Solitary Confinement is Torture


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Imagine yourself locked in a 2x2 cells for 23 hours a day with nothing to read / do for prolonged period of time

It's practically torture, and they don't even reserve this for the top criminal but it's been widely used for minor infraction, even kids are being subjected to solitary confinement

I can't imagine being subjected to this kind of punishment I'd probably choose death sentences given the choice
I haven't watched the John Oliver piece but I agree and have thought so for a long time. The only time it's acceptable to me is if the person is literally a immediate danger to anyone unlucky enough to also be stuck there. But even then you can have people physically separate while still being able to communicate.

The idea that it does anything for society once the person is back out of prison is absurd to me.
I think that's the goal of the people who allow it.
Cells are fine, 2x2 is about what you deserve as a prisoner, but the lack of purpose and/or isolation will do no good.
No idea how this could possibly help with rehabilitation
I'm not sure if it's in this john oliver video or another video about this subject, I've watched it some time ago. But the bit where they just play the sound of the solitary confinement area for a few seconds is something that can compete with any horror movie. I can't imagine spending a night like that, let alone weeks, months or years. You simply can't come back from that normal in the head.
It's obviously a ridiculous overreaction for minor infractions, but you probably do need some kind of further punishment available for people who are already inside and have killed/raped/assaulted other inmates.

I'm not sure there's a perfectly humane way to deal with people like that, are any alternatives mentioned in the video?
It's obviously a ridiculous overreaction for minor infractions, but you probably do need some kind of further punishment available for people who are already inside and have killed/raped/assaulted other inmates.

I'm not sure there's a perfectly humane way to deal with people like that, are any alternatives mentioned in the video?
Cells are fine, 2x2 is about what you deserve as a prisoner, but the lack of purpose and/or isolation will do no good.
:lol: presumably crushed into a cube a stacked.

It's bad in most places but the US prisons system is medieval.
Imagine yourself locked in a 2x2 cells for 23 hours a day with nothing to read / do for prolonged period of time

It's practically torture, and they don't even reserve this for the top criminal but it's been widely used for minor infraction, even kids are being subjected to solitary confinement

I can't imagine being subjected to this kind of punishment I'd probably choose death sentences given the choice

About the same size of a very expensive NY City studio apartment.