Nurse Lucy Letby - guilty of murdering 7 babies - whole life sentence

There's absolutely nothing that's not unsettling about this case, from the obviously upsetting facts of the cases to the fact that she has been publicly named and shamed like this. If, somehow, she's found to be not guilty of any of these offences, the chances are that her career and normal life will still have been lost to her.
There's been at least three wrongful accusations in recent years that I can think of. The media shouldn't be publicly naming this person, IMO.
Yeah, agreed. Inappropriate at this stage, even if she is guilty, and totally devastating if she’s not.
She's...not what I expected.

I felt exactly the same too. I almost think it must be a mistake and she's innocent.....
Must be a very severe mental issue though if she did do it. Its far easier for me to 'get' why a nurse of doctor would kill a load of OAPs (feeling you are doing them a favour, they wouldn't have any quality of remaining life etc etc - I don't agree with these arguments before anyone asks, but I can understand the rationale), than to even begin to understand why someone would do the same to babies.
And do we know that these were murders? The investigation was for higher than average non-fatal deaths and someone was arrested on suspicion. I've browsed the articles and there was no confirmation that these were actually murders.

This concept intrigues me.
How the feck does a potential mass murderer make bail?
Maybe they are not ready to charge and have no real choice, I think they can hold a murder suspect for up to 96 hours then they have to charge or release but I may of just pulled that out of my arse from somewhere. Adds up if she was arrested tuesday and released today.
How the feck does a potential mass murderer make bail?

Denying bail is an exception in case a suspect might murder again, can influence witnesses, or might flee. (this at least is supposedly how the Indian system works).
@Carolina Red

See what did I tell you, our justice system is weak as feck and pathetic. How on earth has a woman accused of murdering 8 babies and trying to kill numerous more been allowed out on bail.

I mean they must have something on her to arrest her in the first place so she should be denied any sort of freedom until this case is concluded.
Yeah, from a US perspective, that’s crazy. For us, a murder charge typically means you are denied bail.

Yeah and That’s exactly how it should be especially when you’re dealing with a potential serial killer and where the victims are babies.

God I hate my country sometimes.
Yeah and That’s exactly how it should be especially when you’re dealing with a potential serial killer and where the victims are babies.

God I hate my country sometimes.

You guys have it right. Bail should be used if there is a flight risk, or there is a significant risk to the public that can't be mitigated by home arrest.

Slap a house monitor on her and watch her movements. Innocent until guilty and all that.
Boogie's got a good point about the make-up. Girls/women who plaster themselves in make-up until they look grotesque always turn out to be arseholes one way or another and Lucy doesn't look a bit like that. I vote innocent.
I get what @Boogie Man is saying, she doesn't fit the "typical look" of a serial killer, she does look quite normal. But that doesn't mean she is innocent! Just because she has a natural smile and goes to gigs, she could still be a crazy baby killer.

Time will tell, I can't believe the police would publically arrest and announce her name if they didn't have some evidence it was her.
In a place that’s often full of memorable quotes, this last page has been blessed with some of the most special I’ve seen in my time here :lol:

@Eboue quality meme mate
We could save a lot of court time by putting people who have been accused of crimes on those "hot or not" websites and letting people vote.

Obviously those who score high "hot" scores are acquitted.

I'd go one step further with it and automatically convict anybody scoring less than 2/10 - even if they're innocent of the crime they're being tried for they're probably guilty of something. Society would be better off without them.
OJ? The same OJ that was released from prison last year after serving a sentence for armed robbery and kidnapping?

We have no idea about the woman who's been named, but no-one would buy "baby poison", by the way. There are many therapeutic medicines in hospital medicine trolleys and fridges which could kill a person of any age, if given in the wrong quantity to the wrong person.
Boogie Man top work with the original trolling sir. Up until you blew your cover late on though. Shame, I was 95% hooked.
Science is really amazing sometimes. I had no idea we could tell apart killers by their smiles and complexion.
We could save a lot of court time by putting people who have been accused of crimes on those "hot or not" websites and letting people vote.

Obviously those who score high "hot" scores are acquitted.

I'd go one step further with it and automatically convict anybody scoring less than 2/10 - even if they're innocent of the crime they're being tried for they're probably guilty of something. Society would be better off without them.

