The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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Full Member
Aug 8, 2009
Aug 13, 2018
He's here until CL is out of reach, although it would take sudden title winning form from us to reach it. We're whipping boys this season, 0-3 to Spurs 3-1 at Anfield and Etihad. 6th is all we will achieve and even that isn't a given. Madness that we're watching the team rot away like this.
Madness that this was the team that comfortably finished 2nd last year.


New Member
May 22, 2016
Is there any point in hoping for him to be sacked? I gave up on our board acting when we had Van Gaal. Every week we would think is it this week. But never. The board are clueless. Ideally a board would've looked at his history and been planning who to appoint after him on the day he became manager.


Full Member
Feb 4, 2012
The comforting thing that is a byproduct of the game today is that the general consensus by everyone online and otherwise is for Jose and the club to part ways and also for the board to take measures that this doesn't happen again....aka a DOF and changes to way the club is run

Jose and Ed have nowhere to hide anymore, pretty much everyone has conceded that United are a club who has totally lost its identity and are in crisis.

Admittance is the first step to recovery, hopefully Ed and the board wake up and start doing whats best for the club


Full Member
Aug 1, 2016
Selling Pogba just makes the rebuild twice as hard. We are hardly going to buy Toni Kroos.
Exactly,he's a part of the solution and binning him before getting a new manager in would be counter intuitive as hell


Horrible boss
Aug 17, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Urban Combat Preparedness
Many of us were saying he should be sacked at the end of last season, despite finishing 2nd. The football was the worst I have ever seen as a United fan.

This is the most obvious implosion of all time. Preseason was dreadful, Jose bitched like a baby all summer, and had his excuses in before the season even started.

I’m fecking ashamed of this club right now. How this absolute cocksplat is still the manager of Manchester United is unfathomable. His management has been toxic from the start. Horrible person, and now a horrible manager to go with it.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
Madness that this was the team that comfortably finished 2nd last year.
We weren’t comfortably the 2nd best team though. People keep using this excuse of how we finished 2nd but it was purely the other teams playing poorly too. Liverpool gave up for CL, Chelsea fell away under Conte, arsenal were wengered. Tottenham ran out of steam.

They’ve fixed their errors while we’ve gone backwards. Time for us to fix our error.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
Stop teasing me with all these suspicions, rumors and conjecture that he’s gonna be sacked tomorrow guys :(

It’s gonna make the reality of waking up and finding him still as our manager even worse. It’s the hope that kills you.


Full Member
Oct 16, 2010
Many of us were saying he should be sacked at the end of last season, despite finishing 2nd. The football was the worst I have ever seen as a United fan.

This is the most obvious implosion of all time. Preseason was dreadful, Jose bitched like a baby all summer, and had his excuses in before the season even started.

I’m fecking ashamed of this club right now. How this absolute cocksplat is still the manager of Manchester United is unfathomable. His management has been toxic from the start. Horrible person, and now a horrible manager to go with it.
Spot on.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2010
Carlos Valderamas hair
Absolutely sick of this now, this season had been a joke. Everything is so negative and Mou basically thinly veils coming out with "were crap is not my fault the players are bad" how is he getting away with it!?


Full Member
Nov 26, 2012
Many of us were saying he should be sacked at the end of last season, despite finishing 2nd. The football was the worst I have ever seen as a United fan.

This is the most obvious implosion of all time. Preseason was dreadful, Jose bitched like a baby all summer, and had his excuses in before the season even started.

I’m fecking ashamed of this club right now. How this absolute cocksplat is still the manager of Manchester United is unfathomable. His management has been toxic from the start. Horrible person, and now a horrible manager to go with it.
Don't worry man it's till preseason.


