Television We didn't all go to Gudger College

More examples of what I mean. The environment in which those shows were created and largely existed in enabled for them to become so highly regarded. I just think it has become harder and harder to grab that many people's fancy. Those shows would struggle to make that kind of impact today I reckon.

I read that as fanny :nervous:

Nah, those shows were for the most part, comedic genius. Seinfeld in particular is amazing and the Sopranos practically shits on most tv shows even now. Those shows still have amazing syndication for those reason.
I read that as fanny :nervous:

Nah, those shows were for the most part, comedic genius. Seinfeld in particular is amazing and the Sopranos practically shits on most tv shows even now. Those shows still have amazing syndication for those reason.
I'll give you the exceptions but even those syndication numbers are propped up by repeat viewers I reckon.
More examples of what I mean. The environment in which those shows were created and largely existed in enabled for them to become so highly regarded. I just think it has become harder and harder to grab that many people's fancy. Those shows would struggle to make that kind of impact today I reckon.
Really?? Friends and Frasier I think will be legendary tv shows and would be massive if they were aired now?

Your opinion and nothing wrong with that of course at all. But I would put those two series on another level than the Simpsons.
The "improvements" to the animation and HD-ifying is one of the worst bits to me


I genuinely find it horrible.

I know that's just one bit, but once it the animation started changing, even if technically it was better I felt it lost lots of the charm it had.
Sweet jebus is that really part of the new opening credits? That's horrifying. And as if Maggie would know the wanker gesture.
Not a steamed ham meme, but I thought that it was beautifully done

So, it finally looks like it's coming to an end. Two more seasons and that's it apparently.
Been re-watching the first two seasons again recently. My partner's never been through the show before so we tend to watch an episode before bed.

The first season is pretty good but it's pretty uneven in places and, honestly, it's just very strange to look at. It's the second season when things really pick up and it starts to become the show we all remember from the mid-to-late 1990s. For example, I watched 'Bart the Daredevil' for the first time in years the other night and I think I might have been wrong about 'Lisa's Substitute' being The Simpsons' first perfect episode. The Springfield Gorge sequence is the exact moment the Golden Era starts. Even more specifically, it's when the ambulance crashes into the tree - that's the *exact* moment the Golden Era starts. The Simpsons' best comedic weapon was always utterly genius misdirection and that is the first example of it. It manages to combine that technique of genius misdirection with something else The Simpsons knew how to weave and wield time and time again: "symphonic humour", a term coined by Chris Turner in his book Planet Simpson. "Symphonic humour" is basically when a gag becomes so extended and elaborate, and becomes so fleshed out to the point where it contains numerous sections and feels like a domino effect, that it plays like a song, or "symphony".

Just watch the scene again and notice how lots of smaller jokes combine like a sentence, or symphony, to create a larger, extended gag routine with a multitude of tiny arcs and acts and movements. (Joke 1) Homer tries to stop Bart from jumping the gorge, which leads directly into (Joke 2) Homer drifting away from Bart while he saying he has "Never felt so close" to him, which leads directly into (Joke 3) Homer accidentally jumping the gorge himself, which leads directly into (Joke 4) Homer thinking for a second that he might make it to the other side, which leads directly into (Joke 5) his eyes, and our eyes, deceiving him, as he falls into the chasm, which leads directly into (Joke 6) a brilliant parody of Looney Tunes' classic "falling into a canyon" routine, which leads directly to (Joke 7) Homer being airlifted out of the gorge on a stretcher, crashing into the rocks as he goes, which leads directly into (Joke 8) the ambulance crashing into the tree, which leads directly into (Joke 9) Homer falling out of the back of the ambulance and back into the chasm below, which leads directly into (Joke 10) a repetition of the Looney Tunes "falling into a canyon" parody, which leads directly into (Joke 11) Homer turning to Lance Murdoch in hospital and saying "You think you've got guts? Try raising my kids!"

How the hell does Joke 1 lead to Joke 11 like that? Incredible comedy writing.

(Another example of this comes in 'Deep Space Homer', which is the scene Chris Turner references when he's outlining what "symphonic humour" is. Think about it, the classic joke we all remember - Kent Brockman's dramatic HAIL ANTS sign on the news - comes from the simple act of Homer opening a bag of potato chips. It's utterly remarkable when you think of it like that).
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This show is like the undertaker. Should have stopped years and but every time it appears. It always cheers me up.

Also the Treehouse of horror that ripped off the Shinning, is the best episode on the Simpsons.
Watching old Simpsons episodes... you can tell the entire writing staff loved Kubrick films. All the references from his movies are dotted here and there.

If they’re going to end it, I hope it’s with a second movie as a big send off. I imagine it’ll get amazing box office regardless.

One of the dumbest and saddest things I've heard recently. People seriously need to grow the feck up.
How dare they lose the quality after 10 years?
So does this mean they're going to go after South Park, Family Guy and The Cleveland Show??
I'd care if the Simpson didn't become shit 20 years ago. Thankfully those first 8-10 seasons are infinitely rewatchable.

Seconded. Who gives a shit about what’s going on wirh the re-animated corpse of the Simpsons these days.
I loved this show up until around S13 from the top of my head.

Never watched it after that - are there any must see episodes after S12?

I am think of ones that can hold a candle to ones like this - rather than ploughing through endless inferior series to find out:

Deep Space Homer
Flaming Moe's
Mr Plow
Homer The Heretic
Homer The Great
King Size Homer
Cape Feare
You Only Move Twice

etc etc there are quite a few more

In these stay in times I am considering making a Simpsons playlist I've not seen these for so long but I know I will laugh at them again.

Anything I have to add from Season 13 onwards?

I loved this show up until around S13 from the top of my head.

Never watched it after that - are there any must see episodes after S12?

I am think of ones that can hold a candle to ones like this - rather than ploughing through endless inferior series to find out:

Deep Space Homer
Flaming Moe's
Mr Plow
Homer The Heretic
Homer The Great
King Size Homer
Cape Feare
You Only Move Twice

etc etc there are quite a few more

In these stay in times I am considering making a Simpsons playlist I've not seen these for so long but I know I will laugh at them again.

Anything I have to add from Season 13 onwards?


Was going to ask the same thing tbh. I got the Disney Plus trial and watched Star wars original trilogy again, some marvel films and wanted to know if there were any episodes after season 8 to watch.