This is no WUM, but I've been searching through the tabloids and broadsheets trying to find some dirt on Lucy Letby, because I think this case is going to be pretty fascinating.

And the entire British media between them have still found... absolutely nothing! The best they've got is a photo of her goofing around with friends on a lapdancer's pole (fully clothed I might add)

Other than that, all I can see is an absolute mountain of quotes of people who know her saying she is just a normal girl, a little bit geeky, very kind hearted, very hard working, who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Even neighbours of the parents have said she visits the parents regularly as any good daughter would. And one of the parents of the babies she looked after has even called her "an angel nurse" and can't believe she could be responsible.

There's no history of being in and out of care here, of abuse, or coming from a broken home, or mental instability, or some kind of catastrophic event that could turn her into a murderer, or anything of the sort (that we know of).

The police have searched her house, her parent's house, they've even dug her garden and patio, and found... nothing! If they had, there wouldn't be a cat in hell's chance she would have been released on bail. No court in the land is ever going to convict this girl without some hard, hard evidence, which clearly there isn't any otherwise why have they let her go? Everything here is pointing in the same direction, the girl is clean as a whistle!

You know what is worst about this, is she's never gonna be able to work again after this, they've leaked her name and her photo, destroyed her life, and even if people forget her, she still won't be able to get any kind of caring jobs, because when you've been arrested for killing 8 babies, then go for a CRB check, that's exactly the kinda thing that might raise a ref flag with employers!

I'm telling you right now, Lucy Letby is gonna be owed a massive, massive apology when this is all over.
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This is no WUM, but I've been searching through the tabloids and broadsheets trying to find some dirt on Lucy Letby, because I think this case is going to be pretty fascinating.

And the entire British media between them have still found... absolutely nothing! The best they've got is a photo of her goofing around with friends on a lapdancer's pole (fully clothed I might add)

Other than that, all I can see is an absolute mountain of quotes of people who know her saying she is just a normal girl, a little bit geeky, very kind hearted, very hard working, who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Even neighbours of the parents have said she visits the parents regularly as any good daughter would. And one of the parents of the babies she looked after has even called her "an angel nurse" and can't believe she could be responsible.

There's no history of being in and out of care here, of abuse, or coming from a broken home, or mental instability, or some kind of catastrophic event that could turn her into a murderer, or anything of the sort (that we know of).

The police have searched her house, her parent's house, they've even dug her garden and patio, and found... nothing! If they had, there wouldn't be a cat in hell's chance she would have been released on bail. No court in the land is ever going to convict this girl without some hard, hard evidence, which clearly there isn't any otherwise why have they let her go? Everything here is pointing in the same direction, the girl is clean as a whistle!

You know what is worst about this, is she's never gonna be able to work again after this, they've leaked her name and her photo, destroyed her life, and even if people forget her, she still won't be able to get any kind of caring jobs, because when you've been arrested for killing 8 babies, then go for a CRB check, that's exactly the kinda thing that might raise a ref flag with employers!

I'm telling you right now, Lucy Letby is gonna be owed a massive, massive apology when this is all over.
You miss the point entirely. This woman is innocent until proven otherwise, but I suggest you read a bit about Beverley Allitt. She also was a "normal" nurse who'd had a "normal" upbringing. Sadly, there have been other cases.
This is no WUM, but I've been searching through the tabloids and broadsheets trying to find some dirt on Lucy Letby, because I think this case is going to be pretty fascinating.

And the entire British media between them have still found... absolutely nothing! The best they've got is a photo of her goofing around with friends on a lapdancer's pole (fully clothed I might add)

Other than that, all I can see is an absolute mountain of quotes of people who know her saying she is just a normal girl, a little bit geeky, very kind hearted, very hard working, who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Even neighbours of the parents have said she visits the parents regularly as any good daughter would. And one of the parents of the babies she looked after has even called her "an angel nurse" and can't believe she could be responsible.

There's no history of being in and out of care here, of abuse, or coming from a broken home, or mental instability, or some kind of catastrophic event that could turn her into a murderer, or anything of the sort (that we know of).

The police have searched her house, her parent's house, they've even dug her garden and patio, and found... nothing! If they had, there wouldn't be a cat in hell's chance she would have been released on bail. No court in the land is ever going to convict this girl without some hard, hard evidence, which clearly there isn't any otherwise why have they let her go? Everything here is pointing in the same direction, the girl is clean as a whistle!

