Scottish Football 22-23

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Think Celtic are going to be offered 700 tickets for ibrox….

Was thinking about allthe Celtic fans moaning about ibrox being unsafe, whenever I’ve been to ibrox the only reason I’ve feltunsafe was because of the Celtic fans, it’s the same at every away game so why question ibrox? I would be happy and willing to go if wasn’t for the Celtic fans, they’ve got a cheek really have, Celtic accept tickets and the FANS reject them then, leave the corner empty, happy days a would go myself - means I would be able to see the game, use the seat I had paid for, get up and down stairs fine, sing about Celtic, not have to listen to songs about the ira, brits out now etc, happy days

The only reason why I stopped going to away games/Hampden, was because of the Celtic fans.
Think Celtic are going to be offered 700 tickets for ibrox….

Was thinking about allthe Celtic fans moaning about ibrox being unsafe, whenever I’ve been to ibrox the only reason I’ve feltunsafe was because of the Celtic fans, it’s the same at every away game so why question ibrox? I would be happy and willing to go if wasn’t for the Celtic fans, they’ve got a cheek really have, Celtic accept tickets and the FANS reject them then, leave the corner empty, happy days a would go myself - means I would be able to see the game, use the seat I had paid for, get up and down stairs fine, sing about Celtic, not have to listen to songs about the ira, brits out now etc, happy days

The only reason why I stopped going to away games/Hampden, was because of the Celtic fans.
You hate Celtic fans but you're happy to go to ibrox and listen to The Rangers wholesome songs. Bit strange
You hate Celtic fans but you're happy to go to ibrox and listen to The Rangers wholesome songs. Bit strange
I would be happy to go to ibrox and support my team in proper way, in support of Celtic not the ira, I dont support the ira,

Being honest I don’t really care what other fans sing or do, I care about what the Celtic fans are doing,

Went down to Newcastle for a pre season friendly a number of years ago now, once again the fans let us down badly, was shocking (sang Aidan McAnespie for most of 2nd half, God knows why they were singing about him must’ve have been a trialist for Celtic that night?),
Think we got scudded 5-1 or something, we headed back to witlay bay, went to this dancing,
couple of the boys still had their strips on, we where only in about half hour not causing any bother at all, this huge black guy came over bawling and shouting ‘you and your ira scum, this and that!’ I stopped him by saying ‘listen mate you’re a big black guy, we don’t automatically think because your a big black guy you must be a suicide bomber, so don’t come over to us thinking we’re scum’,
He paused for a second I was crapping myself because he was built like Mike Tyson, he walked away, ( phew), 10 minutes later he came back….,
‘Listen lads I’ve went away and thought about what I said, accused you of being and I was wrong and I apologise’, he turned to me and said ‘you were dead right about what you said, I’m the owner of this club, drinks are on me tonight as a good will gesture’ ,
He shook my hand , gave me £60, and the best of all it was a Thursday night, student night, so was £1 a drink, you Beauty!

so there are tarring me with same brush, (see above), it’s the ira nonsense causing most of the stuff to be thrown, 100% they’re would still be stuff thrown but be 100x less if we just went and sand Celtic and party stuff,

so my point it it’s the Celtic fans that’s causing it, be same with them at Celtic Park if they didn’t sing all the orange and anti catholic rubbish there would be less thrown etc but again no to bothered what they do or what happens to them.
As that old song that's played at Celtic park says "Let The People sing, their story's and their songs, the music of their native lands, their lullabies and battle crys".

Your story doesn't sound made up at all.

We sing and play the Lonesome Boatman, what does being a Boatman have to do with Celtic, we play the pogues over the tannoy, what does a fiesta have to do with beng a celtic fan? Can apply that logic to a lot of songs .

And singing about an Irish fella who was murdered by British soldiers during a celebration of those soldiers isn't letting us down,it's letting people know history,history a lot of Celtic fans were affected by. It might make it over patriotic people squirm but nothing in comparison to the actions that led to the song being composed.

And this "big black guy" who's definitely real was in the wrong not people singing songs. If songs enrage him with so much for him to confront randomers he's never ever seen before,he needs anger management
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As that old song that's played at Celtic park says "Let The People sing, their story's and their songs, the music of their native lands, their lullabies and battle crys".

Your story doesn't sound made up at all.

