Television The Apprentice 2019

Every time the contestants have to do an advert I find it nearly impossible to sit through, it's so cringe-worthy, what must be going through the minds of the people they're pitching to.
Every time the contestants have to do an advert I find it nearly impossible to sit through, it's so cringe-worthy, what must be going through the minds of the people they're pitching to.

They probably realise they only have had 24 hours to think of an advert and create it. I think I’ve only seen one decent one which was a hair product? Or shaving that the boys team did once.

Speaking of racism. That Lottie has been accused of making racial comments. From saying she’s never spoken to a black person before to telling Lubna to “shut up Ghandi”
Do people genuinely think Alan Sugar is out there picking people of colour for the show and then firing them first because of their race?
They probably realise they only have had 24 hours to think of an advert and create it. I think I’ve only seen one decent one which was a hair product? Or shaving that the boys team did once.

Speaking of racism. That Lottie has been accused of making racial comments. From saying she’s never spoken to a black person before to telling Lubna to “shut up Ghandi”

When was this??
Do people genuinely think Alan Sugar is out there picking people of colour for the show and then firing them first because of their race?

Not seriously I don't think - just think its a funny coincidence on the first 3 firings... especially as the one yesterday was absolute nonsense.
I don't know how these people, who are self proclaimed masters of business, can sit there in the boardroom with Sugar and say things like "I changed the colour from brown to gradient green" as a reason why they shouldn't be fired.

I swear there are tasks where most of them actually do nothing.
The fella that got fired deserved to go. Didn't do anything but moan.
That blonde girl leading the other team was incredibly lucky her team won else she was gone, 2 times she refused to have that guy who said he had past experience in the area either lead the team or pitch, surely as a team leader you best utilise the abilities of your team, however she very much came across as all us girls together, imagine if it was a guy doing that saying he only trusts the guys.... that woman who made up the story about the land being made of slime saved her. As soon as they said slime I thought they were onto something, I thought they were going to have it so the unicorn was hidden in a large ball of slime. I also before they said it saw the my little pony resemblance

Wonder what they would have done if both had 0 orders? I thought the shop may have ordered the turtles for their younger range and bent the rules sure it's happened before

I'd also have made Souleyman PM for the next task, I liked the packaging he had designed. Lottie could use a turn as PM too coming across a bit that she thinks the others are beneath her, which they may be but not really a team player, thought the team leader would go

Also where on earth did they find those children for the customer survey :lol: that girl who said oh you're stereotyping girls I was gobsmacked :lol: you can tell what schools are focusing on nowadays! He should have them as his candidates they had more awareness than some of the contestants :lol:

I so want Thomas and Ryan around for the interviews I think it will be brilliant TV
I'm amazed the producers didn't make Sir Alan call the girls' PM out on that line: "Sorry, I want a girl in charge of the sub-team".
I'm amazed the producers didn't make Sir Alan call the girls' PM out on that line: "Sorry, I want a girl in charge of the sub-team".
Pretty sure Karen advocates that kinda shit. Even last year there was a narrative from the girls that a girl must win at all costs.

The past 3 episodes have been nothing but cringe so far. This is shockingly cringey and a few times I've had to block my ears.
Even Successful's business schemes were better than Sugar's.
Thought the project manager should have gone. I’m sure he mentioned that this was his expert field when he put himself forward as PM. Was awful.

Both toys were terrible.

Funniest part of the show for me was when the kids seen both teams’ toys and gave their honest views on them. They seemed to come across more intelligent than the candidates :lol:

3 weeks in and I’m struggling to pick a candidate that looks even half decent so far and a potential winner.
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:lol:Lottie getting pissed that no-one is listening her staggeringly bad ideas.
Over a Million in sales, that's got to be a series record.
Da fuq was that bullshit at the end?

Was just about to come on and say the exact same thing. Very confusing and stupid

Thought it would be something a little more explosive than telling them what their next task is going to be
I thought he was gonna change his mind and sack someone else at the end :lol:
I also thought we were getting a surprise sacking most disappointed :lol:

How that blonde woman who was pulled into the board room (Marianne?) Is still there I dont know, she got lucky in that last week her team won or I think she would be gone
I thought he was going to the house to fire someone else :lol:.
He was probably dying for a piss and stopped by but thought 'feck it let me tell them their task' to blend it in after he saw the cameras rolling.
Also this is the most cringiest series I've seen so far. I'm sure the editors are new. Fair play.
Anyone else was convinced that despite being PM, losing by a country mile, having a major hissy fit and everyone in his hating him, no way would Thomas be fired by Alan Sugar?

The show should have had a change up at the top ages ago.
This show is like one of Alan Sugar's products.
Anyone else was convinced that despite being PM, losing by a country mile, having a major hissy fit and everyone in his hating him, no way would Thomas be fired by Alan Sugar?

The show should have had a change up at the top ages ago.
I kinda see what you mean but not everyone on his team hates him, infact the two on his team really liked him and stuck up for him and complimented him. Those on his subteam were clearly going to come across as hating to shift blame, they totally fecked that bike design up.
The team done well to sell more than one of them
I kinda see what you mean but not everyone on his team hates him, infact the two on his team really liked him and stuck up for him and complimented him. Those on his subteam were clearly going to come across as hating to shift blame, they totally fecked that bike design up.
The team done well to sell more than one of them

Which he wasn't a part of as he was trying to sell lycra. You would imagine as PM he would try and sell the big ticket items but he shied away from that.
Which he wasn't a part of as he was trying to sell lycra. You would imagine as PM he would try and sell the big ticket items but he shied away from that.
Yeah, true

Really, he should have been on the bike design team and bike selling team.
Yeah, true

Really, he should have been on the bike design team and bike selling team.

Yeah and PM's have been fired for shying away or making mistakes like that before. In any case my point wasn't that he should have been fired, more that given Sugar's history I never once thought he would be.
The woman who got fired this week absolutely deserved to go. She was useless in this task and hasn't really done anything in the previous tasks. There was also an admission from the woman herself saying that she didn't put everything into it. Clearly she had to go.
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Both bikes were awful. Incredible how Iasha's team managed to get a million pounds' worth of sales.

The right candidate was fired.
Yeah and PM's have been fired for shying away or making mistakes like that before. In any case my point wasn't that he should have been fired, more that given Sugar's history I never once thought he would be.

Sugar in ‘not sacking the big Tommy cockney geeza lad’ shocker...

Still, the girl that got sacked deserved to go. I genuinely can’t remember a single thing she did in any of the tasks.
Least Thomas makes decent tv compared to a lot of them so far. No idea what that girl has done up to now so deserved to go.
Has anyone seen last night's yet?

Board room funny comment:

Sir Alan saying Ryan Mark was like a weather cock swivelling in the wind made me die I think probably because the guy is so snooty and did his snooty expression in response but I nearly choked :lol::lol::lol:
Lottie Lion. Talk to me.

My mate thinks she's fit and showed me her Instagram. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
Lottie Lion. Talk to me.

My mate thinks she's fit and showed me her Instagram. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
How is she only 19? She goes prancing around like some kind of headmistress.

Favourite part of this episode was watching Ryan Mark complimenting that guy's pole :lol:
Lottie Lion. Talk to me.

My mate thinks she's fit and showed me her Instagram. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.

Apparently had a fling during filming with that Lewis Ellis. The guy who was project manager for the boys in week 1 and comically lost his s*** in the boardroom :lol: