What’s the reasons for keeping Ole?


New Member
Jan 20, 2015
Sorry to ask personal question, but not to attack personality and just to understand. How old are you and how long you've support this club ?
Instead of trying to be clever do you want to answer why we’re keeping faith with a manager who has regressed since being appointed?

In answer to your questions I’m 7 & started supporting us today of course- That’s the only way someone could have a different opinion to you


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
As I said he'll be given a year to show improvements in style and results (time given to a manager is not month to month), being 7th or below near Christmas is not improvement. As for the board, well they gave the shit show that was jose more time after it became clear he had no fight.

Yeah, their experience had the likes of smalling,jones,young,fellaini as first team players. So much for experience.
Shit show jose won 2 titles and another runner up and a final to boot.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2018
Shit show jose won 2 titles and another runner up and a final to boot.
Did he win those trophies and got the 19 points behind runners up trophy this season?

Was talking about the shit show this season which started during the tour.


New Member
May 15, 2013
I am convinced many people hope Ole will magically turn good only because he is "anyone but Jose". Jose deserved to be sacked for sure and it should have been done much earlier. But how are more than half of our fans completely fine and happy going into next season with clearly the worst manager out of TOP 10 is beyond me. Talk about lowering expectations... What do people honestly expect from next season? I am worried not about the teams above us but like Ole said himself, the ones below.


New Member
Aug 7, 2016
Some people are really lucky they were not around in the 70s and early 80s

Mummy mummy I want a toy, no not that toy that toy. In fact not those toys I want all the toys and I want them now, screw this toy I don’t like the box get me another by.... yesterday.

Stop whining and be a fan. Accept their are ebbs and flows and sometimes you are not the best and don’t win everything.

I swear humans are devolving


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
I’m actually confused as to why as one of the biggest club in the world we’re about to meander into another season with:

Lack of confidence

Poor form

Too many average players

No sense of a style for the team being imposed

Why are we backing Ole to turn this around when we finished the season so poorly? Are we really going to trust a novice manager with rebuilding just because he used to play for us?
More of this crap. It's getting fecking tedious at this stage.

No manager can fix everything in 5 minutes. Give him a fecking chance.


Full Member
May 24, 2010
I’m actually confused as to why as one of the biggest club in the world we’re about to meander into another season with:

Lack of confidence

Poor form

Too many average players

No sense of a style for the team being imposed

Why are we backing Ole to turn this around when we finished the season so poorly? Are we really going to trust a novice manager with rebuilding just because he used to play for us?
Think we need to give him a pre season and transfer window to see what he can bring to the table.

It was plainly obvious some players looked dead on their feet during some games, the fitness wasn't there. We went from a team that ran the least under Mourinho to a team that was up there in running stats after Ole joined. We got hit with a lot of injuries, i think it was obvious that Rashford was playing through something towards the end of the season as well.

I thought the football when he first was great and did have some identity. It just suffered when fitness and injuries took there toll.

The confidence and average player is not really his fault? He didn't buy these players and he's not had a transfer window yet?

Give him a window to strengthen the squad, get the players fitter and lets see how our form comes in next season.


New Member
Jan 18, 2018
Lagos, Nigeria
I posted in the newbie forum that for me Im 50/50.

I love the guy as a player/person, but as a manager Im still torn as to wether he has the balls to clear out the deadwood and start again. There's just far too much of it in our club and that includes Rashford and

I pointed out that he reminds me a bit of Steve McClaren when he took over England and tried to be too chummy with the players, calling them by their nicknames and the performances suffered because it then made it hard to drop his mates.
Ole has started doing that with 'Rashy' and 'Lings' it makes me shudder. Fergie wouldn't have done it, he didn't even do it after the charity match the other day against Bayern. When I hear Ole doing it, it says to me he's not going to have the power or the balls to drop players who are under-performing. I'm already getting the impression he sees Rashford as undroppable. A manager needs a certain distance from the players so they still know whos boss.

If he's going into next season with Rashford and Lingard leading the line I will know he's not good enough, regardless of who we buy. Its average players like those 2 that we've come to accept these days and why we're in the position we are in.

