Television WandaVision

This sitcom can turn into another Sokovian war disaster drama as things speeding up now. Hopefully Pietro is still proper shit-stirrer, good for the show and probably will heat things up further.

Vision's still a bit riddle to me, his function so far is being stunned all the time. Yup... definitely stoked for more.
That was fantastic. I hated the first episodes, but damn, the next few have really taken it up a level in terms of suspense. Excellent story building so far.
Something that's really interesting to me about this all is why Wanda would create a world based out of US sitcoms when she grew up in Sokovia. Then my partner, who's Polish and grew up there during the 80s, said that they had all those shows too. She loved shows like Full House and got a lot of comfort from them. She wanted to live with the Tanners to get away from the world she was actually in :(
So Sword obviously ain't the benevalent group or leader. Yes vision wanted to remain dead but he also didn't want to be a weapon and what they were doing to his body sure didn't look like letting him rest in peace. Also the she they're referring to. Obviously Agnes not Wanda
Very intriguing series so far. Perhaps episodes 1-3 could have been truncated into two episodes but the end of episode 3 onwards has been fascinating. Episode 5 was fantastic.

It’s hard to work out where this is going. Wanda clearly isn’t the “big bad” and it’s questionable how in control of the situation Wanda actually is. The impression given in Episode 1 is that she has no more idea than Vision as to the background to what’s going on. It feels like she’s only really had full awareness since the incident at the end of Episode 3. Did she wipe her own memories or did someone else set the whole thing up?

The minor characters are also intriguing. The general premise is that most of them are being mind controlled - clearly the case with Norm. However, Agnes seems to have greater awareness that she’s playing a part (see end Episode 3 and the “shall I start my lines again?” section here) but she still seems afraid, rather than someone in control.

Can’t wait for next week!
I think Wanda is the "big bad" in this show. I think this is the whole setup for phase 5, the phase based around the multiverse. It's likely that her grief, her anger will result in countless tears in the fabric of the multiverse and thus throw everything into chaos for the proceeding movies.
Very intriguing series so far. Perhaps episodes 1-3 could have been truncated into two episodes but the end of episode 3 onwards has been fascinating. Episode 5 was fantastic.

It’s hard to work out where this is going. Wanda clearly isn’t the “big bad” and it’s questionable how in control of the situation Wanda actually is. The impression given in Episode 1 is that she has no more idea than Vision as to the background to what’s going on. It feels like she’s only really had full awareness since the incident at the end of Episode 3. Did she wipe her own memories or did someone else set the whole thing up?

The minor characters are also intriguing. The general premise is that most of them are being mind controlled - clearly the case with Norm. However, Agnes seems to have greater awareness that she’s playing a part (see end Episode 3 and the “shall I start my lines again?” section here) but she still seems afraid, rather than someone in control.

Can’t wait for next week!

I think Agnes is the chick who works for Mephisto in the comics.
Very intriguing series so far. Perhaps episodes 1-3 could have been truncated into two episodes but the end of episode 3 onwards has been fascinating. Episode 5 was fantastic.

It’s hard to work out where this is going. Wanda clearly isn’t the “big bad” and it’s questionable how in control of the situation Wanda actually is. The impression given in Episode 1 is that she has no more idea than Vision as to the background to what’s going on. It feels like she’s only really had full awareness since the incident at the end of Episode 3. Did she wipe her own memories or did someone else set the whole thing up?

The minor characters are also intriguing. The general premise is that most of them are being mind controlled - clearly the case with Norm. However, Agnes seems to have greater awareness that she’s playing a part (see end Episode 3 and the “shall I start my lines again?” section here) but she still seems afraid, rather than someone in control.

Can’t wait for next week!
This got me too. They played it a bit too slow the first 2 or 3 eps imo but it's full steam ahead now. Early instincts were that the show would have benefited from full release and being binged and I'd be interested to see if those who held that opinion at the start (including me) still hold it at the end.
This got me too. They played it a bit too slow the first 2 or 3 eps imo but it's full steam ahead now. Early instincts were that the show would have benefited from full release and being binged and I'd be interested to see if those who held that opinion at the start (including me) still hold it at the end.

I get the feeling I will. Especially ep1.
What's the deal with her brother showing up? Is he real? But Wanda was saying the person knocking on the door wasn't her doing?
I dont like Marvel movies.
Should I give this a try or is it the usual Marvel stuff?
I dont like Marvel movies.
Should I give this a try or is it the usual Marvel stuff?

If you don’t like the MCU movies, I really doubt you’d like this.
Mrs wanted to watch the first few episodes so I did. First two were rubbish in my opinion but makes sense now. The last two episodes have been pretty great and I’m really looking forward to the next one!
Is it?
The trailer made it look a bit different than the usual Marvel stuff. Guess I was wrong.
It is different, to some extent, but still doubtful you'll get anything out of it if you don't like the rest of the universe it's a part of. If you're a huge fan of I Love Lucy or Leave it to Beaver, maybe?
Is it?
The trailer made it look a bit different than the usual Marvel stuff. Guess I was wrong.
Apologies, may have been a bit harsh due to beer but honestly all Marvel stuff is pretty similar so if you don't like the movies it's unlikely you'll like this.
I think Wanda is the "big bad" in this show. I think this is the whole setup for phase 5, the phase based around the multiverse. It's likely that her grief, her anger will result in countless tears in the fabric of the multiverse and thus throw everything into chaos for the proceeding movies.
Disagree, I reckon the head of SWORD and someone unseen connected to Agnes.
Undoubtedly I'm sure that's true, but have you never persisted through something which initially you didn't care for only to late become enveloped by the quality of the writing of the show?
Nothing I can think off, at least not straight away. I’m sure there probably was. I might skip straight to episode 3 and start from there as that seems to be where people say it starts getting interesting
Nothing I can think off, at least not straight away. I’m sure there probably was. I might skip straight to episode 3 and start from there as that seems to be where people say it starts getting interesting

You can probably do that, tbf. Might be worth reading an episode summary of 1 & 2 on wikipedia just for shits and giggles.
I enjoyed the first two episodes but they weren't super crucial to the plot.
I dont like Marvel movies.
Should I give this a try or is it the usual Marvel stuff?

Nah, wouldnt be worth your while watching it. Ties in to the other Marvel films so you would be wasting your time.
I'll say the third episode is a good watch. First 2 episodes are skippable though. The recap at the start of episode 3 is more than enough.

Episodes 4 and 5 are the normal Marvel quality we're used to.
Is the twins thing a nod to her sisters?

The era in this episode must have been weird/hilarious for her.

Today I learned Elizabeth Olsen is a sister to the twins, and not merely one of them grown up. I always thought she had changed (reverted to) her name and wondered what happened to the other one.

I say wondered, but never enough to google it.
Thought episode 5 was okay. Same boring sitcom stuff, good to see some progression from Vision
Wow - I watched episode 5 yesterday, and was blown away at the reveal at the end.

Kevin Feige is truly a visionary when it comes to this stuff - a genius touch.

The acting has been superb, and you definitely get that same uncomfortable unnerving feeling a few times. When Agnes was asking Wanda about her lines, when Wanda looked at the guy in the beekeeper suit and said no.

Can't wait to see which way this goes. This show overall has been a breath of fresh air in the wider MCU (which felt a bit tired in the last Spiderman movie).
If anyone wants a really out there Marvel series experience, I'm currently getting around to watching the second season of Legion. It is mindblowing in a very different sense of the word.
Yea, I recently finished Mr. Robot and was recommended this. Only issue is, it doesn't seem to be on Prime, Netflix or Disney+. What platform is it on?