Saudi sports minister gives update on buying club from Glazers

To be fair i never said you did mate but you brought them up in your last post as many in these threads continually do, despite the UK government having little or no relevance to this discussion, which was my point. And no not everyone has a realistic choice of which country they live in, in fact very few do. Most people have family members Young and old to look after and they can't just up sticks and emigrate so while possible it's not practical for the majority. And even if they could which country could they move to that hasn't been or isn't currently involved in the same type of shady shit that the UK government has been over the years, very few i'd imagine. So it's a pointless discussion from the get go.

And just as everyone has the theoretical choice to leave the country of their birth, where they've lived all/most of their lives and leave behind all or most of their family/friends. Every football fan has the choice to stop supporting the football club they've supported most of their lives. Both would be very, very difficult decisions but both are possible for virtually everyone.

Finally it is of course your right to choose not to answer my question as to which person you would morally object to owning United. No problems there mate, have a nice day.

We all have choices. You have taken the choice to have the moral "high ground" by questioning other people being happy, or not, as for a SA take over. You did bring up the conversation about UK buying United. I talked living in a country which is accountable many human right acts and I still continue to live here, as it as not directly impacted me. I've been open and honest. So don't question whether I've answered your question or not.

Like I say, you may choose when to take the moral high ground, I don't. i "try" to be as little as hypocritical as possible. I'm not going to on one hand moan all about the atrocities that the SA have committed and why they shouldn't buy United and then on the other hand, live in the UK and contribute to other countries who have bad human rights affairs. Like I say, people like to pick and choose when to read the riot act.

And no, at this moment in time, morally I wouldn't object to an SA buyout. I love my club too much and at this time, I have no reason to not follow them under any other reigeme.
The amount of money that Manchester United spend is not the problem. You’ve spent just about as much as anyone since Ferguson retired. The problem is the players you’ve spent your money on.

The problem is the structure above the players. It's not befitting of a club like Manchester United.
I see Rory McIlroy has refused to play golf in Saudi Arabia because of moral issues.
I'm not saying we should take our moral standards from sports stars or celebrities (some of them are the biggest wasters you could imagine) but sometimes you have to make a stand.
I see Rory McIlroy has refused to play golf in Saudi Arabia because of moral issues.
I'm not saying we should take our moral standards from sports stars or celebrities (some of them are the biggest wasters you could imagine) but sometimes you have to make a stand.
Although he did admit to watching the boxing and quotes said it was partly due to the lack of atmosphere in SA that he decided not to play. These decisions are not simple binary decisions..
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I'm not sure why you're getting your knickers in a twist over this.

I don't know if there's a £4b offer on the table but I believe there could be some truth in what Knighton is saying and i've explained why. I also couldn't care less about what the stock is trading at because i'm not a gambler and never will be but thanks for the suggestion.

Money talks, bullshit walks, that is how life goes.
Exactly. If the Glazers are offered enough they will sell.
I think the Saudi minister said it. A takeover may happen sometime in the future, but nothing on the horizon for now. Maybe in a couple of years.
The problem is the structure above the players. It's not befitting of a club like Manchester United.

I agree with you regarding the current owners.

I have a hypothetical question, forgetting about the Saudis as owners for the purpose of this question, do you think that an owner who is a murderous thuggish de facto ruler who denies his own people of human rights, imprisons his own people for criticising authorities or advocating political and rights reforms, systematically discriminates against women and religious minorities, curtails academic research deemed sensitive, bans political parties, censors local media and executes homosexuals and people who were involved in anti-government protests when they were under 18 years old would be befitting of a club like Manchester United?
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I think the Saudi minister said it. A takeover may happen sometime in the future, but nothing on the horizon for now. Maybe in a couple of years.
You're probably right mate but it wouldn't surprise me either way.
Probably because the listed shares have no voting rights attached to them. Theyll always trade at a discount. It's quite likely that the shares that Glazers own maybe worth more.
Plus that they will be trading ex-dividend now. No dividends = not the most attractive investment. The NYSE price is not a very good way of valuing United. Look at the latest Forbes-valuation instead.
We all have choices. You have taken the choice to have the moral "high ground" by questioning other people being happy, or not, as for a SA take over. You did bring up the conversation about UK buying United. I talked living in a country which is accountable many human right acts and I still continue to live here, as it as not directly impacted me. I've been open and honest. So don't question whether I've answered your question or not.

