultant role, as an interim coach he was a big failure.

Looks like ETH won't have as many problems, most players are leaving on free transfer or by request. Need to cut down as many players as possible. Can't have same players who achieved feck all run the dressing room like they are Giggs, Scholes who won everything there is to win.
I think McClaren's role is underestimated. He will need to make sure that ETH can navigate through the snakes & ladders structure that is United.
Ralf's fault is that he had probably assumed that United was like his previous clubs, relatively small to medium size clubs -- and not the monster that is United and the layers of people he has to talk to get things done.
ETH will find out soon enough -- the range of functions goes way beyond what he has experienced so far including Ajax. Thus the role of McClaren.
Makes zero sense. McClaren hasn't been around United since 2001. At the same time, RR had Fletcher for exactly the role you are describing. McClaren is not joining ETH to handle office politics. At most, he may help ETH to understand EPL, but McClaren has no idea about modern United stucture or politics. And, I know a wild idea but, he may also be joining as genuinely a coach to you know – coach.
Why did we even appoint this fraud? Seems like he only gets paid to call out the players. What exactly is his style? He is the worst manager ever in the history of the club, interim or not. End of the day, results speak for itself. He had us finish with our lowest points total and whenever we went into a big game, it was guaranteed we would lose. And this is coming from someone who thought Ole was our worst manager post SAF. Can't believe I'll find someone worse than Ole.
Hopefully he is worth the 2 year consultant role, as an interim coach he was a big failure.

Looks like ETH won't have as many problems, most players are leaving on free transfer or by request. Need to cut down as many players as possible. Can't have same players who achieved feck all run the dressing room like they are Giggs, Scholes who won everything there is to win.

My guess is that Ralf has burnt his bridges. His interviews, the results and the lack of progress within the squad would have diminished his cache and credibility. Then the fact that he is the Austrian NT manager will also be a nail in the coffin. He will probably attend meetings via zoom and give his 2 cents worth without knowing the context of the changes and the lay of the land within the organisation.
Plus has doesn't have any relationship with ETH will also be another factor.
He will be added onto the heap of wasted salaries within the United management structure.
Why did we even appoint this fraud? Seems like he only gets paid to call out the players. What exactly is his style? He is the worst manager ever in the history of the club, interim or not. End of the day, results speak for itself. He had us finish with our lowest points total and whenever we went into a big game, it was guaranteed we would lose. And this is coming from someone who thought Ole was our worst manager post SAF. Can't believe I'll find someone worse than Ole.

If you are judging on results, Ole will be looked upon kinder as time goes on -- when considering the snake pit or clusterfeck that is the United management structure, under Woodward. 3rd and 2nd place under those circumstances? Nobody else has managed to be in the CL in consecutive years in the Woodward regime -- which is the common denominator in the last 10 years.
My guess is that Ralf has burnt his bridges. His interviews, the results and the lack of progress within the squad would have diminished his cache and credibility. Then the fact that he is the Austrian NT manager will also be a nail in the coffin. He will probably attend meetings via zoom and give his 2 cents worth without knowing the context of the changes and the lay of the land within the organisation.
Plus has doesn't have any relationship with ETH will also be another factor.
He will be added onto the heap of wasted salaries within the United management structure.
Highly likely that all of those would happen. And depressing that the club still does that kind of thing under the new management. Well, hopefully, not much more.
Thank goodness, the nightmate over. Dont want him anywhere near coaching. This guy is not a big club manager and probably doesn't have the man management skills to handle superstar players.
Probably the worst manager post fergie. Maybe tied with moyes.
I think McClaren's role is underestimated. He will need to make sure that ETH can navigate through the snakes & ladders structure that is United.
Ralf's fault is that he had probably assumed that United was like his previous clubs, relatively small to medium size clubs -- and not the monster that is United and the layers of people he has to talk to get things done or the turf wars. He was only an interim manager -- not only the players perceive him differently but also the staff within United too. It was a no-win situation for Ralf. You knew he was beaten down when he started to slag off players in public.

