Television POLL: Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones?

Which one was better?

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Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Two of the biggest shows of the last decade, but which one was better?

Breaking Bad for me, I thought whilst it was slow to get started once it did the quality remained extraordinarily high, and the descent of Walter White from mild mannered High School teacher into Drug Lord was incredible.

For many years Game of Thrones was alongside it, but I think the last 2 seasons have ensured that it ranks a distant second.

Poll perhaps @Damien.
It was very close for a long time although I probably always just favoured Breaking Bad.

Now though, I'd be amazed if anyone picked Game of Thrones.

Not going to say any specific spoilers but Breaking Bad had maybe the greatest ending to a TV show ever that was satisfying , felt realistic in that world and felt true to all the characters.

The game of thrones ending was pretty shite.
Two of the biggest shows of the last decade, but which one was better?

Breaking Bad for me, I thought whilst it was slow to get started once it did the quality remained extraordinarily high, and the descent of Walter White from mild mannered High School teacher into Drug Lord was incredible.

For many years Game of Thrones was alongside it, but I think the last 2 seasons have ensured that it ranks a distant second.

Poll perhaps @Damien.
Funnily enough I bought both of the first seasons of these on BluRay at the same time because I was off work, bedridden, and bored as feck so I thought I'd give them both a go. Ended up loving both.

Game of Thrones for me. Breaking Bad's quality was better overall but I'm more invested in the GoT lore.
It was very close for a long time although I probably always just favoured Breaking Bad.

Now though, I'd be amazed if anyone picked Game of Thrones.

Not going to say any specific spoilers but Breaking Bad had maybe the greatest ending to a TV show ever that was satisfying , felt realistic in that world and felt true to all the characters.

The game of thrones ending was pretty shite.
:lol: whoops
I think GoT had better individual episodes
It had better scenes overall.
BB had a better start to finish (and finished at the right time) but GoT had more seasons better than BB imo.

But in terms of story and when it ended and how it ended, BB is probably better. But for mainstream impact, nothing tops GoT.

Two different beasts, but in terms of rewatching, I reckon GoT tops it. Even if you look at the last two seasons of GoT, I reckon there are at least half that I could watch in isolation.

but Breaking Bad had maybe the greatest ending to a TV show ever that was satisfying , felt realistic in that world and felt true to all the characters..
Shield tops it for me, but I do think BB had a good ending (as did Wire)
Journey for both was excellent but GoT was slightly better in the journey part but breaking bad was damn good too.
Ending aside GoT otherwise breaking bad.
Very easy for me - Breaking Bad.

Probably because I could barely get past season 1 of GOT.
I love Breaking Bad. I watched three series of GoT before losing interest and have only seen bits and bobs of the newer series over my mrs's shoulder.

I think I've started to take against fantasy stuff set in ye olde times and much prefer stuff set in the real world, so it isn't even a slight on GoT that I much preferred BB (and Better Call Saul).
I liked GoT over the previous 7 seasons way more. BB final season is in a different universe to GoT's final season though. In terms of rewatching the show, I'll still probably enjoy GoT more because I just prefer that genre, but it really needs to be salvaged by the books at this point if those ever get completed.
Breaking Bad and it's not even close. And I say that having quite liked the finale of Thrones.

Thrones has personal resonance for me and will always hold a special place in my heart, but in terms of sheer quality, nothing is on the level of Breaking Bad.
Breaking Bad overall as for me if you can't stick the landing then you can't claim to be in the running for GOAT TV shows which Breaking Bad is definitely a contender for alongside likes of The Wire (I couldn't get into Soprano's but that was more a personal thing rather than saying the show lacks quality). Furthermore looking back on it I didn't realise Breaking Bad's 5th season was that strong... Ozymandias for example was in the final season which blows my mind.