Like I say, you may choose when to take the moral high ground, I don't. i "try" to be as little as hypocritical as possible. I'm not going to on one hand moan all about the atrocities that the SA have committed and why they shouldn't buy United and then on the other hand, live in the UK and contribute to other countries who have bad human rights affairs. Like I say, people like to pick and choose when to read the riot act.

And no, at this moment in time, morally I wouldn't object to an SA buyout. I love my club too much and at this time, I have no reason to not follow them under any other reigeme.

We got there in the end mate thanks, fair play to you at least you are honest that you could accept anyone owning the club.

And i'm not having a go i was genuinely just interested to see where your line was. As opposed to the types who seem to be desperate and/or happy for this takeover to happen I can understand and sympathize with the people who would/could rationalize and accept a Saudi takeover either initially or with time. It's possible i could be one of those people because as i said i don't know how i would react if it did actually happen, don't know if i could just stop supporting United after nearly 30 years.
I agree with you regarding the current owners.

I have a hypothetical question, forgetting about the Saudis as owners for the purpose of this question, do you think that an owner who is a murderous thuggish de facto ruler who denies his own people of human rights, imprisons his own people for criticising authorities or advocating political and rights reforms, systematically discriminates against women and religious minorities, curtails academic research deemed sensitive, bans political parties, censors local media and executes homosexuals and people who were involved in anti-government protests when they were under 18 years old would be befitting of a club like Manchester United?


Who do you believe should be owner of Manchester United? The fans is not an option, as your has to be realistic!
Plus that they will be trading ex-dividend now. No dividends = not the most attractive investment. The NYSE price is not a very good way of valuing United. Look at the latest Forbes-valuation instead.
Could you explain a little bit more about this? ManUtd wont pay dividends anymore in the future or what?
It was always dead.

Nonsense it's alive, it's alive! Time to feed the Saudi muppets again.

There's a Saudi Arabian sports page on Twitter with 140K followers that's claiming a takeover is going to be announced today at 4PM :lol:

TLDR; 0.000000001% chance the Saudis buy us today at 4PM. You're welcome.
Nonsense it's alive, it's alive! Time to feed the Saudi muppets again.

There's a Saudi Arabian sports page on Twitter with 140K followers that's claiming a takeover is going to be announced today at 4PM :lol:

TLDR; 0.000000001% chance the Saudis buy us today at 4PM. You're welcome.

What if this happens?
What if this happens?
I suspect it might cause some form of disagreement in this otherwise perfectly harmonious thread.

The dude that originally made the LinkedIn post about a takeover just tweeted again today about our share prices as well

what fecking trolls are this Saudi guys! who would have thought?
It is just a hype to gain personal popularity or may be this has a purpose to check the public opinion?
Nonsense it's alive, it's alive! Time to feed the Saudi muppets again.

There's a Saudi Arabian sports page on Twitter with 140K followers that's claiming a takeover is going to be announced today at 4PM :lol:

TLDR; 0.000000001% chance the Saudis buy us today at 4PM. You're welcome.

It's 4:15PM in the UK.
Was it announced?
Could you explain a little bit more about this? ManUtd wont pay dividends anymore in the future or what?

Dividends are paid out usually twice per year, on each share.
Let's say that John owns 10 shares on 01 June (an arbitrary date, it could be any date).
And on 01 June it goes ex dividend. This means that John, even if he sells on 02 June, will still get the dividends.
Conversely, if Jil buys shares on 02 June, because those shares are ex dividend, she won't receive the last dividend payment which John will receive. Jill will need to wait another 6 months or so, to receive a dividend payment.

