Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Total Recall

This film.... They pretty much copied the opening 20 minutes word for word with different characters. It was strange hearing the word 'What the HELL is going on here' and 'BULLSHIT' with a soft american voice as opposed to a heavy austrian accent. His fat white ugly builder buddy became a handsome slim black man, Kate Beckinsale became two characters merged into one, it wasn't so much a remake as it was like watching some strange alternate reality.

It also made loads of little references to the original, which was a bit... um... strange. Why did they do that? It was like they had two modes, either force anything that was cool from the original into this one (like three boob lady), or take anything cool and turn it in a not so subtle nod to the first (2 weeks lady and arm chopped off in elevator). Oh it did also have a third mode, change things that were cool and make them lame. Like when Farrell had to remove the phone from his hand, just imagine someone taking a freakin' phone from inside their hand! That's gotta hurt way more than pulling a bug out your nose right? Well no... Farrell barely flinches as he cuts a deep inch long gash into his palm and pulls out some lame metallic shit.

I just don't get it. It seems pointless. At least some remakes try something new, or maybe try to bring foreign films to american audiences, which whilst annoying at least has something to offer. But this was just shameless, 'You know what guys... That Total Recall was a good film, we should update it, and by update I mean keep 90% of it the same, and make the 10% we do change terrible'.

The best bits were some pretty decent Man vs Mech action and good choreography in the fights. It probably could have done with more than one scene of Kate Beckinsale in her underwear.
I agree with most of this. It was a bizarre bundle of nonsense and pointlessness. The incredibly clunky way they shoe horned in references to the original was bizarre. 3 boob girl isn't a mutant (that whole sub plot doesn't exist) and doesn't even get them out, so is essentially just some girl who walks into a scene and goes "hey, I've got 3 boobs. You can't see 'em though" but 2 weeks lady is really cack handed and weird. They linger on her quite deliberately, and even cut back to her a few times, in a sort of self congratulatory way, but since she plays no actual part in the scene, and is there entirely as an easter egg, it's comes off as really jarring. Anyone who doesn't know she's 2 weeks lady would be made to think she's of some importance to the scene, but she's not. It's basically the complete opposite of how to handle that kind of easter egg homage.

But the really annoying thing is that all the new stuff they add in has no reason for being in a Total Recall remake. The whole premise of being set in a futuristic Britain (with New York subway stations and trains, but with TFL branding that somehow manage to travel hundreds of miles outside London, possibly even England to a part of the countryside still populated by London buses) and an Australia where no one is Australian and everyone is Chinese for no reason isn't a terrible idea, but why does it need to be in this film? Why couldn't they have just made a film about that?

Ditto the Blade Runner hovercar chase. Why not just make a film about future Britain and Chinese Australia with a hovercar chase in it? Why did they put a bad Total Recall remake around it? And why is Len Wiseman obsessed with trying to turn his wife into an action hero?



Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Ichi the killer - An artistic masterpiece, really enjoyed it. The gore was a tad bit OTT but I thought the cinematography and originality of it really made it worthwhile.

Will definitely watch Gozu next.

Member 39557

Just Go With It - Decent comedy, could've been better but it's good enough to pass the time. Jennifer Aniston was good in her role, the fake German guy was very annoying and the kids also become an annoyance after the first few scenes. The ending became obvious and it was a disappointment that they just went to the cliched ending in this without explaining why certain things happened. Although, Brooklyn Decker was :drool: - 5/10
I saw this on sky a while back, I thought it was a horrendous pile of shite. All the stupid lies made no sense and it was just awful. It wasn't just a bad film, it was bad for an Adam Sandler film, which says a lot!


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Even my 13 year old son who, isn't that fussy when it comes to action films, thought that Battleship was crap. I avoided it thankfully.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I agree with most of this. It was a bizarre bundle of nonsense and pointlessness. The incredibly clunky way they shoe horned in references to the original was bizarre. 3 boob girl isn't a mutant (that whole sub plot doesn't exist) and doesn't even get them out, so is essentially just some girl who walks into a scene and goes "hey, I've got 3 boobs. You can't see 'em though" but 2 weeks lady is really cack handed and weird. They linger on her quite deliberately, and even cut back to her a few times, in a sort of self congratulatory way, but since she plays no actual part in the scene, and is there entirely as an easter egg, it's comes off as really jarring. Anyone who doesn't know she's 2 weeks lady would be made to think she's of some importance to the scene, but she's not. It's basically the complete opposite of how to handle that kind of easter egg homage.

