The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Tarheel Tech Wizard
Aug 9, 2014
Leaving A Breakfast On All Of Your Doorsteps
Janet jazz jazz jam
I think that we're about to enter a period of world-relevant history here. How will a mega-narcissist, leader of the the most powerful nation on earth, react when the charges and evidence become too vast to bombast through? How will his supporters react in the face of the crumbling of a mountain of cognitive dissonance? I'd certainly hope that those coming after Trump have thought through a few of the ways he might react and do what they can to block off the most dangerous ones. I'd imagine spurious nuclear action is thankfully off the cards now that he's insulted the entire military lately.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
I agree with most of that, other than what's the best action to take towards it. I fall in that bit between ignorance and constant, active vigilance. If you are in a position to expose his political corruption then I think you have an obligation to do so. If you have evidence about his corrupt business practices then I don't think you have an obligation to do, because there is a legitimate question about the legal principles involved regarding a political figure and his personal business that each individual is entitled to weigh up, but I personally would want you to expose that.

If you are someone reading public reporting about his constant lies, buffoonery and questionable political practices, then I don't think there's any need to constantly talk about it. I'm not saying you shouldn't if you want to, I just don't think it has any impact on anything. I certainly don't think it should be described as normalising it. It's just directing your energy towards the more important stuff. And I personally think that so much of the media spending so much time on the less important stuff is a disservice to the country, personally.
Media is a serious problem for sure.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2013

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
Obama's original campaign was undoubtedly predicated to a significant extent on lasting change.
Obama promised change and won a huge progressive mandate to enact it. He then put Robert Gates, Tim Geithner, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Rahm Emmanuel and Ben Bernanke into power.
Point taken. Not every Obama claim has aged well. However, that does not mean Trump should not be ridiculed for his bombastic promises at every possible opportunity.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
This Democratic Congress has come in with absolute hatred of Trump.
Impeachment may well happen, but only after the Muller Report presents evidence of treason and corruption, which I think it will.
Didnt you say impeachment will be political suicide for the Dems?


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
At what point do we just assume the United States don't have an effective federal government anymore? Purely going by the bosses words?
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More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
Politically I just don't get it. Support for a physical wall has never been even close to the majority. If you actually look at the current state of border patrol, it's in a better place than years apparently (in terms of arrests, backlog etc). There literally is no crisis.

Which begs the question, why is Trump hanging his hat on this one issue? Surely he'd be better served politically going after something that more of the country wants?

The only people that genuinely seem to want a physical wall are Trump, the 30% of America that can't read and Tucker Carlson. That's not going to get him 2020 reelection, which is what he needs to stay out of prison.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
Didnt you say impeachment will be political suicide for the Dems?
My understanding is that most folk are basing it on the reaction to Bill's impeachment trials, which increased his support.

I'm not entirely sure the situations are comparable.

In Clinton's case, the Gingrich-led GOP had basically reinvented the house's investigatory powers to be a political hatchet job. Tried for years before finally getting something to stick (Monica's dress jokes, badum etc). So the idea that he was being impeached for what was, to a lot of people, related to a good time in the oval office (not the lying) felt like he really was just being persecuted by a zealous maniac (which Newt very much is).

But Trump would be impeached, presumably, on a list of actual f*cking felonies.

So I don't totally get why the two would be comparable. It wasn't only some weird group of die-hard Democrats that stuck with Clinton, it was also a lot of independents. Those independents have been running for the hills away from Trump for over 2 years.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Imagine being stuck with a president that has dementia and there's nothing you can do?


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
I've said it before, what is more worrying, The fact Trump is so obviously corrupt and insane? OR the fact millions of people still support him? Be it because they are too stupid and brainwashed or full of hate, or simply because they are that selfish and greedy and just like owning the libs...

Also, should we all be laughing at this? Or just crying?

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