Im prepared to give Ole the chance though because he's inherited this team off Mou so will be interesting to see who he brings in and what style he has in mind. But a big part of me says nothing much is going to change, that the spine of the team is still going to contain the deadwood like Smalling, Jones, Matic, Young, Lingard, Rashford etc it needs a major overhaul and clearout the likes never seen before, but is Ole the man to do it? I just don't know.
I hope he is, I really do, but he's got to get like Fergie right now, stop with the first name chummyness with players and have the balls to drop or even offload the players who just aren't fit to wear the shirt.
Also I don't buy into this fitness excuse 100% as fitness comes and goes throughout a season anyway. People who exercise will know that a certain level of fitness can be obtained through regular exercise and maybe Ole will have them training more to keep that up, but if he thinks that a big part of why we were crap last season can be turned around in a 6 week pre-season fitness camp then he hasn't got a clue. Its going to take a lot more than regular treadmill work to improve the dross we have at the club and wether they help themselves and keep that fitness up is another thing.
All of this! As much as we all eagerly await the summer purchase(s), it is Ole's ability to relegate to the background average, crap players who have swallowed manager after manager that will determine how successful he is gonna be. Do that and he is on the right path. Fail at that then he can only go downhill and fast...


New Member
Jan 20, 2015
Some people are really lucky they were not around in the 70s and early 80s

Mummy mummy I want a toy, no not that toy that toy. In fact not those toys I want all the toys and I want them now, screw this toy I don’t like the box get me another by.... yesterday.

Stop whining and be a fan. Accept their are ebbs and flows and sometimes you are not the best and don’t win everything.

I swear humans are devolving
I find it hilarious that those who say that anyone who DARE to criticise the club are acting like children while you’re using very childish language above..

As a fan I don’t expect to win everything & I know there’s ebbs & flows- doesn’t mean we can’t try our best to do well does it? I mean what a stupid argument


You know who
Aug 7, 2008
Some people are really lucky they were not around in the 70s and early 80s

Mummy mummy I want a toy, no not that toy that toy. In fact not those toys I want all the toys and I want them now, screw this toy I don’t like the box get me another by.... yesterday.

Stop whining and be a fan. Accept their are ebbs and flows and sometimes you are not the best and don’t win everything.

I swear humans are devolving
So the notion is that we won enough and we should not aspire to be one of the best clubs in the world and should embrace mediocrity? Is that it?

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
Some people are really lucky they were not around in the 70s and early 80s

Mummy mummy I want a toy, no not that toy that toy. In fact not those toys I want all the toys and I want them now, screw this toy I don’t like the box get me another by.... yesterday.

Stop whining and be a fan. Accept their are ebbs and flows and sometimes you are not the best and don’t win everything.

I swear humans are devolving
oh my god it's the Utd version of Glaston


Full Member
Apr 5, 2017
I'm ok with Solskjær being given the chance. He's a sympathetic character, a **** hero and even though people are probably sick and tired of hearing it he understands the clubs and its values. All of which are attributes we've lacked for several years. He may not have the experience or a name that justifies him getting a job of this stature but I feel he is as good as any. I can't name a manager who I would feel more comfortable with and everyone would be a gamble considering the clubs current state. As often said our problems goes deeper than just the manager. We need to revamp our squad and I'm hopeful that Solskjær will look to bring in players with the right passion and desire to move this club forward. Biggest concern is that he may not be ruthless enough getting rid of our "deadwood" players. He'll need help from our board and if not given he'll struggle so I'm hoping Woodward sees this as a longterm plan and execute properly. A Director of Football or Technical Director (Or whatever title) would give me a bit more faith in our longterm plan and backing of Solskjær but I doubt Woodward will make use of this.

Whatever manager helms the manager seat will fail if our structure is as poor as it has been for nearly a decade. Woodward needs to raise his level or bring in footballing experience between our manager and himself.


New Member
Jan 18, 2018
Lagos, Nigeria
It's time we stop demanding success within two seasons. I don't care who the manager is, I want to see them in charge for a minimum of three full seasons to implement their style and identity into this club. In Solskjaer's case, it's even *more* important that he gets the time he needs - this is a man who lives and breathes our club DNA. If he can implement it, the next manager will benefit from his groundwork even if Solskjaer is deemed unfit.
Does giving a manager more time always correlate with success?

