WHO - Processed meats cause cancer

Seems like I miss missed this thread initially. Your are what you eat. Can't keep eating clearly unhealthy or low quality food and expect no consequences.

But what about those that do all their lives and live a long time?

Same as those that smoke 20+ daily and live until 80+ yet those who don't smoke at all get it young and die.
But what about those that do all their lives and live a long time?

Same as those that smoke 20+ daily and live until 80+ yet those who don't smoke at all get it young and die.
unhealthy lifestyles cut what your life would have been, someone who didn't smoking dying of natural causes at 50 would have died earlier, someone who smoked a pack a day living until 80 would have live longer
But what about those that do all their lives and live a long time?

Same as those that smoke 20+ daily and live until 80+ yet those who don't smoke at all get it young and die.
If you are going to base your health decisions on outliers and anecdotes then feel free but personally I'd rather be cautious. You are what you eat its really that simple....

You can't willfully neglect your health, and then complain about the consequences.
IMO we are told a lot of lies about health.

Red meat is not normally carcinogenic as long as you don't eat too much and if your immune system is challenged make sure it is well cooked.

Exercise is very important though not a panacea if you don't get enough of the right nutrition.

Processed soya is probably a bad food - hormonal disruptor.
Caffeine depletes selenium, a key mineral in preventing cancer.
Rapeseed oil is being pushed and put into loads of food though earlier generations of farmers noticed it made livestock ill............yet is this GM rapeseed oil and how is that different?
Dairy if not thoroughly cooked will often contain infections as pasteurisation kills bacteria yet not other nasty's. I think some cultures instinctively know this.

Re toxins if your body cannot deal with them adequately will normally cause disease as will some infections.

Degenerative disease is normally due to infections or toxins and sometimes these are linked.
There are also cycles in that different pathogens host other pathogens so as you kill one it releases the other.

Allopathic medicine is not interested in the root cause just treating the symptom.

How do I know all this, not breast fed, vaccinated, fed Farley's rusks, processed honey and carnation milk and then had a nasty head injury as a baby.
As I kept getting a multitude of weird symptoms as I got older without a proper diagnosis I went looking for answers and then was shocked.

One example, when terminal cancer was being treated by diet in the 50s, brown rice could only be eaten once a week. If more the patients got worse.
When it went to the FDA hearing it was recognised as being helpful yet the vote went to chemotherapy instead.
Seems like I miss missed this thread initially. Your are what you eat. Can't keep eating clearly unhealthy or low quality food and expect no consequences.

I agree. The trouble is people continue to eat based on culture and tradition, and then search for cherry picked science that allows them to continue their unhealthy habits.
IMO we are told a lot of lies about health.

Red meat is not normally carcinogenic as long as you don't eat too much and if your immune system is challenged make sure it is well cooked.

Exercise is very important though not a panacea if you don't get enough of the right nutrition.

Processed soya is probably a bad food - hormonal disruptor.
Caffeine depletes selenium, a key mineral in preventing cancer.
Rapeseed oil is being pushed and put into loads of food though earlier generations of farmers noticed it made livestock ill............yet is this GM rapeseed oil and how is that different?
Dairy if not thoroughly cooked will often contain infections as pasteurisation kills bacteria yet not other nasty's. I think some cultures instinctively know this.

Re toxins if your body cannot deal with them adequately will normally cause disease as will some infections.

Degenerative disease is normally due to infections or toxins and sometimes these are linked.
There are also cycles in that different pathogens host other pathogens so as you kill one it releases the other.

Allopathic medicine is not interested in the root cause just treating the symptom.

How do I know all this, not breast fed, vaccinated, fed Farley's rusks, processed honey and carnation milk and then had a nasty head injury as a baby.
As I kept getting a multitude of weird symptoms as I got older without a proper diagnosis I went looking for answers and then was shocked.

