Thank you Van Gaal Thread


Dutchman, who could have chosen any tagline.
Aug 14, 2014
Reading a novel in the class of '92
As a dutchie i had high hopes of a Premier League title and a bus parade with ''We are the best in Manchester''.

All managers have their expiration date sooner or later.Good on you Van Gaal for winning the FA Cup trophy and bringing in youth (willingly or not) No hard feelings from my side. Leaving in a suiting manner, writing his own bit of history for Manchester United. Let us show an appropriate farewell!


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Better than Moyes but still not the right fit. At least he left winning a trophy and he did well bringing through some promising young players, I hold nothing against LvG I hope he has a nice retirement.
Last year, I began suffering from insomnia. However, thanks to Louis van Gaal, I am able to sleep again.

Thank you, Mr van Gaal.
I'd love a LVG positives thread.

Say what you want, he had balls giving chances to some of the young players. They'll do well with this experience.
Thanks for the FA Cup. Enjoy your retirement!
I've never wanted a manage to work out more and I'm disappointed that it went pear shaped. Grateful for the chances given to Rashford, Lingard and co. and I'm glad he got some sort of consolation with the FA Cup. I hope it was amicable. I look upon his time as neither negative nor positive The next few years will probably decide how I truly feel about his two years. Good luck LvG.
Thank feck he's going, but I've still got to say I wish him well and at least he went out on a high!*

*That's if according to the mob rule on here these days that we can consider the F.A Cup a high?
Thank you for the FA Cup, for signing Shaw, Martial and BFS (it was a dream to see him in a Untied shirt) and for introducing Rashford to the world. Things that could all prove very, very important for us in the future.
Thanks for nothing. feck off and take your nonsense philosophy with you. Yes I'm classless.

Though, I guess I should thank him for showing me I can have other interests on United match days, considering all the joy he sucked out of it. So thanks LVG for helping me have more of a life
In the end he enters United's history with a cup win. Not a bad way to say goodbye. Enjoy the Algarve.
He gave his best shot. His first year was a massive improvement on Moyes and got us back to Champions League. Second season was a disappointment, but still won the FA Cup. I've so far stayed away from the 'I want this manager' argument because later on, posters tend to find every excuse under the sun for the candidate they had rooted for earlier.

But I can safely say 'Good luck for your hard earned vacation Louis, you've done your best and we now need to move on'.
Really glad he's gone out with a trophy. He was and probably still is a great coach he just wasn't a good match for us. Thanks old bean.
You gave us an FA cup and with time we'll probably forget the rest. Except maybe that speech at the player of the year awards, that was pretty good too.
Thanks for the FA cup, and the chances to juice. Chill out in sunny Portugal!
Could have done better. But he didn't suit us. The way we have been playing for ages and the league were pretty much total opposite of how he wants to play.
Martial, rashford, mensah, lingard, and while didnt reach expectations he steadied a ship that was sinking quickly in moves final months. I also think that years to come people will appreciate the significance of post fergie silverware more. Winning trophies is hard, fa cup, champions league etc, any team can be knocked out on a given day and those expecting guaranteed succes under mourning are absolutely dreaming.

He also very significantly over saw us beating domestic rivals well which was of massive importance given how we had been swept aside the previous year.

Edit: I will genuinely miss his off the pitch presence too, the pre match montage today was comedy gold
Thank you for the FA Cup and the youths and Martial. Won't say good luck with your retirement yet unless United confirms he's leaving. Don't want to jinx anything:D:D:D:D
Thankyou for the memories. Far more memorable than Moyes' time.

The fall against Arsenal, Martial/TFM/Rashford/CBJ's emergence, the drunk speech from last season, some funny interviews, the 4/4 league wins over Liverpool and of course the FA Cup!

It hasn't been all bad, despite how it may seem. Still though, below expectations and for him to leave is the right choice for all parties. I personally would be happy if he were to move upstairs, though I understand why some others wouldn't be. I also genuinely believe that you can't underestimate how good the foundations are that he has laid down for the next manager, which looks to be Mourinho.

Thanks for everything, Louis!
Some memorable wins particularly in derby games. Some heartbreaking losses but in the end, he stabilized us and gave us some self belief after Moyes sucked the life out of the club. Thanks for Martial, Rashford, Blind and TFM.
He is a coaching legend, it will be hard to know where to rank him all time in the pantheon of greats but he truly deserves to go out with his head high and for whatever misgivings we as fans have about him during our experience, many others will only have praise for him.

He leaves with his dignity intact, with a title and now he can enjoy his retirement. I respect him greatly as a coach but it just wasn't the right fit.
Good riddance.

Could have done better. But he didn't suit us. The way we have been playing for ages and the league were pretty much total opposite of how he wants to play.

Plenty of threads to express these feelings in, not disputing or debating but this seems a pretty blatant departure for, posts of this vein don't you think?

Even a very poor performing employee in any work place gets thanked for their service after it doesn't work out, that's all this is.
He deserves credit for identifying Martial
He deserves credit for sticking Rashford in the side when other managers (including our new one) may have gone without a recognised striker
He deserves credit where it's due for the good results we've had in the big games (did something I've never seen a Fergie side do - completely boss a game at Anfield)

Enjoy retirement LVG and let Mourinho build on what you've started
It's been difficult for him as well. He's tried, but it hasn't all worked out. If he goes, will very much miss his honesty and his personality on a whole. He's a decent guy, and you don't get much decent people in football that's for sure.
It has been a crazy season, but he's had his moments, mostly in the press conferences.
Shame as I wanted him to do so much better, still thanks and best of luck for the future, he has been poor but not as bad as many think
While the football has been largely dire, I think LVG did a few things for the club that will pay dividends going forward. Yes, it was infuriating at times, but I never liked the name calling from some of our fans. He's a resected manager with a class pedigree and I'm happy for him he won us a trophy. No hard feelings from me (although my patience was tested many, many times), and I thank him for his service.
I am insistent that Louis has done a better job than it seems right now. I know it's been ugly and hard slog to watch and sit through but in that time he's reached minimum targets across the 2 year period (1 trophy, 1 UCL and 1 non UCL to continue the Adidas contract without financial punishment) and he's reshaped the squad entirely, reducing the average age and wage outlay considerably.

Only time will prove this but we are all far better for having Louis van Gaal manage and craft our club in the way he has than not having it at all. Especially after basically hitting the iceberg with Moyes.

Thank you Aloysius Paulus Maria van Gaal. I will miss you.