Corruption. Porto. Benfica. The color red. The color blue. The estádio da luz. The estádio do ladrao or whatever imaginary creature.
I see you're taking it well

Corruption. Porto. Benfica. The color red. The color blue. The estádio da luz. The estádio do ladrao or whatever imaginary creature.
It's indoors! It'd soon get pretty nasty on the floor otherwise!
Corner comes in.
Defender headers the ball out.
Attacking team plays the ball (over two or three passes) all the way back to their own goalkeeper.
Same.Manchester United.
How refs don't do anything about dissent or are extremely inconsistent with it.
Used to play rugby, so a ref just walking the penalty another 10 yards forward was a common thing and soon shuts players up.
Manchester United.
The entire Manchester United squad 2014-2022
Pretty much everything related to United annoys me at the moment
This onePlayers refusing to take throw-ins, waiting for the full back to jog up the pitch. Infuriating when you can just quickly get the game going
Also known as Manchester United chasing a winning goal in the last 10 minutes.Obsessional keeping of the ball involving tonnes of passes sidewards and backwards, that inevitably ends with being pressured and passing it to the keeper, who just boots it down the pitch and most likely the team lose the ball.
Referees nowadays are getting so close to the play that they’re almost marking players or cut passing lanes. It seems like there always is at least one moment in every game when I’m yelling at the referee to move away from the play.
The substituted player rule of exiting the pitch from where they are and fact it’s never really implemented
Oh and Harry Maguire rushing out of his position to tackle like a headless chicken.
Entitled supporters of big clubs who demand success and turn hostile on the team they ‘support’ during rough times not realising that there are fans out there that live an entire lifetime supporting their club who will never see or never saw a single trophy being lifted.
I certainly can't remember it in my time, but you may be right.Did that rule exist in football for a short period or have I completely imagined it?
Don't you have to rejoin play from the half way line when going off injured?This. That rule was introduced, and has just completely vanished, especially where smaller clubs are concerned. Some of our players have been forced to do it, but whenever teams are playing against us and holding on to a draw, they never have to do it.
Similarly today, one of their players got 'injured' 2 yards from the byline, but Stuart Atwell made them walk about 30 yards to the sideline before play could be restarted.
Time wasting in general is just godawful to watch. It's bizarre how the governing bodies seem to be dumbfounded as to how to stop it, yet this is the only sport with a clock that never stops for anything. The answer is literally right there.