Television Seinfeld

Yes, no soup for me.
About to start this - is this similar to some other US sitcoms that can do with skipping the first season?
About to start this - is this similar to some other US sitcoms that can do with skipping the first season?

It does take a bit of time to fine its place, but I wouldn't skip anything. Seeing it evole is nice, considering it's a classic and all.
Funniest American show along with Cheers in my humble opinion.
About to start this - is this similar to some other US sitcoms that can do with skipping the first season?
Yeah, you could easily skip the first two and come back to them later, should you like the rest. The quality really improves from the third season.

Loving the promo they've done for it.

Been watching the first 3 seasons since it came on Netflix. It really is such a great show. The writing is just something else.
I don't get it. I mean I don't find it bad, but I just don't understand the cult status. Also, Kramer, Elaine and George are great but Seinfeld is terribly unfunny and a really poor actor. Went through 2.5 seasons but just kinda stopped watching it, not sure if I'll ever get back to it.
I don't get it. I mean I don't find it bad, but I just don't understand the cult status. Also, Kramer, Elaine and George are great but Seinfeld is terribly unfunny and a really poor actor. Went through 2.5 seasons but just kinda stopped watching it, not sure if I'll ever get back to it.
If it was the first 2 seasons you’ll never really see why people love it. Only really starts hitting its stride in the 3rd season. The quality of the writing improves hugely.
I don't get it. I mean I don't find it bad, but I just don't understand the cult status. Also, Kramer, Elaine and George are great but Seinfeld is terribly unfunny and a really poor actor. Went through 2.5 seasons but just kinda stopped watching it, not sure if I'll ever get back to it.
Fecking finally. I've spend my entire life wondering how the entire world loves Jerry Seinfeld. He seems like a wildly unfunny, arrogant dickhead to me.
Fecking finally. I've spend my entire life wondering how the entire world loves Jerry Seinfeld. He seems like a wildly unfunny, arrogant dickhead to me.

Jerry is definitely all those things, he's unbearable in his 'comedians in cars getting coffee' show. Smarmy and arrogant. I find him tolerable in Seinfeld though, even though he is the least entertaining character in the show.
If it was the first 2 seasons you’ll never really see why people love it. Only really starts hitting its stride in the 3rd season. The quality of the writing improves hugely.
4th season really, when the budget improved a little. But the last two seasons are why they're immortal.
RE: The characters are awful... that's kinda the point.

The show is predicated on the idea that they're all horrible people who regularly get their compeuppance, especially Jerry, Elaine and George. It's a reflection of fast-paced IDGAF New York life that shows them at their absolute worst, emotionally absent and driven by self-centred motives. The humour derives from seeing them flounder through everything because they have no real interest in it or are blowharding their way through. We laugh at them, not with them.

It's cult show I suppose because nothing has come close to what it did in terms of having such a simple premise for its entire 9-season duration.

I like it :)
RE: The characters are awful... that's kinda the point.

The show is predicated on the idea that they're all horrible people who regularly get their compeuppance, especially Jerry, Elaine and George. It's a reflection of fast-paced IDGAF New York life that shows them at their absolute worst, emotionally absent and driven by self-centred motives. The humour derives from seeing them flounder through everything because they have no real interest in it or are blowharding their way through. We laugh at them, not with them.

It's cult show I suppose because nothing has come close to what it did in terms of having such a simple premise for its entire 9-season duration.

I like it :)
I do like the part we're they want to pitch their show and keep saying, it's a how about nothing.
That's a good episode. Newmanium, booking Christopher Cross, "little bit of Jerry for a lot of Elaine", and so on. The ending was perfect along with the snort sound.
So I've watched all of it. All seasons. I have to say, I think the last 2 were a bit hard to get through, they didn't have the same wit. But the middle ones were fantastic.
So I've watched all of it. All seasons. I have to say, I think the last 2 were a bit hard to get through, they didn't have the same wit. But the middle ones were fantastic.
The last two you can really see what Larry David brought to it. They get broad and surreal. I like them, but they are very different in tone. Some great episodes still, such as The Slicer.
So I've watched all of it. All seasons. I have to say, I think the last 2 were a bit hard to get through, they didn't have the same wit. But the middle ones were fantastic.

