Yankees one-up Sox


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Sign Johnny Damon. Overpaid for him, but didn't give him the 6 or 7 years Scott Boras was demanding. Instead they'll pay $13m/year for a $9-10m/year player. This gives the Yankees a true leadoff hitter and a lockerroom presence. Damon will prove a good signing. It's also reported that Bernie Williams will return for 1 year, $1-2m. Also being announced soon is the signing of reliever Octavio Dotel for 1 year, $2m. He's still recovering from arm surgery but has said he'll be ready to pitch by May or June.

Impressive lineup:
Damon-Jeter-Sheffield-ARod-Matsui-Giambi(DH)-Posada-Cano-1B(Phillips or FA signing)

NEW YORK -- The Yankees fired the latest shot in their rivalry with the Red Sox, signing Johnny Damon to a four-year, $52 million contract to become their new center fielder.

The two sides agreed to terms on Tuesday night, after the Yankees increased their offer from $48 million to $52 million. The deal, which was confirmed by a Yankees official, is contingent on Damon passing a physical.

Damon also confirmed the agreement in an interview with WBZ-TV in Boston, citing the Yankees' aggressiveness as a major factor in his decision to move from Fenway Park to Yankee Stadium.

"We know George Steinbrenner's reputation; he always wants to have the best players and I think he showed that tonight," Damon told WBZ. "He and Brian Cashman came after me hard and now I'm part of the Yankees and that great lineup. We're going to be a tough team to beat."

Although Cashman had maintained his position that Bubba Crosby would be the team's starting center fielder, it was assumed that the Yankees would make a move before Spring Training began in mid-February. After watching other teams -- most notably the Mets, Red Sox and Blue Jays -- make big splashes this winter, the Yankees finally landed their big fish.

Cashman, who could not be reached for comment on Tuesday, has been focused on improving the bullpen and finding an upgrade in center field throughout the offseason.

After adding Kyle Farnsworth, Mike Myers and Ron Villone to the bullpen, the Yankees came to a one-year, $2 million agreement with Octavio Dotel on Tuesday, finishing up the work on the relief corps. Then the Yankees came to terms with Damon, stunning the baseball world.

Although Damon will make $13 million per year over the next four years, it won't cause the Yankees' payroll to rise significantly, as Bernie Williams made about $12.3 million to play center last season. Williams will likely return as a bench player, as the Yankees are close to signing him to a one-year, $1.5 million deal.

Damon gives the Yankees their first true leadoff hitter since Chuck Knoblauch left after the 2001 season. New York used Derek Jeter in that spot for much of last season, but the Yankees' captain can now move back to his traditional No. 2 position in the batting order.

One of Damon's new teammates, Alex Rodriguez, said recently that he considered Damon to be one of the two best leadoff hitters in the game, along with Seattle's Ichiro Suzuki. Damon agreed with that assessment.

"They haven't had a championship since Chuck Knoblauch was there when they had a great leadoff hitter," Damon said. "I think the leadoff role has been under-appreciated. A good leadoff hitter is tough to find and I think New York just found the best leadoff hitter in the game."

Damon's agent, Scott Boras, had been looking for a seven-year deal for Damon, who was the top center fielder available on the free-agent market. But at the age of 32, it was unlikely that any team would make such a commitment to Damon.

Once he was willing to come down to a four-year deal, it became a matter of which team would step up with the best offer. Boston never moved from its original offer of $40 million, opening the door for the Yankees to steal him away from their rivals.

"I made contact with them and told [Boston manager Terry Francona] they really need to get going because if not, I'm going to be another team," Damon said. "Unfortunately, Boston had their plans. I'm not sure if they knew I meant it but now I'm a Yankee and hopefully they can go off and get the other center fielders they've been courting for the past month or so."

Apparently, Damon's goals changed over the past eight months, as he told MLB.com in early May that money would not be the determining factor in his decision.

"There's no way I can go play for the Yankees, but I know they're going to come after me hard," he said on May 3. "It's definitely not the most important thing to go out there for the top dollar, which the Yankees are going to offer me. It's not what I need."

Yet sometime in the next week, Damon will don the pinstripes and a Yankees cap at the Stadium, smiling proudly while flashbulbs pop all around him.

Damon, who was one of the major players in Boston's 2004 championship run, is well-known for his long hair and beard, but he knows that by taking the Yankees' money, those will both have to go.

"Without a doubt, George Steinbrenner has a policy and I'm going to stick to it," Damon said. "Our policy with the Yankees is to go out there and win and we're going to try and bring another championship to them."


youth team player
Jun 2, 2005
It doesn`t matter what the line-up is. Come october they will choke....assuming their crap pitching gets them to the playoffs.


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
Damon will not be the player the Yanks hope that he will be. He is slowing down, and his arm is shot. As a hitter, he will be OK, but he will be a defensive liability.


Banned Jackie Chan lookalike
Jul 28, 2002
i still don't believe Johnny Damon shaved...

you know what, it's a good start


New Member
Nov 18, 2004
The only proper Scandi country
alonso767 said:
yeah it would be like if rio played for a rival team, like leeds, before moving to united. couldnt imagine that.
Well, you've got a point. Doesn't happen as often in football though.

I guess I'm just pissed off. Damon was my favourite player and now he's a yankee. This sucks.


youth team player
Jun 2, 2005
Let`s face it, ballplayers aren`t the sharpest knives in the draw, i`m betting Boras brainwashed him into signing for the evil empire.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
The Sox gambled and lost, thinking he'd re-sign. He'll help the Yankee lineup score a lot more runs. The Yankees have played with Bernie Williams in CF and he had no arm either.

