Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Presumably the Russians also had inventory of every warhead and installation related to nuclear weapons in Ukraine, making it extra hard for them to hide anything, even excluding the possibility of leaks.
Yeah , they also had the capability for production, but probably every significant device involved there was catalogued.
Putin needs to realise he can't just steal peoples homes, and land, and kill people without any punishment from the UN/EU/Nato.

He's not Israel.
I think it is in response to Putin's claim that Ukraine has never been a proper country and has no history (I am paraphrasing). It is to show Putin was talking rubbish.
It’s kinda ironic that the US embassy posts this though :lol:
To be fair, I don’t think Putin is crazy enough to do that, it’s called ”mind game”.
He doesn’t stupid enough to destroy his country and people(especially in term of economics).
What’s this supposed to mean in today’s context and why is the US Embassy in Ukraine tweeting this?
Kiev and Kievan Rus is hundreds of years older than Moscow , Putin made it seem that Russia Is why Ukraine exists when there is an argument to make that its the other way around.
To be fair, I don’t think Putin is crazy enough to do that, it’s called ”mind game”.
He doesn’t stupid enough to destroy his country and people(especially in term of economics).
Do what exactly? Because if it is about invading Ukraine, he is already doing it at this very moment.
To be fair, I don’t think Putin is crazy enough to do that, it’s called ”mind game”.
He doesn’t stupid enough to destroy his country and people(especially in term of economics).
He is stupid and cruel enough to do it. US will impose very tough sanctions and this monster will not care much. He is a psychologically unstable loon.
To be fair, I don’t think Putin is crazy enough to do that, it’s called ”mind game”.
He doesn’t stupid enough to destroy his country and people(especially in term of economics).

The west simply cannot afford to have that mentality. They have to assume that he is willing to go all the way with this, and base their response on the absolute worst case scenario.
To be fair, I don’t think Putin is crazy enough to do that, it’s called ”mind game”.
He doesn’t stupid enough to destroy his country and people(especially in term of economics).

Putin is crazy enough to do anything. Even push the big red button on nukes.

Why do you think he was conducting missile tests recently? It's to show Ukraine that he has a big red button that works, and to show NATO that he has defences in place against their big red button.
The west simply cannot afford to have that mentality. They have to assume that he is willing to go all the way with this, and base their response on the absolute worst case scenario.
Absolutely. And so far it does seem that Putin is ready to go all the way. Not many took him seriously even he was mobilizing more than 100k soldiers close to Ukranian borders. His idiotic speech yesterday, remarks made by people from his circle clearly show that these vandals are full of hatred and cruelty. Had the west acted more severely during Georgia and Crimea events, the world would never be this close to a war in Europe. Now it is a bloody reality.
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The Dutch alt right is quite strongly in Russia's corner in this whole thing. Seeing as the alt right is a bit of a global cult, is it the same in other countries and if so, why? I just don't see the logic behind some of their beliefs.
Even weirder, the right tends to be pro-Russia even in ex-Warsaw Pact countries.
Even weirder, the right tends to be pro-Russia even in ex-Warsaw Pact countries.
My theory is that these people reject progressive values and fear that the EU will influence them to become more progressive. And they see Russia as the last bulwark of traditionalism and conservatism.