Full Member
Jun 16, 2016
That's it? So it's not about money then. Is it just Ed not wanting to make another decision?
Never understood why people were so convinced it was about money. Losing out on the CL would make it cheaper to sack him, probably, but it also means losing the money we'd earn by playing in the CL. It is Woodward, and the Glazers, but I hope it's more to do with the fact that there's nobody they could replace Jose at the moment. No need to reply with a list of names for me, I just genuinely think they'd like to identify a manager to lead us for at least a two or three years and it's difficult mid-season. Identifying a decent interim manager is also difficult. Names thrown here are pretty unrealistic to be fair. Either they wouldn't be interested in being in an interim role under this much pressure or not good enough. Carrick has been a coach for less than a year and learning from Mourinho. Wenger...well, I hope some names are just being brought up from frustration after shit results.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
Never understood why people were so convinced it was about money. Losing out on the CL would make it cheaper to sack him, probably, but it also means losing the money we'd earn by playing in the CL. It is Woodward, and the Glazers, but I hope it's more to do with the fact that there's nobody they could replace Jose at the moment. No need to reply with a list of names for me, I just genuinely think they'd like to identify a manager to lead us for at least a two or three years and it's difficult mid-season. Identifying a decent interim manager is also difficult. Names thrown here are pretty unrealistic to be fair. Either they wouldn't be interested in being in an interim role under this much pressure or not good enough. Carrick has been a coach for less than a year and learning from Mourinho. Wenger...well, I hope some names are just being brought up from frustration after shit results.
If they want to even attempt CL qualification he needs to go. Surely they can see that much.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
Many of us were saying he should be sacked at the end of last season, despite finishing 2nd. The football was the worst I have ever seen as a United fan.

This is the most obvious implosion of all time. Preseason was dreadful, Jose bitched like a baby all summer, and had his excuses in before the season even started.

I’m fecking ashamed of this club right now. How this absolute cocksplat is still the manager of Manchester United is unfathomable. His management has been toxic from the start. Horrible person, and now a horrible manager to go with it.
So true. Last season was miserable. Everyone barring City were awful. Including us. How Jose managed to spin it to the point that it's now seen as an achievement I'll never know.


New Member
Sep 29, 2018
Can we chip in to pay him off? I am really sick of this. When is it going to end? He has no clue on what he is doing right now. Enough of this coward tactic and blaming games.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
Sydney Australia
his pre season antics have been the catalyst for the disaster we find ourselves in , but the board should be taking as much of the blame as he is can you extend a contract , but not back him in the window

laughing stock from top to bottom

but all is well , smalling is all tied up now , take that Barcelona


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.
Think today was the nail in the coffin and will be sacked next week. McCarrick will take the reigns until the end of the season


Full Member
Feb 20, 2013
He's met his match here. A club as desperate to avoid sacking the manager as he is to be sacked.

The Twitter thing gives me a tiny glimmer of hope that he might be gone in the morning.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2014
The clubs twitter account still hasn't been active since the game finished which is strange. There's still something to cling onto..
There would have been something in the press by now if anything were actually afoot.

Rash Decision

not to use the cream
Mar 15, 2018
In your closet, in your head!
Pogba can do one aswell for all I care. Its shambolic the state of that guy. Mourinho is right Pogba hasnt been playing for this team for a long while now. The players really have let the fans, club and themselves down. Is Mou to blame yes no doubting that but Pogba isnt helping himself, I couldnt care less if he left with Mourinho.
What's shambolic is getting rid of Pogba because Mourinho has conjured up this narrative that he isn't playing for the team.


New Member
May 1, 2018
I don’t like the idea of United sacking another manager however I think it’s now inevitable that Mourinho needs to go.

The next permanent united manager needs to win the Premier League and challenge in the champions league again therefore the decision when choosing the next manager should not be rushed.

Despite this I feel that the club is nosediving this year and therefore to have any remote chance of somehow recovering a top 4 position a change is needed now.

My opinion would be to introduce a interim manager now till the end of the season. This would allow plenty of time for the right manager to be selected as well as hopefull give the team a much needed boost.

I would probably like to see an ex red have a chance as interim, to see if some of the pride and passion can be reinstalled in the club, maybe Giggs again or even Gary Neville.

When Sir Alex was at the club he carried it on his shoulders, took responsibility for everything and everybody. I don’t believe the modern manager wants to do this anymore, certainly not Mourinho. I think this is one reason why the clubs structure from top to bottom has been so poor in recent years, the club does not know how to function with a modern style manger and with a greater importance on directors etc.

One last thing, as purely a temp manager to the end of the season, Wenger anybody? Can’t think In my mind weather this would be a disaster or not.
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