The Yankee pitching should be a lot better this year. Chacon and Wang should be good, and maybe Pavano and Wright can stay healthy. Small and Mussina give them some depth. I have a feeling Johnson will have a better year, and the bullpen is improved. Should be a good year.


youth team player
Jun 2, 2005
The only way Johnson will have a good year is if the Yanks moved to the National League.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
Sometimes it takes a guy a year to get used to playing in NY, especially when they come from a small market team. Could apply to Johnson and Pavano. Not Damon, because he's used to the same type atmosphere.

Johnson's stats would be better in the NL though.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
Wright actually pitched much better when he came back at the end of the year. Clement pitched like crap the last two months of the season. His ERA must have been about 7 or 8. The Sox even skipped him in the rotation. I know - he is on my fantasy team and killed me.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
kennyj said:
Wright actually pitched much better when he came back at the end of the year. Clement pitched like crap the last two months of the season. His ERA must have been about 7 or 8. The Sox even skipped him in the rotation. I know - he is on my fantasy team and killed me.
Clement was Boston's best pitcher during the first half. He was very consistent. He was one of the key players for them during the season. And a bargain priced free agent. He would have done no worse in NY than Pavano or Wright.

I stand by my opinion that Wright is shit.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
MrMarcello said:
Clement was Boston's best pitcher during the first half. He was very consistent. He was one of the key players for them during the season. And a bargain priced free agent. He would have done no worse in NY than Pavano or Wright.
Big deal. It's not much of an endorsement to say that Clement was better than two pitchers, Wright and Pavano, who were both hurt for most of the year and who basically had their seasons washed out.

Unfortunately for Clement, he disappeared in the most important part of the season. He was no bargain at all last year, winning only 13 games. He was good with the Cubs, but he might be just another NL pitcher who can't adjust to the AL. I'm not saying Wright is better, but at least he's had some success in the AL, unlike the other two.

Clement was a key through August only (although he was only doing what they expected him to do), and helped the Yankees a lot than the Sox in September. He didn't win a game the last month and allowed 20 ER in his last 22 innings. His ERA in his playoff loss was 21.6.


Calm down
Jan 18, 2005
About to be banned.
Benisi said:
Well, you've got a point. Doesn't happen as often in football though.

I guess I'm just pissed off. Damon was my favourite player and now he's a yankee. This sucks.
agreed, im pissed off about it too, i hate the yankees. but still, i think it happens more in football than some would think. campell's move to arsenal being another prime example.

generally speakig though, i do think there is more "soul" in football.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
Benisi said:
I guess I'm just pissed off. Damon was my favourite player and now he's a yankee. This sucks.
C'mon Benisi, make the jump and become a Yankee fan. Damon's a Yankee fan now.


youth team player
Jun 2, 2005
On another forum i frequent, someone said following Yankees is like rooting for the house in a casino.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
Nearco said:
On another forum i frequent, someone said following Yankees is like rooting for the house in a casino.
Somebody once said that rooting for the Yankees was like rooting for US Steel. People like that are just jealous. I don't care, I've been a Yankee fan all my life.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
I'm not a Yankee fan, although I was a huge Don Mattingly fan as a youth. To me, following the Yankees is like watching Nip/Tuck or Sopranos. It's a drama series. Except it's a sport and real life.

I can draw similar parallels to supporting the Dallas Cowboys (grew up 30 miles from Irving, TX) and Manchester United.

Jaret Wright still sucks.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
kennyj said:
Big deal. It's not much of an endorsement to say that Clement was better than two pitchers, Wright and Pavano, who were both hurt for most of the year and who basically had their seasons washed out.

People knew Wright had a prior history of injury and that's why clubs were reluctant to give him $7m per year for 3 years. Pavano is a good pitcher, a solid #3 or #4. Yanks overpaid for him too, but at least I think he has upside where as Wright is shit.

Unfortunately for Clement, he disappeared in the most important part of the season. He was no bargain at all last year, winning only 13 games. He was good with the Cubs, but he might be just another NL pitcher who can't adjust to the AL. I'm not saying Wright is better, but at least he's had some success in the AL, unlike the other two.

Clement was a key through August only (although he was only doing what they expected him to do), and helped the Yankees a lot than the Sox in September. He didn't win a game the last month and allowed 20 ER in his last 22 innings. His ERA in his playoff loss was 21.6.
Well, we could bring up Randy Johnson's career playoff record or Mike Mussina. When will Mussina actually get an important win in the playoffs?


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
MrMarcello said:
Well, we could bring up Randy Johnson's career playoff record or Mike Mussina. When will Mussina actually get an important win in the playoffs?
At least Johnson pitched well against the Yanks in the WS. I'll take my chances with him. Mussina seems to either pitch well or get hammered. I'm not sure what they can get out of him. They're kind of stuck with him. I guess my point is that the Yankees have seven potential starters and out of that group, they should be able to find five that can do the job.

I think they expect the starters to be Johnson, Pavano, Mussina, Chacon and Wang. Depending on spring training, Small or Wright could make the rotation. Wright is injury prone and was pretty bad last year, except for a couple of starts. But every season is a fresh start and maybe he can stay healthy for a change and have a decent year. I would have rather kept Jon Lieber and signed Pedro over Wright and Pavano. I thoughtb that they should have signed Beltran last year.

Meanwhile, the Red Sox have no shortstop or center fielder.:)