The United Stand........."Big Announcement"

Hoof the ball

Full Member
Jan 16, 2008
San Antonio, Texas.
:lol: Feck. Thought he was leaving.

Fair play to the prat. Having live guests and live audiences (ala Top Gear) is a good business move for the channel.

Us getting thrashed every other week under Ole and Rangnick last season must have contributed to the budget for this new studio. Goldbridge's known for his rants after all.
What's the Caf's opinion on Goldbridge? Do we like him?

I heard of him a long time ago, but never had time to listen to him, but I've watched him a few times recently and he's pretty decent to listen to while doing other things.

Was he on the Caf or what?
What's the Caf's opinion on Goldbridge? Do we like him?

I heard of him a long time ago, but never had time to listen to him, but I've watched him a few times recently and he's pretty decent to listen to while doing other things.

Was he on the Caf or what?

beware, caf hates his guts
What's the Caf's opinion on Goldbridge? Do we like him?

I heard of him a long time ago, but never had time to listen to him, but I've watched him a few times recently and he's pretty decent to listen to while doing other things.

Was he on the Caf or what?

I watched bit of his stuff when Ragnick came in, at the start of that when he was talking about the whole reset thing, it made sense but, quickly lost any interest what he had to rant about.
I watched the interviews with Romano until I realised you don't actually learn anything and he has a sensible way of wording his opinion as though he knows something but I quickly realised I could have answered those questions in a similar format.
What's the Caf's opinion on Goldbridge? Do we like him?

I heard of him a long time ago, but never had time to listen to him, but I've watched him a few times recently and he's pretty decent to listen to while doing other things.

Was he on the Caf or what?

I know absolutely nothing about him whatsoever, except for the fact that the Caf fecking despises him.

I think @SadlerMUFC has a soft spot for him, though.
Definition of a parasite but he's good at it.

I watched a video of him a few months back where he was discussing the Glazer protests and he basically just kept saying over and over the fanbase needs to come together, we need to stop being divisive and toxic, if we come together we will get them out. The obvious insinuation was that he meant rival fan channels should come together. He teed that up for ages until eventually he read out a comment asking if he will collaborate with other fan channels and then his response was basically God no, we're bigger than all of them combined, they're irrelevant etc etc.

Then he said he was talking about things like forums and stuff like that when he meant he wanted to come together with the rest of the fanbase.

He's intentionally toxic but when your target audience is rival fans and United fans in their early teens then you'll clean up, and he does.

He seems like an alright guy in general, what he's doing isn't exactly killing anyone.
Think he’s done a blinding job and is very entertaining to watch. Good lad and hope he does very well.

Bitter old blokes can’t stand that he thought of it before they did but hey ho.

Definitely not a forest fan.
Much better than Paddock.
He can be entertaining at times but all in all, he's a net negative to the club in my opinion. While a lot of people just watch him for a laugh, he also has too much influence on the most toxic section of the online fan base. For example, I remember this last season:

In my opinion, without him driving an army of toxic online fans to demand Carrick and McKenna's heads immediately after Ole's sacking (#CarrickOut was trending on Twitter before even his first game in charge!), the likes of Scholes and Keane wouldn't have felt the need to overcompensate for their Ole bias by saying Carrick and co should be embarrassed for staying etc. And at least one of them could have stayed to help Rangnick rather leaving him with MLS coaches, which may have given us a few extra points last season.
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He's earned it - that's for sure. Love him or not, he has worked hard to grow his channel to what it is now. I find him vey entertaining and engaging as a presenter - although I don't always agree with him. During Covid when the footy stopped he was still putting out 3 shows a day - really helped fill the void. Well done to him.
I pay him no mind, so can't say if he's decent or not. I'm not going to say I'm better looking than him, but I am hehe!
I know this seems weird coming from someone who spends a stupid amount of time on this place but I’m always amazed that anyone would waste even a few minutes listening to some randomer on YouTube shitting on and on about Manchester United. Complete mystery to me. And yes, I’m old but no, I don’t generally look down on YouTubers. Some of them produce great content. I could happily watch someone like Chris MD or those other two lads who were quality footballers (blanking on their name, something like Y2K?) kicking a ball around but watching someone talk bollox about football? Feck that.
Beth & especially Flex when he was with the channel was fairly watchable youtube content. At least some of it was done for kicks, or to get in paranormal argument with AFTV.
Should we create a kids section where the lads who likes this kind of stuff can hang out?
Should we create a kids section where the lads who likes this kind of stuff can hang out?

