Things about football that get you unreasonably annoyed…

When the referee allows the goalkeeper to waste as much time as they want. Or they book the keeper, but refuse to give them a second yellow when they continue to waste time.
The ref not blowing the whistle to end the match before a goal kick or a free kick when he knows he'll do it the second the player kicks the ball. Why?
The substituted player rule of exiting the pitch from where they are and fact it’s never really implemented
Oh and Harry Maguire rushing out of his position to tackle like a headless chicken.
People rating players based on their last month performance.
People rating players based on their "prime" - whatever that is.
People rating players based on their flair.
People rating players based on their memories filled with nostalgia.
Yankee scumbags running this once great club into the ground for last 17 years
How refs don't do anything about dissent or are extremely inconsistent with it.

Used to play rugby, so a ref just walking the penalty another 10 yards forward was a common thing and soon shuts players up.
How refs don't do anything about dissent or are extremely inconsistent with it.

Used to play rugby, so a ref just walking the penalty another 10 yards forward was a common thing and soon shuts players up.

Did that rule exist in football for a short period or have I completely imagined it?
During injury time when a team is waisting time and the ref signals to them that he’s going to add time only to blow the whistle at the very second injury time is over.
Players throwing their arms in the air after a player takes a shot or hits a defender in an attacking position, like it was so easy just to pass to them instead.
Players getting MOTM when all do nothing all game but pop up with a tap in
Entitled supporters of big clubs who demand success and turn hostile on the team they ‘support’ during rough times not realising that there are fans out there that live an entire lifetime supporting their club who will never see or never saw a single trophy being lifted.
Referees nowadays are getting so close to the play that they’re almost marking players or cut passing lanes. It seems like there always is at least one moment in every game when I’m yelling at the referee to move away from the play.
Obsessional keeping of the ball involving tonnes of passes sidewards and backwards, that inevitably ends with being pressured and passing it to the keeper, who just boots it down the pitch and most likely the team lose the ball.
Also known as Manchester United chasing a winning goal in the last 10 minutes.
Referees nowadays are getting so close to the play that they’re almost marking players or cut passing lanes. It seems like there always is at least one moment in every game when I’m yelling at the referee to move away from the play.

This does my fecking nut in... I swear sometimes in United games it's like they're doing it deliberately, or at least subconsciously so. Martin Atkinson is the absolutely worse for it, getting under everyone's feet like a doddering old man.
The general lack of physicality nowadays. The game has gone too soft, with every little thing being punished as if someone died. Even worse is that continuing to lower the bar for what constitutes a booking further encourages players to dive and flop around like fish in these situations, which means things might get even softer over time.

Also what happened to yellow cards for diving? Is it just me, or does it seem very rare nowadays?

And finally, social media apologies. Although I suppose this is our new normal. Such a joy.
The substituted player rule of exiting the pitch from where they are and fact it’s never really implemented
Oh and Harry Maguire rushing out of his position to tackle like a headless chicken.

This. That rule was introduced, and has just completely vanished, especially where smaller clubs are concerned. Some of our players have been forced to do it, but whenever teams are playing against us and holding on to a draw, they never have to do it.

Similarly today, one of their players got 'injured' 2 yards from the byline, but Stuart Atwell made them walk about 30 yards to the sideline before play could be restarted.

Time wasting in general is just godawful to watch. It's bizarre how the governing bodies seem to be dumbfounded as to how to stop it, yet this is the only sport with a clock that never stops for anything. The answer is literally right there.
Attacking players successfully cornering defenders and putting them under pressure. Defending player is struggling and has nowhere to go and you just think “don’t foul him or give him a reason to go down”…

…only for said attacker to immediately push him or stick a chest into his back to give away the easy foul.

Bonus points for this happening in the last 5 minutes when chasing a game.
Entitled supporters of big clubs who demand success and turn hostile on the team they ‘support’ during rough times not realising that there are fans out there that live an entire lifetime supporting their club who will never see or never saw a single trophy being lifted.

Well, that’s why these are big clubs. Success is expected.
I really can’t stand diving for penalties. Especially neymar, salah type dives are ridiculous and pathetic to see.

There should be a more smarter way to identify a dive when players get pushed in a normal physical battle.
"Shielding the ball out of play", where the defender sticks his arse out and them swings around the line of the ball to prevent an opponent getting at it.

It's not shielding or shepherding - it's obstruction and it should be penalised, not applauded.

Also defenders collapsing under the slightest touch and getting the freekick every single time. 99.0% of the time, it's for contact that would never, ever be deemed a foul if it was defender on attacker.
- The referee never being ready for a quick free-kick. Always whistles it back.
- Players standing inches in front of a ball to prevent a quick free-kick. Why is this never penalised?
- Players who successfully have their opponent backed into their own corner only to shove them in the back.
- commentators apologising for players swearing. Who gives a flying feck? Stop apologising !

- commentators saying “he could have had a serious injury” when the linesman doesn’t flag for an obvious offside and waits.
In the entire history of Var no player has got injured in this situation once, so stop fecking saying it.

- every other player doing the sign of the cross when they come on.

- pundits saying “oh I love Leeds they play the same way every game” . No they don’t, in fact they’re really shit a lot of the time. See today for example.

- pundits and commentators hyping about the atmosphere at the following grounds ‘Anfield’ ‘goodison park’ ‘st James park’ . There’s about 12 grounds in the league with a better atmosphere you stupid cnuts.

- pundits and commentators

- bt commentator Darren Fletcher being “fascinated” by everything. “It’s a fascinating match up”… “it’s a fascinating encounter”. You irritating cnut.

- the lower tier at Millwall always being empty. Why is it empty? Do Millwall not like money?
Having to subscribe to 3 different channels to watch matches. I can’t afford that and I gave my season ticket up years ago. I guess I’ll have to not watch then.
Free kicks and throw ins not being taken from the correct position, not talking a few inches but like 3+ft.
Stopping play for cramp.

No foul in the box if a player gets his shot off.

Goalkeeper in a cap.

Or worse, joggers.
This. That rule was introduced, and has just completely vanished, especially where smaller clubs are concerned. Some of our players have been forced to do it, but whenever teams are playing against us and holding on to a draw, they never have to do it.

Similarly today, one of their players got 'injured' 2 yards from the byline, but Stuart Atwell made them walk about 30 yards to the sideline before play could be restarted.

Time wasting in general is just godawful to watch. It's bizarre how the governing bodies seem to be dumbfounded as to how to stop it, yet this is the only sport with a clock that never stops for anything. The answer is literally right there.
Don't you have to rejoin play from the half way line when going off injured?
Different from what you're talking about with being subbed going off at nearest place.
Substitutions in stoppage time. Such a blatant time wasting tactic.

They completely kill the momentum of the game. The substituted player trudges off at the speed of a snail, often after deliberately moving further away from the bench so it takes even longer to get there, then the sub has to come on, get into position etc and the ref never adds the amount of lost time back on.

Should be banned. If you get an injury in stoppage time, then that's just bad luck.
Boring pundits who sound like they don’t want to be there. I hate when a really magic moment happens on the pitch and the commentator doesn’t even mention it or get excited about it.