Mum who murdered daughters jailed for life with minimum of 32 years

Reddy Rederson

New Member
May 11, 2018
Unicorn Country.
I would rather you spell it out for me.
Most shootings in the US are comitted by people on antidepressants.”

The implication being that it’s the drugs that are problem. Unless you meant something else? If so, I apologise. Please, tell me what you actually meant.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
Most shootings in the US are comitted by people on antidepressants.”

The implication being that it’s the drugs that are problem. Unless you meant something else? If so, I apologise. Please, tell me what you actually meant.
I meant to say that many mass shootings are comitted by people on antidepressants. If you were willing to look into the litterature there is a lot of evidence that antidepressants feck a lot of people up. Including myself. There have been many patients who have undergone massive personality changes for the worse because of antidepressants. Giving drugs that induce flatness and lack of empathy in people with already agressive and impulsive disposition can be really dangerous. I'd send you the litterature and science if you were interested.

Reddy Rederson

New Member
May 11, 2018
Unicorn Country.
I meant to say that many mass shootings are comitted by people on antidepressants. If you were willing to look into the litterature there is a lot of evidence that antidepressants feck a lot of people up. Including myself. There have been many patients who have undergone massive personality changes for the worse because of antidepressants. Giving drugs that induce flatness and lack of empathy in people with already agressive and impulsive disposition can be really dangerous. I'd send you the litterature and science if you were interested.
No thanks, not interested in bullshit diversionary tactics. Some people who have mental health issues take anti depressants. A smaller sample of those people will be the type that want to commit a mass murder. Anti depressants are not a causal influence on mass shootings. Mass shootings are committed by people with mental health issues. Its not the drugs, its not the video games, its not the movies, its not the music, its not the homosexuals, transexuals or any one else that doesnt fit into the perfect little box. God didnt make them do it, their illness did. The fact they were seeking or were forced to seek help for that illness doesnt mean anything in that regard.

You wanna talk about the effectiveness or lack of with anti depressants, thats fine. You wanna talk about the fallacy of linking serotonin to depression, thats fine too. But dont try and make it sound like its the drugs fault that nut jobs are getting free and easy access to military grade weapons and shooting up schools and shit. Its the policies, its the culture, before its anything else. People with severe emotional issues shoudlnt be allowed anywhere near firearms, any more than they should be allowed to drive cars.