Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
Morphed in to Rodgers fanbois, since he beat them this week. Next week when Rodgers loses to N’castle, Bruce would be the flavor of the month.

Yeah, like fans wanting Roy Hodgson in after he tooled Ole at Old Trafford, right?

Oh yeah, didn't happen did it. Fans only want better managers than Ole. Pochettino has proven himself a better manager, as has Brendan Rodgers. Both are way better than Ole overall. May not be the case in 1-2yrs, if Ole improves a few things.


Jun 24, 2015
Wow, burn!

But l know what you really truly know, all the spinning won't save him football will find him out.
Yeah, you mean like how Poch is getting a lot of love from the fans right now saying maybe it's time for him to go?


Nov 22, 2006
Why does everyone take the piss out of our legend of a manager by referring to Rashford as "Rashy" in a smarmy kind of way around the forum?

Keep seeing it. Pathetic creatures.


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Why does everyone take the piss out of our legend of a manager by referring to Rashford as "Rashy" in a smarmy kind of way around the forum?

Keep seeing it. Pathetic creatures.
Trying to show witty they all are I think, but it is what Solskjær calls him mostly in interviews.


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013
@Yagami just made a comment on how people like to moan to the person who replied to you and you replied back to how we conceded two chances (one being offside)

Then you replied 2 separate posts when they created a chance later on... which was embarrassing. Other teams are allowed to create chances.

Still not sure where you got the "we were being battered" rubbish, from my post on (people like to moan) which was a reply to another poster.... some mental gymnastics there from you.
Of course other teams are allowed to create chances! I still have no idea as to how you came to the conclusion that I was complaining about conceding said chances!

All I said was that we shouldn't take them for granted at half time because they created two good chances for themselves, and you misconstrued that as me moaning when in fact I was fine with the performance.

The initial post you quoted was making it out like I made those two chances we conceded up which is why I quoted you and @Sassy Colin after we conceded another good chance to show I wasn't plucking them out of thin air. I wasn't complaining about conceding said chances - my point was to show we were conceding chances which Colin initially seemed that to think I was making up!

So, yeah, I was fine with the performance and wasn't complaining about Astana getting into good positions to score. Your reaction (claiming I was moaning) made it seen like you thought my initial post was making out like we were getting outplayed which is where the battered part comes from.


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.
I'm here! I'd still love Poch.

Though I'm not one of those that were having a field day after they beat Palace. I love Ole so I wouldn't do that.


Full Member
May 14, 2014
I'm here! I'd still love Poch.

Though I'm not one of those that were having a field day after they beat Palace. I love Ole so I wouldn't do that.

I don’t won’t to be condescending or anything but why do you love Pochettino? He is not a very successful manager, nor charismatic and don’t manage your club. Can’t understand at all why you would “love” him.

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
Where are the Poch fanboys now? They were having a field day in this thread when they beat Palace.
I'd take Poch all day long, people are just so in the moment, he is a top manager, and when we finally get him, and get the right people at the top running the club, then we might actually finally get somewhere.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
Yeah, like fans wanting Roy Hodgson in after he tooled Ole at Old Trafford, right?

Oh yeah, didn't happen did it. Fans only want better managers than Ole. Pochettino has proven himself a better manager, as has Brendan Rodgers. Both are way better than Ole overall. May not be the case in 1-2yrs, if Ole improves a few things.
Pochettino has been a manager for about 10 years - during those 10 years he has had 2 really good seasons. That's it.

He was at Espanyol for 3 years - and didn't improve them one bit.
His first 6 months at Southampton were average - and then he had one really good season in 13/14 when he took Soton to 7th Place.

His first season in charge of Tottenham was average (64 Points in 38 matches)
His second season was good - but not great (70 Points in 38 matches)
His best season was 16/17 - picked up 86 Points. Ended 2nd.
17/18 was a good season - ended 3rd but 9 Points less than the season before
18/19 continued backwards with 71 Points and 4th Place...

So he has had a few excellent seasons - but quite a few average ones.


Full Member
May 14, 2014
Pochettino has been a manager for about 10 years - during those 10 years he has had 2 really good seasons. That's it.

He was at Espanyol for 3 years - and didn't improve them one bit.
His first 6 months at Southampton were average - and then he had one really good season in 13/14 when he took Soton to 7th Place.

His first season in charge of Tottenham was average (64 Points in 38 matches)
His second season was good - but not great (70 Points in 38 matches)
His best season was 16/17 - picked up 86 Points. Ended 2nd.
17/18 was a good season - ended 3rd but 9 Points less than the season before
18/19 continued backwards with 71 Points and 4th Place...

