Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

Punk returning to talk about wrestling rather than to a bigger network to actually wrestle is probably the best thing for him.

Why would he care what people on forums think about that when he will be making big time money not to hurt himself.
Punk returning to talk about wrestling rather than to a bigger network to actually wrestle is probably the best thing for him.

Why would he care what people on forums think about that when he will be making big time money not to hurt himself.

Probably because he's broke thanks to the lawsuit with WWE in the first place and if his return is on a talkshow he'll be making himself less special for any eventual in ring return. Which may not be on the cards atm in his head, but all wrestlers come back eventually if medically cleared to do so.
Christ WWE is bad. Such an easy time to pull in viewers for survivor series and they're killing the entire buildup with everything ending in a brawl. I really don't care for any faction to win anymore. There's no cross rivalries or stories to follow. It's just a mashup if random shit.
That KO vs McIntrye match was so good and then HHH comes out and it cuts to advert then we come back and no sign of McIntyre?! What happened, where did he go? Was there a pin? A count out? A DQ? What the hell happened?

I knew there would be some sort of interruption as no way they would allow either to lose clean going in to survivor series but it was still a bit of a weird ending.

Buddy Murphy match was good as well, catching that Suicide dive :drool:

Those were really the only 2 things I watched from the show.
It would so easy to make Punk look like a punk on the mic now. Just bring up his pathetic MMA career. Boom, instantly shut down.
It would so easy to make Punk look like a punk on the mic now. Just bring up his pathetic MMA career. Boom, instantly shut down.

Not really, he would just rebuttle to 99% of the roster "at least I had the balls to do it"
WWE have no idea of how to build new stars. All they have been doing for the last 5 years is put all their eggs on Brock's or Roman's or Rolling's basket. I saw where they are looking to have Roman face Fiend WM. I am pretty sure the fiend is built to put over Roman. Kevin is looking all like a star, why not push him to the limit now and make him the star. Drew has everything to be a top heel but he is booked so irrelevant. They get a multi million deal with Fox and instead of starting a new direction here we are seeing ROman and Corbin fight again for no reason.

Survivor series is one gigantic waste of time. There will be zero consequence, zero follow up of anything which is what WWE has become now. Why should we fans care if they don't care.
I’d like to see KO or Drew against Lesnar actually.

Wasted talent at the moment.
Kevin is looking all like a star, why not push him to the limit now and make him the star. Drew has everything to be a top heel but he is booked so irrelevant

This these 2 should probably be 2 of the top stars in WWE but they are screwed about with so much it’s hard to really get any momentum. I quite like what HHH has said in these mini promos. In a way he is taking a pot shot at whoever is making the calls on Raw and Smackdown because he was right.

I had never watched NXT and I’m not a massive wrestling fan so I’d seen next to nothing of KO but when he came on to Raw and had those matches with Cena it was like a breath of fresh air and they were brilliant matches. He and Cena did things I’d never seen before but it felt like he was destined to be something and then look at him now and he is kinda just above a mid card guy.

Think a lot of the guys on the main who are on the outskirts would do a lot better in NXT. KO, McIntyre, The OC, Daniel Bryant and so on. Every Smackdown or Raw does feel like it’s generated for the sole purpose of 4 people. Roman, Rollins, Becky and Charlotte. The rest are just sprinkled in wherever they can fit them in.
Ko looked like a chump in that feud with Shane even though they tried to make him into Austin giving him the stunner

WWE probably are trying with drew and KO which is the funny thing
Aaand that was exactly as expected. Punk barely talking about anything interesting in wrestling and going very light on WWE.
WWE have no idea of how to build new stars. All they have been doing for the last 5 years is put all their eggs on Brock's or Roman's or Rolling's basket. I saw where they are looking to have Roman face Fiend WM. I am pretty sure the fiend is built to put over Roman. Kevin is looking all like a star, why not push him to the limit now and make him the star. Drew has everything to be a top heel but he is booked so irrelevant. They get a multi million deal with Fox and instead of starting a new direction here we are seeing ROman and Corbin fight again for no reason.

Survivor series is one gigantic waste of time. There will be zero consequence, zero follow up of anything which is what WWE has become now. Why should we fans care if they don't care.

Correct. They're afraid to give more than 1 or 2 faces better than 50/50 booking. You've got Roman, you've got Seth and if you dont like them, you're done. Because all the other faces will be kept in a holding pattern
180k viewers for WWE backstage. Punk's arrival meant 80k viewers... Ouch

suprised at that? No one gives a shit. I imagine Fox executives scrambling around the office’s realising they’ve been sold a dud.
suprised at that? No one gives a shit. I imagine Fox executives scrambling around the office’s realising they’ve been sold a dud.

Yes, I'm pretty sure if he came out on Raw or Smackdown to do a talk segment he would mean more than 80k viewers. So that number is pathetic for a return
A great night of wrestling.. I just can't wait to see the viewing figures for each show now... Said no one. Ever.
The Revival vs. Undisputed Era was something else. Best TV match of the year.

