yes of course you can tourture them they are only "towel heads"...


Full Member
Jul 31, 2002
Where Angels Play
OK so when they admit they made up the nuclear thing they had to admit they were wrong...

when they say they are bringing an end to oppression they now have to admit they are on dubious grounds

feck it admit its for oil...

but seriousley I hope people who condem sadam and the people in his regime who comitted human rights violations will be appauled and condem the US army for letting these people who commited physical and mental torture off without a court martial and prison sentence... its fecking discusting and certainly no way to bring 'democracy ( lets face it the clerics would win apopular election but they will never let them stand) to a nation... as an occupiying power it equivelent to american or uk police being allowed to kick people with only loosing a months pay or loose a rank or at worst loose their job... IT SHOULD BE A feckING PRISON SENTENCE (tho I guess rodney king showed that its not the american way to do stuff like that)

these people should be in prison... its a human rights abuse and a abuse of power... yes sadams regime was evil... that does not justify doing the same things... contempable behaviour... intrinsically inhumane and wrong but what should we expect from a country that admits it uses pain reliving drugs selectvley in interviews at gitmo (cant be bothered with the link to that but look on the amnesty site where us generals admit to "as close to tourture as you can get"& selective use of pain killing drugs)...

fecking discusting...

(before somebody says this is anti US... no its pro human rights the thing that hypocrit who stole the election claims he is in favor of!!! If thats true then why are some of the people who commited these crimes stll in his army instead of behind bars!!!!!!!)


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
The soldiers who did this should be severly punished. Don't think it will ever happen though. :mad:


New Member
Aug 8, 2002
I'm glad that the perpetuators were brought to book, showing that the US does not tolerate prisoner abuse, but the subsequent act of horse-trading & discharging them rather than court-martialling them has disappointed me & smacks of carpet-sweeping!

The US has lost an opportunity to show even-handed justice & this act will fuel more anti-American sentiments, I'm afraid. :annoyed:


Full Member
Feb 11, 2001
New York
EZee said:
but seriousley I hope people who condem sadam and the people in his regime who comitted human rights violations will be appauled and condem the US army for letting these people who commited physical and mental torture off without a court martial and prison sentence... its fecking discusting and certainly no way to bring 'democracy ( lets face it the clerics would win apopular election but they will never let them stand) to a nation... as an occupiying power it equivelent to american or uk police being allowed to kick people with only loosing a months pay or loose a rank or at worst loose their job... IT SHOULD BE A feckING PRISON SENTENCE (tho I guess rodney king showed that its not the american way to do stuff like that)

these people should be in prison... its a human rights abuse and a abuse of power... yes sadams regime was evil... that does not justify doing the same things... contempable behaviour... intrinsically inhumane and wrong but what should we expect from a country that admits it uses pain reliving drugs selectvley in interviews at gitmo (cant be bothered with the link to that but look on the amnesty site where us generals admit to "as close to tourture as you can get"& selective use of pain killing drugs)...

fecking discusting...

(before somebody says this is anti US... no its pro human rights the thing that hypocrit who stole the election claims he is in favor of!!! If thats true then why are some of the people who commited these crimes stll in his army instead of behind bars!!!!!!!)
Like everyone else on here, I think that anyone who beats a prisoner should be punished and the punishment should be commensurate with the crime. But EZee, you post is full of inaccuracies and the title of the thread is a bit offensive and racist, and has nothing to do with the story.

First, I'd like to point out that two of the LAPD officers were convicted in federal court and went to jail for two years each. Rodney King won an award for $3.8 million in a civil suit.

In that brief article that you posted, there were no allegations that the convicted soldiers used "physical or mental torture" as you hysterically claim. Some of the soldiers in question were accused of knocking a prisoner to the ground and kicking him, which is bad enough, and others were dragged a prisoner through a courtyard. The soldiers claimed that they treated the prisoners roughly because they were defending themselves from attack.

I don't know why the cases were heard in a non-judicial setting. Once it went there, jail time is not an option. Plea bargaining is a part of our legal system (not sure about the military). The burden of proof for the prosecution may be different in the non-judicial setting - more likely than not burden vs the judicial -beyond a reasonable doubt burden, and the government's case may not have been as strong as you believe. The soldiers may have felt it better to go this route, even if they felt that they would be acquitted, because of the threat of jail time. I don't know the circumstances, but it should be something that anyone with some degree of objectivity would consider.