Does Pep breathe the Man City DNA? How about Conte who won Chelsea the league 2 years ago? Does he breathe that Club's DNA?

I am fully in support of Ole but the reason for keeping him should never be shrouded in nebulous phrases like 'knows the Club inside out' and 'understands our DNA'.

They have no direct bearing on his abilities as a manager.

And for how long must we be in transition? Imagine if all big clubs had the mentality of waiting for three years or more before demanding success. Our mindset as a club has become appaling so much that mediocrity has become the new 'normal'. For starters, think of this.. Ashley Young is the current captain of MUFC. If he is seen as the epitome of captain material, I shudder to think of the players he leads out. Absolute shambles from top hierarchy to bottom.
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New Member
Aug 15, 2018
Rushed appointment irrespective of the start Ole didn't and hasn't deserved the job on the premise of his overall tenure since taking over Jose, the sentimental aspect of being a previous employee for the club has nothing to do with that fact.

It doesn't matter who we hired for next season, it was always going to be a transition the problem is we are trusting a manager with absolutely no pedigree with massive resources to triumph what three managers have failed consecutively to do. It's almost something of a fairytale.

This "good football" argument is nonsense and drivel that is spearheaded by delusion. Since Ole came in the only good football we have witnessed was the fixture against Cardiff. It is a myth for others to suggest we have played any good football under Ole.

The foundation of good football should be the measurement of possession, build up play, crafting chances and scoring goals. Liverpool / City play good football, Napoli played good football (Sarri), Arsenal early 2000's played good football, our 2008 campaign good football, Barcelona under the tiki taka system was good football, 80's Milan good football, 70's Brazil etc. Whenever has sitting off / deep and playing on a counter ever been considered good football ? That is a false narrative people have come up with.

While Solskjaer was many fans first choices and others last, the fact remains that he is the manager and all we can do is support him. We need to break this cycle of mediocrity in the team, even if Ole provides a platform for another manager to improve upon that is good enough In my opinion, not expecting a miracle when he's proven little in his managerial career.
I’m glad to see someone say this.


New Member
Aug 15, 2018
One of the major things boards have to do is to protect overzealous fanbases from themselves. In 1989 they succeeded in doing this, and never sacked Fergie despite immense fan pressure, and as a result you are now as spoiled as you are.

In 2018/19 they failed in doing this, and due to fan pressure you now have Ole at the wheel.

Also, if you sacked him now, other managers may be weary of taking a job where they may be fired after an not-overall-terrible start, even when there are strong extenuating circumstances like not being able to bring in your own players.
This. They needed to have the confidence in their own plan and process to withstand the calls for Ole In. That lack of conviction will continue to trickle down through the club now for the foreseeable future.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
That could be said for pretty much everyone who has played for the club for more than 100 games.

appointing inexperienced managers is the way forward?

I bet the same would be said for United in an year or so.

You don't agree there is a lot of things similar in that article above in both him managing Cardiff and United in terms of man management, tactics, inability to turn things round?
Okay for one Ole made nearly 400 appearances for us.

He's not as experienced as others from a managerial POV but nor is he unexperienced. He's certainly more experienced than Zidane or Guardiola were when they came into their roles.

Who do you think should be managing us, aside from Pochettino whose availability is a bit of a question mark?


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
Because he's realistically only just started. When was the last time we fired a manager who had 0 signings and money spent on improving the squad?

When was the last time one of the top clubs did that? I genuinely dont know.

Ole has done enough to be given a go in the transfer market and start the season with the preseason he wants. If we're not doing well after half a season then we can take another look at it


New Member
Apr 14, 2019
Perth, Western Australia
How can you judge a coach 6 months into taking over someone else's team and expect him to finish top 4?

Say we get a new CEO tomorrow. Would you be saying the same thing and questioning him 6 months after taking the job?

Just because Ole hasn't won anything doesn't mean he's not capable. LVG, Jose both won lots and still couldn't turn it around. Now you expect Ole to do better in 6 months without introducing his own players?

Get some fresh air and come back when the new season starts!
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Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Because he's realistically only just started. When was the last time we fired a manager who had 0 signings and money spent on improving the squad?