If we are going by GOT first 4 Seasons, then Seasons 1 and 4 IMO trump BB or are equal to it at the very least and across the 4 Seasons, as a show as a whole it has more to it.. more intrigue and more variety of casts etc.. a much harder show to bring to life and yet they did a spectacular job. Appeals to more people as well IMO.
I’ve never finished Breaking Bad. Loved the first few seasons and then it became very samey samey for me and I think I stopped a few episodes short of the finale. So have to say Game of Thrones but this final season was a disappointment.
Breaking Bad - easily. The only show that's better than Breaking Bad is The Wire. The Sopranos and maybe Man Men are on par with Breaking Bad as well.

Game of Thrones was brilliant for the first 4-5 seasons, but since that it's been meh. Season 8 was downright shit and IMO it has ruined the remaining legacy of the show. The hype surrounding the show also annoyed me a bit.
Not even close after the last series of GOT - BB takes it by a country mile.

Band of Brothers was the best TV show ever though.
I thought both were deeply average. Gave up with GOT years ago, and only slugged my way through BB because it was all streamable in one place.
It’s like comparing the Godfather to Star Wars.

Or more recent, Lord of the Rings to Gangs of New York.
Breaking Bad, although I'd probably say it was an 8/10. I've never watched Game of Thrones so that can go suck a dick.
Breaking bad but not by much. Got had better individual moments and episodes I thought, and became the bigger cultural phenomenon, I would actually be able to discuss got with work colleagues the next day whereas breaking bad people just looked at me blankly until possibly the final season.

It's obviously much easier to plot a show with only 6 or 7 characters that's not an adaptation, but even so the writing was much tighter on bb, got just shows that they lost interest towards the end and wanted out.
Tbh I think both shows are overrated. BB is very good, but for me it's no masterpiece like The Wire and personally I clearly prefer shows like for example The Sopranos or Mad Men to it.
GoT for me has always been most about production value, shock moments as well as images of tits and gore, story wise it more or less fast forwarded through the books. Still the first couple of seasons were very good television.
With the very visible dip in writing from the last seasons it's clearly inferior to BB and lots of other shows though.
I like Thrones a whole lot more, even if the last season wasn't entirely what I was expecting it won't change my opinion on the rest of the show. I'll be honest in BB I always found Walter's family to be really boring to watch and, Hank aside, were nowhere near as interesting to watch as Walt or Jesse. The dust hasn't settled with Thrones yet and it's left a bad taste in peoples' mouths, it might be worth revisiting this question in a year and see if everyone still feels the same.
Breaking Bad, for me.

GoT was top tier for a few seasons, but it went to shit. BB maintained its level and maybe even improved towards the end.
Breaking Bad for me. It started really slow but once it got going, it kept getting better and better. They wrapped up the whole story so beautifully. On the other hand, GOT started off at a frantic pace with the cliff hanger in the first episode and an amazing (shocking) end to the first season. I immensely enjoyed the first 4-5 seasons. I am also a big fan of medieval fantasy novels which was an added bonus. But the poor end really let me down and for that reason I would rank Breaking Bad higher. My rating would be

Breaking Bad - 10/10
Game of Thrones - 8.5/10
Game of Thrones will ultimately be another Lost for me. A show with massive potential with some really excellent characters and intriguing plots only to go out on a bit of a whimper.

Breaking Bad I hated pretty much every character but it did end in a very satisfying way.

Neither show gets close to Band of Brothers though, like @Reapersoul20 it's by far the best tv show imo.
First 4 seasons are a tie. After that BB takes a shit on GoT from a great height.

D&D should see WW for an example on how to turn a hero into a massive cnut.
Game of Thrones will ultimately be another Lost for me. A show with massive potential with some really excellent characters and intriguing plots only to go out on a bit of a whimper.

Breaking Bad I hated pretty much every character but it did end in a very satisfying way.

Neither show gets close to Band of Brothers though, like @Reapersoul20 it's by far the best tv show imo.

It’s not really fair comparing mini series with a show that consists of 50-60 episodes.
Season 2-5 of Thrones is better than any season of Breaking Bad for me but the rest of Breaking Bad was better.

For me though the best US show in the 2010s is Mr. Robot easily.

The Wire and Mad Men are still the best two US dramas of all time.