The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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trump has dementia
Yes, that’s what they are trying to push now. I’m sure his mental faculty has declined with his advancing age but his main problem is that he needs to be the centre of any “event” and loves to appear knowledgeable but has little understanding or knowledge of what he’s talking about (so he rambles on) and no real desire to learn either. Consequently he ends up rattling on incessantly about nothing. His mouth runs away with itself, finds itself short of back up from the empty brain and therefore he ends up spouting complete and utter nonsense.
Yes, that’s what they are trying to push now. I’m sure his mental faculty has declined with his advancing age but his main problem is that he needs to be the centre of any “event” and loves to appear knowledgeable but has little understanding or knowledge of what he’s talking about (so he rambles on) and no real desire to learn either. Consequently he ends up rattling on incessantly about nothing. His mouth runs away with itself, finds itself short of back up from the empty brain and therefore he ends up spouting complete and utter nonsense.

Who is they? What are you on about?
My bad. Saw it doing the rounds on social media.
what's worrying is that the fact that journalists like Joy Reid are spreading disinformation and
Plus Kristen Giliband and Pete Buttigpeg (sorry about the spelling) are falling for it

I'm going to try and hazard a guess.

The 38 mile long border land where this wall /barrier is looks to be along some sort of territory that requires some massive hydrolic gates to close the border if needed. Sounds like it's near a river or something .

But because trump thinks the cost to install the "doors " exceeds the value of the actual land?

So for cost saving he would sell the land. Maybe even to Mexico ? And change where they would run the wall that would require less complicated expensive "doors" to secure it .

Is that what he's truing to say?
Identifying separated migrant families may take two years, US government says
  • Trump administration outlines plan in response to lawsuit
  • Thousands of children were taken from their parents at border

Everyone in the administration involved in this, from Trump to the DHS secretary to the ICE head and agents, deserves jail.

It’s fecked up how much people get away with in the name of “Politics”. What they are doing is cruel, racist and breaks about a dozen laws but because it’s a “policy” that he ran on its apparently fair game.
sitting at a hipster authentic mexican restaurant and 4 guys in john deere hats are talking about how the Washington Post only wants to make trump look bad and how trump has stopped the country from accruing debt. Also one of them pronounced maga like mah-gah
As the IRS have his tax returns, does that mean we should assume whatever's in there is legal, but politically damaging for Trump because it exposes countless lies about his business success? Or are there legal aspects to it that the IRS don't look into that other agencies will be able to?
It would have been a few years that they've had them... Sounds a bit excessive and suspect no?
It would have been a few years that they've had them... Sounds a bit excessive and suspect no?

I don't follow! What are you asking exactly?

The fact he's so keen to hide them is suspicious in and of itself, and Cohen's testimony and related financial docs push it beyond suspicious to at least legally precarious. But I'm not really sure how it works. If he'd committed some kind of financial crime related to his tax returns, wouldn't the IRS have picked up on it themselves?
Still going on about it. Seriously, if you are still obsessed with it you fear there must be something behind the scenes.

Exactly right, mate. He's clearly worried as he's still trying to discredit them and the info they are leaking.

Schrodinger's Report though isn’t it? Mueller’s team are illegally leaking stuff to the fake news media who are making up lies that Mueller’s team are leaking.
Hmm. Suspiciously understated, by his bombastic standards.
Nielsen was probably tired of kissing Trump's ass. In with an even bigger ass kisser I guess
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