But the really annoying thing is that all the new stuff they add in has no reason for being in a Total Recall remake. The whole premise of being set in a futuristic Britain (with New York subway stations and trains, but with TFL branding that somehow manage to travel hundreds of miles outside London, possibly even England to a part of the countryside still populated by London buses) and an Australia where no one is Australian and everyone is Chinese for no reason isn't a terrible idea, but why does it need to be in this film? Why couldn't they have just made a film about that?

Ditto the Blade Runner hovercar chase. Why not just make a film about future Britain and Chinese Australia with a hovercar chase in it? Why did they put a bad Total Recall remake around it? And why is Len Wiseman obsessed with trying to turn his wife into an action hero?

Given that the original was a dumbed down version of the Dick short story it is amazing that the remake dumbs down the first movie.


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
I enjoyed Total Remake, and although I haven't seen the original, I have seen a 3 minute clip, and thus I've decided that the old one was actually a bit shit.


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Leve Palestina.
Oldboy's not all about the twist. It's about the emotional anguish of the characters. Park should stick to doing Vivaldi scored thrillers, his last two films have been two really subdued affairs.
Yeah but the premises was silly, Korean and Japanese have a tendency of making implausible nonsensical bollocks. This fits in with the likes of Confessions and I Saw the Devil. And Park's not all that, I liked A Tale of Two Sisters, but even that can't be regarded as a great film.


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
Yeah but the premises was silly, Korean and Japanese have a tendency of making implausible nonsensical bollocks. This fits in with the likes of Confessions and I Saw the Devil. And Park's not all that, I liked A Tale of Two Sisters, but even that can't be regarded as a great film.
That's Kim Ji-woon. Park's done the Vengeance Trilogy, Joint Security Area, I'm a Cyborg But That's OK (great title) and Thirst.


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Leve Palestina.
That's Kim Ji-woon. Park's done the Vengeance Trilogy, Joint Security Area, I'm a Cyborg But That's OK (great title) and Thirst. mistake. I liked Thirst but JSA was very poor in the second half, it also contained some of the worst acting, ever. I reckon I've seen far too many Korean films, I the end they became too unbearable, there's only so much over the top melancholy a person can take.


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue mistake. I liked Thirst but JSA was very poor in the second half, it also contained some of the worst acting, ever. I reckon I've seen far too many Korean films, I the end they became too unbearable, there's only so much over the top melancholy a person can take.
You can't fault them for originality though!


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Leve Palestina.
Actually he wasn't all that normal... he did a short stint in jail for manslaughter. Ahh...a premise that we can all relate to.


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
Poetry is one good, serious film without any of that mentalness. I was actually quite chuffed with myself for having seen and enjoyed such a mature film.

I think it had the same director as the film you're on about.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Garden State

Pretentious crap.
It's bloody awful, isn't it. And I actually like a lot of pretentious crap. This was just bog-standard crap with pretentions to be pretentious.

Being There - Talk about a final scene leaving a lasting impression, they really shouldn't have put the outtakes in the credits straight after and instead just let that scene sink in for everyone. The story could be described as a Forrest Gump type story but with satirical elements and also drained of sentimentality...Very good film.
Love it, but totally agree about the ending.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
What's pretentious about Garden State? I thought it was just a run-of-the-mill, sappy romantic comedy with all of Braff's annoying quirkiness.


Jul 10, 2011
City Hunter
Watched last 45 or so minutes for the first time. What the hell was that. I don't have words to describe how stupid the movie was but still I really really enjoyed it. I was laughing the whole time, probably on how stupid a movie can be, but I was. Street fighter scene was funny as well. Don't watch this movie if you can't take a bit of retarded fun otherwise its actually funny(haven't seen from start so can't comment about that first half).

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Gozu is demented surrealism at it's best.
Do you need any further proof that Miike has got a whacky circus going on in his head? I love how when he's freaking you out the most, he'll all of a sudden slip in something totally humorous. Watched one of his lesser-knowns the other day, The Bird People in China, where he definitely toned down the weird shit. Kind of nice for one's mental health. No cringing.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
The original Total Recall has aged badly. It's probably better than the new shit though. I thought Ichi was nothing special.


