VAR and Refs | General Discussion

I thought it looked a definite pen in real time and Madueke’s tumble didn’t look easy to fake. Dalot also looked very guilty. I think slow-motion is deceiving us again.

First one was soft as hell.

Dalot looks guilty because the referee points at the spot and gives the penalty, so you instantly know you're fecked.
Those are never pens.

People in here keep saying « weak » when our players are literally being barged off the ball but any contact in our box and it’s a pen and our players are stupid.

We got fecked by the ref tonight and there’s no way around it
We don’t get either of those pens and if Chelsea were wining not a chance on earth they give 8 minutes added on. Couldn’t give a feck if RAWKish but this season we’ve been fecked over by bent cnuts officiating.
Those are never pens.

People in here keep saying « weak » when our players are literally being barged off the ball but any contact in our box and it’s a pen and our players are stupid.

We got fecked by the ref tonight and there’s no way around it

United player fouled “he needs to be stronger there”
United commit same foul “well when your running at that speed any contact will knock you over”

game after game after game
Even the ref knew that second penalty wasn’t a penalty and he still gave it. What a joke.
Then why didn't Dalot protest?

He dives, but there's contact.

Maybe simply because he knows the line for VAR / refs is insanely low? Little contact is not necessarily the same as a penalty. Madueke continues to run with the foot he clips, if you watch the slowmotion. Dalot's hand then hits Madueke's hip but with so little force that it can't warrant the jump Madueke does. It's an obvious dive to me when watching it in replay. If Madueke fell over the first time Dalot touched him, it would have been more warranted, but he continues to run normally with the leg that is touched.

It shouldn't be enough with just slight contact, if the contact doesn't really affect a player.
Guys, just stop. They're both obvious penalties. Call out the actual bullshit performances on the pitch.
That uuuuhhhh....that did not look like a foul. Very weird dynamic though. Madueke might be a world class diver
Just awful, a great match ruined again by bent refs. Fictional 8 mins and two soft pens with the ref blowing his whistle straight away.

All the effort, great goals scored, players knackered and it gets undone by continuous bent referring. I think the likes of Case can see from last season , it double hard work to see out our games agasint the refs that keep giving soft fouls and we have to be poleaxed. We even get 4 mins added on to the 8-9 if there's been no action from the opposition. Just so tiring and deflating for our players and manager to overcome.

Eriksen got badly injured by that thug who kept on wrapping his legs around our players, no protection until it's too late and he's out for months, never been the same since. Case setup by VAR getting banned as we caught up to City and Arsenal last season, took the wind right out of us and we're cooked now ever since.
We would have been screaming for the Ref if that wasn't given for us. It was stupid from Dalot and he knew it
Sheer cheating. Nobody will convince me otherwise. Where did 8 minutes come from.
It's a full dive. He feels the contact when Dalot stumbles and decides to dive on his second step afterwards. How on earth can people agree that's a pen? Ffs, it's a dive
Barely watch top flight football anymore and these decisions are a big reason why. The concept of VAR is great but their refusal to use it properly is killing the game.
Unwatchable, corrupt sport from financial fixing to refs.tnt having a good old post match giggle now and nobody wondering where 8 minutes came from or why we didn't get a single clear foul when keeping ball at about 94 mins. Said it before - its not a sport its just a show
In the history of the caf I reckon this is in the top ten worst arguments I've heard. He looked guilty so it's a penalty :wenger:

Have you seen footballers when they give away penalties? What's the first thing that always do?

I mean come on, it's a totally valid argument, coupled with the fact that there is a bit of contact. It's soft, but once it's given there's no way VAR is getting involved.

If that wasn't given for us everybody on here would be raging and you know it.
Every game it feels like we are refereed to a different standard. We aren't getting pens for either of those.
I am really questioning why I pay good money to watch football. The game is completely corrupt. Gillet had an obvious agenda to give United nothing. As well as the two dives which he gave as penalties, all the other decisions went Chelsea's way. Free kicks in the middle of the pitch, two obvious United corners not given. The 8 minutes added on because United were winning became 12:20. Ratcliffe seriously needs to call this out, as it has been utter and complete corruption all season.
The penalties were soft, very very soft. Also, I don't understand why they added 8 minutes of extra time.

Against Brentford they added something like 8 minutes as well. Mental.
Then why didn't Dalot protest?

He dives, but there's contact.

I can’t answer as to why Dalot didn’t protest more, but the replay is pretty fecking clear in terms of the lack of contact. Last time i checked, it‘s contact and not amount of protesting that means something.
If the ref didn't give it, VAR wouldn't have. It wasn't a stonewall penalty.

Same as the one first half though the second was a worse decision
Have you seen footballers when they give away penalties? What's the first thing that always do?

I mean come on, it's a totally valid argument, coupled with the fact that there is a bit of contact. It's soft, but once it's given there's no way VAR is getting involved.

It's giving a last minute penalty away. He's deflated. Plus players have been booked all season for arguing with the referee..

If you think touching a player on the thigh with the outside of your hand is enough contact for a penalty.. game is officially gone. feck this
It's one of the clearest dives you'll see.

If Dalot knocked him off balance, there'd be clear causation from contact into the fall.

There's a delay from the arm brushing his hip and an extra step taken before the theatrical simulated pirouette.

The delay is caused by the reaction time of the attacker feeling a slight contact and then processing the thought to dive.

It is such an easy distinction to make. It should be a simple task for competent officials with access to multiple camera angles and slow motion replays.