Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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His tactics, his man management, his in game management, his training sessions, his indecisiveness, his game preparation… I mean, that’s pretty much every aspect of team management mate.

No one is saying the club isn’t a mess, the players aren’t responsible. We’re just saying Ralf is, objectively, the worst manager we’ve had in 50 years. There can be more than one factor behind this shitshow of a season. Personally, I think that we need to recognize that Ralf has quite a bit of responsibility for the way things played out.
I don’t think he’s worse than Ole
His tactics, his man management, his in game management, his training sessions, his indecisiveness, his game preparation… I mean, that’s pretty much every aspect of team management mate.

No one is saying the club isn’t a mess, the players aren’t responsible. We’re just saying Ralf is, objectively, the worst manager we’ve had in 50 years. There can be more than one factor behind this shitshow of a season. Personally, I think that we need to recognize that Ralf has quite a bit of responsibility for the way things played out.

Absolutely spot on.

It wasn't like he had no idea who the players are and there wasn't any footage of our games to diagnose what the issues were.

He thought he knew how to fix our problems which is how he was able persuade the board to give him the interim job ahead of the other candidates, he just failed spectacularly.
With Rangnick every position looked bad aside from DDG.

And it is!

Ralf's take no prisoner approach, exposed that, so now hopefully instead of the same old sh**e we've been getting all season, "we must do better", "got to improve", etc. we get a clear out and change of direction, no lingering 'lets play the old way', because the truth is most of this lot are not good enough to play the old way!

Don't forget these players were performing badly before Ralf came, he offered them advice on what to do and the general response was "Oooh we don't want that".
And it is!

Ralf's take no prisoner approach, exposed that, so now hopefully instead of the same old sh**e we've been getting all season, "we must do better", "got to improve", etc. we get a clear out and change of direction, no lingering 'lets play the old way', because the truth is most of this lot are not good enough to play the old way!

Don't forget these players were performing badly before Ralf came, he offered them advice on what to do and the general response was "Oooh we don't want that".

The only thing RR exposed is this: he is a bad manager.

That's the reason no other top team has ever hired him.
It is, for those facing relegation, an interim manager who is trying to save a team going down has to work with whatever he has, 'make the best of a bad job'. For other interim posts there maybe other issues. Ralf in my opinion was brought in to a) try to get a CL spot, b) change the methods of play, if he could do neither, then c) expose the rubbish, so it can be cleared out for the next man... and c) that's what he did!

I agree that he was brought into to achieve A, primarily. B, probably to an extent if he could. With regards to C, I doubt anyone at the club asked him to expose anything.
Well, statistically, Ole was far better. Ralf’s record is the worst in 50 years. It’s your opinion, and you are entitled to it, but it is not based on fact, it’s just a purely subjective opinion.
I don't believe it's right to take the stats at face value without weighting them against multiple contributing factors.
I don't believe it's right to take the stats at face value without weighting them against multiple contributing factors.

I'd largely agree but on the same token even the run of results that got Solskjaer sacked yielded a better win ratio than Ralf achieved over his 6 months in charge. Never mind the 24% win ratio since January we've endured.
The only thing RR exposed is this: he is a bad manager.

All interim managers are bad managers when things don't go as planned, even when they do go as planned its often other factors that determine any interim management success.

Interim managers quite often are 'set up to fail' they become the whipping boys for all the rubbish that went before, all the 'blind eyes' that wouldn't see the problems, all the dodging the column from their predecessors. Anyone who has ever taken on an Interim management role in any company that is struggling will tell you its akin to accepting a 'kamikaze mission' . Just make sure you get well paid and a bullet-proof vest!