I think like most american comedy shows they go on too long.
Have been watching this for first time, currently approaching end of season 7. It’s ok. I don’t think it deserves the hype. Also not too sure what Kramer adds, feel like you could lose him and it wouldn’t make any difference. George is easily the best character.
Have been watching this for first time, currently approaching end of season 7. It’s ok. I don’t think it deserves the hype. Also not too sure what Kramer adds, feel like you could lose him and it wouldn’t make any difference. George is easily the best character.

I recommend Curb Your Enthusiasm if you haven't seen it. It's newer obviously, but I think it will stand the test of time much better than Seinfeld, which was very unique at the time but ultimately is a bit "cartoony".

And if you like George then I'm happy to tell you that the character basically is based on Larry David, who's the creator and main character of Curb.
George is the best TV character of all time. He's phenomenal. Absolutely love the show. Elaine is great, Jerry can't act but his lack of ability makes him even funnier. George's parents are incredibly funny too. Like the post above, Kramer can be good but isn't essential
I recommend Curb Your Enthusiasm if you haven't seen it. It's newer obviously, but I think it will stand the test of time much better than Seinfeld, which was very unique at the time but ultimately is a bit "cartoony".

And if you like George then I'm happy to tell you that the character basically is based on Larry David, who's the creator and main character of Curb.
Yeah I’ve watched most of curb (maybe missed last season or 2) and that’s why I thought I’d give this ago. Different levels. Curb is superb.
I only watched the first few series of Curb Your Enthusiasm, as I never really got into it too much. It seemed to rely a lot more on shouting and swearing than Seinfeld did, and I generally found most of the other characters more irritating than funny.

And, ironically, Jason Alexander played Larry David / George Costanza so well that Larry David (as himself) just feels a worse version as he's not as good an actor and lacks that twinkle / likeability that Jason Alexander somehow managed to bring out of George Costanza.

Seinfeld, I've always loved. I agree George is the best character. But I do also like Kramer a lot. Even though I'm not normally into physical humour / slapstick too much compared to verbal humour, I do think Kramer is incredibly funny with his mad antics.
I only watched the first few series of Curb Your Enthusiasm, as I never really got into it too much. It seemed to rely a lot more on shouting and swearing than Seinfeld did, and I generally found most of the other characters more irritating than funny.

And, ironically, Jason Alexander played Larry David / George Costanza so well that Larry David (as himself) just feels a worse version as he's not as good an actor and lacks that twinkle / likeability that Jason Alexander somehow managed to bring out of George Costanza.

Seinfeld, I've always loved. I agree George is the best character. But I do also like Kramer a lot. Even though I'm not normally into physical humour / slapstick too much compared to verbal humour, I do think Kramer is incredibly funny with his mad antics.

Curb takes a little while to get going

if I recall correctly I wasn't too it at the start, but the pay off is well worth it if you stick with it
Have been watching this for first time, currently approaching end of season 7. It’s ok. I don’t think it deserves the hype. Also not too sure what Kramer adds, feel like you could lose him and it wouldn’t make any difference. George is easily the best character.

Am like you. Watched the whole thing and simply don't understand how on earth it was so popular.

It's "Ok" and sort of background stuff when you're arguing on a forum on another screen.
Maybe it was brilliant at the time, but a quarter of a decade on it's not for me.
George is the best TV character of all time. He's phenomenal.
dah dahdah dah dahh dah

Believe it or not,
George isn't at home.
Please let a message at the beep.
I must be out,
Or I'd pick up the phone.
Where could I be?
Believe it or not,
I'm not hoooooome.

It still lives rent free in my head after all of these years.
I enjoy Seinfeld not even necessarily for its comedic moments but because the dialogue is just really good and often quite cynical.
Curb takes a little while to get going

if I recall correctly I wasn't too it at the start, but the pay off is well worth it if you stick with it
That's interesting. I may give it another go at some point. I did want to like it as I love Seinfeld so much, but everything about the early series that I watched just felt so inferior to Seinfeld in every way and so I gave up on it. I guess I should have learned from the first couple of series of Seinfeld that some shows need time to bed in!
dah dahdah dah dahh dah

Believe it or not,
George isn't at home.
Please let a message at the beep.
I must be out,
Or I'd pick up the phone.
Where could I be?
Believe it or not,
I'm not hoooooome.

It still lives rent free in my head after all of these years.
Hahahaha I've watched that about 1000 times