The lies of Eleanor Williams

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
Came across this article the other day - found it quite interesting.

How Eleanor Williams’s lies about grooming and abuse unravelled

With one horrific viral post, a young woman set off a domino run that derailed lives, damaged community relations and created fear among the Asian community in Barrow

It was around the halfway mark in Eleanor Williams’s trial for perverting the course of justice when Mohammed Ramzan found himself at Preston crown court, waiting to give evidence.

A number of young women were there too, summonsed after Williams told police that they, like her, had been trafficked by an Asian grooming gang and made to have sex with men at “parties” across the north-west of England as well as abroad.

The girls asked which case he was involved in. “They didn’t know me, but I was supposed to be the evil ringleader, the man who groomed them all for sex and took them to Blackpool, Ibiza, Amsterdam,” said Ramzan, an entrepreneur from Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. Williams had named him as the kingpin of a European grooming ring, accused of starting a sexual “relationship” with her aged 12 or 13 and then pimping her out to friends and strangers.

One by one, the girls filed into the witness box to deny being one of Ramzan’s alleged victims. Some vaguely knew Williams from school. Others said they’d never met her. It was just one of many surreal moments in a three-and-a-half year ordeal which saw 43-year-old Ramzan become a pariah, spat at and called a “paedo” in the street.

Within 20 minutes of Williams making that fateful Facebook post, she was arrested by police for breaking her bail. What she had failed to mention was that eight weeks earlier she had been charged with multiple counts of perverting the course of justice after a two-and-a-half year police investigation into rape claims she had made against a series of men, all white except Ramzan.

All of these details could not be made public for fear of prejudicing Williams’s future trial, so detectives were unable to reveal the evidence they had against her, notably forensic analysis which suggested her injuries were self-inflicted with a hammer she had bought from Tesco.

Full article:

The girl quite clearly needs some psychiatric evaluation to determine whether jail time would be appropriate or not.
The girl quite clearly needs some psychiatric evaluation to determine whether jail time would be appropriate or not.
Yeah definitely seems like a pretty serious psychiatric issue.
Had seen a BBC article on it but they didn't mention her going to the lengths of creating the fake profiles and the other girls being brought into the court room.
Whole thing seems to have had awful effects for the people she falsely accused as well as the community as a whole. Will be difficult to recover from.
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Came across this article the other day - found it quite interesting.

How Eleanor Williams’s lies about grooming and abuse unravelled

With one horrific viral post, a young woman set off a domino run that derailed lives, damaged community relations and created fear among the Asian community in Barrow

Full article:

The girl quite clearly needs some psychiatric evaluation to determine whether jail time would be appropriate or not.
She sounds seriously disturbed, with the self-harm and lengths she went to creating false accounts etc...She's deliberately wrecked several people's lives and wasted years of police time though. Wouldn't be a surprise if she's locked up in Rampton or the like.
Reading what Mohammed Ramzan’s life was like during this ordeal Is incredibly tough. It really sounds like a living nightmare. It’s frustrating that often times in cases like these it can be hard to get the allegations taken seriously, yet here valid and legitimate concerns were buried during the process, further compounding Ramzan’s nightmare.

While I think she does need medical intervention, she’s also a danger to others, both alleged “perpetrators“ and victims through her lies, so I hope she’s never in a position where she can once again affect someone’s life like this
This is really wild.

Feel bad for the victim, he was pretty much run out of town and his life pretty much ruined.
We even had Tommy fecking Robinson come to the town to preach his hate filled rhetoric in a car park before leading a convoy through local towns and villages. I've never been as ashamed at my home town as that day.
She does, but she deserves some jail time considering the lives she pretty much ruined.

I definitely agree. With the 8 year sentence though she will be out and still be in her 20s most likely. Obviously people who are older can make false rape claims but she will still be in a prime age for dating and meeting more potential victims. Hopefully she is given good therapy that will make here less likely to reoffend (or not at all)etc.
Really mad case... also just goes to show how powerful social media can be.

If someone really wanted to, I think they could destroy literally anyone's life with the right tiktok/social media post... which ya know, is kinda scary.
Really mad case... also just goes to show how powerful social media can be.

If someone really wanted to, I think they could destroy literally anyone's life with the right tiktok/social media post... which ya know, is kinda scary.
Not many could do the hammer smashed face to themselves though.
She’s a deeply disturbed individual. I feel for the guy implicated in this. I unfortunately know a couple of people who have been falsely accused and life even after it’s all been cleared hasn’t been the same
She’s a deeply disturbed individual. I feel for the guy implicated in this. I unfortunately know a couple of people who have been falsely accused and life even after it’s all been cleared hasn’t been the same
I think there were 3 or 4 guys.

With one of them, members of his own family were sharing her post accusing him.

They must feel like complete tools.

Rape accusations are such a complex issue. You don't want to make victims feel like they can't speak out, and you want them to feel supported, on the other hand, the accusers hold such power over the accused, it's genuinely scary.