Ralf is really a consultant, but he went into the 'Lions den' to see how many teeth it had... and he found out. I would love to read any dossier he presents ETH with, but doubt we shall ever get to see it!
I'd largely agree but on the same token even the run of results that got Solskjaer sacked yielded a better win ratio than Ralf achieved over his 6 months in charge. Never mind the 24% win ratio since January we've endured.
I also believe it’s right that only 3 clubs picked up more points since his arrival. The damage was done under Ole.
Following his recent appointment, there is a sense of scepticism about how big a role Rangnick will actually play at Old Trafford going forward. And when asked about his upcoming involvement in the first-team, Ten Hag didn't seem to have much of an idea either.

The Dutchman insisted that all final decisions would go through him and suggested that Rangnick is set to work with the club rather than with him directly. He said: "It's part of my analysis. I analyse by myself, I observe, I speak to a lot of people, but finally, I'll draw my own line. That is on the club [Rangnick's consultancy]."

All interim managers are bad managers when things don't go as planned, even when they do go as planned its often other factors that determine any interim management success.

Interim managers quite often are 'set up to fail' they become the whipping boys for all the rubbish that went before, all the 'blind eyes' that wouldn't see the problems, all the dodging the column from their predecessors. Anyone who has ever taken on an Interim management role in any company that is struggling will tell you its akin to accepting a 'kamikaze mission' . Just make sure you get well paid and a bullet-proof vest!

Ralf is really a consultant, but he went into the 'Lions den' to see how many teeth it had... and he found out. I would love to read any dossier he presents ETH with, but doubt we shall ever get to see it!

Ralf's confirmed there is no dossier nor did anyone at the club ask him to compile one. Ten Hag seems to be more focused on his own assessments.
Everyone here saying Ole assembled the squad, so he's worst. But if and when ETH makes us playing much better than Ralf with majority of the squad still playing, then will you guys reconsider that opinion? Just curious cause when Ole was here everyone was saying we'd be doing much better with this squad with a better manager and now Ralf has done worst than Ole, everyone seems to have changed their tune.
Ok, so talk about Ole again has been creeping into this thread so I might as well ask this question here that I asked (multiple times) in the other thread (Ralf vs Ole) and got no answers (which said a lot). So, why did your opinion change like that and what will your opinion be when the aforementioned condition occurs? (By everyone, I don't mean individuals, I mean the collective majority opinions at those times)
Ralf's confirmed there is no dossier nor did anyone at the club ask him to compile one.

Yes I'm sure, he wrote everything he wanted to make a note of on the back of his hand!

Of course he didn't and of course no one asked him to produce one.... because the press would demand to know whats in it and the next weeks throughout the summer the press would be droning on about whats in the 'Ralf Dossier', that's why I said we will never get to see it :rolleyes:
I don't believe it's right to take the stats at face value without weighting them against multiple contributing factors.
Clearly, you haven’t read the Athletic article or the ESPN article. I encourage you to do so. The mere fact that he couldn’t or didn’t have enough confidence in his own tactical knowledge to make in game adjustments and had to rely on someone who wasn’t there in person, well, that’s pretty damning. Nobody is saying Ralf is a bad person, we’re just saying he’s a terrible manager. The results, the performances, the man management (or lack thereof), the pre game preparation, the training sessions , the lack of dressing room control, I mean it all points a pretty bleak picture that we essentially had a woefully unprepared fellow running Manchester United. A more pessimistic viewpoint is that Ralf is a fraud (as a manager) and should never manage again.
Ok, so talk about Ole again has been creeping into this thread so I might as well ask this question here that I asked (multiple times) in the other thread (Ralf vs Ole) and got no answers (which said a lot). So, why did your opinion change like that and what will your opinion be when the aforementioned condition occurs? (By everyone, I don't mean individuals, I mean the collective majority opinions at those times)
Good luck getting a bite mate...
Clearly, you haven’t read the Athletic article or the ESPN article. I encourage you to do so. The mere fact that he couldn’t or didn’t have enough confidence in his own tactical knowledge to make in game adjustments and had to rely on someone who wasn’t there in person, well, that’s pretty damning. Nobody is saying Ralf is a bad person, we’re just saying he’s a terrible manager. The results, the performances, the man management (or lack thereof), the pre game preparation, the training sessions , the lack of dressing room control, I mean it all points a pretty bleak picture that we essentially had a woefully unprepared fellow running Manchester United. A more pessimistic viewpoint is that Ralf is a fraud (as a manager) and should never manage again.
I’ve read it. The ESPN article is absolute garbage and The Athletic article has probably come from Rangnick.
Things could be worse, imagine if he ended up in top 4, those who jerk on that shit, probably would say to give him summer, pre season and transfer window.
I have said it for 5 yrs… United‘a main problem has always been lack of athletic mobile players especially in central midfield. All our forwards and wingers lack physicality bar Ronaldo but he can’t run for long either.
Sir Alex started it and left us with kagawa type players and Moyes made problem worse with Mata and Fellaini and so on …
Yes I'm sure, he wrote everything he wanted to make a note of on the back of his hand!

