POLL ADDED: Would you want Jose Mourinho as the next Manchester United manager?

Would you want Jose Mourinho as manager of Manchester United?

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Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
That's ultimately how football clubs operate. We were lucky with Fergie; we're probably not going to consistently find long-term, successful managers. And despite the risks Jose brings, he's probably a lot less risky than many other options.
I understand that but If we haven't found success with this current model. It is stupid of us to persist with it.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I understand that but If we haven't found success with this current model. It is stupid of us to persist with it.
I don't get your point here, though. Appointing new managers every so often isn't a new model. It just is what happens. Long-term can never be a guarantee, and it can't be the central priority.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
If LVG goes I don't see a viable alternative to mourinho, he brings baggage but he also brings success.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
I've said it before but I'll say it again, there is more risk inherent in NOT getting Mourinho than there is in getting him. As a businessman, Woody should see this and feck the doubters on the board - if Mourinho wants the job, which I don't doubt that he does, he is the most credible option available.


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
With the number of first team players at Chelsea that have spoken of the relief in the dressing room since José left, I seriously do not want near United.


Euro 2016 sweepstake winner
Jun 9, 2012
The problem is he is successful and then falls out with everyone. The 2 clubs that didn't happen at, he won the CL. He would be a good option to compete in the short term. Get all the shite out, buy well and get us back winning things. Everything Van Gaal was meant to do.

All 3 United

His tinfoil hat protects him from the Glazers.
Jun 25, 2001
If we were going to appoint Jose and sack LVG it would surely have been done prior to the end of the transfer window. It's not like we didn't have plenty of reason over the past month or so.

IMHO LVG is here until at least the summer and possibly until the end of his contract with Giggs then taking over. That has always been the plan and they're not going to change their minds.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
If we were going to appoint Jose and sack LVG it would surely have been done prior to the end of the transfer window. It's not like we didn't have plenty of reason over the past month or so.

IMHO LVG is here until at least the summer and possibly until the end of his contract with Giggs then taking over. That has always been the plan and they're not going to change their minds.
I agree thats their plan, the problem is, (well, one of many) I don't think anyone can stomach any more of LvG's football, until the end of the season? perhaps I could see putting up with it, but for another year and a half? I doubt,
I think we'll miss 4th and have to accelerate the plan, bringing Giggs in, this summer.


Euro 2016 sweepstake winner
Jun 9, 2012
If we were going to appoint Jose and sack LVG it would surely have been done prior to the end of the transfer window. It's not like we didn't have plenty of reason over the past month or so.

IMHO LVG is here until at least the summer and possibly until the end of his contract with Giggs then taking over. That has always been the plan and they're not going to change their minds.
Plan may change when we don't make the top 4. That is what happened with Moyes. Most people think now that the board is clueless enough to give him till the end of the year despite it being clear we won't challenge for the league or even the top 4 if we keep him, but there is a chance he will be gone in the Summer. If we plan for Giggs to take over there may be more discontent.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2013
If we were going to appoint Jose and sack LVG it would surely have been done prior to the end of the transfer window. It's not like we didn't have plenty of reason over the past month or so.

IMHO LVG is here until at least the summer and possibly until the end of his contract with Giggs then taking over. That has always been the plan and they're not going to change their minds.
I think your probably right but I'd have love to see Jose and Pep go head to head, in the two Manchester clubs....


Full Member
Oct 10, 2009
If we were going to appoint Jose and sack LVG it would surely have been done prior to the end of the transfer window. It's not like we didn't have plenty of reason over the past month or so.

IMHO LVG is here until at least the summer and possibly until the end of his contract with Giggs then taking over. That has always been the plan and they're not going to change their minds.
If Giggs was getting it, it would have happened now. He doesn't want it temporary and club don't want to risk him as perm choice. Jose currently tied in on severance package with Chelsea and Glazers too cheap to buy him out so decide to wait till summer.

That's my opinion.

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
It's be an interesting one, question is if the club want another round of heavy short term investment again, we could easily take the cheaper route and keep LvG or give it to Giggs, no way Mourinho would take it without alot of financial backing, and I'm not so sure we'll be up for this myself, that is unless the Glazer's could be looking for an exit strategy from the club, in that case Mourinho would be perfect.