When was the last time one of the top clubs did that? I genuinely dont know.

Ole has done enough to be given a go in the transfer market and start the season with the preseason he wants. If we're not doing well after half a season then we can take another look at it
Did Solari sign anyone at Madrid? He was appointed in October and fired in March.


Wishes to be oppressed.
Aug 17, 2003
Well he kind of earn the contract when he does the miracle of bringing our toxic mid-table team into top 4 spot, breaking records after records, and beating European giants PSG in CL. After earning the contract, its big downhill, but to be fair he should be at least given one proper summer/season to build his own team, and before we judge.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Reasons for whom, exactly? Do you want reasons why it might make sense for United to not fire him? Those have been posted numerous times already in numerous threads, as I'm sure you're aware of.

You probably disagree with every single one, though, so hardly any point in repeating it all only for you to dismiss it, point for point.

If you're honestly looking for reasons why you, personally, should support him - well, that's slightly different. My reply would be that I suspect that isn't really what you're after - but you don't have to support him (whatever that means). In fact, you can actively not support him (whatever that means) all you like.

He won't be sacked for a while yet, though - so I'd suggest getting drunk. Or laid. Or both.

Mike Phelan's Former Tash

New Member
May 24, 2019
Some people are really lucky they were not around in the 70s and early 80s

Mummy mummy I want a toy, no not that toy that toy. In fact not those toys I want all the toys and I want them now, screw this toy I don’t like the box get me another by.... yesterday.

Stop whining and be a fan. Accept their are ebbs and flows and sometimes you are not the best and don’t win everything.

I swear humans are devolving
Exactly this.

Too many buy into the hype generated by the media. Is it really a crisis United finished 6th or even a surprise? Does it really change your life?

The fact we even had a chance of top 4 from when Ole took over is a credit to him.

Support him while he tries to fix it. It's not fifa or footy manager.

All this support for Potchetino as well. Yes he's a fantastic manager but he lost 13 Premier League games this season, almost didn't make top 4 from a position of actually taking control of the league in March/Feb. Their final run of results was as bad if not worse than Uniteds.

Ole has been a manager for about 10 years and won trophies, have some patience.


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
I’m actually confused as to why as one of the biggest club in the world we’re about to meander into another season with:

Lack of confidence

Poor form

Too many average players

No sense of a style for the team being imposed

Why are we backing Ole to turn this around when we finished the season so poorly? Are we really going to trust a novice manager with rebuilding just because he used to play for us?
Time to support our manager. Stop with these threads


New Member
Jan 1, 2019
I am fully in support of Ole but the reason for keeping him should never be shrouded in nebulous phrases like 'knows the Club inside out' and 'understands our DNA'.
Why on earth not? It's good enough for the majority of his supporters on here :wenger:.


Jan 17, 2012
Some people are really lucky they were not around in the 70s and early 80s
I find it astounding that people genuinely believe that organisations should continue/go back and run the way they did in the 70s, 80s or even 90s. How do you even function in current organisations in your day job?

I come across this time to time at my work place - but it's usually from people at lower level jobs. They all complain about how things were great back in the 60s/70s/80s and the business needs to go back to those good old days. You know the days when the company was a 10th of its size, generating and making 10x less money. Sounds like a great idea.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
There is only one argument for Ole and that is he knows the clubs requirements, the standards expected, the desire of the fans and of course he is himself something of a legend at United.
Whether he knows how to deliver all that is something we shall have to find out in due course.

I suspect Woodward figures the fans in general will give Ole their support, for longer, if things don't turn around quickly, than someone with no previous connections with United, who would want to change things, probably significantly.

The 'Succession Plan' (if ever there was one) to follow SAF was wrecked at the first hurdle ( David Moyes). The follow up plan to bring in a respected (but definite 'yesterdays man') LvG was also flawed in that it didn't go far enough or fast enough or in the style demanded. The third option to bring in a 'serial winner' whose style was always going to be at odds with the United way, gained some success early on, but it looks like the money supplied to Jose had 'strings attached' and so he didn't get who he wanted.

The old adage "if I were you I wouldn't start from here" applies, but we are here with Ole, so that's where we start, and the above is the reason!