Hell that NxT was probably the best Wrestling TV show of the year
suprised at that? No one gives a shit. I imagine Fox executives scrambling around the office’s realising they’ve been sold a dud.
Im actually a fan of American sports and keep up to date with their schedule . 180k for an 11pm slot on FS1 is a good number. Their number one show is called Undisputed which stars Skip and it beat that which is a massive win for the show.
A great night of wrestling.. I just can't wait to see the viewing figures for each show now... Said no one. Ever.

Agreed. Although you will have a few (well mostly one) who will talk about why we as fans should care or something.
A great night of wrestling.. I just can't wait to see the viewing figures for each show now... Said no one. Ever.
I can't wait. It's the only thing I keep up with in regards to the WWE. It's funny watching them lose millions of viewers on a yearly basis.

A lot of people care, too. There's loads of popular threads on the subject on There would be even more discussion around it if it were the Monday night wars era.
I can't wait. It's the only thing I keep up with in regards to the WWE. It's funny watching them lose millions of viewers on a yearly basis.

A lot of people care, too. There's loads of popular threads on the subject on There would be even more discussion around it if it were the Monday night wars era.

But that's all it is now, hipster smarks taking pleasure in trying to show that show how WWE is failing.

I tuned out of WWE and hope they do improve the product now they seem to have some competition, but to suggest AEW are suddenly going to overtake a company that has built their following over a number of decades in a matter of wee because of a few thousand viewers is pathetic.

For weeks now this thread has been about ratings and very little else and it's getting very boring now.

WWE aren't going anywhere and with the resources they have, if they start to haemorrhage viewers to AEW they'll throw money at it until the viewers return. AEW won't be able to compete with that so they'll remain the niche option for hardcore fans.
That episode of NXT was up there with the best. These guys are putting in a shift and giving us quality. IMO trying promote wargames and survivor series sounds like a complete cluster feck, but they actually managed to make it work. Think were in for a treat across both PPVs.

Now for dynamite.
I can't wait. It's the only thing I keep up with in regards to the WWE. It's funny watching them lose millions of viewers on a yearly basis.

A lot of people care, too. There's loads of popular threads on the subject on There would be even more discussion around it if it were the Monday night wars era.

Losing millions of viewers but making record profits. What a horrible predicament.

But that's all it is now, hipster smarks taking pleasure in trying to show that show how WWE is failing.

I tuned out of WWE and hope they do improve the product now they seem to have some competition, but to suggest AEW are suddenly going to overtake a company that has built their following over a number of decades in a matter of wee because of a few thousand viewers is pathetic.

For weeks now this thread has been about ratings and very little else and it's getting very boring now.

WWE aren't going anywhere and with the resources they have, if they start to haemorrhage viewers to AEW they'll throw money at it until the viewers return. AEW won't be able to compete with that so they'll remain the niche option for hardcore fans.

Agreed. AEW aren't going to kill off the WWE. The WWE is Professional Wrestling to 99.9% of the worlds population.

I actually liked the idea of AEW, but the whole smarky attitude the fanbase has, and the likes of Tony Khan put me off massively.
What do people think of Cornette's comments on Omega? If nothing else the rampant hate can be very amusing and when he disparagingly refers to him as Olivier but does anyone think he has a valid point?
Disappointed with Cornette's recycled Ethiopia joke on NWA Power. No need for those comments in this day and age. Always enjoy Cornette's podcast the best out of all the wrestling podcasts. Things like this often remind me that wrestling is actually a very conservative, backward, and out-of-date thing at times.
If NXT don't win this week they never will.
I mean we heard the same thing a couple of weeks ago as well.

Not that it matters. Cos any set of circumstances could mean it does and be a one off or just regular happen within weeks, months or even a year from now.

Disappointed with Cornette's recycled Ethiopia joke on NWA Power. No need for those comments in this day and age. Always enjoy Cornette's podcast the best out of all the wrestling podcasts. Things like this often remind me that wrestling is actually a very conservative, backward, and out-of-date thing at times.

Thing is, he wont even know why and wont apologise for it. And his followers will double down and start calling everybody snowflakes, even though Cornette dispises Trump (and well where that word came from ...)

What do people think of Cornette's comments on Omega? If nothing else the rampant hate can be very amusing and when he disparagingly refers to him as Olivier but does anyone think he has a valid point?

Cornette doesnt evolve. A lot of the 'older' people dont go with the times, hence living in the past and how things 'used to be'.
Cornette sometimes hits on a good point because some things are universal but he is outdated on a lot of things in wrestling.
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But that's all it is now, hipster smarks taking pleasure in trying to show that show how WWE is failing.

I tuned out of WWE and hope they do improve the product now they seem to have some competition, but to suggest AEW are suddenly going to overtake a company that has built their following over a number of decades in a matter of wee because of a few thousand viewers is pathetic.

For weeks now this thread has been about ratings and very little else and it's getting very boring now.

