The White Supremacist Terrorist Threat


Unimaginative FC
Aug 23, 2007

Look at the little weasel. Why the feck is he smiling? He's the man responsible for one of the most pathetic attempts at terrorism ever. Came armed, and got absolutely flattened by a couple of unarmed OAPs.
I thought it was a girl.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Something is clearly not right in the head of these people. Why do they need a shield ? Are they expecting battle where swords, axes, spears and arrows will be used ?
He probably used to LARP before he became a mainstream cnut.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
They're all ugly. Coincidence?
The end game of the “master race” is for everyone to be so universally ugly that the people they watch in porn have to sleep with them out of sheer paucity of option. ‘‘Tis how the elders of Asgard would’ve wanted..


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006

Look at the little weasel. Why the feck is he smiling? He's the man responsible for one of the most pathetic attempts at terrorism ever. Came armed, and got absolutely flattened by a couple of unarmed OAPs.
Who is he?


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
I think he's the Norwegian kid who stormed a mosque and got beat up my some grandad there praying.
Haha, what a weak prick. Looks like the old fellas have him a hiding too, and hopefully there's plenty more hidings to come.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Conservative institutions in the Donald Trump era have often sought to portray themselves as shocked and appalled by the so-called “alt-right.” White nationalists have also engaged in their own efforts to differentiate themselves from the neoconservatives who dominated the GOP for decades. But neither narrative is true. The reality is that a host of supposedly veritable right-wing institutions have become a safe haven for the far-right.

Indeed, there is a burgeoning underground network of group chats, message boards, and email chains serving as the breeding ground for incubating white nationalist ideas, and as a forum to strategize around how to launder those ideas through mainstream conservative publications. And, judging from a large series of messages from one of those email groups obtained by Splinter, it’s working.
the Daily Caller, the conservative publication co-founded by Tucker Carlson, who stepped down from his role as editor-in-chief in 2016. Even since the “alt-right” rose to prominence during the 2016 election, the site has been sucked into its own game of “Who goes Nazi?” Since Trump’s election, numerous Caller employees have come under fire for their semi-secret white nationalist affiliations. For instance, Andrew Kerr, an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation, was outed as having appeared on a number of programs with far-right conspiracy theorist Brittany Pettibone. (Pettibone—wife of European white nationalist leader Martin Sellner, a man who recently sparked outrage for corresponding and accepting thousands of dollars in donations from the perpetrator of the Christchurch massacre—has branded herself as one of the most prominent “experts” of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.)

In September 2018, The Atlantic exposed former Caller editor Scott Greer, who wrote under the pseudonym “Michael McGregor,” as the managing editor to Richard Spencer’s white nationalist Radix Journal, using emails provided by former Breitbart editor and “alt-right” member Katie McHugh. (McHugh also worked for the Caller but has since publicly left the “alt-right.”) Still, the Caller has appeared to ignore what the Southern Poverty Law Center referred to in 2017 as its “white nationalist problem.”
a trove of emails from a private white nationalist group chat, which were recently obtained by Splinter, sheds new light on those links. Among other things, the emails show how a former Caller employee named Jonah Bennett repeatedly used his perch at the site to launder far-right viewpoints into an ostensibly mainstream publication. They also show that he is part of a wider network of white nationalists who have steadily increased their influence within the conservative media infrastructure—most prominently, a man named John Elliott.
The thread was steered in large part by Elliott, who, at the time, had recently left a job as director of the journalism program at the libertarian, higher-education-focused Institute for Humane Studies. (Elliott now works at the Minnesota-based Charlemagne Institute, which describes itself as an educational institution “rooted in the Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman tradition” which is working “to defend and advance Western Civilization.” The institute also runs the conservative website Intellectual Takeout.)

The group began coalescing on October 13, 2015, when Elliott drew together a few former mentees via email to organize so-called “hateups,” or in-person meetings to discuss racism.
That’s when Elliott also rattled off the code words the thread used in its chats: “Hawaiians” was a stand-in for “Hebes,” an anti-Semitic slur referring to Jews; “Alaskans” for “N’s” (the n-word); “our good friend” for “AH” (Adolf Hitler); and “our good friend’s son” for Trump.