You know what is worst about this, is she's never gonna be able to work again after this, they've leaked her name and her photo, destroyed her life, and even if people forget her, she still won't be able to get any kind of caring jobs, because when you've been arrested for killing 8 babies, then go for a CRB check, that's exactly the kinda thing that might raise a ref flag with employers!

I'm telling you right now, Lucy Letby is gonna be owed a massive, massive apology when this is all over.

I think you could be right however they couldn't have arrested her without having some suspicion so it's up to the police to follow that up with hard evidence. Also to suggest that somebody with no obvious psychopathic traits shown on their social media profile couldn't possibly have done something horrific is a bit ermm.. strange?
You miss the point entirely. This woman is innocent until proven otherwise, but I suggest you read a bit about Beverley Allitt. She also was a "normal" nurse who'd had a "normal" upbringing. Sadly, there have been other cases.

Thanks, never heard of her, I've done a bit of digging on her.

She became obese as an adolescent (letting herself go), becoming increasingly attention seeking, colleagues became suspicious of her long before when she smeared feces on a wall in a nursing home (kinda the erratic behaviour I was talking about before), her absentee levels were off the chart, her boyfriend said she was aggressive, manipulative, and deceptive, claiming false pregnancy, as well as rape. These are all the kind of tell tale signs I was talking about the other day that I would have expected to see in Lucy Letby if she is guilty. But no one has anything bad to say about her, and believe me the tabloids have been digging for this kinda dirt for 2 weeks but found absolutely nothing.

I'm telling you, this one feels all wrong.

In fact, I am actually so confident I am right on this one, that if it turns out that Lucy Letby is guilty of murder (not some lesser charge of negligence, malpractice or manslaughter, but actual murder - that she actually intended to kill these babies), I will leave this board and never come back!
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Seems some on Caf have already decided the accused is guilty.
Thanks, never heard of her, I've done a bit of digging on her.

She became obese as an adolescent (letting herself go), becoming increasingly attention seeking, colleagues became suspicious of her long before when she smeared feces on a wall in a nursing home (kinda the erratic behaviour I was talking about before), her absentee levels were off the chart, her boyfriend said she was aggressive, manipulative, and deceptive, claiming false pregnancy, as well as rape. These are all the kind of tell tale signs I was talking about the other day that I would have expected to see in Lucy Letby if she is guilty. But no one has anything bad to say about her, and believe me the tabloids have been digging for this kinda dirt for 2 weeks but found absolutely nothing.

I'm telling you, this one feels all wrong.

In fact, I am actually so confident I am right on this one, that if it turns out that Lucy Letby is guilty of murder (not some lesser charge of negligence, malpractice or manslaughter, but actual murder - that she actually intended to kill these babies), I will leave this board and never come back!

I suspect you’ll leave soon enough anyway
♪Blame it on Judge Boogie♪
Thanks, never heard of her, I've done a bit of digging on her.

She became obese as an adolescent (letting herself go), becoming increasingly attention seeking, colleagues became suspicious of her long before when she smeared feces on a wall in a nursing home (kinda the erratic behaviour I was talking about before), her absentee levels were off the chart, her boyfriend said she was aggressive, manipulative, and deceptive, claiming false pregnancy, as well as rape. These are all the kind of tell tale signs I was talking about the other day that I would have expected to see in Lucy Letby if she is guilty. But no one has anything bad to say about her, and believe me the tabloids have been digging for this kinda dirt for 2 weeks but found absolutely nothing.

I'm telling you, this one feels all wrong.

In fact, I am actually so confident I am right on this one, that if it turns out that Lucy Letby is guilty of murder (not some lesser charge of negligence, malpractice or manslaughter, but actual murder - that she actually intended to kill these babies), I will leave this board and never come back!

Are you Hercule Poirot?
You've still missed the point, @Boogie Man. All that information has been dug out years after her conviction, and may or may not all be true (some of it is opinion given with hindsight). I was saying that at the time she was arrested, she seemed to be just a regular young woman.
I thought Amanda Knox was really attractive but, regardless, am still convinced she was involved in poor Meredith's death.