Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Er.....ok . I image the daily mail and the sun are against Corbyn because of he's ''gaffs''. Also most people get their tv news from the 10 min BBC news program.

It might be a shock to you but most aren't having sky news pumped Kubrick style into their eyes 24 hours a day.

I've no idea, I didn't watch Sky News yesterday but had a look /glance at CNN and a few newspapers and they all had the story within a very short time.
Soft brexit is certainly a matter of perspective, but during the referendum campaign Labour's position would not have been called soft Brexit. Its a measure of how far we've travelled that it is considered as such by some.

Not sure that's a fair comment about the People's Vote. Last week they said wasnt the right time when TIG tabled a bill, but that was just talking about the events of last week. Their initial roadmap makes it clear that its the sooner the better and likewise they make it clear that the process has to begin long in advance of the end of March 2019 in order to handle the legislation required. If Labour were serious about suggesting a PV, they've long since missed the bus.
indeed - as much as May has run the clock down to make it a my deal or no deal decision equally Corbyn has put off actively following up on the promise of backing a second vote until its too late (possibly a ratification referendum though thats as likley to be leave with no deal or mays deal as it is to have remain or a softer brexit option on the ballot)
Soft brexit is certainly a matter of perspective, but during the referendum campaign Labour's position would not have been called soft Brexit. Its a measure of how far we've travelled that it is considered as such by some.

Not sure that's a fair comment about the People's Vote. Last week they said wasnt the right time when TIG tabled a bill, but that was just talking about the events of last week. Their initial roadmap makes it clear that its the sooner the better and likewise they make it clear that the process has to begin long in advance of the end of March 2019 in order to handle the legislation required. If Labour were serious about suggesting a PV, they've long since missed the bus.

There's still no actual clarity as to what Corbyn's position is on Brexit. He sort of supports a soft Brexit in that he won't rule out the customs union, but he also keeps hinting he'd maybe support a PV without actually declaring said support, while also hinting sometimes he'd like to negotiate a new customs union even though the EU have said this isn't happening.
Who advises this halfwit?

It’s actually incredible how incompetent he and his entourage are. Any wanker with a brain cell could have figured the response to walking out of a meeting with Ummuna would result in the response: ‘well, you’ll sit and talk to Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRA.’

It’s depressing how terrible Labour are at playing politics. It’s as if there is no interest in actually getting people back inside. Even Labour voters that would never vote any other way.
Who advises this halfwit?

It’s actually incredible how incompetent he and his entourage are. Any wanker with a brain cell could have figured the response to walking out of a meeting with Ummuna would result in the response: ‘well, you’ll sit and talk to Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRA.’

It’s depressing how terrible Labour are at playing politics. It’s as if there is no interest in actually getting people back inside. Even Labour voters that would never vote any other way.

Someone will be along shortly to remind you that it was May who called the meeting and its all her fault because she knew Corbyn would kick off, forgetting that if that really was her intention, he fell for it hook line and sinker.
Who advises this halfwit?

It’s actually incredible how incompetent he and his entourage are. Any wanker with a brain cell could have figured the response to walking out of a meeting with Ummuna would result in the response: ‘well, you’ll sit and talk to Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRA.’

It’s depressing how terrible Labour are at playing politics. It’s as if there is no interest in actually getting people back inside. Even Labour voters that would never vote any other way.
Actually, the response across social media pretty unanimously shows that the public agree with Corbyn on this and think Chuka is a vacuous attention seeker.

Sometimes the truth is so obvious that even the great British public sees it. Well, most of them.
indeed - as much as May has run the clock down to make it a my deal or no deal decision equally Corbyn has put off actively following up on the promise of backing a second vote until its too late (possibly a ratification referendum though thats as likley to be leave with no deal or mays deal as it is to have remain or a softer brexit option on the ballot)
Corbyn never promised to back a second vote. When faced with numerous demonstrations calling for one at the Labour conference he eventually and reluctantly promised 'not to rule one out'. And his supporters swallowed it.
There's still no actual clarity as to what Corbyn's position is on Brexit. He sort of supports a soft Brexit in that he won't rule out the customs union, but he also keeps hinting he'd maybe support a PV without actually declaring said support, while also hinting sometimes he'd like to negotiate a new customs union even though the EU have said this isn't happening.

"I reiterate our support for a public vote, not as political point scoring but as a realistic option to beat the deadlock.” I mean this was a few days ago.....
Is that before or after he whipped labour MP's not to vote for it?

It was after the Peoples Votes put out a statement asking MPs to abstain....

Maybe he should have ignored them though and cooperated with the TIG in spearheading a premature effort that definitely wasn't just self promotion
"I reiterate our support for a public vote, not as political point scoring but as a realistic option to beat the deadlock.” I mean this was a few days ago.....

He's continually been shifting his position since the start of the process though. Until he's actually voting for a public vote there's no reason to believe he won't again.
It was after the Peoples Votes put out a statement asking MPs to abstain....