Bennett’s first interaction with the thread came on December 17, 2015. One of the participants in the thread introduced Bennett to the crowd, saying he was “a good boy who knows the issues.”

“Jonah . . . [t]his is our safe space to be edgy online before God Emperor Trump penetrates the internet,” the participant continued, filling Bennett in on the list of code words.

As if to prove he belonged, Bennett responded, “although my first name may insinuate otherwise, I am not, in fact, a Hawaiian.” In other words, he wasn’t Jewish.

Bennett previously ran a blog under the pen name “Aimless Gromar.” The archived blog demonstrates that Aimless Gromar began blogging in 2013, where he billed himself as a “neoreactionary” with a Christian bent. Among Aimless Gromar’s stated influences were an array of conservative philosophers and theologians, as well as a number of white nationalist and white nationalist-adjacent thinkers, such as “alt-right” pseudo-intellectual F. Roger Devlin, the “scientific” racism proponent who writes under the name HBD (short for “human biodiversity”) Chick
And Bennett was a frequent participant in the “Morning Hate” thread, which proved a safe space for budding young conservative journalists of a certain bent, even though it constituted just a small portion of D.C.’s underground white nationalist scene. Anti-Semitism was plentiful and crude. “Take a shower, Jew Boy,” read the subject line of one of Elliott’s emails about a Daily Kos article called “Why Trump voters are not welcome in my house this holiday.”

Subtlety often fell by the wayside. “I VAS THREE YEEES OLD WHEN THE NAHZEES CUT OFF MY SCHMECKLE OYY,” Bennett wrote in response to a CNN article about an Austrian Holocaust survivor warning his fellow citizens about the rise of the far-right in the country. Many people on the thread spoke frequently about the “JQ,” or “Jewish Question”—a term used by racists and anti-Semites, including Hitler himself, to refer to the idea that Jews pose an existential threat to whites. Praise for Hitler was also plentiful, as were anti-Semitic memes commonly associated with the “alt-right,” such as (((echoes))).

Though not all of Bennett’s work at the Caller can be seen as evidence of white nationalist subversion, he did collaborate with other ex-Caller employees later fired for their connections to the “alt-right.” Throughout the fall of 2017, for instance, Bennett and Dave Brooks, the site’s former managing editor, hosted a short video series called “Woke in the AM!,” which is best described as an attempt at comedy. More importantly, Bennett, on numerous occasions, soft-peddled reporting about the “alt-right,” giving some of its more noxious personalities a platform.

In August 2016, not long before the Caller’s founder, Tucker Carlson, began parroting white supremacist and white nationalist talking points on Fox News, Bennett explained to the “Morning Hate” group how he fit white nationalist themes into his work. He had managed to spin a Daily Caller article about Donald Trump Jr. retweeting anti-Semitic pseudo-intellectual and “alt-right” favorite Kevin MacDonald into positive coverage for the cause. MacDonald, a professor emeritus at California State University, Long Beach, is widely known in white nationalist circles for providing an “intellectual” basis to anti-Semitic thought. He asserts that Jews have a “group evolutionary strategy” that allows them to outcompete non-Jews, which, in turn, accounts for their supposed financial dominance over Aryans. This, according to the SPLC, allows anti-Semites to spin their hatred of Jews into a rational fear. The white nationalists chanting “Jews will not replace us!” that descended on Charlottesville in 2017 for Unite the Right were, in other words, merely defending themselves.

The Caller piece acknowledges that MacDonald has been accused of anti-Semitism, but also says that he “has written more than 100 scholarly articles and seven books,” and “has been translated into Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Russian and many other languages.”

As Bennett explained to the “Morning Hate” crowd, spinning the narrative was easy. Upon hearing that an “an unfriendly outlet” was covering Trump Jr.’s recent bout of intellectual honesty, Bennett explained that he “figured the best strategy was to scoop them and spin the narrative on it.”

“[W]ords like ‘innovative’ used to describe [Kevin MacDonald’s] work, as well as a smear of the SPLC,” he said, “make it quite obvious that the piece is either at the very least neutral, or somewhat positive.”

