The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Real challenge to decide whether to post this here or the hypernormalisation thread...

Donny at the kiddie resolute...

i genuinely hope he's asked for this to be recreated at Mar-a-Lago and on inauguration day he tries to hold some kind of twitch stream just shouting about fraud. :lol:
It's very safe to say, without any doubt whatsoever, that this man is mentally unstable and beyond any help.
What's the context here?

Speaker 5: (28:17)
Mr. President, if the electoral college votes for Joe Biden on December the 14th, will you concede to Joe Biden?

Donald Trump: (28:26)
It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud.

Speaker 5: (28:31)
But will you?

Donald Trump: (28:32)
As to whether or not I can get this apparatus moving this quickly, because time isn’t on our side, everything else is on our side. Facts are on our side. This was a massive fraud. This should never take place in this country. We’re like a third world country. We have machines that nobody knows what the hell they’re looking at. You take a look at all the mistakes they made. Look at even Georgia. Look at all the mistakes they made, and all that was is a simple you press a button. Look at Georgia. All the votes they found just by going… And I said they shouldn’t even do it because it doesn’t mean anything. They’re doing a recount right now in Georgia that is meaningless.

Donald Trump: (29:09)
The only recount that matters in Georgia is to look at the signatures on the envelope, and you will find that those signatures do not match the people that were, many of them, hundreds of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands, and I only lost by 12,000 votes. I didn’t lose. I don’t even like to say I lose. I guess we’re 11,000 or 12,000 votes short. That’s out of millions and millions of votes. They just got it over the line. One of the things that happened, I did so well, and I was told this in two other states, that they didn’t know what to do. They panicked. Take a look at their drops at 3:00 and 3:42 in the morning on certain states. They did drops where you’re going along like this, and then you’ll have a spike that goes up to the ceiling at that. It’s disgraceful. We can’t let that happen.

Donald Trump: (29:56)
I will tell you, in Philadelphia, the Republicans, State House Republicans are very, very upset, and it’s appropriate because Philadelphia’s become very activist, if you look at what’s going on. They don’t want that to happen to Pennsylvania, to the state of Pennsylvania. I don’t even like to use… It was a rigged election.

Speaker 5: (30:19)
Sir, just to be clear, if the electoral college votes for Joe Biden, will you concede?

Donald Trump: (30:25)
If they do, they made a mistake, because this election was a fraud.

Speaker 5: (30:29)
But will you?

Donald Trump: (30:29)
Just saying, I said, this election was a fraud. They have Biden beating Obama, and Obama’s vote, in areas that mattered in terms of the election, in swing states, and yet he’s losing to Obama all over the place, but he’s beating Obama in swing states, which are the states that mattered for purposes of the election. No, I can’t say that at all.

Speaker 5: (30:53)
You won’t concede?

Donald Trump: (30:53)
I think it’s a possibility. They’re trying to… Look, between you people-

Speaker 5: (30:58)
[crosstalk 00:30:55].

Donald Trump: (30:58)
Don’t talk to me that way.

Speaker 5: (30:59)
Sorry, sir. [crosstalk 00:31:00].

Donald Trump: (31:00)
You’re just a lightweight. Don’t talk to me that way. I’m the President of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way.

Speaker 5: (31:06)
Sir, I’m just asking.

Donald Trump: (31:07)
All right, I’m going to go with another question. Go ahead.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Tweet of the year.

And because #DiaperDon was trending because of his picture at the Mini Resolute desk, Trump posted this...


And this

Twitter is a national security threat now because the Trends are mocking him :lol:

Priceless :lol:

Twitter is a national security threat now because the Trends are mocking him :lol:

Priceless :lol:

Wouldnt that mean twitter could be held responsible for any lies on their platform... I mean logically their lawyers would tell them to ban trump immediately based on his long history of disputed claims right?

Would be quite epic if he effectively banned himself from twitter

Oh wow, this is peak dictator shit now.

Biden will only be allowed to enter :lol:

I would absolutely love it (Keegan style) if Biden replied to this Tweet with.


And who the feck is going to stop me then?


Oh wow, this is peak dictator shit now.

Biden will only be allowed to enter :lol:

I would absolutely love it (Keegan style) if Biden replied to this Tweet with.


And who the feck is going to stop me then?


Yeah, that's not where the burden of proof lies.

Trump needs to prove to me that he isn't a pee loving wife beater who wants to feck his daughter.

Oh wow, this is peak dictator shit now.

Biden will only be allowed to enter :lol:

I would absolutely love it (Keegan style) if Biden replied to this Tweet with.


And who the feck is going to stop me then?


People mocked me a week ago where I posted something about the secret service not having a problem ejecting him as a trespasser.
"Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!"

This is the President of the USA. No President in history would ever have even thought about making public comments like this. Not many gossip columnists for trash mags would even write things like this.

He has degraded the office, degraded the USA and made it an international laughing stock to the nth degree.
"Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!"

This is the President of the USA. No President in history would ever have even thought about making public comments like this. Not many gossip columnists for trash mags would even write things like this.

He has degraded the office, degraded the USA and made it an international laughing stock to the nth degree.

Bro that tweet is from 2012. :wenger:
Makes little difference. I could dig out even worse tweets from the last four years.

I don't disagree with your original point but he made both of those tweets before he was president.

Should people have taken this stuff into account? Yes, definitely but the fact that they did not or did not care about his obvious character flaws shows just how much is wrong in the US.
He has degraded the office, degraded the USA and made it an international laughing stock to the nth degree.

That was as predictable as it gets. Historically I hope Trump will be a relative footnote, it will be the conditions that led to him becoming a possible candidate that will be interesting. The US did this to themselves, Trump was always going to be Trump, 2016 has to be the low point for politics in the US, both parties must do better.
Trump going full Attenborough
"And now we witness the giant orange humanoid cheeto; attempting to communicate by formulating what it thinks are words but failing miserably and ultimately uttering nothing but gibberish that even his own tribe are perplexed by. Its shriveled; mushroom-esque penis destined, yet again, for a fruitless mating season, unable to perform unless the daughter is present."
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