So he has had a few excellent seasons - but quite a few average ones.
Good summary. His honours is literally four manager of the month awards in ten years. I like him personally but it’s not a safe bet at all.


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013
I don’t won’t to be condescending or anything but why do you love Pochettino? He is not a very successful manager, nor charismatic and don’t manage your club. Can’t understand at all why you would “love” him.
No worries - that's a fair question!

First off, I'm not saying I love him himself. I just mean I'd love for him to manage us and have wanted so since 2013. Alongside Pep, he was who I wanted to succeed Sir Alex. Yes, I was a fan as early as that!

Secondly, I think he has been successful. Obviously he hasn't won any trophies (a lot of that is admittedly on himself by not taking the domestic cups and the Europa seriously), but the way he's transformed Spurs into the 3rd best team in the country, alongside getting them to a CL final on a rubbish budget compared to most top teams is, to me anyway, very impressive.

Obviously they're in a rough patch at the moment, and have been for a while, but I still rate him very highly. I mean, Klopp's last season at Dortmund had them fighting relegation and look what he's doing at Liverpool now!

Finally, I just like his footballing philosophies. He goes into games wanting to inflict his style of play on the opposition instead of being a reactive side, and he puts a lot of faith into youth. Coupled with our hefty transfer budget, and the fact that he plans his teams for the long term, I think he could build a very good United team.


matchday malcontent
Mar 4, 2017
Some people would not change Ole for Poch? Seriously? I mean, faith in manager and thinking that Ole will fix everything is one thing but this is something else.


Full Member
Dec 1, 2016
Some people would not change Ole for Poch? Seriously? I mean, faith in manager and thinking that it Ole will fix everything is one thing but this is something else.
You just have to respect everyone's personal opinion (while hoping the board agrees with yours)


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Some people would not change Ole for Poch? Seriously? I mean, faith in manager and thinking that Ole will fix everything is one thing but this is something else.
I wouldn't swap simply because I don't want Poch at United and i want the best possible replacement for Ole.


Full Member
May 14, 2014
No worries - that's a fair question!

First off, I'm not saying I love him himself. I just mean I'd love for him to manage us and have wanted so since 2013. Alongside Pep, he was who I wanted to succeed Sir Alex. Yes, I was a fan as early as that!

Secondly, I think he has been successful. Obviously he hasn't won any trophies (a lot of that is admittedly on himself by not taking the domestic cups and the Europa seriously), but the way he's transformed Spurs into the 3rd best team in the country, alongside getting them to a CL final on a rubbish budget compared to most top teams is, to me anyway, very impressive.

Obviously they're in a rough patch at the moment, and have been for a while, but I still rate him very highly. I mean, Klopp's last season at Dortmund had them fighting relegation and look what he's doing at Liverpool now!

Finally, I just like his footballing philosophies. He goes into games wanting to inflict his style of play on the opposition instead of being a reactive side, and he puts a lot of faith into youth. Coupled with our hefty transfer budget, and the fact that he plans his teams for the long term, I think he could build a very good United team.
Good answer. I like him myself. But I don’t like him to the extent of slagging of our own manager that some do on these boards. If Ole don’t work out Poch is surely one of the candidates for the job. If he want it is another matter and I am personally not 100% convinced by him.

In the meantime I will support Ole. I really like some of the things he is trying to do but see that there are valid arguments against some of his decisions. His in game tactical nouse is one of the valid criticisms imo.


New Member
Aug 2, 2019
Thats the big problem Haggles. Whilst Ole hasn't exactly helped himself, it wouldnt matter who was in charge.

But there's no denying that if Van Gaal or Jose would have finished last season like we did and started this season like we have there would be hell to pay. It has been our worst start to a season in premiership history. That was always going to be the problem with hiring an ex legend of a player. But at the time it suited the board and Ed Deadwood because it kind of got them off the hook from a number of angles.

He would be cheap to hire. A yes man that wont complain when a mic is put in front of him. Wouldn't rock the boat. He was the perfect patsy, and of course the fans demanded it. It was absolute gold for the board.

And there you have it. Absolutely no long term vision. Minimal ambition. Basically the boards and owners attitude being..."So long as there is a stadium and we have 11 blokes to chase a bag of wind, the suckers will still pay to see it".

It may seem a little crude but seriously it is practically on the money. The way the club behaved in the summer just gone was absolutely disgusting. The owners and Deadwood are probably still scratching their heads as to how they have got away with it without any back lash from the fans. The "war chest" didn't happen. Herrera and Felliani had already left months earlier. That area should have been addressed within 3 to 4 weeks of the window. Dan James coming wasn't an issue because that had been sorted before the end of the season and was only meant to be padding the bench out anyway.