Ideal scenario for me is to get top 4, sack LvG, and then have a go at a manger like Pochettino, Blanc, or possibly Simeone, it just seems a more harmonious route to take to me, and one that could be a long term success rather than a short term fix. All depends on the motivations of the owners really.


likes to use pantyhose
Jan 23, 2008
The Colonies
If Giggs was getting it, it would have happened now. He doesn't want it temporary and club don't want to risk him as perm choice. Jose currently tied in on severance package with Chelsea and Glazers too cheap to buy him out so decide to wait till summer.

That's my opinion.
That sounds logical, let's hope it's the case. Is there any evidence to back up this theory?


Enjoys watching fox porn
May 17, 2012
What puts a lot of people off here seems to be his attitude.

To hell with that being a reason.

His poor record with youth, yes. That, no.

I'd want the most hated manager to come and make us the most hated club again. I'd want him to tell City, Arsenal and Chelsea to go shove themselves. Tell the refs that they suck (it is the truth) tell Jamie Redknapp he doesn't have a clue. Tell Journos to shove their microphones up their butts.

Anythings better than nice polite LvG sitting halfway up OT playing with his notepad and twidling his thumbs.

Mourinho in.


Ole's at the wheel!
Mar 10, 2013
I am tired of us spending way too much money and hiring new manager every few years. I just can't get behind that as a business model.
Cool. But we can't have a manager last for the sake of it.


Full Member
Apr 6, 2009
Looking for the answers...
What puts a lot of people off here seems to be his attitude.

To hell with that being a reason.

His poor record with youth, yes. That, no.

I'd want the most hated manager to come and make us the most hated club again. I'd want him to tell City, Arsenal and Chelsea to go shove themselves. Tell the refs that they suck (it is the truth) tell Jamie Redknapp he doesn't have a clue. Tell Journos to shove their microphones up their butts.

Anythings better than nice polite LvG sitting halfway up OT playing with his notepad and twidling his thumbs.

Mourinho in.
This is it for me. I want the arrogance back. I want an air of invincibility back at old Trafford.

Mourinho is the only manager that I can see bringing those days back. I'm all for it.


Euro 2016 sweepstake winner
Jun 9, 2012
Weird here we are again. 2 games v Stoke and Chelsea with the fans wanting Jose. Only more this time.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
I see it as a four way choice between Mourinho, Pellegrini, Simeone and Potchino and each one is a credible candidate. How bloody great would it be if we hired Pellegrini and he delivered instant success at the expense of City.

When I look at those names one booms out at me as the man who can match what's going on at City and that man is Mourinho. To have those two going head to head in the same City again will be pure theatre.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
If we were going to appoint Jose and sack LVG it would surely have been done prior to the end of the transfer window. It's not like we didn't have plenty of reason over the past month or so.

IMHO LVG is here until at least the summer and possibly until the end of his contract with Giggs then taking over. That has always been the plan and they're not going to change their minds.

More and more I am convinced that we are set in our ways.

I think Mourinho will/has gotten the message too. He will find another club. With Mancini struggling at Inter, now would be a great time to keep the promise he made to Moratti. Thohir seems to be losening the pursestrings, so he'd have the backing he'd need.

Perhaps the City job may open up in future, or that is probably it in terms of hid EPL career.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
I'm leaning more and more towards yes as the days go by. At the least, it would make for interesting storylines.

I'm also resigned to the idea it was never going to happen this winter for a variety of reasons and will happen this summer at the earliest.

Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
To be honest I am still not sure , but if we are to change the manager and I am far from sure we are even going to do that, then Jose is really the only option.
Yeah, there really isn't anyone else. Pochettino is not leaving Spurs. Simeone doesn't speak English, and don't think he'd want to leave Atletico anyway.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Here's what I think: If the rumours are true and Maureen really wants this gig, we will hire a top class (historically great, even) manager with a point to prove and a score to settle. Unless he's actually completely burned out and finished at the top level, that's a pretty decent combination.