One example, when terminal cancer was being treated by diet in the 50s, brown rice could only be eaten once a week. If more the patients got worse.
When it went to the FDA hearing it was recognised as being helpful yet the vote went to chemotherapy instead.
I don't know where to begin with this post. I'd answer in detail if I had that much time but for now all I'm going to say is that nobody is lying to you. Medicine is an ever evolving science and we keep discovering new facts about things we previously thought we knew all about. There are clear links between certain foods and habits that lead to certain neoplasms, and those are not opinions but simple facts that have been proven through thorough studies. Allopathic medicine is 100% interested in finding the root cause. I can say that with such certainty because I see my professors/colleagues busting their behinds on a daily basis doing research, conducting trials, reading new literature on said topics.
I'm guessing he's talking from a big pharma corporation pov whereas you are talking about research.
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I'm sure it is - as in, if you eat hot dogs and gabagool for 40 years, you may run into some problems.
Its a shame that some of the elders that died before their time never had this info tbh... Fortunately a lot of my family are on the same page now, and a lot of peeps are more knowledgeable about it.
More like, if you eat junk food, you're more likely not to get enough exercise, drink too much, smoke, take drugs etc etc. So it's not necessarily the junk food that gets you, but the whole package.

Twenty-two experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 studies to reach their conclusions. They found that eating 50 grams of processed meat every day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. That’s the equivalent of about 4 strips of bacon or 1 hot dog. For red meat, there was evidence of increased risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer.

It's curious how the ill-effects of no exercise, smoking, and drugs, all end up in...the digestive tract? Almost as if the studies controlled for other factors, and also had to come up with a mechanism to prove how the processed meat is carcinogenic.
But what about those that do all their lives and live a long time?

Same as those that smoke 20+ daily and live until 80+ yet those who don't smoke at all get it young and die.

There are obviously outliers, and life can often end up being unexpectedly cruel to people who maintain healthy eating habits and take care of themselves, but on the whole it's pretty obvious that people who are smoking addicts/have poor diets and weight problems as a result, are generally not going to live longer than those who eat well and exercise.

I'd say the trick is to enjoy your life and not necessarily worry constantly about what you're eating etc, because you're inevitably going to run into problems as you get older anyway, but also to nevertheless remain fairly conscious of what you're eating and be aware of what's healthy and what isn't etc.
There are obviously outliers, and life can often end up being unexpectedly cruel to people who maintain healthy eating habits and take care of themselves, but on the whole it's pretty obvious that people who are smoking addicts/have poor diets and weight problems as a result, are generally not going to live longer than those who eat well and exercise.

I'd say the trick is to enjoy your life and not necessarily worry constantly about what you're eating etc, because you're inevitably going to run into problems as you get older anyway, but also to nevertheless remain fairly conscious of what you're eating and be aware of what's healthy and what isn't etc.

True, but wouldn't this approach only accelerate the age at which you begin running into problems ?
True, but wouldn't this approach only accelerate the age at which you begin running into problems ?

Probably yeah. Not saying you shouldn't be very careful with what you eat etc, because obviously you should be, but the occasional unhealthy meal or two will generally be fine, so long as you don't over-indulge.
But what about those that do all their lives and live a long time?

Same as those that smoke 20+ daily and live until 80+ yet those who don't smoke at all get it young and die.

At least 66% (and probably far more) of smokers die younger than they should from smoking related disease.

I just bought some hotdogs after talking to hectic & Mf about cinema hotdogs the other day. It's like they knew... Life's too short to not eat stuff you enjoy. You could give up all the junk and die soon regardless.
I just bought some hotdogs after talking to hectic & Mf about cinema hotdogs the other day. It's like they knew... Life's too short to not eat stuff you enjoy. You could give up all the junk and die soon regardless.