Not many sane women will damage themselves with a hammer, but I'm sure a good few scorned women could threaten to walk into a door and accuse a guy whose eye is starting to wander, or who simply isn't interested
I think the men involved in this will potentially need a lot of help, mental health support.

I was working in a school in the nineties were a kid had accused a fellow teacher of punching him. Basically a fight had kicked off in the corridor and the teacher had gone out to stop it. This one kid in the class tried to follow him out and was shouted at to get back inside and sit down.

The kid came in with parents supporting a black eye accusing the teacher of punching him in the face. Teacher denied this. Teacher was suspended pending investigation.

Kid told a friend he had punched himself as "payback" for being shouted at. His friend told his mum who then told the accusers mum.

Fair play to the parents they went in to school and explained the situation and were very apologetic and embarrassed.

The whole process lasted around 3 months. From accusation to truth coming out.

Kid got on with life after punishment but the teacher had gone into a downward spiral. Turning to alcohol. Didn't teach again and was on all sorts of meds etc and had become an alcoholic.

Some men accused in this case have attempted suicide, from what I heard on the radio. How do you come back from that mentally intact?
What a horrible horrible woman. She has been seen by doctors and that wasn't an excuse, but I always feel in these cases she should have got at least what the others would have got if convicted. She actively tried to ruin many people's lives, not those just accused but their families etc.

But also I know Tommy Robinson and his army of thugs went up there when they heard about this, but from what I've seen/heard, he was actually after his own digging on the men's side? I see a video of him talking to one of the Muslim men after it came out publicly that she lied and the guy accused was very warm to Tommy
Even worse than the damage she caused to those falsley accused is that it makes it harder for real victims to be believed. So not only an utter scumbag but also a traitor to her own sex.
I think there were 3 or 4 guys.

With one of them, members of his own family were sharing her post accusing him.

They must feel like complete tools.

Rape accusations are such a complex issue. You don't want to make victims feel like they can't speak out, and you want them to feel supported, on the other hand, the accusers hold such power over the accused, it's genuinely scary.

Not many sane women will damage themselves with a hammer, but I'm sure a good few scorned women could threaten to walk into a door and accuse a guy whose eye is starting to wander, or who simply isn't interested
Jesus, that's horrible- I'd heard some neighbours had 'Justice for Ellie' stickers on their windows, but the family piling in is terrible. Saying that, we'd all be damning if the family and neighbours had all disbelieved her at the time, given she was regarded as convincing and had those injuries.

The whole case is a sordid tale of misery, from the young woman fantasist inflicting serious injuries on herself to the guys whose lives have been ruined and families destroyed. The damage done to trust re genuine rape victims reporting crimes is a hugely serious consequence too.
She needs serious psychiatric testing before they let her out in four years because she seems completely unrepentant.
So her mum is a Labour councillor and is refusing to give £20k, raised by a charity, back?
Watch: The video evidence that helped convict Eleanor Williams - BBC News

A woman who went viral in 2020 after claiming in a Facebook post that she had been beaten and raped by a gang of Asian men is now serving eight and a half years in prison after police uncovered her web of lies going back years.
Eleanor Williams, 23, from Barrow-in-Furness was found guilty of perverting the course of justice over multiple false claims of rape and grooming.
The BBC has been given exclusive access to the police footage which shows the extent of Williams’ deceit.
Anna Collinson explains how they pieced together the truth.
You can see the full story of how Eleanor Williams was finally found out in “Liar: The Fake Grooming Scandal” on BBC Iplayer and BBC Three.

What a crazy deranged woman.
Yep. Focus on this. One isolated individual case of false accusations, one which isnt the tip of the iceberg of thousands of cases of racially directed pedophilia cases of abuse. What a demonstrative monster this woman is! How prevalent is the issue of false accusations by white women and girls against the South Asian muslim community! Let's totally NOT use this to blur another news story barely being covered about mass rape and abuse in Rochdale, one of many such across the country. Carry on...
"A teenage girl who died from a heroin injection, an aborted foetus taken by police without the mother's knowledge and another child made to act like a dog in a cage are just some of the horror stories brought about by Rochdale's grooming gangs."

Where's the thread outrage at the racial violence?

You're trying to narrative-lullaby yourselves back to dumb cnut sleep. Nothing story. Just carry on backing each other up.
Yep. Focus on this. One isolated individual case of false accusations, one which isnt the tip of the iceberg of thousands of cases of racially directed pedophilia cases of abuse. What a demonstrative monster this woman is! How prevalent is the issue of false accusations by white women and girls against the South Asian muslim community! Let's totally NOT use this to blur another news story barely being covered about mass rape and abuse in Rochdale, one of many such across the country. Carry on...

I mean it's perfectly understandable to talk about both things and I don't think it's blurring anything and not all of her victims were Asian. One is a case of an extremely disturbed individual who has ruined multiple lives and one is a systemic problem we seem to have in the UK of grooming gangs that need to be tackled down and dealt with because it's disgraceful the way they've been handled previously.