The Maguire transfer only gathered serious momentum at the end of the window once a deal in principal had been agreed about Lukaku leaving. Yet as soon as the window shut. Lukaku. Darmian. Sanchez. Smalling all miraculously left. But how convenient for the club that they couldn't replace them because the window had shut.

It was a Deadwood master stroke. No massive outlay. Got some big numbers off the wage bill. No sign of a backlash from the fans.

Jobs a good'un!!

You've got to hand it to the guy. He's a cracker. He's done a proper number on Ole and the fans. His spin machine throughout the summer worked like clockwork. He kept the "customers" on the edge of their seats. "Bruno Fernandez deal all but done. James Maddison deal close. Dybala in talks". All total bullshit.

The chief exec at Sporting Lisbon Bruno de Carvalho revealed two weeks ago that they never received one single bid from Manchester United regarding Fernandez. Only Tottenham made a bid and that was for £40 million with add ons if they won the premiership or champions league, which they flatly rejected.

Were Mourinho was working with one hand tied behind his back. Ole most definitely is being set up for the fall.

Dark days brothers. Long dark days.


New Member
Aug 5, 2019
Some people would not change Ole for Poch? Seriously? I mean, faith in manager and thinking that Ole will fix everything is one thing but this is something else.

The appointment of Ole isn't about just one manager's vision. It's about getting the club back to where it belongs in terms of being run as a club.

The academy had become distant to the first team under Mourinho (who didn't even know the names of our academy players). We were trying to buy a first team of world class stars under LvG and Mourinho (£550mill spent). We had a squad made up of four different managers (Fergie/Moyes/LvG/Jose)... our perfectly run club, from youth teams up to first team was eroded because Woodward was chasing a quick fix and buying the likes of Falcoa, Di Maria, Schewinsteiger, Ibra, Mhkitaryan, Sanchez etc...

The appointment of Ole is to wipe the slate clean; get this club back to the way it used to be run so we can become a 'club' again, not just a first team being desperate.

If we were to sack Ole now and appoint Pochettinho.. all we'd be doing is adding to the mess we've created. How can you not see this? Another manager with a different vision?

no. feck that.

Ole here for the next five years at least! Cleaning up the mess Woodward caused by being desperate. Let's get this football club back to being a football 'club'. Not just a first team.

When we have settled the club, top-to-bottom; then we can start winning major titles again.

Stop with all this messing about with hiring/firing managers. We do not want to be Chelsea.. we want to be Manchester United.

Y'know - for example - I have much, much, much more respect for Chelsea today, then I had when they were winning Prem titles and a Champions League with hiring/firing managers and 'buying' al sorts of players. I much prefer this Lampard Chelsea, bringing through youth, the football club being a football 'club'.I do not want to win titles with Man Utd by us hiring and firing managers and evolving our team every two years with a new manager. I would hate that.Most fans would hate that. Most fans are willing to give Ole the time it needs for him to evolve the football side of our club back into a proper club. Because boy have most fans missed that!


Full Member
Nov 13, 2018
No, he failed last season.
How did he fail last season?

He came in at the half way point and it was essentially a free swing at it. It wasn't his team, it still essentially isn't his team. It's nowhere near being in his image and playing style.

Read this clearly, if you truly think he failed last season...then football truly is not for you. Go play tiddlywinks or some other s*ite cause your as embarrassing as some of those idiots that call talksport and videos that do the rounds.


Full Member
Nov 13, 2018
Some people would not change Ole for Poch? Seriously? I mean, faith in manager and thinking that Ole will fix everything is one thing but this is something else.

You actually ask, seriously?

Do you not have any concept of continuity? You'd be the very first sort of poster that is your standard anti glazer caftard who bemoans lack of continuity and managers not being backed to slate the board over.

But here you are in all your wisdom saying its logical to sack Ole 9 months into his job and 1 transfer window.

Nikelesh Reddy

Full Member
Sep 10, 2017
I”m not sure if Oles the right man for the job,but since he’s our manager,I will support him wholeheartedly until the end of the season...Hopefully he”ll prove me wrong and hopefully we”ll move forward as a club under his leadership...

Di Maria's angel

Captain of Moanchester United
Mar 19, 2014
Pochettino has been a manager for about 10 years - during those 10 years he has had 2 really good seasons. That's it.

He was at Espanyol for 3 years - and didn't improve them one bit.
His first 6 months at Southampton were average - and then he had one really good season in 13/14 when he took Soton to 7th Place.