In determining the punishment, the hearin officer probably weighed several factors, like the injuries suffered by the victims, the degree of involvement of the actors and the past record of those involved. To see if the punishment fit the crime and to be fair, we would have to have some of that information. But three people were drummed out of the service, others lost two months pay, and others were busted in rank. We don't really have enough info to determine if that was sufficient and it might not be.

To compare the abuse of two prisoners with the mass graves that they are uncovering in Iraq is more than a little senseless. And torturing people with pain "relieving" drugs seems counterintuitive.

But we're an open society and it's a good thing that situations like this are reported so that people can discuss the conduct and punishments involved. There are reports of the beatings of US prisoners in both Gulf Wars and the rape of a female pilot in the first one. Anybody know the verdicts of the resultant Iraqi trials of the abusive guards? I honestly haven't seen anything about it.

Martin Henry

Full Member
Feb 13, 2001
Any soldiers who mistreat prisoners should have the book thrown at them, I'm sure it was only a very small minority who acted in such a way, I would like to have seen this case end with more stringent punishment though...

When you talk about "winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqis" you should back up the words with action...


New Member
Aug 8, 2002
I just read that a couple of US sailors will be discharged from the Navy after they were caught stealing from a Singapore Registered Vessel which had been stopped & searched as part of the US Navy's regular checks on Vessels.


Livvie's Favourite Jordanian.
Jan 8, 2000
Amman - Jordan
& Americans are wondering why others hate them ?,,,,,I really feel for those ppl humilated & tourtured by those who liberated them...
tourturing them is ugly enough & picturing them being tortured & humilated shows how sick those incharge of the prison are.


Full Member
Jul 31, 2002
Where Angels Play
RedsForLife said:
and i wonder why some people here still believe that no bad or worse treatments happened in Guantanamo? :nervous: with no media coverages,lawyers and all?
I did post a link to an amnesty report a long time ago that quoted former interogaters from gitmo who quit over the selective use of pain controll drugs + said if what they were doing was not torture it was as close as they could get...

it was of course dismissed immediatley as left wing propergander... amnesty being well known for their political bias i suppose :confused:

holyland red

"Holier-than-thou fundamentalist"
Oct 19, 2001
Haifa, Israel
Amman_Red said:
& Americans are wondering why others hate them ?,,,,,I really feel for those ppl humilated & tourtured by those who liberated them...
tourturing them is ugly enough & picturing them being tortured & humilated shows how sick those incharge of the prison are.

I was wondering if you hate the UK, or maybe the disturbing recent pictures are being used as a good excuse for hating the Yanks?

Arabs hate the US for a variety of reasons that have been discussed here for years. Now it seems that the usually pro-Arab Brits are just as ugly and sick...or are they not?


Full Member
Jul 31, 2002
Where Angels Play
holyland red said:

I was wondering if you hate the UK, or maybe the disturbing recent pictures are being used as a good excuse for hating the Yanks?

Arabs hate the US for a variety of reasons that have been discussed here for years. Now it seems that the usually pro-Arab Brits are just as ugly and sick...or are they not?

Its fecking discusting...

they did not go to war in my name and they are certainly not carrying out attrocities in my name...

I did find it interesting that the US and UK pictures made front page news in the UK whilst in the US the pictures made page 13 of the New york times... page 23 of the washington post and were not carried by many papers... the US editors who have spoke on this issue in the UK (mostly on 5 live that I have heard) said that it was because they saw publishing the pictures as unpatriotic :wenger:

I am discusted that UK and US troops carried out these actions...

however it has been said over here in the UK that arabs might find it more inflamitory that the US pictures featured a woman ordering naked men to simulate sex acts upon one another...and the fact that this took place in a sadam prision known for the torture carried out... dont know how commentators feel able to speek for all arabs but wondered if there was any truth in this??????????????????????

I find pissing on somebody pretty fecking offencive myself though and I hope the troops in question are tried for war crimes...

I also hope the american and uk troops who did this accept that some of their colleagues will probably be killed in retaliation attacks and that their iresponsible and deplorable behaviour must accept some of the blame for fanning the flames of a backlash.