Steven Bouquet (no relation) jailed for more than five years for stabbing 16 cats | Dead

He's got two stages of cancer so he most likely won't live out his full sentence. Unfortunately, one of the cats was my sisters, so I know far too much about it.

Glad they caught him before he could do any more damage, he was escalating his attacks before the Police finally tracked him down. The Police have been excellent with my sister and the other owners, full respect to them down in Brighton.
Read this earlier. What a piece of shit.

Couldn’t help but laugh at the bit where it says “Bouquet had denied the charges and told the police in an interview he was "no threat to animals" shortly followed by “CCTV captured Steven Bouquet stroking a cat before going on to stab it.”
Woah, I'm sorry.

It could have been much worse, the guy is clearly completely unstable and the area he hunted was right next to a primary school and he was getting braver attacking in daylight whereas at the start he was doing it at night. We're all just relieved the case was taken seriously, the law needs changing as currently pets are treated as property and as such the penalty for attacking them is actually very low. The difference in this case was the sheer scale of the attacks coupled with the vet bills and emotional damage to the owners. Thankfully the Judge was fecking awesome throughout.

Anyway, we're all glad we can finally put this behind us as it's been a long process.
Thank feck he's off the streets - mentalist.
He's got two stages of cancer so he most likely won't live out his full sentence. Unfortunately, one of the cats was my sisters, so I know far too much about it.

Glad they caught him before he could do any more damage, he was escalating his attacks before the Police finally tracked him down. The Police have been excellent with my sister and the other owners, full respect to them down in Brighton.
A similar story from Lancashire, although my cat thankfully wasn't killed, but similar in that the police were excellent here too.
This makes me disproportionately angry compared to your average scumbag news story. I find myself genuinely wishing for serious harm to befall this cnut.
He's got two stages of cancer so he most likely won't live out his full sentence. Unfortunately, one of the cats was my sisters, so I know far too much about it.

Glad they caught him before he could do any more damage, he was escalating his attacks before the Police finally tracked him down. The Police have been excellent with my sister and the other owners, full respect to them down in Brighton.
This is terrible :(
Cruelty to animals is a sickening thing.
He's clearly mentally unhinged, but he'll do well not to take a battering or 2 in jail, as it's sheer cowardice what he's done.
I think this is absolutely justified.

I'm not someone who lingers on regrets but one of the only ones I have is when I was 12 years old. Walking home from school along the river I saw a nut job in my year at school picking up ducklings and bashing their heads in, also stomping on others. I still feel ashamed that I didnt try and stop him. Fear held me back - he would absolutely have kicked the shit out of me. But it's no excuse. Years later, I heard he had a double figure prison sentence for convictions including GBH.
Going out on a limb here but perhaps he's not mentally sound?

The penchant to hurt another being is one of the most dominant fetishes in the world. The term BDSM and torture erotica has been prevalent over the net since forever.

Most people can differentiate between fantasy and probably out of fear for the law not acting upon it.

Just saying it's not as unique and isolated. A friend of mine tells me he loves to punish his dog and seems enjoying it.

Humans are wired in a weird ways internally.
The penchant to hurt another being is one of the most dominant fetishes in the world. The term BDSM and torture erotica has been prevalent over the net since forever.

Most people can differentiate between fantasy and probably out of fear for the law not acting upon it.

Just saying it's not as unique and isolated. A friend of mine tells me he loves to punish his dog and seems enjoying it.

Humans are wired in a weird ways internally.
Does your friend still have this dog ?
Does your friend still have this dog ?

Yes. He said that he normally loves his dog. But on the occasion it pisses him off he could roll out newspaper and give him a whack.

The punishment isnt as severe and sadist. But the strange part is the glee when he did that. He admitted that he found weird feelings of loving it.

His wife also tells us that he normally loves his dog and could go on all day playing with it.

Just saying that there's a dark corner in human in every one of us. We just learn not to indulge it.
It could have been much worse, the guy is clearly completely unstable and the area he hunted was right next to a primary school and he was getting braver attacking in daylight whereas at the start he was doing it at night. We're all just relieved the case was taken seriously, the law needs changing as currently pets are treated as property and as such the penalty for attacking them is actually very low. The difference in this case was the sheer scale of the attacks coupled with the vet bills and emotional damage to the owners. Thankfully the Judge was fecking awesome throughout.

Anyway, we're all glad we can finally put this behind us as it's been a long process.
Yep that is clearly bonkers, given they're sentient beings and loved family members.
Horrible your sister had to go through that, just glad they caught the fecker.
I like the way that the Guardian named the victims, rather than lumping them together as 'nine cats'.