Who you REALLY want for new owner?


matchday malcontent
Mar 4, 2017
I would love to hear honest answers. Without any explanation. Only votes.
Mods can we have a poll;
A) Americans (some random american billionaire like Kroenke, Boehly, Glazers...)
B) Oil money
C) Jim Ratcliffe and co
D) Elon Musk
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I would love to hear honest answers. Without any explanation. Only votes.
Mods can we have a poll;
A) Americans
B) Oil money
C) Jim Ratcliffe and co
D) Elon Musk
Ready to sell my soul for that oil money.

TBH, I don't care who it is, so long as they improve the way the club is run and keep their hands out of the club's coffers.
Whomever we get will be very heavily scrutinised that's for sure. Out of those C.
There are no altruistic billionaires

I just want someone who runs the club properly of we do that we almost do not need investment like most other clubs.

It'd be nice if it's Jim Ratcliffe but if it's not him the above is all I really care about.

I am not sure I can accept oil money unless its Canadian
Norway’s sovereign wealth fund could use some diversification into sports.
Probably C) or A). Not all Americans are the Glazers.

Oil money not needed. City have just lucked out they got Guardiola who’s a once in a generation manager on top of the unlimited money cheat code. I remember their Mancini and Pellegrini days and they weren’t that invincible.

Musk is just a playful troll who at best knew something was happening. He has no interest in sports clubs. He just wants to be the global emperor of lobbyists.
I don’t care where they get there money from if I’m honest. 15 years ago maybe, but nowadays who cares.
"Americans" is quite vague and a bit of a bollocks option if we're honest. Glazers have been awful, but it's ridiculous to just assume that all American owners would be awful. Look at Liverpool's owners for example, no one could say they haven't improved that club.
Bezos. He can get us Mbappe next day delivery.
"Americans" is quite vague and a bit of a bollocks option if we're honest. Glazers have been awful, but it's ridiculous to just assume that all American owners would be awful. Look at Liverpool's owners for example, no one could say they haven't improved that club.

Indeed. If US Investors were able to run the club well enough it would be fine.

But the question that would arise is how they actually plan to make sufficient money from the investment for it to be worth their while while also running the club in a way we fans would consider "well enough". I'm not convinced that works.
Can Ratcliffe compete with the near unlimited budget of the Saudi's and Qataris? Almost billionnaires or a group of them that will rely on the team to make them money will make us cash poor. I do not want an oil company owning us, but it has to be a person or entity that can buy United and not be burdened by it.
If it is b or d I won't watch a single United game during their ownership
The way the football narrative goes, I would think nobody would be content unless we were sold to UNICEF and all excess money spent on planting trees and fighting world hunger.
Ideally, an Indian billionaire. In addition to the vast wealth, such an owner brings the world’s largest population to the forefront and increases the value of the commercial aspect of the team…something the Glaziers actually did well.
Many on here will secretly be desperate for an Arab zillionaire.
I want to ask all the Ratcliffe fans what do they think happens with the club once he is dead? He is supposedly the fan, but what about those that will inherit the club? The rest of the Ineos group, presumably? Do you trust them? Because let's be honest here the man isn't exactly young.
I think we should be open to anyone who will run the club properly, oil money doesn’t necessarily mean success it just means you can play with a unlimited money cheat code and pre Pep at Citeh proves that…!
I would love to hear honest answers. Without any explanation. Only votes.
Mods can we have a poll;
A) Americans
B) Oil money
C) Jim Ratcliffe and co
D) Elon Musk

I don't know too much about Jim Ratcliffe, but I'd not want any of the other options.
American investors are the least worst option. They're indirect cnuts as opposed to directly involved cnuts and Radcliffe's all fart and no shite, a completely pointless option.
Bezos just came out and said he was giving away 100bn or something, just give away 80 and we are good.
Walt Disney just brought back their old CEO, who loves a splashy acquisition. It might be an easy negotiation in Central Florida.
Anyone who is going to spend £600m developing the stadium and infrastructure (training ground for senior and youth academy) into a state of the art, world leading set up. Im talking full on Cheese and Wine restaurant and everything.
Feck the oil money, gimme that sweet, sweet narcotics money!!!
El Chapo Guzman and the Sinaloa Cartel.
Well the best way to get oil money out of the game, is if we get some.

The outcry would probably break the planet though.