No pedophile or rape jokes before anyone thinks of posting any. Shouldn't have to say this but I know what some are like
I watch him when United lose because it's funny to laugh at him, he's AFTV basically.

I think his takes on United are absolutely terrible most of the time but he is very reasonable when talking about opposition teams (which is rare on here) and players which I can have some respect for because I hate dumb football tribalism.

I only have things like that (Stratford Paddock, Rory Jennings , RedMen etc etc ) on when I'm washing the dishes to pass time.

I don't really get influenced by any of them as they don't really say anything groundbreaking or insightful.

There are however large sections of the (at least online) United fanbase who parrot Goldbridge every single day which I don't think is very helpful as he tends to be very agenda driven and negative.
He can be entertaining at time but all in all, he's a net negative to the club in my opinion. While a lot of people just watch him for a laugh, he also has too much influence on the most toxic section of the online fan base. For example, I remember this last season:

In my opinion, without him driving an army of toxic online fans to demand Carrick and McKenna's heads immediately after Ole's sacking (#CarrickOut was trending on Twitter before even his first game in charge!), the likes of Scholes and Keane wouldn't have felt to need to overcompensate for their Ole bias by saying Carrick and co should be embarrassed for staying etc. And at least one of them could have stayed to help Rangnick rather leaving him with MLS coaches, which may have given us a few extra points last season.

It's a fair point. I would say, however, that the positive he brings is that he's the most influential and far-reaching fan channel by far, of any club, and therefore his strong anti-Glazer views are extremely valuable.
No. He was an ex-copper who supported Nottingham Forest, who saw a gab in the market and ran with it.
One bitter prick made this claim years ago and now Goldbridge has to spend his life defending it. I wish people weren't so weak minded and could think for themselves.
He can be entertaining at time but all in all, he's a net negative to the club in my opinion. While a lot of people just watch him for a laugh, he also has too much influence on the most toxic section of the online fan base. For example, I remember this last season:

In my opinion, without him driving an army of toxic online fans to demand Carrick and McKenna's heads immediately after Ole's sacking (#CarrickOut was trending on Twitter before even his first game in charge!), the likes of Scholes and Keane wouldn't have felt to need to overcompensate for their Ole bias by saying Carrick and co should be embarrassed for staying etc. And at least one of them could have stayed to help Rangnick rather leaving him with MLS coaches, which may have given us a few extra points last season.

This. He is very negative towards the club and has his own agendas. He also loves and supports Ronaldo, I watched Ben Foster's youtube channel and I saw a clip of him singing Viva Ronaldo after Ronaldo's interview.

Re the coaches, us as football fans watching from far have 0 clue how good a coach is. McKenna was very highly rated coach, he wanted both gone, look at the job they are doing as manager now.
It's kind of like the Caf, in video form. It's just something nice to put on when you have nothing better to do.

People say he's toxic and stuff and post clips proving it but it doesn't paint the whole picture, he has various opinions, some you'll agree with and some you'll disagree with, just like your average person.

Him being a Forest fan is just one of those silly rumours people make up that lots of people end up believing, like the thing with Zaha and Moyes' daughter. He has pictures of himself as a kid in a United kit.
Do people genuinely believe that he's not a United fan and that it's 100% an act and a grift?