His first season in charge of Tottenham was average (64 Points in 38 matches)
His second season was good - but not great (70 Points in 38 matches)
His best season was 16/17 - picked up 86 Points. Ended 2nd.
17/18 was a good season - ended 3rd but 9 Points less than the season before
18/19 continued backwards with 71 Points and 4th Place...

So he has had a few excellent seasons - but quite a few average ones.
This comes from the same set who attribute clearing deadwood as progress.

In truth, if Ole was to achieve the same as Poch at Spurs, many of you would deem it as a success. That's literally whats being discussed across the board - we're not winning the title any time soon.

Why is it when defending someone, you have to belittle others' achievements. Spurs were a nothing team for years before Poch - up until last season, we hadn't beaten them away from home for about 7 years. And since he was appointed manager, Spurs have beaten us 5 times compared to the 1 win between 2001- and 2013. And if you want a better comparison:

City 8 wins vs Spurs 4 wins since Poch joined (was better before Pep) compared to 5 vs 1 from 2010-2013.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
Very confident. He needs another Summer of recruitment to get it completely right.

The green shoots of recovery are very evident, imo. And I can't see how he'll damage anything. At the very worst, we're filling the squad with young, talented players and giving them the experience they'll need to prove their worth.
Agreed. I'm genuinely surprised by the pessimism on here. For the first time in years I think we are moving in the right direction. At worst we will end up with a talent young squad.


New Member
Jul 2, 2013
I watched the whole game mate, no need to be condescending.

Of course we had more of the ball against Astana. But we really didn’t look good with aimless balls in the box a lot of the time. Astana also looked relatively threatening in the second half which is embarrassing.

I think acting like a kid is not seeing the fact that over Oles tenure we have no identity yet & have had some terrible results & performances.
you talking nonsense


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
He doesnt what know hes doing (going by the matchday thread) .team hes picked is woeful, guaranteed to lose, how dare he pick Matic and Mata and not Fredinho...its the same team as against leicester which we erm won...hmmm

El Jefe

Full Member
Dec 28, 2012
Was happy going into the season with just 3 strikers and now we have none on the bench. Once again proving how naive he is.

People will say that's all on Ed but I don't buy that one bit, Ole was very relaxed about Lukaku and Sanchez leaving knowing their was a serious possibility they wouldn't be replaced. If he was adamant that they don't leave unless replaced, Ed wouldn't have gone ahead with letting both leave.

No doubt those who have buried their heads in the sand regarding Ole will somehow find a positive spin to this.


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Was happy going into the season with just 3 strikers and now we have none on the bench. Once again proving how naive he is.
Just because he didn’t do a Jose and throw the season before it started I don’t know why you would believe that he was happy with having 3 strikers? What benefit is it to his chances of success?


Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
Was happy going into the season with just 3 strikers and now we have none on the bench. Once again proving how naive he is.

People will say that's all on Ed but I don't buy that one bit, Ole was very relaxed about Lukaku and Sanchez leaving knowing their was a serious possibility they wouldn't be replaced. If he was adamant that they don't leave unless replaced, Ed wouldn't have gone ahead with letting both leave.

No doubt those who have buried their heads in the sand regarding Ole will somehow find a positive spin to this.
How many strikers do City have? Liverpool? Chelsea? Arsenal? Spurs?


New Member
Sep 30, 2011
Ole is doing an ok job so far
1 We have six or more academy players in the squad.
2. Getting rid of Lukauku and sanchez is a step forward
3. Added defenders to resolve defensive issues
4. Trying to Bring back the identity of the team which is attacking football

To work on

Get rid of more players esp mata,matic rojo and young
Bring one or two experienced midfielders ( solidify the midfield)
The wing and attack might be ok for now


New Member
Jan 20, 2015
Was happy going into the season with just 3 strikers and now we have none on the bench. Once again proving how naive he is.

People will say that's all on Ed but I don't buy that one bit, Ole was very relaxed about Lukaku and Sanchez leaving knowing their was a serious possibility they wouldn't be replaced. If he was adamant that they don't leave unless replaced, Ed wouldn't have gone ahead with letting both leave.

No doubt those who have buried their heads in the sand regarding Ole will somehow find a positive spin to this.
Yep it’s very naive. I feel like a stronger more accomplished manager Would have put more of a fight to us losing all that attacking output. Ole didn’t really see to care we’d be losing Lukaku with no replacement.


Full Member
Dec 1, 2016
I think he also did it to avoid the players who would consider themselves too big for his management/control. That's at least what SAF did when he got here


New Member
Aug 24, 2019
P*ss poor selection by him. Bo creativity just slow³. I'll be surprise if we did get a draw in this match. It is baffling me why Pereira keep playing ahead of Fred. Stop with support ole nonsense. This is on him if we lose.
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