Of course he didn't and of course no one asked him to produce one.... because the press would demand to know whats in it and the next weeks throughout the summer the press would be droning on about whats in the 'Ralf Dossier', that's why I said we will never get to see it :rolleyes:

Yeah so you're telling me when Ralf said: "It is completely false and completely untrue. The board has never asked me to prepare a dossier, not for the board and not for Erik.''. So what he really meant was yes of course I've compiled extensive records on all the players in a huge dossier that the club asked me to make and hand over to Ten Hag?

Yeah it seems like the type of politic answer Rangnick would give the press, as he's obviously well known for keeping his cards close to his chest and never giving the press a straight answer.
Yeah it seems like the type of politic answer Rangnick would give the press, as he's obviously well known for keeping his cards close to his chest and never giving the press a straight answer.


Everyone says they love his straightforwardness until it goes against their agenda and then all of a sudden he is just playing the media game.
I think Ralf would be an good manager for a mid table club, able to take an average squad of players and made look good without actually ever achieving much.

He is compleatly unable to cope with a good squad full of individual talent and ego's, his lack of charisma and man management really harmed him in his time here, especially in an interim posistion where the chance of drilling players into a clear tactical plan is nigh on impossible.

We needed someone with charisma and man management skills to pull the squad back together to rescue the season, instead we got an average tactician/coach with no charisma and the squad fell apart even more.

Its not his fault, its just yet another clueless decision by the board.
I’ve read it. The ESPN article is absolute garbage and The Athletic article has probably come from Rangnick.
So you’re ignoring the results, you’re ignoring the journalism, you’re ignoring the tactical feck ups and you’re ignoring the managerial statistics. That, my friend, is called delusion. Best of luck.
Looking back, it doesn't even seem as if he was bought to analyse the club or anything.

Seems it was cheaper to wipe the season off and that's what we did.
I’ve read it. The ESPN article is absolute garbage and The Athletic article has probably come from Rangnick.
The Athletic article most definitely hasn’t all come from Ragnick. Nobody at the club comes out of it looking good least of all him. It’s an incredibly in-depth piece likely triple sourced in each element it is saying by a very good United supporting journalist.
So you’re ignoring the results, you’re ignoring the journalism, you’re ignoring the tactical feck ups and you’re ignoring the managerial statistics. That, my friend, is called delusion. Best of luck.
Good luck with what exactly? :lol:

What are you talking about pal. We have a different opinion. Get over it.
Yeah so you're telling me when Ralf said: "It is completely false and completely untrue. The board has never asked me to prepare a dossier, not for the board and not for Erik.''. So what he really meant was yes of course I've compiled extensive records on all the players in a huge dossier that the club asked me to make and hand over to Ten Hag?

Yeah it seems like the type of politic answer Rangnick would give the press, as he's obviously well known for keeping his cards close to his chest and never giving the press a straight answer.
Maybe what Ralf said was true but they got his sidekick in Russia to write it instead.
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