The Twitter Blacklist


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Been a while since we last properly updated this. I've removed the accounts that have been suspended/renamed/removed by Twitter and added the two twitter accounts that were posted in the Twitter thread today. If any of you have valid suggestions on accounts to add to the blacklist, post them here with reasons

360Sources (@360Sources)Fake ITK
Alistair Fergusson (@Fergie1975)Fake ITK
Ashraf Laidi (@alaidi)Fake ITK
Ben Fairthorne (@BFairthorne)Fake ITK
Daily Express (@DExpress_Sport)Posts any old rubbish
Daily Star (@DailyStar_Sport)Posts any old rubbish
Diario Gol (@diarioGOLcom)Posts any old rubbish
Diego Martinez (@DiegoMSport)Fake ITK
Don Balon (@DonBalon)Posts any old rubbish
Futbol de Inglaterra (@Mercado_Ingles)Dodgy aggregator site with suspect sourcing
Gregory Ioannidis (@LawTop20)Sports lawyer who decided to expand into being a fake ITK. Only worth listening to for info on rulings.
Henrique Alvero (@HenriqueAlvero)Fake ITK
Hesham Bilal-Hafiz (@hesham786)
Julien (@Julien_mgrt)
Kevin Palmer (@RealKevinPalmer)Posts any old rubbish
le10sport (@le10sport)Posts any old rubbish
Matt Davies (@mattdaviesmcr)Fake ITK
Metro (@Metro_Sport)Posts any old rubbish
Peter Harding (@PHardingSport)Fake ITK
Richard Marrow (@RichardMarrow)Fake ITK
The Sun (@TheSunFootball)Posts any old rubbish
Tim Pearson (@TimPearsonMedia)Fake ITK
Tom McDermott (@TomMcDermott)
Tommy Smyth (@TommySmythESPN)Does work for ESPN but ignore anything transfer related
Transfer Bible (@TransferBibIe)Fake ITK
UnitedReds (@UnitedRedscom)Dodgy aggregator site with suspect sourcing
utdreport (@utdreport)Don't link to original source and have previously exaggerated stuff
Vincent Rodriguez (@VRodriguezlaw)Fake ITK