A thorough exploration of Bennett’s portfolio at the Caller shows that his article on MacDonald was not the first softball he had thrown for the “alt-right” while working there. In an article on the supposedly mistaken affiliation of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon frog that was co-opted by white nationalist internet trolls, with the “alt-right,” Bennett provided a platform to two notorious white supremacist internet trolls to deny their beliefs. Bennett studiously avoided associating the “alt-right” with overt white supremacy or white nationalism.


Full Member
Jun 15, 2018
Several German journalist organizations have urged the minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer, to protect journalists and researchers from neonazis and far right rackets.

This comes in the wake of a string of "death lists" found with different far right "activists" or potential terror groups. The ministry of the interior did NOT inform the people on these lists that they are on the radar of neonazis. Furthermore, neonazis obtained personal information and addresses of journalists through simple requests to the central register, and journalists have no possibility to keep the nazis from doing so.

article (sorry, German only):


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Somewhat on the same theme, I just remembered this

D’Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—especially traditional and religious ones— and by promoting, at home and abroad, an anti-American attitude that blames America for all the problems of the world.

Islamic anti-Americanism is not merely a reaction to U.S. foreign policy but is also rooted in a revulsion against what Muslims perceive to be the atheism and moral depravity of American popular culture. Muslims and other traditional people around the world allege that secular American values are being imposed on their societies and that these values undermine religious belief, weaken the traditional family, and corrupt the innocence of children. But it is not “America” that is doing this to them, it is the American cultural left. What traditional societies consider repulsive and immoral, the cultural left considers progressive and liberating.

Taking issue with those on the right who speak of a “clash of civilizations,” D’Souza argues that the war on terror is really a war for the hearts and minds of traditional Muslims—and traditional peoples everywhere.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Yep, cultural liberals were responsible for creating the Mujahadeen and subsequently establishing bases on Islamic holy land. Libs owned once again.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
These people have convinced themselves that Hitler was a leftist, so why not...


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
Somewhat on the same theme, I just remembered this
Although there's probably some overlap, I think the difference with these two examples is that Cernovich and De Sousa are basically defending the conservative values of what they perceive to be the Muslim mainstream, while the White Supremacist crowd are admiring the perceived radical selflessness, solidarity and violence of the jihadi fringe.


Half mast
Oct 6, 2013
Beside the sea-side, Beside the sea.
Although there's probably some overlap, I think the difference with these two examples is that Cernovich and De Sousa are basically defending the conservative values of what they perceive to be the Muslim mainstream, while the White Supremacist crowd are admiring the perceived radical selflessness, solidarity and violence of the jihadi fringe.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
Absolutely nothing will happen here. Nobody cares. The way white nationalism is ignored and constantly trivialized, especially considering our history, is appalling. As long as the perpetrator is white, it doesn’t matter.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
These assholes are the cesspit from which right wing terrorists originate.
Boards like 4chan and Reddit should’ve been under constant police surveillance for years. It’s so incredibly easy to finde this scum and yet, because old people either don’t understand anything about the internet or just don’t give a shit, nothing happens.
It’s obviously not just them. Facebook, YouTube and so on all own their share of the blame.


The alright "V", B-Boy cypher cat
Jul 13, 2018
Somewhere in the middle
because old people either don’t understand anything about the internet or just don’t give a shit, nothing happens.
Sorry forgive me for asking but how are old people to blame? And what’s old? Maybe I’m old for needing to know why old people are in any way to blame.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
Sorry forgive me for asking but how are old people to blame? And what’s old? Maybe I’m old for needing to know why old people are in any way to blame.
Thank you for asking, I should have made myself a little clearer. What I mean is that in Germany, the internet in itself is still treated in a very weird, passive and almost ignorant way, especially by the elderly and in politics. For most German politicians, Twitter is already something completely new and wild they have no how it works. Most politicians don't even have accounts there, at least not any that are worth mentioning, due to a complete lack of actual interaction. There is still an underlying mentality displayed throughout all layers of politics, that the internet and "real life" are still some separate entities, that have nothing to do with each other. Which is the reason why Germany is lacking behind when it comes to anything regarding digital infrastructure and the like. The main culprit's being the long governing parties of CDU/CSU, which are traditionally the parties of the elderly in Germany. That mentality was most obvious when, just a few years ago, Merkel called the internet "Neuland" which means as much as uncharted territory.
It was a generalization made in a haste, but it definitively holds truth.