ETH will find out soon enough -- the range of functions goes way beyond what he has experienced so far including Ajax. Thus the role of McClaren.
the conspiracy theorist in me got me thinking that maybe the board wanted United to failed so that any improvement by the next manager would qualify as a success and would keep the fans off their back for a season or two.
We would probably in the same league position with Ole, but something had to be done and the board didn't want to have another situation where the interim manager done remotely well and fans calling the interim manager to have the job full time. So crash and burn the current season with Ralf as the sacrificial lamb so United can start fresh and get the fans on their side.

Reminds me of the phrase "Vorsprung durch technik" which means "Even if you do well at a middle club it doesn't mean you will do as well at a huge club".
Far from a hater but Austrian FA need to be fired and jailed. It's especially lose-lose for everyone because we won't even have him in the capacity he's actually half decent at. I don't trust our execs after some disastrous contract renewals this season. Keeping Ed's legacy alive.
Tbf the previous top management/board approach was very financially driven. Acehieve maximum shareholder value, protecting the player's book value etc. Thats all down to Woodward who probably thought the juggernaut that is United will win regardless and so he was focused on it being a financial success, ignoring the bloated/inefficient management structure on the footballing side.

With the new structure under Arnold, its a transitional approach. He will still have the financial success as critical but not at any costs since he is the new CEO, and one with a financial background.
The fact that he will allow footballing people like Murtogh to independently manage the footballing side of things; allowing for the streamlining of the current bloated structure -- and hopefully a more flexible and rational approach to the club's footballing needs will help.

I'm praying hard that the current football structure won't make another major mistake on manager appointment. The appointment of Rangnick was a massive disaster. They can't afford to get the next manager appointment wrong in ETH. Hope they have proper plan to back the manager and implement major changes required at the club.
the conspiracy theorist in me got me thinking that maybe the board wanted United to failed so that any improvement by the next manager would qualify as a success and would keep the fans off their back for a season or two.
We would probably in the same league position with Ole, but something had to be done and the board didn't want to have another situation where the interim manager done remotely well and fans calling the interim manager to have the job full time. So crash and burn the current season with Ralf as the sacrificial lamb so United can start fresh and get the fans on their side.


Its still a business first club. Any failure would clearly affect United's share prices, profitability and the value of the club. So I doubt if they had hope for some failure due to the financial impact.
I'm praying hard that the current football structure won't make another major mistake on manager appointment. The appointment of Rangnick was a massive disaster. They can't afford to get the next manager appointment wrong in ETH. Hope they have proper plan to back the manager and implement major changes required at the club.

Personally, I think it was just symptomatic of the organisation structure. Why hire him and not support him or worse, undermine Ralf.

But Ralf probably didn't do his due diligence before signing on the dotted line with United and had not demanded certain things before joining.

If you think about it -- in the 10 years of the Woodward regime, we have had nearly as many managers as Chelsea and yet..... the consistency in positive results by Chelsea shames us. Its the organisational stricture of United is to blame.
It sets up all managers for failure -- accountability falls on the manager and not on the people behind.

But in any other organisation, the buck ultimately stops with Woodward. He may be some financial marketing wizard but clearly, he had no idea of how to run a football club --never mind re-structure one.
So, that's it? Rangnick's tenure as manager is nothing but disaster but are we not going to take advantage of things he knows best?

"Ronaldo wasn't in Ole's plans"

"Ronaldo was a vanity signing by Woodward"

Ole wanted him. I don't know why you guys refuse to believe it.

"When news filtered through on Thursday evening that, to Manchester United’s horror, Cristiano Ronaldo really had agreed to join Manchester City, manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer spoke with his inner circle and knew United had to act.