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
What's pretentious about Garden State? I thought it was just a run-of-the-mill, sappy romantic comedy with all of Braff's annoying quirkiness.
Quirky = pretentious, for some people these days. I haven't seen Garden State since it came out but I remember it being pretty average.

Do you need any further proof that Miike has got a whacky circus going on in his head? I love how when he's freaking you out the most, he'll all of a sudden slip in something totally humorous. Watched one of his lesser-knowns the other day, The Bird People in China, where he definitely toned down the weird shit. Kind of nice for one's mental health. No cringing.
Few things in films have left me as bewildered and perplexed as the gender transformation in Gozu. The lovely family drama Visitor Q had a few funny parts as well among all the breaches of human decency and every possible taboo there is. Miike's trying really hard to revamp his image though it appears, with his last few Samurai films.

I don't think Ichi is nearly as good as Spoony does. Lets all argue about that for a bit.
Asano carried it. It's a brilliant film but the masterpiece tag is a bit too much.


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
Men In Black 3

Quite enjoyed this for what it was. Brolin does an excellent Tommy Lee Jones impression and I was surprised to see Jermaine pulling off a cracking turn as the main bad guy. Thought Will Smith was oddly muted though.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
The Hunger Games - The Running Man for Twilight tweens as designed by Vivienne Westwood doing a Gilbert & Sullivan opera. About as deep as a shot glass.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
City Hunter
Watched last 45 or so minutes for the first time. What the hell was that. I don't have words to describe how stupid the movie was but still I really really enjoyed it. I was laughing the whole time, probably on how stupid a movie can be, but I was. Street fighter scene was funny as well. Don't watch this movie if you can't take a bit of retarded fun otherwise its actually funny(haven't seen from start so can't comment about that first half).
Is this not a Korean Series?


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
The Hunger Games - The Running Man for Twilight tweens as designed by Vivienne Westwood doing a Gilbert & Sullivan opera. About as deep as a shot glass.
This is becoming a pattern. I quite enjoyed this until I fell asleep about 40 mins from the end. I'm pretty sure that I can guess the end mind.

The two kids from the same place survive and become joint winners I assume.

The Taurean

looks like a chipmunk
May 10, 2009
Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.
I don't think Ichi is nearly as good as Spoony does. Lets all argue about that for a bit.
Asano carried it. It's a brilliant film but the masterpiece tag is a bit too much.
Actually, i would like to hear people's views on Ichi as a master piece or artistic brilliance.
Watched it off the recommendations here, but didn't measure up to my expectations.


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
I had to rewatch Vertigo as part of a class yesterday and I've come to the conclusion that it is indeed Hitchcock's best, his artistic peak. Best film ever? Nah, not even close.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
I had to rewatch Vertigo as part of a class yesterday and I've come to the conclusion that it is indeed Hitchcock's best, his artistic peak. Best film ever? Nah, not even close.
I still rate Dial M for Murder as Hitchcocks best. I watched both it and Vertigo again in the past few weeks, and whislt Vertigo is excellent in it's own right... I love absoultely everything about Dial M.'


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
Do you do film studies or something?

I still rate Dial M for Murder as Hitchcocks best. I watched both it and Vertigo again in the past few weeks, and whislt Vertigo is excellent in it's own right... I love absoultely everything about Dial M.'
It's very hard to pick a favourite Hitchcock film for some reason. I've been unsure for a while but on the second viewing Vertigo made much more sense and everything just came to together brilliantly. Dial for M is great but I'd have Vertigo over it as it's more challenging.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
Passion Play - When asked about this film, Mickey Rourke said it's ""Terrible. Another terrible movie." He was being kind. This is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Boring story combined with characters who lack any real emotion and could be played by robots instead of Rourke, Murray and the completely talentless Megan Fox, although tbf none are helped by the awful story. Rourke's character in this was similar to his role in The Wrestler, minus all the good parts. The CGI is terrible, the story is terrible, the characters are dull and one scene in the film is very, very awkward to put it mildly. Stay away, watching paint dry would be an infinitely better experience than watching this. - 0.01/10