Maybe he should have ignored them though and cooperated with the TIG in spearheading a premature effort that definitely wasn't just self promotion
I think he would have struggled to cooperate with them without going all mean girls

I expect a full on meltdown if he has to cooperate with Blair on a peoples vote
Actually, the response across social media pretty unanimously shows that the public agree with Corbyn on this and think Chuka is a vacuous attention seeker.

Sometimes the truth is so obvious that even the great British public sees it. Well, most of them.

Except it isn’t unanimous in the slightest. You’re referring to a few tweets you’ve seen - presumably by people you take interest in listening to. Ummuna is generally seen to be a numpty but let’s not pretend that the reaction to Corbyn hasn’t been at all critical. It has.
Actually, the response across social media pretty unanimously shows that the public agree with Corbyn on this and think Chuka is a vacuous attention seeker.

Sometimes the truth is so obvious that even the great British public sees it. Well, most of them.

Er, no it doesn't. There was a lot of criticism for Corbyn on twitter.
I think he was correct to flounce. Not just because Chukka is not a leader but May refused to budge therefore it was all a waste of time..

Weird that their plans seem to so consistently coincide with anti-Brexit marches/protests.
So what exactly the feck is Jezza doing today to help win the next election? Apart from poncing round with Alsatians. Tom Watson did a decent job representing the party at one of the biggest public gatherings ever to happen in the Uk, discussing the most important issue of our lifetimes but it’s shameful that the Labour leader wasn’t giving that speech instead. He’s such a useless, insipid turd.
So what exactly the feck is Jezza doing today to help win the next election? Apart from poncing round with Alsatians. Tom Watson did a decent job representing the party at one of the biggest public gatherings ever to happen in the Uk, discussing the most important issue of our lifetimes but it’s shameful that the Labour leader wasn’t giving that speech instead. He’s such a useless, insipid turd.
He is a Leaver that dare not admit it because most of his acolytes are not. One would think having the chance to support the call for a second referendum would be a perfect way out for him, but his belief in Leave is obviously too strong to do so.
He is a Leaver that dare not admit it because most of his acolytes are not. One would think having the chance to support the call for a second referendum would be a perfect way out for him, but his belief in Leave is obviously too strong to do so.

I’ve got a friend who is an ardent Corbyn supporter. He just calls me a red Tory every time I call Corbyn out on his blatant leave preference and tells me he acts like that because most labour voters want to leave.

They just don’t want to face reality. What’s more, taking one day to address the biggest issue affecting Britain’s future isn’t going to harm a campaign that ends in May.
He is a Leaver that dare not admit it because most of his acolytes are not. One would think having the chance to support the call for a second referendum would be a perfect way out for him, but his belief in Leave is obviously too strong to do so.

Sad fact is that if he was a Remainer, Labour would be a Remain party. A majority of MPs, members, Unions and voters all prefer Remain. Corbyn and his team are the only ones that don’t, but they call the tune.
Bloody Corbyn!

I can tell you a lot of the problems of the Morecambe and Lancaster area. I work in Probation as well so I am well aware of the amount of people visiting food banks in the area, in addition to the rise of visible street homelessness increasing to dozens in the last 10 years since the Conservatives took over. Austerity really has ripped the heart out of a lot of the area, however worse than austerity will be the effects of leaving the EU on the area and I can tell you now; most people in Morecambe will no doubt despise Corbyn so going out there for a chat about their problems instead of throwing his (and the Labour Party's) weight behind a second EU referendum is a total waste of time.
I can tell you a lot of the problems of the Morecambe and Lancaster area. I work in Probation as well so I am well aware of the amount of people visiting food banks in the area, in addition to the rise of visible street homelessness increasing to dozens in the last 10 years since the Conservatives took over. Austerity really has ripped the heart out of a lot of the area, however worse than austerity will be the effects of leaving the EU on the area and I can tell you now; most people in Morecambe will no doubt despise Corbyn so going out there for a chat about their problems instead of throwing his (and the Labour Party's) weight behind a second EU referendum is a total waste of time.
:) Half the homeless and desperately poor in Morecambe are Scots, as I'm sure you know, they'll soon tell him to feck off back to Islington if asked.
I can tell you a lot of the problems of the Morecambe and Lancaster area. I work in Probation as well so I am well aware of the amount of people visiting food banks in the area, in addition to the rise of visible street homelessness increasing to dozens in the last 10 years since the Conservatives took over. Austerity really has ripped the heart out of a lot of the area, however worse than austerity will be the effects of leaving the EU on the area and I can tell you now; most people in Morecambe will no doubt despise Corbyn so going out there for a chat about their problems instead of throwing his (and the Labour Party's) weight behind a second EU referendum is a total waste of time.
Er....ok then. Also Morecambe voted leave right ?

But anyway, good to see Dawn's back on twitter after she deleted her account in shame.
What ?

Actually I don't want to know.
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Ok then. Also Morecambe voted leave right ?

Struggling to see what's funny about local high streets being decimated, homelessness and a rise in the need for food banks in the area being compounded by the UK leaving the EU?

Unfortunately, yes, Lancaster district voted 51.1% - 48.9% in favour of leave. I don't see how that's relevant to Corbyn wasting his time by going to a non-marginal seat held by Conservative MP David Morris for the last nine years.