Solskjaer recognised that beyond the playing aspects for Pep Guardiola’s side across town, seeing Ronaldo pull on the blue shirt of City would have wider consequences for United. To allow a legendary United figure to turn out for their local rivals without a fight would damage the club in the eyes of current players, potential recruits, and supporters. Conversely, Solskjaer pictured the benefits re-signing Ronaldo could bring to his squad, one of the youngest in the Premier League, with his ultra-professionalism and elite pedigree.

Solskjaer placed a call to chief executive Ed Woodward with one aim — he wanted to know if United could do the deal instead. It was a quick conversation. Woodward agreed instantly and set about negotiating with Ronaldo’s Italian club, Juventus.

Solskjaer placed a call to chief executive Ed Woodward with one aim — he wanted to know if United could do the deal instead. It was a quick conversation. Woodward agreed instantly and set about negotiating with Ronaldo’s Italian club, Juventus."

Directly from the Athletic in August.

Ronaldo was SAF's signing. He couldnt bear watching his golden boy play for City.
Ultimately, a waste of his and everyone else's time. He was unable to make the necessary changes. Perhaps, he wasn't allow to implement his plan. I doubt he will do a van Gaal style interview, so we won't know what has happened within the club.
My concern when we appointed RR was that there wouldn’t be much of a role for him beyond the interim spell, which would make appointing him as manager pointless. Unfortunately that’s exactly what has happened and it was a very poor decision by all those involved and his interim spell has been a disaster.
Did Ole qualify when he took over from Jose? Or we played in the EL?
At least with Ralf, he has shown the rottenness at the club.
Don't think Rangnick ever got a real chance to turn things around.
In order to implement his style of football he needs the right players to press, he needs time, at least a preseason to drill the basics movements, and he needs a team willing to buy into his ideas.

None of the these prerequisites were given.

United didn't have the players to play Rangnick's preferred heavy metal football.
Many players weren't even in the shape to play high energy football and with the drive season ahead plus Corona causing havock there was absolutely no time to improve the fitness and lay the physical groundwork for an intensive pressing game.

Probably Rangnick tried nevertheless as he doesn't have a plan B. The players felt the strain and didn't buy into his approach. Knowing he will be gone end season didn't help of course.

Looking at the situation from the outside and in hindsight, Rangnick's appointment as a quick fix was a complete disaster. Wrong guy at the wrong place at the wrong time. No signings during the winter transfer window were the final nail in the coffin.

Rangnick isn't blameless, actually with his experience in squad building he should have known this won't work out and never have accepted the job in the first place.

If the board had ETH appointed in November under the same circumstances, I doubt he would have been able to achieve much better results.
Implementing a totally different style of play in mid of a demanding EPL season without any changes to the squad, is just not possible.
They were both under contract they didn't need to be convinced, if for whatever reason Ralf and the club allowed Carrick to leave ok fair enough. But after that McKenna should have been told he'd have to wait until the end of the season to leave if Rangnick was relying on him to assist him.

Which article?

The one which everyone is talking about, which I’d assumed your post was referring to.

It’s hard to say exactly, but I could take a few guesses. A lot of coaches will have agreements to say if they are offered a managerial role then the club will let them go. Rangnick may have underestimated his importance, or overestimated his own coaches and agreed to let him go. Finally, it doesn’t look great for prospective coaches if we block them from moving to a manager role.
I don't think it was a tactical decision at all

AWB will leave the club this summer and (whether you like it or not), Dalot will most likely still be here.

The team selection today was Ralf signaling to Ten Hag who is still loyal and who we should bin. I don't think it's a coincidence he, Rashford(despite photographed being with the team but not in the team) and Henderson are being completely left out.
The obvious hole with that thinking is that players like Cavani and Mata started….players with no future. The obvious answer is that Ralf prefers Dalot as he’s started him most of the time.
People dont want to admit it but losing Greenwood this season really damaged the initial plans for the season. We lost 10-15 goals at least and coupled with Rashford's dramatic loss of confidence and form, it really fecked us up.
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