WWE aren't going anywhere and with the resources they have, if they start to haemorrhage viewers to AEW they'll throw money at it until the viewers return. AEW won't be able to compete with that so they'll remain the niche option for hardcore fans.


No, you'll find most people who care about viewership were at some point a big WWE/WWF fan and would like them to go back to doing the things they enjoyed, when wrestling was booming and was far more popular with a much higher viewership.

I think most people would also tell you theres a correlation between bad WWE shows, storylines and ignoring the fans who are making a big deal out of one guy, but Vince has decided someone else is going to be the main face in the company and those drops in viewership.

The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin were major babyfaces because the crowd wanted them to be. Not because Vince has a hard on for their physique and tries to decide it for the fans, despite them tuning out in record numbers. He just stubbornly keeps going on in the same direction. And he's been able to do that for years because there has been no real competition for WWE.

Now there is. Although its only the start for the competition and they'll have to build their audience over time. The general perspective of their fanbase as opposed to WWE's is, AEW will listen and make changes based on what the fans want to see rather than what the owner wants to see. And that good will goes a long way. You can see it with the buzz in the AEW crowds, wanting to help make the show succeed. Whereas a lot of WWE fans in the audience are sitting there waiting for something to entertain them before they make a noise and given the state of their shows, its a long wait.

With AEW being successful, Vince will have no choice but to try new things. As we're seeing already with this Raw Vs. Smackdown Vs. NXT angle. While its already got stale with so many blue shirt vs red shirt vs black shirt scuffles (there were 3 on NXT, a 2 hour show) its also made NXT seem more on par with the main rosters. They could have done this years ago, they didnt bother. Its happening because NXT is on a tv network to compete with AEW and losing every week. So they're trying something new and thats great for the fans even if they arent executing it very well, its still a bit refreshing compared to the same shit we get every year from survivor series
What do people think of Cornette's comments on Omega? If nothing else the rampant hate can be very amusing and when he disparagingly refers to him as Olivier but does anyone think he has a valid point?

He has a slight point but is obviously wrong overall. This is a guy who has main evented in the Tokyo Dome, he knows what hes doing. Cornette is always great for some spectacular soundbytes. I'll often listen to his show after AEW events for comedic value and the occasional good point.

The comment on NWA power was obviously not welcome. But I dont think I'll exactly be boycotting his show or something. Randy Orton said the n word on Twitch a month or so ago and I'm not boycotting WWE. Stone Cold beat his wife and I dont turn off the tv when hes on and sometimes listen to his podcast if its with a good guest. So yeah, bad Cornette but kind of expected Cornette.
Losing millions of viewers but making record profits. What a horrible predicament.

Agreed. AEW aren't going to kill off the WWE. The WWE is Professional Wrestling to 99.9% of the worlds population.

I actually liked the idea of AEW, but the whole smarky attitude the fanbase has, and the likes of Tony Khan put me off massively.

They are for now yeah. But next time the tv deal comes up what do you think the result will be with the current ratings? They were a lot better when the deal was made and they managed to convince Fox there would be a boom in popularity when they moved the show there. The tv deal saved them and allows them to rest on their laurels still, same with Saudi Arabia. But losing viewership and having a worse fan reception will eventually be a problem down the line.

The other thing is if Smackdown doesnt pick up its ratings it might get moved to FS1 permanently. The 1 time the show was on there it had less than AEW viewership. So WWE will want to avoid that
But that's all it is now, hipster smarks taking pleasure in trying to show that show how WWE is failing.

I tuned out of WWE and hope they do improve the product now they seem to have some competition, but to suggest AEW are suddenly going to overtake a company that has built their following over a number of decades in a matter of wee because of a few thousand viewers is pathetic.

For weeks now this thread has been about ratings and very little else and it's getting very boring now.

WWE aren't going anywhere and with the resources they have, if they start to haemorrhage viewers to AEW they'll throw money at it until the viewers return. AEW won't be able to compete with that so they'll remain the niche option for hardcore fans.
I never suggested AEW would overtake the WWE.
Losing millions of viewers but making record profits. What a horrible predicament.

Agreed. AEW aren't going to kill off the WWE. The WWE is Professional Wrestling to 99.9% of the worlds population.

I actually liked the idea of AEW, but the whole smarky attitude the fanbase has, and the likes of Tony Khan put me off massively.
It is a horrible predicament. Whether you like it or not, ratings are a HUGE part of WWE's decision making. It's why - whenever they get record low numbers, which happens a lot nowadays - they actually put effort in. It's why they overspend for the likes of Lesnar, Goldberg, MMA guys. It's why they brought the Rock back for their debut on fox. It's why they pushed someone Vince would've never wanted to push in Kofi and Becky Lynch.

Also, it's kinda weak that you let fans of something put you off said thing. I don't agree with the AEW fans that think everything they do is good, and have criticised it more than praised, but it is getting better.
Aew and nxt have both been great.

Raw has been trash for the longest time
Sd is mixed. When it's good it's really good, when it's bad it's raw bad