I'm as sceptical as anyone but this feels like a reach to me. I can certainly believe he supported Forest as a kid, but also United. That sort of thing is really common, team allegiances can be malleable until getting into teenage years. If there's evidence he was a rock solid Forest-only supporter until starting the United Stand then I'll stand corrected.
He can be entertaining at time but all in all, he's a net negative to the club in my opinion. While a lot of people just watch him for a laugh, he also has too much influence on the most toxic section of the online fan base. For example, I remember this last season:

In my opinion, without him driving an army of toxic online fans to demand Carrick and McKenna's heads immediately after Ole's sacking (#CarrickOut was trending on Twitter before even his first game in charge!), the likes of Scholes and Keane wouldn't have felt to need to overcompensate for their Ole bias by saying Carrick and co should be embarrassed for staying etc. And at least one of them could have stayed to help Rangnick rather leaving him with MLS coaches, which may have given us a few extra points last season.

I'm not sure if you noticed, but the state of the club has been pretty fecking negative for a decade. Do you expect him to celebrate all our trophies, celebrate signing the top players in the world, gush over our owners, praise our highly skilled managers like Ole, fanboy over Fred and McTominey. I'm not sure what positives you expect him to be talking about 3 hours a day, 7 days a week. He's been quite positive since we hired Ten Hag, even when his fans trash players like Maguire he'll criticize them, and then look for a positve in the player to turn the comment around.

I'm 99% certain that his biggest critics haven't spent more than 5 mins watching him. (not referring to you here, just in a general sense)
Do people genuinely believe that he's not a United fan and that it's 100% an act and a grift?

I'm as sceptical as anyone but this feels like a reach to me. I can certainly believe he supported Forest as a kid, but also United. That sort of thing is really common, team allegiances can be malleable until getting into teenage years. If there's evidence he was a rock solid Forest-only supporter until starting the United Stand then I'll stand corrected.

It is a complete grift, but the Forest stuff is probably as you say.
Do people genuinely believe that he's not a United fan and that it's 100% an act and a grift?

I'm as sceptical as anyone but this feels like a reach to me. I can certainly believe he supported Forest as a kid, but also United. That sort of thing is really common, team allegiances can be malleable until getting into teenage years. If there's evidence he was a rock solid Forest-only supporter until starting the United Stand then I'll stand corrected.
He wasn't a Forrest fan, but at the end of the day, who cares if he was? You English have too many rules to being a fan, you're either born a fan of a club, or you'll never be a proper one... that's not how life works. At the end of the day he's clearly a United fan now, he's clearly very knowledgeable about United, and he's clearly very knowledgeable about football.
Do people genuinely believe that he's not a United fan and that it's 100% an act and a grift?

I'm as sceptical as anyone but this feels like a reach to me. I can certainly believe he supported Forest as a kid, but also United. That sort of thing is really common, team allegiances can be malleable until getting into teenage years. If there's evidence he was a rock solid Forest-only supporter until starting the United Stand then I'll stand corrected.
He does say on a video of his, i forget where, that as a child he was Notts County i believe, as he is from the area
I know this seems weird coming from someone who spends a stupid amount of time on this place but I’m always amazed that anyone would waste even a few minutes listening to some randomer on YouTube shitting on and on about Manchester United. Complete mystery to me. And yes, I’m old but no, I don’t generally look down on YouTubers. Some of them produce great content. I could happily watch someone like Chris MD or those other two lads who were quality footballers (blanking on their name, something like Y2K?) kicking a ball around but watching someone talk bollox about football? Feck that.
F2 freestylers ? If it's them, they don't work together anymore
One bitter prick made this claim years ago and now Goldbridge has to spend his life defending it. I wish people weren't so weak minded and could think for themselves.
Its the truth. Mark Goldbridge isnt his real name. His name is Brent Di Cesare, a financial fraud investigator from Nottingham. Not hard to research that. In the MAGA/gift youtube era, this isnt uncommon.