Mark Pawelek

New Member
Apr 9, 2014
Kent, near London
Other managers won't understand United and will do stupid things like Moyes, LVG, Mourinho did. Ole understands he's not here to bore the opposition into making a mistake.

Inter Yer Nan

Full Member
Aug 26, 2016
Los Angeles, CA (from UK)
I think the main reason is because we jumped the gun and gave him a contract early. If we didn't do that then I think we'd have gone for someone else. Right or wrong, I don't know. It's very difficult to judge Solskjaer off of last season. He did well when there were no expectations and pressure and then the moment he got the job and we looked a genuine favorite to get top 4 and were in the last 8 in Europe we were as bad as we've been under any manager not named Moyes.


Full Member
May 6, 2019
Let me ask you the reverse questions:

1. If things don't work out and we're off the pace for top 4 in December which top manager will we bring who will be available midseason?
2. Ole brings some players that doesn't work well for the next manager in place, what do do with yet another overpaid players that doesn't fit the style of the next manager?
3. Another year without CL (2020), due to the experiment, is it worth it?
4. How many top players will come to us next year after yet another failed qualification for CL next year?
5. Stalling over DoF appointment because we already have manager in place and we don't rush it, is it worth it?
6. When the new manager comes in he will need yet another 2-3 windows with another 200-300m right?
7. If Ole is not accountable for who we bring (apparently he has no say according to some posts above) in the Summer, then why the constant notion is that in order to succeed he needs to bring his own players?
8. We start another season with Young, Jones, Smalling and other dross that he is supposed to flock, let me guess it won't be his fault as he doesn't make the transfer decisions, yet he made one captain and supervised signing contracts with others?
9. Pogba and DDG would most likely leave - do you think it correlates to the ambition shown by us by appointing a nobody in terms of management? Ole doesn't ooze respect and how can he keep egos at bay and generally be as ruthless as fans wants him to be, based on his siding with the players and calling them cushy nicknames?
Those are all excellent points. I think your point about December is the killer one. We should all be in with Ole until then. I cannot see how Ole will remain manager if, by the end of the calendar year, we are ten points off fourth spot, with Wolves and Everton breathing down our necks. The task for Ole is really simple, by the end of this season United must be in a Champions League position at least. There are no ifs and or buts about it. Not only that, our progress must be based on actual improvement, not the relative failure of others. For example, I do not think it is acceptable to qualify for the Champions League on the 66 points total we managed last season and say that we have made progress. Success that is borne of the fact that others are regressing faster than you is not success, it is failure.

To be honest I am less concerned about where we are relative to City or Liverpool as they may as well be playing in a different league at the moment. I just want to see us with an improved points total, of at least 72 points, which is an average of the fourth place finishes over the past 10 seasons (the lowest tally was 66 points for United and the highest was 79 points for Liverpool). All things being equal, and on average, a 72 point total should therefore be good enough to get us into the Champions League.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2005
This is getting so tedious.

Even if Ole fails at least he’ll have put us in a better position going forward by focusing on the academy and youth in the transfer market.
Who will be better off? The Glazers? The shareholders? Man City, Liverpool, Spurs?

Eli Zee

Full Member
Feb 20, 2017
Where’s the good football? I haven’t seen it- we look clueless
Weren’t we playing good on that long winning run?

The players apparently (no matter how unbelievable) weren’t fit enough to play that style the rest of the season and started getting injured


Feb 1, 2012
I think the main reason is because we jumped the gun and gave him a contract early. If we didn't do that then I think we'd have gone for someone else. Right or wrong, I don't know. It's very difficult to judge Solskjaer off of last season. He did well when there were no expectations and pressure and then the moment he got the job and we looked a genuine favorite to get top 4 and were in the last 8 in Europe we were as bad as we've been under any manager not named Moyes.
We were definitely as bad as we were under Moyes, at any point. We lost to a team already relegated, 2-0, at home, on the last day. Does it get any worse?


New Member
Sep 29, 2018
I only see one reason and that's the hope of finding another SAF-type manager, or at least half of him.

Other than that, if you reason with it, there's no god damn point of appointing him unless he's given a few years.