That's one way of looking at it. If you are planning on living a long life however, it makes sense not to spend your final few decades steeped in health problems.
That's one way of looking at it. If you are planning on living a long life however, it makes sense not to spend your final few decades steeped in health problems.
It is all well and good planning but life is so unpredictable. I've had family members who've lived a healthy lifestyle die young or get serious illnesses and it just makes me think "I could give up all this stuff I enjoy and get ill anyway". Might as well enjoy what you do whilst you're here. Reasonably, though!

I'm not saying that planning this stuff out to hopefully live a long life is pointless or anything, It's just that if you do give it all up there's no guarantee you'll live longer or stay ill free.
Time to cut down on that stuff I suppose. Luckily I'm not a fan of hotdogs :D
Its not like healthy eating is a compromise :lol:

There's loads of good food thats healthy and tasty af. Vaping is just as good as smoking (:eek:), drinking in moderation is as good (better even) as getting fecked up every other day.

Its funny seeing people resist these things....

Gotta have that processed burger with 5 patties on it! :drool:

Why? Wouldn't a single pattie burger made from identifiable meat taste just as good?

Nah I'll be ok.

1000 burgers later 'wheeze-my health ain't what it was bro-wheeze'

No shit Sherlock.

There's a big difference between 40 and 80, you can choose to affect where you cash out by changing a few habits or you can throw the dice. Just do so knowingly, and have no regrets....
There's more benefits to eating healthy than just living longer such as feeling more energetic, not putting on huge amounts of weight, not feel depressed, more self confidence from looking better, not taking slimy shits all the time, not being ill frequently
Can someone help me out with definitions here?

Wtf is 'ultra-processed'?

I made Seitan last weekend, that involves washing flour until all you're left with is the protein and then cooking it. Is that processed (it involves a process to make it), is it 'ultra-procesed'?

Are tinned tomatoes, frozen peas etc... a 'processed' food?

What turns a processed food into an 'ultra-processed food'?

I think the answer to my questions is that these are all 'processed foods', but how is that a useful descriptor if you're chucking in tinned veg with a hotdog stuffed crust pizza with extra grease?
There's more benefits to eating healthy than just living longer such as feeling more energetic, not putting on huge amounts of weight, not feel depressed, more self confidence from looking better, not taking slimy shits all the time, not being ill frequently
This is true, changing diet can manifest itself in vastly more healthy looking appearance in days. I found that out when I went vegan for a few weeks.

Its a shame I like my fish, chicken, some dairy etc.... I couldn't stick to it, its tough.
I try to live by the saying if you can't kill it or grow it you shouldnt eat it, much easier said than done mind you.

I wonder how much of the rise in cancer is really down to things like red meat, or it's more the generation that's now at the prime age for getting it grew up eating food sprayed/injected with things like DDT. Not that current foods are not full of chemicals, but at least now they're researched first.
I try to live by the saying if you can't kill it or grow it you shouldnt eat it, much easier said than done mind you.

I wonder how much of the rise in cancer is really down to things like red meat, or it's more the generation that's now at the prime age for getting it grew up eating food sprayed/injected with things like DDT. Not that current foods are not full of chemicals, but at least now they're researched first.

Sounds like a justification for cannibalism :p
I'm as concerned by the question of what people don't eat as what they do. Is it the processed food that's the issue, or is it the lack of those foods that it displaced? Fruit, veg, complex carbs being squeezed out by sugary drinks, burgers and bread. I think sometimes the headline message can be actually destructive, because it can just sound like it's a list of things you enjoy - and it just sounds like someone trying to suck the fun and the flavour out of life, which is easy to ignore and dismiss as "I'd rather be happy".

I notice that if for some reason I'm eating less fruit, I start to want sweet food like cakes and chocolate that normally I ignore. If I focus on what I should eat, the desire for the what I shouldn't eat actually declines. If I've just cooked some really tasty veggies the last thing I want to see on the plate is something like a hotdog. Despite the fact that occasionally, particularly at an outdoor event, a hotdog is something I really do enjoy.
I think it's a combination of people over eating shite convenience food, not drinking enough water and not getting enough exercise.