Gamble? Sure, it's a gamble. But for my money it's much less of a gamble than limping on with LVG in charge and Giggs waiting in the wings. The gamble is on Maureen not being done for, if you will. The so-called baggage he comes with isn't something we need to worry about until some time has passed and - hopefully - some very decent results have come our way.

If he then goes crazy again and has to be moved on, so be it. There's no sense in taking a potentially ugly exit into account as if it were written in stone that it will happen: Who knows, maybe Maureen's respect for Fergie will keep him in check to an extent. But even if it doesn't, what is he - seriously - at worst? A necessary evil, perhaps.

You can't always get what you want - but if you try sometimes, you just might find...
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likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
It probably will, one way or the other. But the idea that he – almost literally – burns his former clubs to the ground before leaving is somewhat exaggerated.

He falls out with people and has some public meltdowns, that's the extent of it. Perhaps, at worst, he pokes someone in the eye again. It's hardly the end of the world if the upside to his stay is that he gets us back to being a proper challenger.

Maureen is a highly controversial figure. United are no strangers to such figures. Going by what some people on here seemingly think, we've been known as a club of saints and moral crusaders over the years – which is hardly the case.
I'm not asking for saints. I just fear a situation were the players down tools to try and force the clubs hands. It's happened in his last two clubs. I fear at the end of it all, he might leave us in a worse situ than we currently are.
I don't expect his character to change. The people who think his approach is going to change just because he's a man Utd manager are naive.


New Member
Sep 17, 2004
The fact that we simple failed to entertain LVG's plea for players in this window makes me believe the board have already sacked him for the summer. Hopefully Mourinho has been promised the job and he's recharging his batteries and planing how he is going to deal with us and Pep next season.

We have a good foundation.. Even if Madrid find a way of getting DDG. Mourinho's ruthlessness in acquiring players with out warchest should work fine.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
The people who think his approach is going to change just because he's a man Utd manager are naive.
Yeah, I agree with that.

It's not a highly relevant point for me, however. You take the man for what he is, and with that comes the possibility - not the inevitability - of a less than pretty exit. For me that's a calculated risk and a price we should be willing to pay for what he could bring to the table.

The latter being getting us back into the swing of things. If people are worried about us doing a Liverpool, the antidote to that is to win, the sooner the better. Win ugly, for that matter - but win.

I'm not desperate for that to happen, by the way - I actually do think there's more than one way to skin this particular cat. And a slower approach could work too. The problem is that I have little faith in the people currently in charge of this football club. I see no reason to blindly trust whatever long-term plans they have concocted. A short-term (ish) executive decision to let LVG go and hire Maureen is preferable at the moment, if you ask me:

Gamble on him being up for it, win a trophy or two, let the world know that we have no intention of leaving the perch and doing a Pool - and then deal with whatever comes in the shape of him melting down to a lesser or greater extent when that bridge needs to be crossed.

Nytram Shakes

cannot lust
Feb 2, 2014
I think if we brought Jose in, he would be successful, he would probably win a trophy in his second season.

Having said that i really really don't want him as united manager, he wouldn't play the attacking football we crave, he wouldn't bring through young players, he won't be here more then a few seasons be basiclly creates an un-workable environment, the last two clubs he's been at he's fallen out with everyone!, he likes working with older players, generally spends alot of money, creates Kliq's in the dressing room that can be hard for the next manager to handle....and he just comes across as absolute tw@t!

so personally id' rather pass on the one or two successful season's jose would bring, because its not worth all the other shite that comes with it, and at least bring some one in who is going to attempt to build for long term and play attacking football.
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Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
I'm not asking for saints. I just fear a situation were the players down tools to try and force the clubs hands. It's happened in his last two clubs. I fear at the end of it all, he might leave us in a worse situ than we currently are.
I don't expect his character to change. The people who think his approach is going to change just because he's a man Utd manager are naive.
That's what I'm afraid of too amongst other things. But other than him, after thinking about it, I can only see Simeone being able to handle United. It doesn't seem like we can get him unless our board go all out to at least try and tempt him.
But other than that, I can't see anyone else but Mourinho - and yeah I'm wary of him for all sorts of reasons. That's why we desperately need to put structures and key football people in place, so we don't need to depend on the manager as much.