Gaming PlayStation 4 (Console)

Sure is. Only one I bought this year is the CTR remake. Though I still have a backlog of games I want to get through so it's a bit of a blessing in disguise.

I think I played Days Gone and that was it. Awful year for games but this has always happened near the end of a console cycle.
I think I played Days Gone and that was it. Awful year for games but this has always happened near the end of a console cycle.
I think a lot of companies are waiting so that they can put their games out closer to the PS5 release date and then do remasters.

Cyberpunk, Days Gone, Outer Worlds, Pokemon, Death Stranding, Last of Us 2 (hopefully) are all coming out in the space of like six months.

This year has definitely sucked compared to the last two years though.

Personally I think the worst times are at the start of new consoles releases. It's mostly remasters and underwhelming launch titles.
Personally I think the worst times are at the start of new consoles releases. It's mostly remasters and underwhelming launch titles.
Easily. Hence why I usually wait a year or two to buy a new console so I'll have loads of games to choose from. The PS3 and PS4 both took a while to really get going.

It's even more annoying when they release "Pro" or "Slim" versions moments after you buy one!
Have to say my original PS4 is still going strong though. Taken it to 3 different countries with me and no issues whatsoever, apart from Sony's refusal to allow me to change a country on a profile. That has sucked massive dick due to having no money in my UK account.
There's a couple of games coming out in the next few months that i'm quite interested in. Control (which is out at the end of this month), Modern Warfare, Death Stranding and Doom Eternal. Also interested to see how Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order turns out. Not the biggest Star Wars fan but i'm curious to see how that game will be.
There's a couple of games coming out in the next few months that i'm quite interested in. Control (which is out at the end of this month), Modern Warfare, Death Stranding and Doom Eternal. Also interested to see how Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order turns out. Not the biggest Star Wars fan but i'm curious to see how that game will be.

Wait, what?
There's a couple of games coming out in the next few months that i'm quite interested in. Control (which is out at the end of this month), Modern Warfare, Death Stranding and Doom Eternal. Also interested to see how Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order turns out. Not the biggest Star Wars fan but i'm curious to see how that game will be.
Judging by the gameplay videos they've shown so far, it will be a painfully generic action game; a prettier The Force Unleashed, sort of, with linear levels and cookie cutter gameplay.
Judging by the gameplay videos they've shown so far, it will be a painfully generic action game; a prettier The Force Unleashed, sort of, with linear levels and cookie cutter gameplay.

Yeah the clips i've seen haven't done anything for me at all. More interested to see how it sells. I assume quite well due to the name.
There's a couple of games coming out in the next few months that i'm quite interested in. Control (which is out at the end of this month), Modern Warfare, Death Stranding and Doom Eternal. Also interested to see how Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order turns out. Not the biggest Star Wars fan but i'm curious to see how that game will be.

It's EA, it'll be half a assed generic heap of crap. It'll no doubt also include micro transactions.
Yeah the clips i've seen haven't done anything for me at all. More interested to see how it sells. I assume quite well due to the name.
Star Wars, massive advertising campaign, lightsabers - it will probably sell well, get high ratings from critics and will be forgotten in half a year.
Is the new Star Wars game gonna be any good? It sounds a bit like The Force Unleashed, which I loved even though apparently the correct sentiment is to call it shite.
It's EA, it'll be half a assed generic heap of crap. It'll no doubt also include micro transactions.

Yeah micro transactions are almost guaranteed. I trust Respawn, but not EA. I'll watch from afar and see how it does.
Have to say my original PS4 is still going strong though. Taken it to 3 different countries with me and no issues whatsoever, apart from Sony's refusal to allow me to change a country on a profile. That has sucked massive dick due to having no money in my UK account.
Pretty sure my PS3 and even PS2 would still work if I plugged them in. Sony consoles are unbelievable for reliability, unlike MS..
Talking about the reliability of the PS4, i bought mine 3 months after it came out used, and it's still working fine till this day (hope i haven't cursed it now). Compare that to the 360, and i owned SIX of those feckers.
My PS1 still works a charm.
I've still got an original PS1 lying around, that thing is indestructible. The connectors on the controller cables were pretty firm so we accidentally yanked the whole thing to the ground too many times to count, typically with the disk lid flapping open and everything. It still works perfectly though, over 20 years later. Stuff isn't built to last like that anymore.
Is anyone thinking of getting Man of Medan at the end of this month? It's from the developers of Until Dawn and costs only 25 pounds but it's expected to be a very short game. Weirdly it has a 4 player online co-op which i can't recall being done in a game of that type.
Remnant From the Ashes looks like it could be allright. Its from the makers of Darksiders & it's coming out tomorrow.

I'm gonna see how it reviews first though
If it weren't for Sunset Overdrive, most casual gamers would probably think that they had been a Sony studio for years given how close their relationship has been.

Sequel PS5 exclusive then.
Good news for @afrocentricity as they'll be sure to give PSVR/2 a boost.
That's big news.
Wonder if they'll make future VR titles exclusive? I don't mind timed because they wanna shift PSVR/PS4... But full exclusive for VR is a bit shit.

Anyway, woohoo! Spiderman VR!
Didn't that come out in like 2008?
New COD reboot. Same characters different story. I haven't bought cod since black ops 2. The rest have been horrible. But this one looks brilliant. Looks like theres gonna be a great story, they changed the engine and sounds and the knife kills are very realistic looking. Very promising. Hope it's good.


They're great games but not ones you play back to back. The sameyness of Kamurocho from game to game hurt it.
I tried PS Now at the weekend but half the games in that looked boring as feck. I played the bread one which was funny for like 20 mins. Then I enjoyed Counterspy but nothing else really grabbed me.
Has anybody bought DayZ on the ps store? Its £40 and i only purchases because i had a £25 playstation voucher spare and my mates were buying it too. Not really having any idea what the game was like i was gutted to see its a super slow, die and you lose all your progress, style game where you have to scavenge for hours and you have no map or waypoints to direct you around a map twice the size of the GTA 5 map.

A week in and i’m really enjoying it, despite the bad frame rates and difficult menu navigation. Completely different to the type of games i usually buy.
I tried PS Now at the weekend but half the games in that looked boring as feck. I played the bread one which was funny for like 20 mins. Then I enjoyed Counterspy but nothing else really grabbed me.

I keep wanting to try it but I only want the week free trial and I don't want to subscribe . THe games didn't look that good but there's a few I wouldn't mind. I've never played any of the modern Mortal Kombat games.
I keep wanting to try it but I only want the week free trial and I don't want to subscribe . THe games didn't look that good but there's a few I wouldn't mind. I've never played any of the modern Mortal Kombat games.

Streamed it for 5 minutes. It was awful.
Just completed Firewatch, don't understand the whole buzz about it. Boring, no way to change the ending? It's just a very linear story with a lot of walking and not much doing. Not even that much to explore.

Could have been better with multiple endings, I was hoping I'd be left in the fire at the end and Delilah had something to do with everything that happened.

Was ok for 4 quid or whatever I suppose but I expected more.