So, in a nutshell, if you want to buy shares (with dividends in mind), buy them before they go ex dividend, otherwise you could be waiting more than 6 months before you receive a dividend payment from those shares.
Of course, if the shares are rising fast in value, it may be worth completely ignoring the xd status and just buying them, knowing that the shares will increase in price by more than the dividend, within a few days/weeks (I've seen this happen many times - shares go xd and the price continues to climb quickly).

I hope I've explained this properly.
Great explanation, thanks. So we are still wasting our money on dividends to these parasites as well as debt payments for their debt. Cnuts!
So basically its the same status as when the last 2-3 threads were closed, one new gossip followed by hundreds of comments about saudis and their ethics, then again another gossip.
Shockingly it hasn't. There's always next time, and the next time, and the next time! Until then the official Great Moral Debate thread will chug on no doubt.
Manchester United just exceeded (yesterday) its maximum 6-month trading volume on the NASDAQ by more than 100% (don't have enough likes to post links).
I see Rory McIlroy has refused to play golf in Saudi Arabia because of moral issues.
I'm not saying we should take our moral standards from sports stars or celebrities (some of them are the biggest wasters you could imagine) but sometimes you have to make a stand.

Good on him.

That this story refuses to die is no minor concern. The Glazer takeover began the same way, with slight murmurings in the press that no one took seriously.

Then it happened :(
It's 4:15PM in the UK.
Was it announced?

Yes it’s all gone through

Glazers get $3bn cash upfront and shares in Saudi Aramco.

The only catch is we have to give Phil Jones a 20 year contract
Manchester United just exceeded (yesterday) its maximum 6-month trading volume on the NASDAQ by more than 100% (don't have enough likes to post links).
What's the significance of this? Would a buyer not just target private shares first instead of public shares :wenger:
Dividends are paid out usually twice per year, on each share.
Let's say that John owns 10 shares on 01 June (an arbitrary date, it could be any date).
And on 01 June it goes ex dividend. This means that John, even if he sells on 02 June, will still get the dividends.
Conversely, if Jil buys shares on 02 June, because those shares are ex dividend, she won't receive the last dividend payment which John will receive. Jill will need to wait another 6 months or so, to receive a dividend payment.

So, in a nutshell, if you want to buy shares (with dividends in mind), buy them before they go ex dividend, otherwise you could be waiting more than 6 months before you receive a dividend payment from those shares.
Of course, if the shares are rising fast in value, it may be worth completely ignoring the xd status and just buying them, knowing that the shares will increase in price by more than the dividend, within a few days/weeks (I've seen this happen many times - shares go xd and the price continues to climb quickly).

I hope I've explained this properly.
This is essentially correct with the small correction that the last dividend being paid out by United will be on 6 January 2020, but to shareholders of record 2 December 2019. Its how it usually works. So its too late to buy shares today if you want part of the last dividend being paid in January.
I should correct myself as well, the AR actually states that the club was planning on continuing its dividend policy, the statement that it would be trading ex-dividend on 29 November came in the report for Q1 2020 (released on 18 November, make of that what you want).
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Great explanation, thanks. So we are still wasting our money on dividends to these parasites as well as debt payments for their debt. Cnuts!
No, there will be no more dividend payments (except the locked in one for January) until the club changes the dividend policy. See my reply above. The stock started trading ex-dividend on 29 November.
Here: its on page 4 in this report in black and white: Document/1q20-earnings-release.pdf
It will happen, The saudi minister did not reject the talks at all and said it might happen one day. This means that it is in their plans.
The saudi minister did not reject the talks at all and said it might happen one day.
The Saudis are on a major PR campaign and there is zero reason for the Minister to kill talk portraying the Saudis as potential saviours from the Glazers.

This means that it is in their plans.

It confirms nothing either way really.
Nonsense it's alive, it's alive! Time to feed the Saudi muppets again.

There's a Saudi Arabian sports page on Twitter with 140K followers that's claiming a takeover is going to be announced today at 4PM :lol:

TLDR; 0.000000001% chance the Saudis buy us today at 4PM. You're welcome.

The tweet is saying a offer has been made to the Glazers. It doesn't say the club has been sold.