We sing and play the Lonesome Boatman, what does being a Boatman have to do with Celtic, we play the pogues over the tannoy, what does a fiesta have to do with beng a celtic fan? Can apply that logic to a lot of songs .

And singing about an Irish fella who was murdered by British soldiers during a celebration of those soldiers isn't letting us down,it's letting people know history,history a lot of Celtic fans were affected by. It might make it over patriotic people squirm but nothing in comparison to the actions that led to the song being composed.

And this "big black guy" who's definitely real was in the wrong not people singing songs. If songs enrage him with so much for him to confront randomers he's never ever seen before,he needs anger management
Tell me this why do Celtic not play the broad black brimmer or the Sam song over the tannoy at Celtic?

thats 100% true story,
what’s the lonesome boatman got to do with anything? Nothing wrong with that?

what position did Aidan McAnespie play for Celtic? It wasn’t Remembrance Sunday, was Newcastle for a pre season friendly.

anyway you are missing my point entirely - if the Celtic fans stopped sing that anti British rebel bile then the other fans would be less enticed to throw thing at us, not saying it would 100% stop but would be a lot less, that’s why they’re throwing same when the Celtic fans throw at them, if they stopped their bile it would less likely happen to them also, and thats Down to the fans
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Tell me this why do Celtic not play the broad black brimmer or the Sam song over the tannoy at Celtic?

thats 100% true story,
what’s the lonesome boatman got to do with anything? Nothing wrong with that?

what position did Aidan McAnespie play for Celtic?

anyway you are missing my point entirely - if the Celtic fans stopped sing that anti British rebel bile then the other fans would be less enticed to throw thing at us, not saying it would 100% stop but would be a lot less, that’s why they’re throwing same when the Celtic fans throw at them, if they stopped their bile it would less likely happen to them also, and thats Down to the fans
There's a post from Mayosnoun , I think, who says he was at a Morton match at Ibrox and got stuff thrown at him. Can't think of any morton songs that people could find offensive. It doesn't make a difference what's sang in regards to that. Eijits are going to chuck stuff regardless, happens all over. It's sad and pathetic.

They don't play some songs over the tannoy as some individuals have chosen a playlist. There are many things the businessmen and employees who run Celtic do that contradict what fans want, do , contradict what previous owners did etc. What the current , past and previous owners of Celtic do, want and talk about shouldn't be taken as gospel or the be all and end all of how the club should be.

The lonesome boatman is used as its a song from the culture and history of many of the Celtic fanbase (it has zero other link to the club).
The Fields of Athenry another song from the a similar footing (A rebel song, played over the Celtic tannoy, the horror, "against the famine and the crown").
Aiden McAnespie another song that many of the fans from a certain background grew listening to and singing, just like the lonesome boatman, sam song, broad black brimmer etc. Just like the songs The Rangers fans sing, which I also have no issue with and would never want them to be not allowed to sing. (Let The People Sing) .
Many of their songs like the Billy Boys , Follow Follow, Rule Britannia, GSTQ etc may be offensive to some, express Imperialistic attitudes to others, or outright sectarianism to most, but who am I or you to tell them they can't sing the songs of their culture and history?

Both sets of fans have deep and nuanced links, sympathies, grievances and feelings of community (siege mentality) towards their relative histories, is their reasons they are singing it beyond they just hate everything British or catholic, do they have genuine grievances?, Are there reasons they feel connected to certain groups, religions, ideologies , is some of it just people taking the piss out of rivals in football like you'd get in most other passionate countries. Let Them Sing without calling them all scum just because you either don't agree with their stance or you don't understand their stance and it's nuances or their experiences ,or because they stand up at a football match to have a bit of craic.
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As there doesn't appear to be a thread for 23-24, Hibs losing to Andorran giants Inter Club d'Escaldes.
I swear every season a Scottish team gets embarrassed by some part timers. Wasn't it Motherwell last season against Sligo Rovers? Hibs might have that beat.
Celtic 2-0 Ross county latest score .

Ross county could really be 0-3 up if they didn't waste their chances and carter vickers wasn't good at defending.

Turnbull got Celtics First with a penalty.
Kyogo got the second with a lovely finish from a low cross to the edge of the box/slightly inside).
Celtic absolutely dominating now though. :drool:

Kyogo's movement is insanely good, lethal in front of goal too.
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