Television We didn't all go to Gudger College

So you can’t think of even one off the top of your head? Must be quite a challenge to think of any good ones then!
I can't remember what accounts I visited yesterday in my job. Fat chance I can remember what an episode of the Simpsons from several months ago.
Someone said this in this thread a while ago and I asked if they could recommend one episode that’s been made in the last 10 years that might support the claim that the simpsons is still a funny or very funny show. Didn’t get a reply but if you can suggest me an episode to watch please do, I’m genuinely curious

I’ll be honest, my opinion is that the show has been utter trash for quite a while.

Quite liked the Side Show Bob episode in Italy. The Ricky Gervais episode was good too.

The Debarted was a good episode too.
I’ve just started watching this again and was looking for this thread, didn’t realise it was called this now.

I started from season 3


That parasite one is brilliant. Always loved worker and parasite.
Even if the never series are less brilliant then the first 10 I still find myself waiting for the next episode.

Cant believe its been 30 fecking years
The showing having 30 seasons and most seasons having 20+ eps, that's a lot of writing.

The older seasons were defo better especially with their use of celebrities
"Well, kids, this is where you would see Adams and Dixon, except they're on the treatment table now. So, here's Eastern Europe's favourite centre half and right back partnership, Luzhny and Stepanovs!"


"What the hell was that?"

Genius. :lol:
It's sad to think that I like and would only choose to watch less than a third of the show at this point. The entirety of the show should have been held in such high regard.
There are some good ones in the newer seasons, but you gotta search through it. The problem is, theres a limit you can go, when youre writing about characters who dont age and thus will have a set past (which has been explored).
South Park joked 'Simpsons did it' but it truly is a case, where Simpsons have done it all. I still think the movie would have been a fantastic place to go out, but I can understand why they would still be churning this out if its still viewed a lot.

I did use to go out of my way to watch the newer eps, but now its just when im bored and see it on Sky One.

I watched the Arman Tamzarian episode again recently. It actually has a scene I really enjoyed when they are all in the car and Homer is asking why everybody is there. Just a shame that episode served no purpose at the end.

I just put on a random episode from Season 30 and wtf happened to Marge's voice? :lol: It's fecking weird.

Voice actor got older?
I watched the Arman Tamzarian episode again recently. It actually has a scene I really enjoyed when they are all in the car and Homer is asking why everybody is there. Just a shame that episode served no purpose at the end.

This is Armin's apartment. Armin's liquor. Armin's copy of swank. Armin's frozen peas.

It has a lot of good moments, that episode. Particularly the scene you mentioned. I guess it just felt like the beginning of the era where the continuity can be tipped on its head, and then quickly reset at the end.

Its the only episode I know of that Harry Shearer publicly slammed. I'd love to know what those guys think of the last 10 years of the show.
This is Armin's apartment. Armin's liquor. Armin's copy of swank. Armin's frozen peas.

It has a lot of good moments, that episode. Particularly the scene you mentioned. I guess it just felt like the beginning of the era where the continuity can be tipped on its head, and then quickly reset at the end.

Its the only episode I know of that Harry Shearer publicly slammed. I'd love to know what those guys think of the last 10 years of the show.
Can I see you copy of Swank, Armin?
I still can't believe someone doesn't like the Simpsons.
How could you trust a person with such a huge personality flaw

Well Exactly.
I remember the "Thrill" of it first being launched on channel 4, when before it was only for those privileged "Sky people".

20 years on, it's still worth a look.